Chapter 35

My Unwilling Fiancé



She knew he’s just making a fool out of her, she can see it in his eyes. A part of it was her fault maybe since she called him a . But it was just something that she said out of the blue since she was so mad at him. Out of Minho’s friends she has always seen Onew as the nice one, maybe it’s his face. But looks can be deceiving as they say. Why oh why does he have to be there when she did that dare?


Her friends had totally abandoned her. They don’t even greet her when she passes by or even care to look at her. Onew told her that they’re not real friends at all. Well he was the cause of it so she directed her anger at him yet again. And it does not help that she can now always see Luna and Minho together.  The worst thing happened yesterday when Onew announced to the whole campus that they’re officially together! The nerve of him and he had that sweet but evil smile on his face when he looked at her. But no one noticed except her.


Right now she’s waiting for him in the library. She can’t believe he made her go here. He’s really up to ruining her reputation, she bets her friends are all laughing at her now. She looked around when she heard her name and she found Jonghyun waving at her. She rolled her eyes feeling annoyed yet again, Jonghyun had teased them non-stop the other day and she’d wanted so much to slap his face if not for Onew’s warning. The jerk must have liked being teased.


“I never thought you’re the library-type of girl,” Jonghyun commented and sat himself across Krystal.


“Whatever,” Krystal said. She hates them all! Everyone who has a connection with Onew except Minho of course.


“Onew will be here any minute,” Jonghyun said ignoring the nasty look she gave him.


“What are you doing here anyway? Did he send you or something?”


“Nope, but he kind a mention you waiting for him here so I figured I’d check you out.”


“Excuse me?” Krystal’s eyes shot up looking offended. What does he mean by that?


“Onew must have seen something in you for him to be this patient,” Jonghyun continued.


“Patient? What do you mean patient?”


“Come on Krystal, you’re pretty but you’re not exactly Onew’s type,” Jonghyun remarked.


“Well that’s a relief ‘cuase he’s not my kind of man too! Where is he anyway?”


Jonghyun chuckled not able to control himself. He could not tell Krystal that Onew is still trying to escape from Minho who threatened to hang Onew upside down. He’s chest is still aching from the hit he took from Minho. Begging and telling him they’ll never do it again did not work this time. He let out a laugh wondering what Onew is doing now which earned him some stares from other students who were studying and from the woman sitting in front of him.


“Onew is still a bit busy,” Jonghyun said at last and stood up.


“When is he going to come here? I can’t wait for him forever!” Krystal stood up too.


“Well you have to, and give him back his phone, will you? He dropped it while running,” he took a phone from his pocket. “I got to go.” Jonghyun hurriedly went out before Krystal could stop him.


Krystal went back to her seat and stared at the phone on the table. Onew’s phone is right here. She might find something interesting to use against him so she could get her diary back and she won’t have anything to do with him anymore. She quickly grabbed the phone and stared at it for a few seconds. Somehow she felt bad doing this which was silly ‘cause she never felt anything like this before. She gets what she wants and when she wants it no matter what it takes.




Onew found Krystal outside the library, he took his time to catch his breath. Minho is really something when it comes to running. He swore he’d never mess with Luna again. His arms and legs ached from so much running and dodging Minho’s punch. He got hit of course and that’s why he can’t stand straight.


“Hey Krystal,” Onew had to call her since she seems to be not paying attention to her environment and had no idea he had arrived.


“Oh you’re here,” Krystal mumbled still not paying attention to him.


“Are you okay?” Onew asked.


Krystal saw the worry on his face and it felt weird but she’s somehow glad to know that Onew is worried of her. “I’m okay.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah of course.” But Onew came closer and felt her forehead. Krystal had to stand still and act like it was nothing but her heart just skip a bit when Onew touched her. What’s happening? Now something is really wrong. “You don’t have a fever, but you look pale.”




“Come on, let’s eat. Maybe you skipped lunch again. I told you not to do that. You have to eat and don’t go on diet. You don’t need it really.” Onew continued talking not aware of Krystal feeling uncomfortable of the way he casually grabbed her hand and linked it to his. She’d always dreamed of doing this with Minho. But somehow having Onew right here beside her felt right and it scared her. She likes Minho and no one else!


“What do you want to eat?” She told Onew she’d eat anything, she could not even think straight and she still has not told him about the thing she saw on the cellphone.



Krystal noticed the way Onew winced from time to time, he looks like his in pain so she asked him about it. He only said that there’s nothing wrong with him even though it’s obvious there is. She didn’t bother prying since it’s clear that he didn’t want to talk about it.


“Onew, Jonghyun told me to give you this,” she finally had the courage to return the phone to Onew.


“Huh?,” Onew reached for the phone and frowned. “This is not mine.”


Krystal knows that of course, the phone belongs to Jonghyun. She looked back at Onew hearing him laugh.


“He must have exchanged our phones you see we got the same model and color,” Onew explained. “Maybe Minho hit him so hard that he lost his mind.”


“Why would Minho hit him?”


“Oh that,” Onew chuckled again and then winced holding his abdomen. “We just had some discussion about a girl.” Krystal shot him a quizzical look but he ignored it. He’s not going to say it’s about Luna.


Just then the said phone rang and Onew stopped eating to answer it. Jonghyun was the one calling, Onew just told him that he’d bring the phone back to him.


“You’re acting weird.” Onew suddenly said once the call ended.


“What do you mean?”


“Did something happen?”


“No, n-nothing,” she said looking away to avoid is eyes. How could she say she had looked through the contents of the phone thinking it was his? She wanted to find something to use against him only to find a picture of Luna and Jonghyun kissing.


“You’re too quiet,” Onew talked once again. It’s unusual for Krystal to be this quiet. She usually pester him about her diary or just tell him how she hates being with him and how unfortunate she is for meeting him in this lifetime. But she’s just sitting here eating the food he ordered which he knows she hates but she’s eating them anyway. “Hey Krys,” he waited for her to tell him to stop using that nickname for her but she just looked at him waiting for whatever he has to say. “You’re not planning on murdering me or something are you?”


Krystal just rolled her eyes and took a sip of mango juice. She suddenly felt so hungry that she ate the food Onew ordered. Now her diet is ruined.


“Hey love birds,” both looked up to find Jonghyun grinning and standing beside their table.


“Hey what are you doing here?” Onew asked.


“I want my phone back now, I can’t wait for later.” He held out his hand and Onew got the phone from his bag returning it to Jonghyun who also reew's phone. “You guys have fun. I got to go!”


“Krystal are you okay? You look really weird, like there’s something that’s bothering you.”


“Nothing, I’m good. I just want to go home now.”


Onew look at her still intent on knowing what’s wrong with her but did not want to push too far.


“Okay let’s go, I’ll send you home.”


“No, you don’t have to. I mean, I’ll just go home on my own.” Before Onew could stop her Krystal had ran out of the restaurant and into the streets.




“So you beat up Jonghyun and Onew for saying those things to Luna?” Key asked.


“I had to make it clear to them that Luna’s off limits.”


Key suppresses a laugh since Minho looks too serious. “Those two probably were just saying it in random. Or maybe they wanted to help you in some ways.”


“Help me in some ways? What do you mean?”


“Well we all saw you come out of the girls bathroom and Luna having to borrow Amber’s clothes –“


“Key not you too!”


Key laughed this time. “Okay, I’m sorry but Jonghyun and Onew must have thought you’d be happy.”


They saw Amber and Luna coming out of their classroom. This is the girls’ last class for today and they had waited for them like good boyfriends would.


“Aren’t they beautiful?” Key said looking at the two girls laughing and talking. Minho also turned towards them and saw his cousin whispering onto Luna’s ears that made his fiancée blush.


“Hey you two!” Amber called both of them to come over. “Are you here to take Luna out on a date again dear cousin?”


Minho planted a soft kiss on Luna’s cheek before responding to Amber’s question. “I need to go to father’s office, but I’ll send Luna home first.”

Luna tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. “I can go home on my own. Just go straight to your father. I’ll be fine.”


“Are you sure?” Minho asked and she nodded as her answer.


“Don’t worry Minho we could drop her off first,” Amber said.


“No, there’s no need Amber.” Luna knew Amber and Key were planning on eating dinner together. Just like Minho Key had been busy too.


“Are you sure you don’t want us to take you home first?” Key asked again once Minho’s car is gone.


“Yes, I’m sure. You two have fun,” Luna said and waved goodbye at them. She decided to wait for a cab when Krystal showed up.


“Are you going home now?”


“Uhm yes.”


“Why don’t we go home together?” Krystal said grabbing her arm before she could answer. But then a group of girls cornered them. Luna recognized them as Krystal’s friends thought their faces don’t look friendly now.


“So you’re hanging out with losers now?” one of them said.


“Oh hey girls I’m just –“ Krystal was cut off by the tallest girl. Luna remembered her name is Yebin.


“Maybe she’s the reason you don’t hang out with us anymore.”


“No that’s not true, this is just Luna –” once again Krystal was not able to finish her words.


The girl at the right of Luna stepped closer and held Luna’s chin. “So this is your ugly sister.  I didn’t recognize her sooner.”


“I thought you hate her,” one of them said.


“Come on Krystal, didn’t you say how much you hate her? Maybe you were just saying that so you get to hang out with us. Maybe you wanted to be different from her? But I see now that you’re a loser just like your sister.”


“Oh wait, maybe she got so upset that her beloved Minho oppa had been snatched away from her and what’s worse is it’s her ugly sister who got him.” All the girls laughed like hyena and Luna watched Krystal’s face harden.


“Poor Krystal, even after all you’ve done to be more than what your sister is your father still chose her to be Minho’s fiancée and not you,” Hyebin continued and the other girls sniggered. “Well who could blame him? You’re just the daughter born out of wedlock anyways. Maybe that’s why Luna was chosen because after all she’s the legal one…?” They laughed again hurting Luna’s ears more.


“Take it all back!” Luna shouted at Hyebin and all the girls stopped laughing turning to her. She felt Krystal’s hands slipped from her arm and she turned to find tears on her eyes. “I said take it all back!”


“And why would we do that? What we all said is true.”


“You’re her friends, how could you say all those awful things?”


“Because your sister is a , and a bastard on top of that–” a loud silence followed after Luna’s  hand hit Hyebin’s face. All the girls watched her in awe and surprise even Krystal’s eyes widened.


“Luna…” Before Krystal could think again she grabbed Luna’s arm and they both run away from the girls.




“Why’d do that?” Krystal asked still gasping for air. She could not believe they both got away from the girls.

“Huh, do what?” Luna asked also panting. They are both sitting on a bench at the park five blocks away from their school. She was glad they’d lost the girls or they’d be beaten up.

“Why did you slap her?” Krystal asked again.

“Oh that,” Luna said like she just remembered what she did earlier. “Well she’s being mean.”

“But all the things she said is true you know.” Krystal could still not believe that Luna had slapped Hyebin. She grew up with Luna, in fact she did bad things to Luna but never did she fight back or even said mean things to her. So why would she do that? Why would she stood up for her when she made her life miserable?

“Well the only true thing she said is that you’re my sister,” Luna said smiling at Krystal. “And we both know how much appa loves you. Don’t listen to anything they said Krystal.”

Krystal felt weird that Luna is even comforting her now. Is she really this nice? Is that why Minho chose her over Sulli, over all the other girls?

“Come on, they probably lost interest or too tired to even look for us.”

She’s not going to thank her if that’s what she’s expecting her to do. She’s Krystal and she hates Luna. Then why is her heart feeling light all of sudden? Like she finally found someone who she could trust?



ok another update!!!! i got busy being crazy over my babies' new mv "CATCH ME" so i didn't get to update..

will u all please view the video?? that'd would make a poor author like me really happeeeeee!!

THANKS for commenting and for reading ^^

u know how i always ask for your comments and i hope you always leave one :)



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ChhanIvain #1
I used to really love this luna x minho ff, I read it ages ago but I guess I'll re-read it?
moccaberry #2
Chapter 5: authornim... cant you just make a jonghyun-luna fiction? i'm a jongna shipper! and this is minhoxluna fiction but why jonghyun who always kiss luna? ;-;
Man i just adore it , it's been a while since i'm Searching Luna and Minho's fanfic !
i'm reading it sweet heart
New subbie i love how u paired luna and minho i cant wait to read it :)
naue523 #5
Chapter 61: Beautiful story!!!
Chapter 32: Hey, I really love this fanfiction. I'm Cassiopeia too~ Good to see you then. I'm also Luna's fan. I just arrive at the chapter 29. Still make anxious about the end . kkkk`k~
Chapter 61: Okay, my first time ever reading a MinhoxLuna... or a Shinee fic ever. Anyway, this is story was great and like so much Luna in here. Actually, as I am not used to them at all, it seemed really hard to imagine Minho and Luna at some parts. The truth is that I've never pictured them together. Anyway, I will be looking over your profile to see if I found another one, finished of course. I can't handle be hang up to an unfinished story...
Chapter 61: finally luna got pregnant again :D
i love this <3
please make a sequel if you can :)
Chapter 61: Wow~ its nice..keep it up friend