Will You Be Mine?


[ JA POV ]

JA was lying on her bed. Tossing and turning. She picked up her mobile, checking if there is any message from this one special person who always on her mind and heart. Sometimes she really doesn’t understand why it’s so difficult for her to forget this person. What so special about this person compared to others? But one thing for sure, the more she tries to ignore this feeling the more she can't stop thinking and missing this person badly.

JA: “Where are you!?! Why didn’t you call or tweet!?! Don’t you miss me?” Mumble JA

“Don’t you miss me as much as I miss you babo yah…" *sigh*  JA wondered.

“Babo yah…hehehe” She giggle and smile. Don’t know why that person loves to called her by that name.


Dial that person mobile number.

JA: Hey KH unnieee!!! Busy?

KH: Hey babo yah. No I’m not. I’m with DB. Wanna join us hangout?

JA: “Ooo…it’s ok then…you go ahead. Have fun. Bye unniee. Say “Hi” to DB for me.” Said JA then hangs up the phone.

KH: “Huh!?! She hangs up on me? But why did she call me at the first place. Cezz. This babo sometimes really make me confuse. What she think I’m…a mind reader? *sigh* KH mumble.

DB: Who call? JA?

KH: “Hmm JA…but she didn’t say why she calls? *sigh*

DB: “Maybe she miss you hehehe” Teased DB.

KH: “Yeah right, miss nagging me around hehehe” They both laughing.

They continue talking but obvious KH is not focusing on their conversation like earlier. No more attention from KH. Her body is there but her mind someway else. KH still wondering why did JA called.



Feel sad and hurts. It’s too obvious after JA called, KH did not give full attention to her anymore like earlier.

DB: “I’m sure she is thinking of JA. Her body is with me but her mind, heart and soul are with JA. You are so damn lucky JA” Grumble DB

“What is so damn special about JA compare to me?! Am I not good enough for her? Not pretty and y enough in her eyes. After all this time you still don’t realize how much I love you KH?” All of these thought running in her head. At the same time feel jealous and heartbroken. If KH is not there in front of her, she must be crying right now. But since KH is there, she pretends to act cool as if nothing happen.

DB: “Ooo damn I just remember unnie tomorrow I have schedule early in the morning. So I have to go now. Sorry unnie.” Say DB after looks at her watch.

KH: “Ooo it’s ok. I understand. Yea you better get some rest. So shall we go now…?”

DB: “Hmmm.”

Actually it’s just an excuses. She really feels hurts right now with KH. She knows KH really love and cares about her but the sad thing is ONLY as a sister, not more or less than that. She doesn’t want to be JUST a sister to KH. She wants more than that. She is so crazy in love with KH. She wants KH to love her as much as she loves KH or even more. She wants KH to treat her like how KH treat JA. 


DB: “Why can’t you love me as much as you love JA” Said DB in her mind while driving her car. She can’t control herself from crying, tears drop flow down her cheek none stop. She feels deeply hurts.


[ KH POV ]

It was raining during that time. From the restaurant KH drive straight to their dorm. All of sudden KH feel no mood after JA called her just now. At this moment what she really needs is a hot shower, lay down on her bed listening to her favorite songs and hope she can sleep as soon as possible. Once arrived at her dorm KH grab her handbag then walk in the dorm lazily.

KH: Hey girlsss!

The Girls: Hi KH unnieee!

Uee: Have you had your diner unnie?

KH: Yea, I have…with DB just now. You girls…?

Lizzy: Yea, we too…

KH: “Where’s Nana?” Asked KH when she notices Nana is not there with the girls.

JY: With JA unnie in my room.

KH: “JA is here?!" Asked KH. KH thought JA was at her parent’s house.

The Girls: Hmmmm


KH walk to JY room. At the door: Knock! Knock! KH knock the door but there’s no answer. So KH open the door slowly and then walk towards JA bed.

KH: JA….Nana…

KH: "Ooo no wonder…they are sleeping”, say KH to herself. JA was hugging Nana tight in her arms. Nana sleeps peacefully like a baby in JA arms.

Nana is scared of thunder. So KH assume that must be the reason why they are sleeping together. Maybe JA tries to calm and comfort Nana. And that might be the reason why they are sleeping in that position. KH closed the door and walk to her room.



After had a shower, KH dim the light, turn on the music then lie down on her bed try to sleep. While lying on her bed….

KH: “It should be me in her arms….not Nana. She always pampered the girls …hugging, kissing, teasing and cares them especially Nana… except me…it’s so unfair. It seems like day by day Nana is getting closer and closer with JA. Damn you babo yah. How could you…” KH pout, mumble, grumble and jealous.

As soon as KH about to sleep she hear someone open her bedroom door and enter her room. The more closely and closer that person approaches, KH can guess who that person is by the scents of that person perfume but KH pretend to be asleep.

KH: “This must be JA” Said KH in her mind.


KH: “BOOOO!!!” KH surprise JA.

JA: “Unnieee ahh…don’t do that you scare me.” JA startled.

KH laugh out loud seeing JA reaction. JA hit lightly KH arm.

JA: “Unnie you are so bad” Said JA. KH still can stop herself from laughing.

KH: “Ok…ok…sorry hehehehe. But it’s not my fault. You are the one who should knock the door first before enter someone’s room” Said KH still laughing.

JA: “I thought unnie was sleeping. I don’t want to disturb you. That why I didn’t knock the door. I can’t sleep so I thought of borrowing your magazine” Explained JA but actually it’s just an excuse. The real reason why JA goes to KH room is just to see KH. She really miss KH, plus she love to watch KH sleep, adorable.

JA: “Sorry” Said JA again and then give a cute pout looked while saying that.

KH: “Cute. She really knows how to melt my heart hehehe” Said KH in her mind happily.

KH: “Hehehe adorable” Praised KH.

JA: “I’m adorable?” Asked JA. Actually it sounds more like flirting. She looked really sweets and y while saying that. Those smile. Those eyes: sharp, daring and y. Ahhhh... Whoever says she is not gorgeous and y, there’s must be something wrong with that person.

KH: “Damn she do it again … melt my heart hehehe”, Said KH in her mind and smiles.

JA: “Awww….she look so sweet and pretty. Damn I love when she smiled. Those dimples really make her look so damn gorgeous” Said JA in her mind.

KH: Come on don’t pretend as if you don’t know. You know you are cute and adorable right?

JA pouts.

JA: Only cute and adorable? That’s all?

KH: Don’t be greedy hehehe…what else you want to me to say…hehehe. If I’m a guy surely I gonna say that you are good hearted, caring, sincere, cute, adorable, gorgeous and of cause last but not least so damn sizzling hot y hehehehe.” Said KH laughing as if she is teasing JA but actually that is what she thinks of JA.

JA face turns red, blushing. She don’t aspect KH going to said that but she feel so happy to hear it from KH but of cause as usual she try to act cool.

JA: “Yeah right unnie!?! Keep on teasing me. I know you enjoy bullying me”

KH: Well you are the one who ask….HAHAHAHAHAHA


Suddenly KH mobile rings.

KH: “Hello”

DB: “Hello KH unnie. Sorry if I wake you up.”

KH: “No. It’s ok. I’m not sleeping yet. What’s up…?”

DB: “Uhh! Its late…you are not sleeping yet?”

KH: “Hehehe I was talking with JA.”

DB: “Ooo JA sleep over...Anyway I call to tell you that you left your aviator. It’s with me. I’ll pass it to you tomorrow.”

KH: “Ooo ok. Thanks babo. I thought you call coz you miss me hehehe.” Said KH purposely just to makes JA jealous and its works JA is jealous.

JA: “Hey that’s my nickname! Why did she call DB “babo”? I hate it when she called other people by that nickname. That nickname is for me and just me. You are so bad unnie.” Said JA in her mind, feels jealous but try to act as if it mean nothing to her.

DB: “Hahaha yea that too hahaha. Okay night Unnie. Sleep well. Say good night to JA too.”

KH: “Hehehe miss you too. You too sleep well. Night”, said KH then glances to JA. JA pretends as if she heard nothing. Pretend busy playing with her mobile.

DB: “Night” Said DB then hangs up the phone.


[ DB POV ]

DB: “Arrrggghhh!!!!” Scream DB.

DB: “What the hell are they doing this late…damn!” Mumble DB and punch her pillow.

DB: “Miss me?!? Cehh! Yea right!? I know unnie you don’t really mean it. You just say it just to make JA jealous, right. Damn are so could you…”

*Take a deep breath*

DB: “Cool DB…cool. Breathe. Don’t let all the negative thoughts bugging you. They are just talking. That’s all… “, DB tries to calm herself.



KH: “JA, DB say “Good Night” Said KH once hang up her phone.

JA: “Hmm…” Replied JA.

JA: “Why did she call? Any problem?” Asked JA, curious.

KH: “No, no problem. Just to say that she miss me. Why are you asking? Jealous? Hehehehe” Teasing KH purposely to see what JA reaction.

JA: “Uhh!…Me?! Jealous of you two..?! Excussee me! Why should I…?!” JA pretends as if she doesn’t care.


JA: “Damn you unnie of course I’m jealous…” Grumble JA in her mind.


Suddenly someone open the door.

NN: “JA unnie why you leave me alone!?!” Said Nana while walk in the room. She then sit on KH bed, rubbing her eyes like a small kid. She looks so cute.

Both, KH and JA startled then burst out laugh.

JA: “I thought you’ll be ok coz JY unnie is there sleeping right?” 


KH: “Aaarrrr…not now!!! Why must she disturb now!?!” Mumble KH in her mind.


NN: “Yea she is there, sleeping. But I miss you. I wanna sleep with my ommmaa.”

JA: “Awww” JA hug Nana.

KH: Yaaahh! NO! NO! Don’t disturb. Appa and omma wanna make love hehehehe”

JA: “Yyyaaahhh unnie aahh hehehe.” Said JA then hit lightly KH shoulder.


NN: “It’s ok. I don’t mind. I just wanna sleep. I’ll be good. I won’t disturb you two. I’ll close my eyes hehehehe” Said Nana innocently, teasing her unnies. KH and JA face turns red.

JA: Yaaahh! What’s wrong with you two?! Are two of you out of your mind...?!


NN: “Aahh ommaaa ahh… appaa ahhh it’s late…I’m sleepy. Please accompany me sleep. Omma sleep in the middle. So equal… appa and I can share you hehehe.” Said Nana to JA. Nana then pulls JA hand to sleep beside her, in the middle between her and KH.

JA: “Yaaahh IM JINAH!!!” Shout JA then hit Nana arm.

NN: “Hehehehe”

KH: “Hehehehe…enough…enough kids. Yea she is right it’s late. We have a tight schedule tomorrow so we better get some sleep now.” Said KH defending Nana.

KH & JA: “Yeeeeaaaaahhh….tonight I sleep with my love….yeeeaaaaahhhh!!!” Said KH and JA full of joy in their mind.

NN: “Night appa…night omma..Sweet dream ah not wet dream hehehehehehe” Nana teasing her unnies again while hugging JA.


NN: Hehehehehe

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rin898 #1
iya_007 tq 4 subscribed and tq for ur comment and glad that u enjoy reading it. hahaha complicated huh. well life is complicated hahaha
Chapter 23: I love ur story....why can't they be straight forward to each others....i don't understand the way they think complicated for me but that what makes the story becoming so interesting :D
rin898 #3
Malina and PlaygirlzKpop tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #4
missyaya sorry make u upset about chap 7 hahaha and glad that you like the story and tq 4 your comments
missyaya #5
yes... the endin so good.. haha raina unnie so funny at last
missyaya #6
ohh ..omg .. kh and db hvin .. im just NO ! NO ! NO ! .. kahi only for jungah ... urhhgg.. im upset lil bit :O haha chptr 7
rin898 #7
sara6193 tq 4 subscribed
rin898 #8
tq 2 all the readers for reading my story..... appreciate it
rin898 #9
Guitod tq 4 subscribe
rin898 #10
ASPlaygirl tq