Chapter 30

My Unwilling Fiancé



Two days after Minho left Amber convinced Luna to go out with them, truth is Amber had noticed that Luna looked sadder each day that Minho was not around. Luna kept on looking at her phone clearly waiting for a call or even a message from Minho. Amber did not stop until she finally said yes, she even went home with her so she could personally pick Luna’s outfit for the night.


“This is your first time right?”, Amber asked Luna as she rummage her closet for some clothes. “It’ll be fun even though Minho’s not here.” She had been talking for a while now while Luna just listened to her.


“Amber why did Mrs. Choi made Sulli go away?”, Luna asked out of the blue. She had been thinking about it for some time now.


Amber stopped whatever she was doing and faced Luna. She knew this day would come when Luna would ask this question. “Luna, do you love Minho?”, she asked instead of answering Luna’s question.


“I don’t know”, came Luna’s reply. Amber did not expect this of course. “I’m afraid.”


“Of what?”, Amber asked clearly seeing confusion on the other girl’s face.


“Of losing him”, Luna answered.


“What do you mean?”


“I’ve lost everyone I love”, Luna mumbled her answer.


“Luna”, Amber said and the other girl looked at her. “You can’t love someone without trust. Loving is risking your heart and giving complete trust to the other person that they’d love you as much if not more so than you love him.”


Silence followed as the two waited for the other’s next words.


“Don’t you trust Minho?”, Amber asked.


“I do.” Luna felt foolish for being unsure when she clearly wants to be with him. “I miss him so bad I wish he was here.”


Amber smiled with thoughtful eyes, maybe Luna might not be able to say it now but her actions shows she has deep feelings for Minho. Maybe she can’t say she loves him, for love is a strong word and few are brave enough to say it much more admit it.


“Sulli met Minho because of Taemin”, Amber started and she got Luna’s full attention. “You see, Taemin –“ She hesitated for a while trying to think what to say next. “He likes Sulli, they met during the holidays. Minho was in another country with Onew so Sulli did not know of him yet. Did you know she was a transfer student when she first came here?” Luna shook her head and Amber continued. “Well I was here, Taemin introduced her to me and to be honest I liked her too. She was pretty and she smiles a lot, actually she was nice to everyone. And I can see my younger cousin is starting to like her and one can say that Sulli somehow felt the same. They were like the unofficial couple. Just less than two months and the two became inseparable. Until Minho came.”


“What happened?”, Luna can’t help but say something she was like waiting for a bomb to explode.


“Let’s just say Sulli diverted all her attention to Minho. One moment she was all over Taemin and then I see her clinging to Minho.”


“Minho never knew Taemin and Sulli…?”


“I don’t really have the complete story, Taemin refuses to say anything after he found out that Sulli became his brother’s girlfriend. He never spoke a word of whatever he and Sulli ever had. Everything was actually getting better after a while, I can even say that Taemin had slowly recovered. But fate really had other plans, Minho’s mom found out about Sulli and Taemin’s past. So she got someone to investigate on her. From what I know Sulli chose Minho over Taemin because Minho would inherit the company.”


“That’s terrible”, Luna said after a while.


“Minho does not know any of this”, Amber said. “Even Taemin does not know that Sulli only wanted money. Their mother didn’t want them to get hurt more than they had ever been because of her. That’s the real reason why my aunt had forced Sulli to go away.”


Luna felt bad for Taemin, Sulli had no right to play with their feelings. She felt a strong urge to protect Minho from her. It’ll take everything for Sulli to take Minho away from her.


“Enough of this, we need to get ready or Key will come here and take over”, Amber said to make the mood lighter. But Key could really do that.


It took them a while for Amber to decide on what outfit to choose for Luna. It feels good to have someone to talk other than the boys she grew up with. Luna is like the sister she never had.


“How do I look?”, Luna asked once she had her shoes on.


“y!”, Amber said and she could hear the excitement from her voice. “Come on, Key’s already outside waiting.” Luna tried to stop her from pulling her into a run but Amber was just too quick for her. She was thankful when she didn’t trip though.


“Hey beautiful”, Key said once she spotted them and gave Amber a peck on her lips. He smiled at Luna with approval.


“I knew you’d like it”, Amber said while trying to make Luna make a turn for Key.


“Are you sure Luna is allowed to wear that?”, Key turned a quizzical look at Amber.


“Minho’s not here babe”, Amber answered without a care.


“Is it too much?”, Luna asked with a trace of doubt. She wanted to wear pants but Amber insisted on this dress revealing more skin that she could handle.


“Come on Luna, it’s just for tonight!”, Amber said. “Loosen up a bit.”


Key winked at Luna. “It’s okay, as Amber said Mr. Don’t Touch My Girlfriend Or You’ll Die is not here. So we’re safe.”



The club was already full when they arrive, Amber said Jonghyun and Taemin were waiting for them. And true enough they spotted Jonghyun dancing with three girls while Taemin was content on sitting and drinking watching as Jonghyun flirted with one girl after another.


“Taemin!”, Key shouted and it’s a wonder how Taemin heard him the noise was really deafening to Luna’s ears. Amber and Key left the two of them to get some drinks and Jonghyun was still busy dancing.


“I thought you’d never come”, Taemin started. He knew how much Luna misses his brother. How could he not when they were almost always together in the library? He found out Luna finds comfort in reading, and he was glad he could share that comfort with her.


“Amber won’t stop until I said yes”, Luna confessed. Taemin is one of the nicest persons she knows. How could Sulli even dare to hurt him? If ever she’d have a brother she’d definitely want him to be like Taemin. Calm, nice, smiles a lot and kind.


“Penny for your thoughts?”, Taemin said the moment Luna had turned silent. She might be thinking of her brother.


“Oh sorry, I was just –“


“Thinking of my brother?”, Taemin finished for her. Luna was going to say something different but she let it be. “He must miss you a lot too.”


“Taemin, Luna!”, Jonghyun had come to their table looking a bit sweaty one might think he came from a marathon or something. “Woah, Ms. Luna you look y tonight…”


“Yah Jonghyun! You can’t flirt with her!”, they heard Amber shout from behind Jonghyun.


“I’m not flirting I was just telling the truth”, Jonghyun said.


“If it’s coming from you it’s flirting”, Amber said with finality and handed Luna some drink. “Don’t worry, no alcohol for you”, she added when Luna just looked at the glass.


“Oh thank you”, Luna muttered and took a sip of the drink.


“I wish Onew was here!”, Jonghyun said.


“Where is Onew?”, Key asked.


“He’s uhm quite busy”, Taemin said.


“With what?”, Amber asked.


“I don’t know”, Taemin answered looking away too quicky. He could never really keep something from his cousin.


“Hey Luna, why don’t we go dance now?”, Jonghyun pulled her along even before she could refuse. Amber tried to grab her back but Key got in her way.


“We’re here to enjoy right?”, Key said. “Let them be, Jonghyun won’t do anything to her.”


“But, it’s Luna”, Amber said.


“Exactly”, Key said with a smile and grabbed her waist. “Why don’t we join them and dance as well.”


Taemin was left alone as the four of them get on the dance floor. He watched as Jonghyun tried or even forced Luna to dance with him, Luna shyly swayed her body with the music. Other girls watched with envy because Jonghyun was only paying attention to one girl. Something had changed with her, she looked happy. Minho made the right decision with Luna.


Luna was beginning to enjoy herself since Jonghyun was such a good dancer, though Jonghyun might look like a complete playboy to the world she sensed gentleness in him. She only stopped dancing when she noticed Taemin drinking alone, she had seen some girls come up to him but maybe asking him to dance with them but Taemin had refused them nicely.


She told Jonghyun she was tired and went back to their table. She noticed Taemin had drunk quite a few drinks. His face looked a little bit red and he looks so cute Luna bit her lip not to laugh at him.


“Taemin”, she called and seated herself beside him so she could hear him since the noise is still too extreme for her. Jonghyun said it’s just normal and she’d get used to it. But in her mind she thought she could never get use to this kind of noise, clubbing is definitely not for her.


“Oh Luna, done dancing with hyung?”, he said and finished his drink. Luna nodded her head and reached for her drink but Taemin grabbed her hand. “Why don’t you try this?” He gave her the same drink he had been drinking. “Come on, just one glass.”


She remembered Minho asking her the same thing when she first came to a club. She accepted the drink and slowly took a sip. Taemin laughed seeing her face.


“What’s so funny?”


“You”, Taemin answered quickly.


“I’m glad I could entertain you Mister.”


“Hyung is lucky to have you”, Taemin revealed the alcohol is getting into him now. “Tell me, if you’d have known me before hyung let’s say nothing was arranged yet between our families. Would you have liked me?”


Luna was taken a back at this sudden question. “Uhm I –“


“Hyung is way better than me”, Taemin said not hearing Luna. “You said so, he’s more mature. He takes care of you better and he makes you happy.”




“I said I love you”, Taemin interrupted he looked at Luna with pain in his eyes. Pain that he had felt a long time for a lost love. “We were getting along just fine, and we were happy. Am I not good enough for you?” He grabbed Luna’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Sulli, why did you choose my brother?”


A tear fell from his eyes and Luna reached out to touch his face. “I’m sorry Taemin.” She cupped his face and Taemin’s hand went to her back pulling her to him and soon he was hugging her squeezing her like she’s his lifeline. He buried his face into the crook of her neck making her a prison of his arms. Luna felt the need to comfort him and just let him be, that’s how Jonghyun found them.


“Ah what’s going on?”, Jonghyun said awkwardly.


“Uhm Taemin, I think he’s drunk”, Luna answered looking helplessly at Jonghyun. He quickly grabbed Taemin away from Luna, Taemin had now passed out and Jonghyun had to carry him out Luna following behind them.


“Geez, I parked a little too far”, Jonghyun mumbled just when they got to his car. He placed Taemin on the backseat and secured his seatbelt. “Why don’t you get in too?”


“I’ll just go find Amber and Key, I think she’ll be worried once she finds out we’re not there anymore”, Luna said.


“Okay, I have to get Taemin home first. Good thing I didn’t drink”, he said and said goodbye to Luna.


Luna just remembered she forgot her cellphone, she had no choice now but to search for Key and Amber. She was walking back to the club when someone called her name. It was the guy named Seunghyun. Luna always felt uncomfortable with this guy even after he had apologized to her.


“I’m glad I finally caught you”, Seunghyun said with a bright smile on his mysterious face. Luna does not know what to think of him. He’s acting quite nice to her but something’s definitely not right. “Uhm, you’re friends left you?”


Luna looked around them and they were alone in the parking lot. “No, they’re inside.”


“But Minho’s not around right? Or you would not be left here alone”, Seunghyun said with a knowing look on his face. “I heard he’s out of town.”


“Uhm, yeah but he’ll be back soon”, Luna answered right away. “Sorry but I have to go back to my friends”, before Luna could get a step away Seunghyun had pulled her arm.


“Luna”, he said. “Can we hang out sometime?”


Luna diverted her eyes on the pavement below her just to avoid his eyes. “I don’t know, uhm we don’t know each other and Min-“


“You’re fiancé is not here, we could get to know each other and maybe become friends or more than that”, Seunghyun said with confidence still not letting go of her arm.


Luna felt the need to run away but Seunghyun’s got a hard grip on her arm. “I’m n-not s-sure…” She mentally scolded herself for stuttering and being afraid of him.  She felt helpless.


“Yah, what are you doing?”, someone shouted from behind Luna. She knows that voice and she’s never been this thankful before hearing her sister’s angry yell.




updated 09-07-12

this update is dedicated to all my 68 subscribers:) kekeke..

and KimAmina i have not watched any episodes yet of TTBY, but i did watch the trailer and it's kinda nice :) i'm still caught up in reading manga and watching super old animes LOL



credit: @lovsiso

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ChhanIvain #1
I used to really love this luna x minho ff, I read it ages ago but I guess I'll re-read it?
moccaberry #2
Chapter 5: authornim... cant you just make a jonghyun-luna fiction? i'm a jongna shipper! and this is minhoxluna fiction but why jonghyun who always kiss luna? ;-;
Man i just adore it , it's been a while since i'm Searching Luna and Minho's fanfic !
i'm reading it sweet heart
New subbie i love how u paired luna and minho i cant wait to read it :)
naue523 #5
Chapter 61: Beautiful story!!!
Chapter 32: Hey, I really love this fanfiction. I'm Cassiopeia too~ Good to see you then. I'm also Luna's fan. I just arrive at the chapter 29. Still make anxious about the end . kkkk`k~
Chapter 61: Okay, my first time ever reading a MinhoxLuna... or a Shinee fic ever. Anyway, this is story was great and like so much Luna in here. Actually, as I am not used to them at all, it seemed really hard to imagine Minho and Luna at some parts. The truth is that I've never pictured them together. Anyway, I will be looking over your profile to see if I found another one, finished of course. I can't handle be hang up to an unfinished story...
Chapter 61: finally luna got pregnant again :D
i love this <3
please make a sequel if you can :)
Chapter 61: Wow~ its nice..keep it up friend