Will You Be Mine?


JA: “Errm sorry to interrupt…”

KH and DB startled then turn to look at JA.

JA: “Erm KH unnie if you don’t mind can I go home now. I already asked manager oppa permission.”

KH: “What’s wrong babo yaah? Are you sick? “KH asked concern.  She stood up then put her hand on JA forehead.

JA: “Hmm yea. I’m not felling well. Feel giddy.”

KH: “Come I send you home.”

JA: “No it’s ok, thanks. I’ll drive myself. So can I go now?”

KH: “Are sure you don’t want me to drive you home?”

JA: “Yea sure, thanks unnie.”

KH: “I walk you to your car then.”

JA: “No its ok you don’t have to. I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

KH: “Call me once you reach home okay.”

JA: “Hmmm okay”

DB: “Drive carefully, take care JA. Get well soon okay. ” Said DB to JA.

JA: “I will thanks. Bye DB. Bye KH unnie.” JA then walks to take her stuffs.

JA: “Bye girls” Said JA while picking up her bag and stuffs.

EY: “Uhh! Where are you going unnie?” Asked E-Young, curious.

JA: “Going home. I'm not feeling well. I feel giddy.”

NN: “You drive yourself?”

JA: “Yea its ok I’ll be fine. No worries.”

JY: “Drive carefully unnie.”

Lizzy: “Get well soon unnie. See you soon.” Said Lizzy then give JA a hug.

EY: “Bye unnie, take care.”

JA: “Bye girls.” JA walks out the studio to her car.


[ NN POV ]

NN: “Hehehe yea right unnie. All of sudden you are not feeling well. I don’t buy it. I know you can stand seeing KH unnie with DB unnie together right hehehehe” Said Nana in her mind.



JA: “Arrrrr!!!  Why I feel so angry and jealous? They are just talking. NOT LIKE THEY ARE ING!!! Arrr!!! Damn you JA. You are so stupid and childish.” JA stamps the steering wheel.


After finished practice KH go visit JA at JA parent’s house.


Ting Tong! KH press the door bell.

HyunSoon: “Eh KH unnie!”

KH: “Hi Hyun Soon! Sorry to disturb you. Is JA around? Can I see her for a second?”

HS: “Yea she is, in her room. Please come in. Make yourself at home”

KH: “Thanks.” KH walks to JA room.

Knock! Knock! KH knock the door. Few seconds later JA opens the door.

JA: “KH unnie?! What are you doing here?” Said JA once opens the door. She is surprised to see KH.

KH: “Visit my babo yah. I miss my babo yah.” KH pout then give JA a big hug.

JA: “KH unnie are you okay? Hehehe. It’s not like you haven’t seen me for that long. I just have gone for about 3 or 4 hours after practice just now.”  

 KH: “Of cause I’m okay. You are the problem! Yaah!!! Why didn’t you call me?! I told you to call me once you arrive home right? I’m so worried.” *sigh* Said KH then sit on JA bed. JA follows sit beside KH.

JA: “Hehehe sorry unnie. I forgot. After reached home I had my diner then straight go to bed sleep hehehe.”

KH: “So how are you feeling now? Feeling better?” Asked KH while caress JA face and look straight into JA eyes.

JA: “Ye..Yea I’m ok feeling much better now thank you for your concern unnie.” Said JA trailing and then look down the floor.

JA doesn’t dare to look at KH. All of sudden JA feels nervous and her heart flutter when KH act and look at her that way. JA know herself very well if she keep on looking at KH now she will most probably lost control. And usually when she lost control she will do stupid thing without thinking. She will do what her heart says and not her mind. She scared she will ruin their relationship not only as best friends but also as member of AS group too.  

KH: “I’m so worried just now. I wait for your call but you didn’t call I thought you must be very sick.” KH said then hug JA tightly in her arms.

KH: “Don’t do that again babo yah. Promise me.” KH said again softly like whispering at JA ear.

JA: “Sorry unnie make you worried. I promise I won’t do it again.”

JA feel KH hug her more tightly. The closeness, KH perfume and the warm of KH breathe at her neck start to turn her on. JA heart starts beating faster. She starts to lost control. She feels likes she wants to kiss KH neck and lips, feel and taste her. That’s what her heart want but her head say DON’T. She’s confused. She doesn’t know what to do whether to follow her heart or head. But she can't resist the sensation. She wants it. She wants it badly. She has waiting for this moment for long time. But at the same time she scared if she will make a fool of herself.

Suddenly, KH mobile rings. KH look at her mobile to see whose calling, its Joo Yeon.

KH: “Hello”

JY: “Hello KH unnie where are you? We are so worried about you. You just left without telling us where you are going? ”

KH: “Uhh sorry. I’m at JA house.”

JY: “Ooo ok. How’s JA unnie? Is she feeling better? Send my regards to her? Are you coming home soon?”

KH: “Hmm ok I’ll tell her. Yea I’m about to leave now.”

JY: “Ooo ok then see you later unnie. Drive carefully. Bye”

KH: “Hmm I will. Bye” KH hangs up her phone.

KH: "JY send her regards to you"

JA: “Unnie you didn’t tell the girls you are coming here?’

KH: “Hehehe I forgot hehehe. Sorry JA, it's late. I think I better go now”

JA: “Hmm okay. Drive carefully unnie and thanks for coming by visiting me.”

KH: “No problem babo yah” KH said and smiled.

JA then walks KH to the main door.

KH: “Bye” KH said when she about to walk to her car.

JA: “Bye unnie.”

JA: “Uh Unnie! If you and the girls don’t mind can I stay at the dorm tomorrow and maybe for few days? I miss stay at the dorm with you guys.”

KH: “Yea sure why not and I’m sure the girls don’t mind.”

JA: “Thanks. Bye unnie drive carefully. See you tomorrow”

KH: “Bye”


[ KH POV ]

KH: “Ooo man if Joo Yeon didn’t call just now I nearly about to kiss JA hehehe” KH said to herself and giggle. 

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think sometimes....so complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq