Will You Be Mine?



DB: “Hey JA. Busy?”

JA: “Aaaa DB?! Ooo hai! No not really. How are you?” JA surprised, she did not realize DB comes in.

DB: “I’m fine, you?”

JA: “Me too.”

DB: “You alone? Where are the girls?”

JA: “Yea, I’m alone. They already left. I still have things to do.” JA said while rubbing her neck and smiled, at the same time.

JA: “You don’t have any schedule today?

DB: “I have… I’m having a break right now. Errr…Anyway sorry to disturbed you working.”

JA: “No…no...You are not. It’s ok. I just finished doing my thing.”

DB: “So you don’t mind if I hang out here for awhile.”

JA: “No of course not.”

DB: “Aaaa….JA”

JA: “Yea.”

DB: “Ermm…actually I have something to talk to you.”

JA: “Ooo ok. What is it?”

DB: “It’s about you and KH unnie.” JA surprised.

JA: “Ermm about me and KH unnie hehehe? What’s about?”

DB: “I know you are mad at KH unnie about something. And it has been…I don’t know… about half a year I guess, you are not talking with KH unnie unless there’s something got to do with work. Am I right? And please don’t deny it.”

JA: “KH unnie told you that?”

DB: “No she did not. You know her better, she will never tell her problem to anyone except you. She trusts you and only you. But since this problem is about you so I guess she just keeps it to herself. I have asked her before but like what you are doing right now, she denies it too. She says everything is fine. But I don’t buy it. I have known her for so long so I know if she has a problem or not. And my instinct is right, when one day Nana calls me up and asked me if I know why both of you are not closed as before anymore and etc…etc.” JA surprised.

JA: “Ooo no wonder Nana knows.” JA said in her mind.

DB: “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to interfere with your and KH unnie life but I know the reason why you are mad at her is all because of me.” Before DB finish talking JA cut off.

 JA: “You know what you don’t have to explain it to me. It’s got nothing to do with me. KH unnie and I are just friends so KH unnie is free to do and be with whoever she wants to.”

DB: “No…listen. You get it all wrong. It’s not her fault. This whole thing is my fault. I start the whole thing. If I didn’t confess my feeling towards her nothing will happen.” JA not surprised she knows DB has feeling towards KH, JA just not sure whether KH love DB too or not.

DB: “About the love bites marks, it’s me who seduce her. I’m the one who start it.”

JA rubs her neck again. She feels so uneasy hearing this whole thing about DB and KH. She wishes she can just walk out now. But she doesn’t know why she still sitting there and hear this all thing from DB. 

JA: “Even if you seduce her if she doesn’t have the same feeling, nothing would happen right?”

DB: “Maybe she is confused.”

JA: “Yeah right?!! What an excused!”

DB *sigh*

DB: “This kind of thing it just happen JA. You know it too right. Sometimes there’s a time when you just do what your heart tell you to do without think the consequences. Don’t tell me you never have that kind of feeling when you are with someone you love?”

DB: “Yes, I admit I love KH unnie. But she doesn’t love me.” JA can see there’s sadness in DB eyes when she says that.

DB: “She thought she loves me but I know she’s not. She’s confused coz all this time she always gets full intention and love from me but when I told her that I’m in love with someone who actually is her, maybe she feels jealous and doesn’t want to share my love with someone else. Maybe because of that she thought she loves me.”

DB: “She just loves me as her best friend or maybe sister not more than that. No matter how hard I try to win her heart, you always have her heart. She is so in love with JA.” Continue DB and tears start to fall, she can’t control it anymore. JA hugs DB, comforting her.

JA: “I’m sorry.”

DB: “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. Love is something that you can’t force, it come naturally.” Said DB while wiped her tears and try smiled at JA.

DB: “But at least I feel a little bit relief coz I know you can take care of her. KH unnie looks tough from outside but inside she is very fragile; sensitive and easily gets hurts. Nobody can take care of her other than you. You understand her. You are the only person I notice she really trust and a person she can open up about her problem. And she always looks happy when you are around. No one knows her better than you, JA.”

DB: “She has been thru lots of hard time please don’t make this harder for her. Please forgive her. Please don’t ignore her anymore. She needs you more than you know. I know she must feel so miserable without you by her side, I can see it in her eyes. And I guess you can see it too right.”  

JA didn’t say anything; she just listens to what DB has to say. JA still can’t made up her mind whether to forgive and accept KH love or vice versa. JA admits she still loves KH but there’s part of her still feel hurts.

DB: “I know I can’t force you but please think about it okay.”

JA: “I will.”

DB: “My break time is over so I think I better go now.” DB said after glance at her watch.

JA: “Kay and thanks. Take care and see you around.” Both of them hug.

DB: “No problem. You too take care. Bye.”

JA: “Bye”



NN: “JY unnie, JA unnie go back to her parent’s house right?”

EY: “No she’s at the studio. Just now before we left she said she still have something to do.”

NN: “What?!! She is still working?! I told her to get some rest. Sometimes she is so stubborn!” Mumble Nana.

KH: “Yahh what are you mumbling about?” KH asked. KH can hear Nana mumbling from the kitchen and usually it must be something import or serious if Nana is acting that way.

NN: “JA unnie, she is having a high fever. I told her to go home and get some rest before her fever get worse but she did not listen. She is still at the studio working and she haven eat yet.” Explain Nana.

KH: “What??!!! Yahh!!! This old lady is really stubborn. Sometime I feel like smacking her!” Instantly KH stood up and go grab her car key on the coffee table.

JY: “Yea right KH unnie?! As if, you dare to smack JA unnie. HAHAHAHHA” Teased Joo Yeon.

Lizzy: “AGREE!!!! HAHAHAHA” Lizzy said then run hide behind JY.

KH: “YAHH!!! YOU TWO WANNA GET SMACK?” KH just pretend to be fierce in front the kids to cover her embarrassment.

JY: “HEHEHEHEHE just kidding.”

KH walk to her car.

KH: “Oh damn I forgot JA is not talking with me. For sure she won’t listen to me. I better bring Nana along to accompany me. She’s listens to Nana for sure.” KH get out the car and go inside the dorm to find Nana.

KH: “Where Nana?” Asked KH actually Nana is just right there in front of her. Maybe KH too rushing to rescue her beloved JA, she did not see Nana. 

NN: “Here! Here!” Said Nana raised her hand. The girls laugh.

KH: “Hehehe sorry I didn’t see you hehehe. Nana can you accompany me.”

JY: “Yaahh KH unnie since when you need someone to accompany you especially when you want to go meet JA. Usually you never let us follow you.” JY asked surprised and curious.  

KH: “YAH! You always talks a lot. Shut up! Heheheheh! Come Nana hurry.” KH said and pull Nana hand to follow her.

JY: “YAH! KH unnie ah you are so cruel. I report this to omma!”



NN: “Unnie you always concerned about JA unnie ah?” KH startled.

KH: “Damn am I that obvious?” KH said in her mind.

KH: “Am I? I guess I concern about all of you.”

NN: “Yea you do but you care more about JA unnie.”

KH: “Is that so?!” KH try to deny it.

NN: “Yes.”

KH: “I thought I treat all the same hehehe.”

NN: “Unnie”


NN: “Unnie!”

KH: “Ooo sorry my mind was someway else hehehe. Yes, what is it?

NN: “Unnie you love JA unnie right?!” JA shocked and all of sudden she coughs.

NN: “Unnie are you okay?” Nana pats KH back and giggled in her mind.

KH: “Hm yea of course I love her. I love you too and the rest of AS members.” KH try to cover.

NN: “Come on unnie you know what I mean. Not that kind of love. What I mean in love with her. Love her more than AS member….more than best friend….more than sister…Real love.” Nana said then winks at KH. KH cough again.

NN: “Unnie I think you better follow JA unnie to see the doctor too. See you are having cough.” Nana teases KH. Nana knows KH doesn’t have coughed she just pretend it. Nana knows KH try to avoid talking about JA. Nana doesn’t care she still going to asked KH EVERYTHING about JA.


******to be continue hehehe sorry hehehe******wink….wink******

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq