Will You Be Mine?



KH was lying on her back staring at the wall. It’s has been five months now since what had happen between KH and JA. Since that day JA did not talk to KH except when the girls are around. When the girls around, KH and JA will pretend to be close as usual as if nothing had happen between them. Until now KH still can’t find a way to win back JA heart and trust. KH pick up her mobile and read the last message she received from JA, which was five months ago. The message keeps on playing on KH head. Since that day JA never message or call her unless there are something got to do with work.


JA SMS: I don’t want the girls to know about last night. Appreciate it if we can just pretend as nothing happen last night in front of the girls. I don’t want them to be worry about us and AS. Thanks.

KH SMS: “Ok but do you still mad at me?” JA doesn’t reply.

KH SMS: “Do you hate me? JA still did not reply.

KH SMS: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me” Still no reply from JA.


KH throw her mobile on the bed and stare at the wall blankly.


KH: “ARRRRRR!!!!” KH scream in her mind.

KH: “I don’t get it. I really…really don’t get it. She is mad at me because I don’t know how I feel towards DB or I had with DB?”

KH: *sigh* “Both I guess” KH answered her own question.

KH: “But...why must she be madder than DB? Suppose DB the one who should be mad at me and kick my off?”

KH:  “Or maybe….”

KH: “No…no…impossible.”

KH: “Can’t be…”

KH: “But nothing is impossible, right?” KH try to think positive and convincing herself.

KH: “If think logically….Yea, she must have feeling towards me too that why she is angry with me when I told her about DB? If she just likes me as her best friend why must she be bother with whom I spend my night with and whether there’s are love bite on my neck body or not? As her best friend she should be happy for me, right? Whoever I’m with, it got nothing to do with her whether I love that person or not, to have with that person. Am I right?”

KH: “But…she never has shown it whether she love me or not. I’m confused coz sometime she is so loveable with me. Sometimes she treats me like her older sister slash best friend. And there’s a time she acts like she is flirting with me. And there’s a time too she’s like avoiding from be near me. It’s too obvious when there are interviews, TV show programs, photography sessions or whatever there must always be one person stand in between us. She will never want to stand beside me like old days. She always chooses be stand beside Nana or Uee. Yea it’s true and I don’t deny it, she always cares about me but that’s all, differently when she is with Nana. She always looks happy and loveable when she’s around Nana. They always look cutely together. I always wish she can be the same when she’s with me.” KH pouts feel sad and disappointed.

KH: “Orrr….because I keep a secret from her coz she never keeps secret from me. This whole thing is all about trust?”


Two hours later KH is ready to go to the studio. She feels less stress there. The studio is like her second house. When she need place to be alone, sad or think about something she prefer to be there. On her way out, she sees the girls were busy with their own thing.

Uee: “Unnie you are going out?”

KH: “Yea. I have something to do at the studio.” KH looks around and notice JA is not there with the girls.

KH: “Where’s JA?”

JY: “She said she is going to her parent’s house. She will be back later.”

KH: “Ooo. Okay girls I got to go now. Bye. See you girls later.”

Raina: “Unnie don’t work too hard. Once a while you should rest too.” KH smiled.

KH: “Hmm ok. No worries I just go for awhile kay. Bye”

The girls: “Bye unnie”




KH: “What Raina just said just now remind me of you. Last time you always say that to me. But now it seem like you don’t care anymore. I wish I can turn back the clock. My life is so empty without you. I really miss you JA. I miss be around you. I miss talking and teasing you. I miss see you smile at me. I miss hugging you. I miss everything about you my babo yah.” KH said in her heart while driving her car on the way to the studio. Tears start to fall.

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think sometimes....so complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq