Will You Be Mine?


Today everybody are very busy with their schedules except JA. JA stays at home because the doctor gave JA three days medical leave to rest. Oppa Manager and KH asked her to rest at home but she still insist want to follow the girls to the studio because she doesn’t want to rest at home alone, she feel bored. She said she will rest at the studio while watching them practicing. But KH insist JA to rest at home so that JA can have proper rest and will get well soon. JA doesn’t want to argue with “KH - The Leader” so JA just follow her wishes.

JA: “Aaaarrr I’m bored!” Grumble JA.

Suddenly, JA mobile rings. JA picks up her mobile.

The Girls: “Unnieee! We miss you!” said the girls - JY mobile - loud speaker.

JA: “Awww so sweet…I miss you girls too. Hey aren’t you girls practicing?

JY: “We are having a breaking?”

JA: “Ooo”

NN: “Unnie have you had your lunch and eat your medicines?”

JA: “Yes I have omma HAHAHAHA”

NN: “Hmm good girl hehehehe”

Raina: “So unnie what have you been doing since morning?”

JA: “Nothing much…sleep…eat…day dreaming…watching tv….sleep….hehehehe”

JA: “I’m bored!” said JA and pouts.

EY: “Poor unnie hehehe. Get well soon unnie”

The Girls: “Get well soon unniee”

Lizzy: “Unnie you better get well as soon as possible coz when you are not around appa is so fierce and moody. Pity us unnie.”

The Girls: “Agree!”

JY: “Unnie please come rescue us hehehehe” Suddenly JA hear KH shouted at the girls.

KH: “YAHH!!! You kids wanna get smack! Stop complaining to your omma and stop disturbing her. Let her rest!” shouted KH from far.

Lizzy: “See unnie she scolded us again. Unnie please say something sweet to appa so that she won’t bully and scolds us anymore hehehehe. Please omma! I pass this phone to appa”

Lizzy: “Appa! Omma wanna speak to you hehehe.” said Lizzy to KH and then hand over the phone to KH.

KH: “Hey you! Feeling better?”

JA: “Yea I guess. Unnie don’t be too hard on them. Pity them.”

KH: “Hmm I try…”

JA: “Okay bye”

KH: “HUH! That’s all she wants to say?!? *sigh*” said KH in her mind.

KH: “Hmm bye” KH pouts. KH feels disappointed because JA talks to her too short.

Lizzy: “HUH! Thats all! No I miss you…I love you… appa you are so not romantic…you better learn to be more romantic with omma.  I wonder how omma can fall in love with you HAHAHAHAHA” Teases Lizzy.

KH threw her mineral bottle at Lizzy. The girls laugh out loud.



JA feels so bored.

JA: “Oh god I’m so damn BORED!”

JA: “Ermm…What else should I do…sleep...done…eat…done….watch tv slash movie…done….dreaming…done hehehehe….wet dreams…ooo never had that yet…poor me HAHAHAHA.”

JA: “How come I never had wet dreams before? I always heard people talk about it but why I never had it….I want…I want ….HAHAHAHA what the hell I’m thinking HAHAHAHA. Ooo my goodness this boredoms has make me become ert HAHAHAHA”

JA took her ipad and browses the net. JA searches her name on goggle.

JA: “Errmm let’s see what I want to browse first?” said JA to herself.

JA: “Hehehe I don’t know the netizens even make a fantasy stories about me and the other kpop groups hehehe.”

JA starts to reads some of the stories.

JA: “HEHEHEHEHE they even make a stories about me HAHAHHAHAH”

JA: “Hmm interesting. I wish I’m more daring like their fantasy than the real me HAHAHAHA.”

Now JA is watching the youtube. Some of the video clips flash back her memories with AS group especially with KH. Seeing the JungHi video clips flash back her memories with KH and make her missing KH even more.  

JA: “Hehehe they really love to see the “the s rub” video clip between me and KH unnie huh heheheh.”

JA: “And their observation is so sharp they can always capture the closeness between me and KH unnie. See, they can even notice I’m holding KH unnie hand, KH unnie gaze at me or the other round… etc and etc hehehehe. And they really love to see me and KH unnie hugging and touching too HAHAHAHA”

JA: “Hehehe the netizens is really creative hehehe”

While JA engrossed looking at the picture of her and KH, she did not realize KH enter the room.

KH: “We look so sweet together right?” said KH. JA startled.

JA: “KH unnie?! What are doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the studio?”

KH: “I was worried leaving you alone at home so I ask appa manager permission to let me go home early.”

JA: “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine. I can take care of myself.”

JA: “Erm sorry I’m sleepy I wanna sleep.”

KH: “Please stop doing this to me, stop avoiding and ignoring me JA. It’s killing me. I can’t keep on pretend like we are okay anymore coz we are not. I know and I admit it I have done wrong to you…hurt you. But please forgive me JA. It’s not like I have done this like a million times. You know before this I never lie and be unfaithful to you.”

KH: “Look at me!”  

KH: “Honestly do you really hate me that much?” said KH and look straight into JA eyes.

KH: “Please answer me.”

JA: “YES! Is that what you wanna hear?! Yes KH, I hate you!” JA wants to walk out the room but KH grab her hand.

KH: “Is that so?! Then why do you look at our pictures just now? I have been watching you for few minutes just now?” JA surprised.

KH: “I know you are still angry with me about me making love with DB. I’m sorry. When she confessed her feeling to me, I get carried away with the emotions and situation. I don’t know that this whole thing with be a big issue between us. I though you don’t care. Because all this time I assume you just like me as your best friend.”

KH: ‘You know what honestly…I’m confused. I still don’t get it why you are so damn angry with me? If it’s because you love me, it’s impossible coz you never let me know how you feel towards me. Not even show it.”

KH: “When I told you that I love you, you don’t even say a word. You just walk away. Is that fair? At least I confess my feeling to you. And you know that I love you. But you….*sigh*” said KH in tears, she can’t control her emotions anymore. She just walks away leaving JA alone in the room.

JA says nothing, she just silent. She herself confuses with her feeling, she still love KH but there still a part of her still can’t forgive KH. But now after hearing all this from KH, JA feels guilty.

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think sometimes....so complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq