Chapter 62

One in a Million
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*Alexis' POV*


After a week of mom and Ella staying here I drove them to the airport with Mina and the maknae line tagging along. Standing in front of departure area with Ella and mom in front of me, I left the four girl in the car to avoid getting any attention.


"Always take care okay?" Mom said caressing my cheeks, her eyes getting teary. Giving her a nod I envelope her into a hug.


"Take care of mom and study hard." I said to Ella, ruffling her hair she gave me a weak nod her head hung low. "I will always call you guys and take care on your way home." I said giving them a hug again before watching them walked to the departure area their foot steps heavy. As they are inside I let out a sigh turning around to exit the airport.  







*Mina's POV*


Arriving back from driving Alex's mom and sister to the airport we drop by some fast food chain to buy something we can eat together. Looking at Alex's slumped shoulder I gave her a squeeze in the shoulder catching her attention. 


"Are you alright?" I asked earning a nod from Alex who took my hand away from her shoulder giving it a squeeze. 


"I'm alright." She said letting the maknae line to enter the dorm first. Letting me in first I waited for her to close the door. Holding onto her jacket I looked at her straight in the eyes. 


"Are you sure you're alrighy?" I asked again earning a smile, but her smile doesn't reach her eyes. Pulling her down I gave her a kiss which she replied almost instantly. I know she's just sad that her family needs to go home but they promised each other that they will always do a video chat. 





The next day Alex woke up us all to prepare for our first schedule of the day. Since we are having our comeback soon our schedule is packed but it will be more busier after we drop our music video. 


With still sleep lingering, I felt her pulled me to stand up and immediately wrapped her arms around my waist. 


"Good morning sleepy head." She said chuckling to herself. Groaning I tucked my face on her neck inhaling her sweet scent. Damn that perfume that she's always using. 


"Babe wake up you need to prepare." She said looking at me as I pulled away. Pouting my lips she got the message and gave me a peck before letting go of me. 


As we exit the room we are welcomed by my members and other managers moving around the living room. Some are done showering while the oters are eating breakfast that Alex and Sadness unnie prepared for us. 


Letting Alex to pull me to the kitchen she pulled the chair and let me sit. 


"Go and eat breakfast." She said, before she can leave I grabbed her arm. 


"Have you eaten anything?" I asked making her to shoom her head. Letting go of her hand I grabbed the hotdog and a toast letting her to eat it. "You should eat something." Alex gave me a smile taking the hotdog and the toast before leaving me with Tzuyu, Nayeon and Sana givinv me a teasing look. 


"It seems that you two are like a married couple." Sana said giving me a glass of orange juice. 


"Nayeon unnie and Jungyeon unnie is the same. Not just me and Alex." I said standing up finishing my orange juice giving Nayeon a wink who's cheeks turns a bright shade of pink. 





Arriving at tge studio where we are goinv to film variety show with other group I suddenly feel uncomfortable knowing that Irene will be around. 


"I'll just be outside." She said as she puts down our things. Watching her leave the room Sana and Momo sat next to me. I can't help but to let put a sigh knowing that the two of them can bump to each other. 


"I feel so uncomfortable." I mumbled playing with my fingers. 


"That Irene sunbaenim and Alexis unnie will bump to each other?" Sana asked in a hushed voice earning a nod from me. 


"You know Mina they can bump to each other but Irene sunbaenim will not do anything stupid especially there are so many people around us." Momo has a point, maybe I can push the thought of Irene doing something stupid. Getting up from my seat I walked out the room to see Irene blocking Alex's way. 


"Alex can we talk?" She asked making the frown from Alex's face deepens. 


"There's nothing to talk about Irene." 


"Please Alex. This is the last time." I was about to approach them when Alex agreed to Irene. I never thought that she will agree to her. The older girl wrapped her hand around Alex's wrist pulling her somewhere where they can talk.

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Thank you for the beautiful story. Looking forward for more twicexyou story.
Wow love it
14 streak #3
Chapter 90: We would love it if you write it!!
Chapter 90: Yesss!!!
Chapter 90: Yeeees please!!!!
Chapter 90: yes please!!!
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 90: YEEES PLEEASE!!
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 90: That would be fun!
Chapter 90: YES!!
Chapter 90: Yes please author-nim!!!!