Chapter 48

My Unwilling Fiancé



Minho didn’t know what to do first. There’s no mistaking what he heard. Onew didn’t even have to say it twice. He stood up right away and just went out of the canteen. He quickly dialed Luna’s number even though he knows she won’t pick up. He ran around school to look for her, it took almost half an hour to finally find her. She was at the rooftop, the last place he looked.

“Minho?” she said surprised to see him.

“Is it true?” he asked right away closing the distance between them with just a few strides. “Is it true that you're pregnant?” The look on her face was a mixture of distress and anxiety, she looked away but it was too late. “Luna why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The bruise on her face had faded now but he could still see she’s losing sleep.

“You don’t have to pretend anymore, don’t worry I’ll protect you and our baby.”

“What baby are you talking about?” Luna almost shouted at him. She’s afraid that everything is true. She’s not even sure yet. And where did he get this information anyway? She’s not been feeling well lately and kept on getting queasy but she thinks it’s just because of stress. She can’t be pregnant! It’s not that she does not want Minho’s baby but it would just complicate everything. She can’t even protect herself how could she protect her own child?

“I’m not pregnant,” she said in a whisper realizing that she had missed her period already. “No it’s too soon. I mean it’s not even possible.”

“Enough!” He grabbed her arm pulled her out.

“Minho what are you doing?”

“We’re going to see if you’re telling the truth or not,” Minho said and continued to gently tug on her to follow him. She quietly got into his car, in her mind she wanted to do this too but not exactly like this. They stopped at a drugstore first; it didn’t take long for Minho to buy the pregnancy test kit. “We need to make sure.”

“Where are you taking me? I still have a class you know,” Luna said trying to sound cold but couldn’t.

Minho didn’t answer he continued to drive until they reached their home.

“Wait, why here?” Luna asked afraid his parents might be in there too however Minho still did not say a thing but just led her inside. They went directly into his room and when Minho had locked the door he gave Luna the kit.

“Go and test on them,” Minho told her.

“I told you I’m not pregnant,” Luna insisted. ““I can’t be –”

“Then just do it,” he said and gently pushed her inside the bathroom. Luna just stared at the kit she’s holding. Her heart pounding like crazy, she thinks she could even feel it move. What if she’s really pregnant? What would they do? A part of her wanted it to be true. If that would happen then Seunghyun would definitely give her up. But would Minho still want her after everything she’d put him through? Or is he doing this for the baby’s sake?

Minutes later she came out they sat together on the small couch waiting.

“Did you eat already?” Minho decided to speak at last after minutes of silence.

“Not yet, I can’t get a thing down.” Luna answered honestly, surprised she found her voice to answer since she’s too nervous.

“If you’re pregnant you’re gonna have to marry me no matter what. I can’t let that bastard have my baby,” he said.

“And if I’m not?” Luna asked quietly. Her heart was slowly falling apart when he didn’t answer. So it’s all for the baby. He doesn’t want her anymore.

“It’s time to check,” Minho said when the alarm went off but it was Luna who stood up first. She slowly went to his study table where they laid the pregnancy test kit. She didn’t know what to feel when she saw the result.

“Well?” Minho stood up as well when Luna didn’t say a thing.

“I told you I’m not,” she quietly spoke after a while. The result is  negative.

Minho stared down at the result feeling like he’s been cheated. He had wished for her to be pregnant.

“I got to go,” she said and picked up her bag lying on his bed.

“Luna,” he called her but she continued to walk out of his room.

Once Luna closed the door behind her the tears she’d been trying to hold came out like flood. Her heart aches like it never had and she had to get away. Far away from him. She should be happy that she’s not pregnant right? A baby could just make things a lot harder for them. But why does it feel like her heart is missing a piece?


“Yah why did you do that?” Krystal yelled at Onew again.

“I told you I wanted to help, I didn’t know you were just faking it!” Onew answered. He’s actually more annoyed at himself than with Krystal. But he felt like it’s her fault as well for lying about Luna being pregnant.

“What are we going to do now?”

“Why did you do that anyway?” Onew asked her.

“I wanted Seunghyun to give on Luna. I never intended for anyone to know but him.” Krystal confessed.

“Anyone but him? You think that jerk would just shut up after you tell him about Luna being pregnant? What if he hurts Luna for this?”

“I wouldn’t let that happen.”

“Krystal this is not the best plan as you may think it is,” Onew told her but Krystal just shrugged. “Where are you going?”

“I got to go home,” Krystal said. “I’m sure Minho confronted her and I need to explain everything to her.”

She left Onew before he could say anything more. She didn’t plan on letting everyone know. She just wanted Minho to confront Luna about the pregnancy. She wanted them to talk, to make up. But her boyfriend had to ruin everything!

She made it to their house and the first thing she saw is Yuna, one of the maids running up to meet her. She knew something is wrong just looking at her face.

“Miss, your sister –”

“What happened to her?”

“She fainted, she’s in her room.” Krystal ran towards Luna’s room. She looked so weak and small lying on her bed.

“Luna…” she called but Luna was still unconscious. “How long has she been out?”

“About ten minutes now,” Yuna answered. “Should we bring her to the hospital?” Just then Luna’s phone rings and it’s Seunghyun who’s calling. Krystal ignored the call but it woke Luna up.

“Luna, are you okay? What happened?” Krystal grew more worried looking at her pale face.

“I don’t know I just felt weak all of a sudden and everything around me started to turn,” Luna said and sat up on her bed. “But I’m okay now.”

“You don’t look okay,” Krystal said.

Her phone rings again and seeing that it’s Seunghyun she answered it right away.

Krystal could tell that Seunghyun was really mad, she could actually hear him yelling.

“Luna I need to tell you something,” Krystal said after the call. “I just wanted to help, but not this way. Onew just had to tattle –”

“It’s okay,” Luna said smiling weakly at her. “Minho and I talked.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he’d protect me and the baby but there’s no baby. I’m not pregnant. And he’s only interested in the baby.”

“Wait you mean…?” Krystal realized that Luna could have been pregnant. She lied about her being pregnant because she thought she could never be. She thought nothing has happened between her and Minho. But Minho actually confronted her about it.

“Maybe I’ll just sleep for a while,” Luna said.

“Okay, I’ll be back here later to bring your food.” Krystal said as Luna laid back on her bed and closed her eyes. But it wasn’t long before Seunghyun arrived.

“Yah Seunghyun don’t you dare lay a finger on her or I’ll break your face!” Krystal shouted as she ran after Seunghyun who was determined to see Luna. “Yah! I told you she’s resting!” But he swung the door open and harshly pulled Luna off her bed. The poor girl was of course startled and woke up.


“You !”

“Hey who do you think you are?” Krystal pushed him but Seunghyun was not even affected. He’s too big and strong for the both of them.

“Are you pregnant? Tell me!” He roared and shook Luna shoulders.

“N-no I’m not,” Luna stuttered seeing the madness in his eyes.

“Don’t hurt her you bastard!” Krystal yelled at Seunghyun but he pushed her out of the room and locked the door before her.

“S-seunghyun, I’m not pregnant.”

“You’re sister just gave me a call and told me you’re pregnant!”

“No I’m not. I swear I’m not!”

“Did you sleep with him?” He asked all of a sudden catching Luna off guard. She could not answer him for a moment.


“You liar!” He advanced once again but before his fist connected Luna fainted in front of him.


“That was Krystal,” Taemin told his brother but Minho did not even look away from his laptop but Taemin was not fooled. He knew his brother’s attention is no longer on the game he’s playing.

“She said they rushed Luna to the hospital,” Taemin continued. “Hyung –”

“I don’t care.” Minho let out.

“Are you really going to do that lie again? Hyung, you know you want to be with her so what’s stopping you?”

“You think I want this?” Minho yelled as he stood up and faced his younger brother. “You think I wished for this to happen? I fought for her! I begged his father. I even begged her. But she threw everything away.”

“So you’re just going to give up? That’s it?” Taemin said.

“I know when I’m not wanted.”

“You know too well that’s not true.” Minho just stared at him. “So you just love her this much? You just turn your back at her the moment things get worse?”

“Well you can have her if you want! I don’t care, you hear me?”

“Yeah I hear you loud and clear. You don’t know what you’re giving up hyung.” Taemin could no longer take it. He knew it was wrong of him to say those words and he knows just how much Minho is hurting. But loving someone is not always a bed of roses. Love is sacrifice. Love is forgiveness. Love is never giving up.

Minho stood there even before Taemin had left several minutes ago. His body refuses to move even when his heart wanted to go after him and get to Luna’s side. Maybe Taemin is right after all. His love is not strong enough. Not strong enough to fight for her, to protect her.


“No one needs to know,” Seunghyun said as the doctor left the room.

“W-what do you mean?” Luna said as she saw the evil grin on his face.

“Tell anyone and you’re going to lose it,” Seunghyun said and sat beside her bed. “We’re going to keep this a secret you hear me?”

“But Seunghyun –” he grabbed her arm holding it tight and she winced in pain.

“You think I’d let you embarrass me like this?” Seunghyun said enjoying the way Luna cringes as tears started to form. “You think I’d let you off that easily because of this little piece of ?” He lowered himself just enough to whisper to her ear. “I’m going to kill you first before I let you be with him. I keep my promises, and you know that princess.” 




I wasn't planning on updating today. I have finished this chapter days ago but was not sure if I should update or not.

orangegirl: sayang hindi tayo nagkita :)

heaven666: I'm glad u really "read" the story keke.. You saw through Krystal's plan. ^_____^

Thank you for your comments guys. It keeps me going. If you just know the stress I've been through these past few days.. I kind a wish I'm five again and just enjoy life.. 

Hope to have a nice weekend so I could write for my fics. I'm excited for my next TUNA FIC. I'm thinking of putting an EXO character. I'm not a fan but it seems like a lot like them here in AFF plus they're from SM too.

For my other FIC "My Mom Bought Me A Wife" it's an Onew fic. but i want to change the title to "My Baby's Father"

I still have to announce that to my subscribers for that fic. I hope they won't get upset.



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ChhanIvain #1
I used to really love this luna x minho ff, I read it ages ago but I guess I'll re-read it?
moccaberry #2
Chapter 5: authornim... cant you just make a jonghyun-luna fiction? i'm a jongna shipper! and this is minhoxluna fiction but why jonghyun who always kiss luna? ;-;
Man i just adore it , it's been a while since i'm Searching Luna and Minho's fanfic !
i'm reading it sweet heart
New subbie i love how u paired luna and minho i cant wait to read it :)
naue523 #5
Chapter 61: Beautiful story!!!
Chapter 32: Hey, I really love this fanfiction. I'm Cassiopeia too~ Good to see you then. I'm also Luna's fan. I just arrive at the chapter 29. Still make anxious about the end . kkkk`k~
Chapter 61: Okay, my first time ever reading a MinhoxLuna... or a Shinee fic ever. Anyway, this is story was great and like so much Luna in here. Actually, as I am not used to them at all, it seemed really hard to imagine Minho and Luna at some parts. The truth is that I've never pictured them together. Anyway, I will be looking over your profile to see if I found another one, finished of course. I can't handle be hang up to an unfinished story...
Chapter 61: finally luna got pregnant again :D
i love this <3
please make a sequel if you can :)
Chapter 61: Wow~ its nice..keep it up friend