Will You Be Mine?


*****continue from chapter 10*****



JA: “Then!?! Who?! I never see you acting like this before? Why must you hurt yourself, you silly? See you are hurting yourself. Does it worth it?” KH say nothing she just stares at the wall. Seeing KH sad like that, soften JA heart.

JA: “Hey what’s wrong? Are you okay? You wanna talk about it? You know you can always talk to me about anything, right?” JA was comforting KH. JA pulls KH hand and sit on the bed. JA takes ointment then rubs it on KH fist. KH just watch what’s JA was doing and feel guilty at the same time.

KH: “I don’t know where to start? What I know, it’s all my faults.” Said KH and look down on the floor, feel sad, regret and guilty.

JA: “Unnie I don’t understand? Actually what is this all about?”

KH: “Do you mind if I ask you something personal?” Said KH and looks at JA.

JA: “Hehehe since when there are secret between us, of course you can ask me about anything. As far as I can remember I never keep any secret from you, dunno about you? Have you?” From looking JA, KH shift to look at other place, feeling guilty.

 KH: “Damn she smashes me! I guess she is still angry about the love bite thing but she doesn’t wanna ask it straight into my face. She wants me to confess it myself. ARRRR!!!!!” KH grumbled in her mind.

KH: “JA…are you…are you and Nana couple?” JA look at KH then laugh out loud. KH confused and surprised with JA reaction.

JA: “Oooo I see. So that the reason why you punched the wall?” JA asked and she still can’t help herself from laughing. KH say nothing she just nodded her head shyly. JA keeps on laughing.

KH: “JA ahh stop it…you make me embarrass. What’s so funny?” KH shake JA shoulders. JA tries to stop laughing but she can’t.

JA: “OOO YEAH!!! I never thought that she will be jealous of me with Nana. I thought she doesn’t care. She does care. She punches the wall because of me?! Awww so sweet! But I’m still angry with you PARK JI YOUNG!!!” JA said in her mind.  

KH: “JA ahh answer my question. You are, right?”

JA: “Unnie it’s not like what you are thinking? Nana and I did not make love and we are not couples. And for your info Uee was there in the room with us. You didn’t see her because she was blocked by the door.”

KH: “But...I saw…”

JA: “Nana topless and she was hugging me?”

KH: “Yea”

JA: “Actually there’s a cockroach inside Nana bra. She was panic so she takes off her bra. That’s why you see she is hugging me topless.” 

KH: “Ooooooo. Damn I make a fool of myself. I feel so embarrass now.” KH said and cover her face with her hands.

JA: “Hehehe” JA giggled.

JA: “Unnie…you still haven’t answered my question?” JA said and looks at KH.

KH: “Aaaaaa” KH panic, she can’t find the right words to answer JA question. The way KH react JA assume she will never get the answer. JA *sigh* and look disappointed, she can’t hide it. It shows in her eyes. Seeing JA look like that make KH feel guiltier.

JA: *sigh* “It’s late. You must be tired. I think I better go now. Night”

KH: “Wait!” KH said and hold JA hand. KH ask JA to sit back beside her. JA sits facing KH, waiting for KH explanations patiently.

KH: “It’s not like I don’t want to tell you but I don’t know how. It’s complicated and I don’t want to hurt your feeling. I’m scared if I tell you, you will hate me.”

JA: “Try me.”

JA: “You can start with....are you and DB officially couple?”

KH: “No, we are not”

JA: “Does she love you?”

KH: “Y...y…yes that’s what she said.”

JA: “Do…you…love…her?”

KH: “I…I don’t know…” Hearing that from KH makes JA heart break into pieces and make her want to cry but she tries not to. See sadness in JA eyes break KH heart too. KH eyes become reds she tries to hold her tears.

KH: “I’m sorry. I really don’t know…but…what I know for sure is…I’m so in love with you JA.” KH confess and look JA in the yes. JA surprised, she couldn’t believe what she just hear. JA doesn’t know whether to believe it or not. She is so confuse with this whole thing, whether to be happy because at last she know that KH love her or to be sad and heartbroken about KH with DB.

JA: “That love bites on your neck…Do you…do you make love with her?” KH nodded her head and look down.

JA: “You don’t have headache that day, right? It’s just an excuse so you can be with her, right?” KH nodded her head again. KH hug JA but JA pushes her away.

 KH: “I’m so sorry” KH want to hold JA hand but JA don’t let her. JA doesn’t want KH to touch her.

JA: “I don’t get it. I really…really don’t get it. How can you make love to her if you don’t know whether you love her or not?! It’s just or…..? ” JA *sigh* She is out of words.

KH: “I’m sorry. I know I’m wrong. I really don’t know what get into me that day? I’m so sorry JA. I’m sorry. But I do mean it when I say that I love you.”

JA: “Love me?! How can you love me when you, yourself don’t know what love is?” JA said in a very sarcastic kind of way. KH pull JA in her arms and hug her tightly but JA didn’t hug her back. JA just stands stone there. KH tears start to fall.

KH: “Don’t say that. Have I ever lie to you before. No right. I never lie to you. So why must I lie to you now. I always love you JA, from the first day we meet I have a crush on you. Day by day my love to you becomes stronger and stronger. I can’t forget you. You are always in my mind and heart. You are the first thing I think of when I’m awake and you are the last thing I think off before I go to sleep. I want to tell you how I feel but I’m so scared you will reject and hates me. I can’t imagine my life will be without you and knowing that you hate me." KH know JA is crying because her shoulder is wet with JA tears. KH wish she can turn back the clock and take away all JA pain and sadness. KH never mean to hurt JA, KH love JA so much.

KH: “I’m sorry baby. I don’t mean to hurt you. I really love you. Please forgive me.” KH whispers at JA ear.

KH: “Don’t you love me?” JA didn’t answer.

KH: “Not even a bit?” JA still didn't answers.

KH: “Pease don’t ignore me….please say something. Please JA I’m begging you.” JA looks at KH.

JA: “I lost of words. I don’t know what to say…” JA said in tears then walk out the room leaving KH in tears.

JA wipes out her tears and goes to Nana bedroom. Nana was asleep. JA gets inside Nana blanket, Nana awake.

NN: “Unnie…what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Said Nana surprise seeing JA cried.

JA: “Sorry to awake you. Do you mind I sleep with you tonight?” JA asked.

NN: “Yea sure.” Nana holds JA in her arms and kiss JA forehead.

NN: “You wanna talk about it?” JA shakes her head.

NN: “Ok…don’t think too much…get some sleep kay.” JA nodded her head. Nana hold JA tightly and kiss JA forehead.  

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq