Chapter 18

My Unwilling Fiancé


"I'm sorry to keep you waiting", Luna said as she got in the car. Minho called and asked her out.
"Didn't you get my message?", Minho asked a little pissed off since  he waited for her for half an hour.
"Mianhe, my handphone is no longer working."
"When that guy stepped on it..." Then Minho recalls the incident from last time. How can he forget about that day?
"Arasseo, put on your seatbelt", Minho said.
She didn't know where they would go or why he asked her out. She was surprised when a maid woke her and said that her fiance his waiting outside for her. She was afraid he'd get really mad but to her astonishment he was still waiting for her.
"You need a dress for the party", Minho said as they walk side by side. Luna looked from one shop to another, she didn't expect Minho to bring her to the mall for shopping.
"Uhm, I can buy a dress - "
"Tsk, with the way you look I don't think you'd fit in the party", he said a little too late. 
Luna lowered her head in embarrassment. It's true she does not have the most beautiful clothes but still she has one that she can wear to a party.
"Yah watch were you're going!", someone yelled making her startled.
Luna saw a guy looking real mad at her. They didn't really bump into each other but the guy was pissed because she was standing on his way.
"Sorry", Luna muttered.
The guy smirked and was about to yell again but Minho grabbed her hand.
"Is there something wrong?", he said with his cold voice. He eyed the guy from head to foot and back again. 
The guy looked intimidated and bowed his head. "No. Nothing. I'm sorry for causing trouble." With that he walked away
"Why do you always get into trouble?", he said to Luna but still held her hand.
"Sorry", she said.
"Let's go", he said and pulled her along still with their hands locked together.
Her heart would not stop from beating so fast. Why does it feel like it would explode whenever Minho holds her or even when he looks at her directly for more than 3 seconds. Why does it hurt whenever he turns cold to her and speaks harshly to her? Why does it hurt to know that he's only doing this because of the agreement between their parents?
"Do you have another color?", she heard Minho asked and realized they were inside a mobile phone store.
"Yes, is it for your girlfriend?", the lady asked looking directly at Luna and she felt herself blush when she heard the word girlfriend
"Yes", Minho answered and looked at her. 
"Maybe she'll like this one", the lady said and showed her another model in color pink this time.
"Do you like this one?", Minho asked her.
He's buying her a phone!
"Maybe another color then", Minho said when she did not answer.
"No, I like that one", Luna said immediately.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I like it."
"Okay, we'll take that one", Minho said.
The couple is walking still hand in hand. Luna is happy that Minho got her something. To tell the truth this is the first time that someone bought her something. It feels good to receive something from him. And what's good is that he's still holding her hand and did not let go even when he got his phone and was now talking to someone.
"Is there something wrong?", Luna asked once the call was done. Minho had this look on his face that says he did not like what he heard over the phone.
"Nothing. Come on we still need to get a dress for you", Minho said but stopped when he saw two figures just a few feet from them.
"Hi dear cousin", Amber greets him as she and Key got closer. "Omo, you two are for real this time?" She eyes their hand still locked together. "Cute."
Minho immediately lets go of Luna's hand much to the latter's dismay and gets his wallet.
"Hi Luna", Amber and Key greets her.
"Hey you two, are you free today?"
"Duh, we have our weekly date", Key answered him.
"You two are always together everyday, why still see each other over the weekend?"
"Tsk, 'cause we miss each other", Amber answered without hesitation.
"Why do you want to go on a double  date or something?", Key asked with a big grin on his face. "That'd be fine with us."
"No, I need you to take Luna shopping", Minho replied handing Amber his card. "Buy her everything she needs."
"Everything?", Amber said.
"But Minho, I just need one dress you said", Luna joins the conversation.
"Well you need to look like my fiancee even in school. Buy everything she needs and don't listen to her. Buy her something for mom's party too."
"Sure, Kibum and I would love that!", Amber said getting excited somehow.
"But why aren't you coming? Or why not do it with her?", Key just had to asked.
"I have to do something. I just remembered now", Minho explained and looks at Luna. "Go with them." He pushes her towards Amber and Key. 
Luna looks at him one last time before following Amber and Key.
That voice. It sure brought back a lot of memories. Everything came back like a movie being played again. He'd recognized that voice anywhere. Just one call and everything came back like it only happened yesterday.
He thought he had forgotten everything. Her voice, her laugh, the way she laughs and her eyes. Those lips that he kissed a thousand times. The feel of her in his arms. Why is it all coming back. And why does she have to call him? Why? 
"Minho oppa, please see me. We need to talk please", that was all she said on the phone and he felt like he's world crashed again.
"Oh you'll look good in this one", Amber said picking another dress for her.
"I think it's a bit low Amber", Key said before Amber could get Luna into the fitting room again.
"Aish don't be a bore Key", she retorted and handed Luna the dress. "Come on try it on."
Luna obeyed her even though she agrees with Key. They already got a lot of dresses for her. Amber insisted on buying a lot for everyday use even though she protested over it. She reminded Luna that it was what Minho wanted.
"See it's too revealing", Key said.
"Of course not! She looks stunning in that dress!"
"But it's definitely not her. She won't be comfortable in that dress", Key reseaoned. "Am I right Luna?"
Luna looked at the two of them, they had been very helpful and patient with shopping. She was even surprise that Key does not seem to mind what they were doing and helped her with this.
"Uhm, I don't think I can wear this...", she looks down afraid to see Amber's disappointed face since she agreed with Key.
"That's okay", Amber said. "We'll look for another one." She smiled at Luna.
"Let's try this one", Key got a dress for her. 
It took a while for them to decide on a dress and they ended up buying two for the party. Amber's choice and Key's choice. The two won't give up so they bought two.
"Let Minho choose for you if you can't decide", Amber said.
"Minho would definitely choose the one I picked."
"Of course not, I know my cousin and he'd choose what I got."
Luna just smiled as the couple fought over whose dress is best.
They had bought a lot using Minho's card. She tried to stop Amber from getting a lot but she always loses.
"Stop!", Amber said. "Luna and I need to get in this shop without you babe."
"Duh Kibum, we're going to buy some loungerie and outher undergarments. Still want to come?"
"Of course", Key answered without a second thought.
Amber playfully punches him. "Of course you can't. Wait for us, this won't take long." She gives Key everything they had bought and Key had his hands full. "You can roam around, just don't look at the other girls."
"Arasseo, you know I only look at you", Key said smiling at his girlfriend.
"Come on Luna", she leads Luna into the boutique.
"Amber, I really don't need one."
"Of course you do. You need something to wear under those dress. Something like this. She showed Luna a t-back and Luna's eyes widened.
Amber smiled at her.
"Is Minho treating you better?"
It was Luna's turn to smile now. "Yes." She told Amber that Minho just bought her a phone.
"Omo, he's improving", Amber said when he saw the phone. "He's got some temper and would always be cold towards others. But he's really not like that before."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you're going to be family real soon so I think it's okay if I tell you. Maybe in this way you'll understand him more and not abandon him."
Amber took a deep breath first.
"His first love left. He had a girlfriend before, they were really perfect for each other you know. She was beautiful, comes from a good family and she's nice. Well she was nice until she left him."
"Is that the girl named Sulli?"
"Omo you know her?"
"Not really, when Minho fell asleep he mentioned her name."
"Really? That's something", Amber looked ahead of them. "Minho had not really mentioned her since she left. It was like she did not exist at all. Like she was a bad dream. If you ask me, they were the perfect couple. Key and I would pale in comparison when it comes to being sweet to each other. Those two were a pro. I don't really know why she left. But I think it has something to do with Minho's parents."
"Were you not close to her?"
"Well we talk sometimes but we're not really close, she was closer to Taemin though", Amber answered.
"Yes, Taemin. Minho's brother. They were friends before Sulli met Minho. I even thought that they liked each other until Sulli became Minho's girlfriend. Taemin never talks about her too. Well that's all in the past now, maybe Minho had forgotten everything about her."
Luna nodded her head however she was not sure if Minho had already forgotten Sulli. You coudn't possibly forget someone you really loved that easily.
Key called them a little later and when they met up he was already with Jonghyun.
"What's he doing here?", Amber asked Key once she saw Jonghyun beside him.
"Wae? Is there a problem with me being her? The last time I check Kibum owns this mall not you."
"Yah you two, don't start arguing you're always like that. Why can't you be normal for once", Key complains.
"We are normal this way", Jonghyun reasons and receives a glare from Key.
"Why don't we find a place to eat first", Key said instead and looks at Luna for help.
"Yeah, I'm kinda hungry", Luna quickly said.
"Omo, you must be tired from all that fitting we did", Amber said feeling sorry for Luna she had been dragged from one store to another.
Jonghyun got all the shopping bags from Luna and gave her his sweetest smile. "You look prettier today. Something good must have happened", he whispered so that only her could hear.
Luna just shook her head with a smile. Key and Amber held hands and walked ahead of them.
"Aish this girl...", Jonghyun muttered. Luna saw him looking at the couple, Amber is now clinging unto Key's arm and resting her head on his shoulder. "How could they walk that way?" Luna looked at him and secretly smiled but Jonghyun noticed this. "Wae?"
"Nothing", Luna said.
"Don't mind us. Amber and I... we're always like this."
Key chose a Japanese restaurant and ordered a lot for them. "Luna, eat everything you want okay?"
"Yes, thank you."
While eating Key would always set aside the some vegetables that Amber could not eat and he eats them himself. Luna found this very sweet. Amber would also make sure that Key still has food or fills his cup.
"Luna are you busy this week?", Jonghyun asked.
"Not really."
"Good, you can watch our musical. Only a few very important persons are invited."
"Really?", Luna can't believe she's actually coming to one of the big events in school. Jonghyun and Onew are both good in arts and music and they had formed a club at school for the performing arts. And every year they would have a musical or play or a short film and everyone in school looks forward to it. However she had not been into one ever. 
"It's the first night so only a few are invited."
"Oh thank you Jonghyun", Luna said as he handed her a ticket.
"Yah where's mine?", Amber said to Jonghyun.
"That was the last one."
"Bwoh? You're not giving me a ticket?"
Jonghyun just nodded at her. And Luna spoke before Amber could.
"Uhm, you could have this."
"No!", Jonghyun quickly said.
"No, that's not necessary", Amber said but was still upset at Jonghyun. "I'm really not gonna invite you to our wedding!"
"Wedding? You two are -"
"Ha! Of course we're planning on getting married. We're not gonna stay as girlfriend/boyfriend forever you know!"
"Yah Kibum are you really going to marry her?!"
"Of course he is!"
"You're crazy right? You had spent each day with her when we were young, and now she's your girlfriend then you still want her to be your wife? Don't you get tired of this short-haired and short-tempered girl?"
"Yah!", Amber and Jonghyun glared at each other. 
"Key as your friend I warn you not to marry this girl. I can still find someone better than her", Jonghyun kept on teasing it has always been a joke with them that Key can get a better girl.
"We are in love with each other. You probably won't understand that word since you have not fallen in love yet. Or if I may say it correctly, you're not capable of loving anyone! Always on the lookout for girls to play with."
"Amber", Key warned her not to go too far but for her it's only teasing however Jonghyun looked different after hearing those words from her.
"Arasseo...", Jonghyun said after a moment of silence. "You're right, I have not experience love. Not at all." He said this while clenching his hands and looking straight into one girl's eyes.
Jonghyun got out of the restaurant first. They are in silence after that with Key and Luna trying to salvage the situation. Amber really went far this time though he admits it was him who started it. He already gave Key the tickets for the show he only wanted to .
"Jonghyun", Key called him.
"Where are they?", he heard Key muttered "washroom".
"What Amber said earlier -"
"Yeah I know, she didn't mean it. Is that what you're going to say?"
"Well yeah...", Key scratched the back of his head.
"You're really sure about her are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"About marrying her?"
"Of course", Key answered without hesitation.
Jonghyun nodded his head and looked away.
"But my sister has to get married first. I can't get married before her."
"I said it's good that your sister is not married yet. You can't get married before I do."
Key laughed at this. "Yah, if that's the case. I may be old before I can marry Amber."
Jonghyun laughed along with Key.
"Hey Luna..."
"Do you think I was too mean to Jonghyun earlier?"
Luna was not surprise that Amber asked this, she saw that Amber got a worried when Jonghyun did not after their little banter.
"Well, I ..."
"Of course what I said was mean, but I was only joking...", Amber said before Luna could tell her what she thinks. "It has been like that with him."
"I don't think he was really upset with that."
"You were friends since you were young right?"
Amber nodded.
"And you've always teased each other like that?"
"Yeah, he'd always tease me on how I look. Since I was a kid, I had cut my hair short since I wanted to be like them. I don't want ribbons on my hair. And I wore jeans and t-shirts so I can move freely. But when Key and I started going out I kinda changed, not much but I don't wear baggy clothes anymore. Though I still don't like skirts I try to wear them once in a while. But I still keep my hair short. Key does not really mind how I look. But I try to dress up for him and only for him"
Luna smiled and so did Amber.
"Jonghyun never stopped teasing me, and it got worse when I became Key's girlfriend. They're very close and he'll always tell Key to get a better girl."
Luna saw how Amber would talk about Key with love in her eyes. What puzzled her is that she saw this same look on Jonghyun's eyes earlier. 
written: can't remember
updated: 06-11-12
hope you guys are happy with my update :)
thank you all for your comments and support!
i wish for more subscribers though... otoke????
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 it's so cute :)
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ChhanIvain #1
I used to really love this luna x minho ff, I read it ages ago but I guess I'll re-read it?
moccaberry #2
Chapter 5: authornim... cant you just make a jonghyun-luna fiction? i'm a jongna shipper! and this is minhoxluna fiction but why jonghyun who always kiss luna? ;-;
Man i just adore it , it's been a while since i'm Searching Luna and Minho's fanfic !
i'm reading it sweet heart
New subbie i love how u paired luna and minho i cant wait to read it :)
naue523 #5
Chapter 61: Beautiful story!!!
Chapter 32: Hey, I really love this fanfiction. I'm Cassiopeia too~ Good to see you then. I'm also Luna's fan. I just arrive at the chapter 29. Still make anxious about the end . kkkk`k~
Chapter 61: Okay, my first time ever reading a MinhoxLuna... or a Shinee fic ever. Anyway, this is story was great and like so much Luna in here. Actually, as I am not used to them at all, it seemed really hard to imagine Minho and Luna at some parts. The truth is that I've never pictured them together. Anyway, I will be looking over your profile to see if I found another one, finished of course. I can't handle be hang up to an unfinished story...
Chapter 61: finally luna got pregnant again :D
i love this <3
please make a sequel if you can :)
Chapter 61: Wow~ its nice..keep it up friend