lucky to find her

Please Be the mother of my child

-Sorry for the wrong grammar, spelling or anything-


Yuri Pov

today in school my mind was focused on one thing. ‘minho oppa..’ he didn’t call me this morning, pick me to school, or texted me. I was so worried I know that he was hide something from me. I don’t want anyone know about this even yoona. I should make sure with my self whats wrong with him.

“kwon yurii,, wake up from your day dreaming”yoona make me back to earth

“umh,, did I miss something ??”I said

“no,, whats wrong with you ??”

“umh,, I just sleep late tonight. I want go to rest room.”I said

actually I go to roof of school, I come out my phone and call minho oppa. but there is no answer,,

“where is him ??”I said

“you search me ??”jae jin said

“aish,, of course no”I said and punch his arms

“ouch,, I know I know”jae jin said

“I don’t have any idea why he didn’t call me,text me today”

“may be he busy”

“but at least send me one text”

“umh,, call him first”

“he didn’t pick up”

“call his mother ?”

“great idea”I smile to him



umma : ne yuri waeyo ?

yuri : umma did you see minho oppa ?

umma : bwoh ? are he not pick you today ?

yuri : no umma he didn’t, either call me or pick me this morning. now Im getting worried

umma : aish that stubborn boy. have you call him ?

yuri : yes but he didn’t pick up. is yoogeun in his school ?

umma : I don’t know. minho didn’t bring yoogeun here. I though you both send him to his school today.

yuri : no umma,, he was disappear today.

umma : don’t worry yuri. I know he will fine except you both fight last night ?

yuri : I didn’t fight with him umma. oh maybe I should go to his office after school

umma : great idea,, bring him his lunch too. and meet me in yoogeun school

yuri : ne umma take care



“so he was disappear ?”jae jin asked me

“I think so.. yah how could i tell this to you. i decided to not telling anyone about this”i shouted

"yah,, it's not my fault"jaejin shocked i pouted

“what will you do next ??”he asked

“I will come to his office”I said

“need a ride ?”

“umh,, m’kay but promise me don’t tell anyone about this ok ?”I wink at him

“fine,, fine,, I know yoona will scold you right ?”

“yepp,, meet me earlier in the gate”I said and waved to him.

my relation ship with jae jin was getting better. he look like my brother now, I love him but as friend not much.




Tiffany Pov

I was so shocked to see eun seo come to minho office. they talk for more than 2 hours inside his office. I m getting worried about yuri now. should I tell her ?? now I just hope that stay away from minho and I hope minho didn’t fall for her again. yuri was the one who fit to him.

“tiff,, here the document”seohyun said

“oh,, thanks”I smile widely to her.

it’s my time for interrupt them. I knocked and come in as minho permit me to come in. I was so shocked look at eun seo who crying. and minho face was look so frustration.

“s-sory for interrupt you guys”I said apologeticly

“is ok tiff.. what wrong ?”

“it just the document you ask yesterday..”I said

“oh put here”he said

“but I need to explain something about this”

“oh,, can you do it latter ?”minho beg me

“umh,, m’kay 15 minutes again I will back again”I said

“thank you tiff”he said

“your welcome mr.choi”

I closed the door and I hear eun seo start talking about me. gesh I never liked her since the first I meet her. she looked just only love minho and his money. but I just his assistant I cant do much for his relation ship.

suddenly my phone ringing..



from : yuri

to : tiffany-shi

fany-shi is minho on his office ?


I was so shocked then I replied



to : yuri

from : tiffany-shi

yes he is.. what’s wrong ? why don’t you call him yul ?



from : yuri

to : tiffany-shi

he didn’t pick up. is he busy ? can you tell him that I will be there for 10 minutes.



to : yuri

from : tiffany-shi

yes he is inside his room yul. and yes he is so busy today.


I m sorry yuri I lied to you. I knocked the door once again and come in without his permit.

“why you always interrupt me !!”eun seo nag at me.

“sorry but I had to tell something important to my boss”I said coldly

“what was that ?”minho said in the frustration voice.

“mrs.choi will be here in 5 minutes”I said and took a glance to eun seo

“what ??”

“you know what you should do minho”I said

“why she not call me first ?”

“better you check you own phone”I said and close the door.




Yuri Pov

finally I arrived in his office it was my first time go to here.

“this building is quite big” jae jin said while I drop from his motor cycle.

“yeah,, don’t you think I should change my uniform ?”I asked him

“so you want me to drive you home after we arrived here ??”

“umh,, yeah if you mind”

“actually I was mind for that. don’t you know your home is far away from here ?”he yell at me

“I know,, I know,, I just you know don’t comfortable if I wear this”I said

“aish,, why don’t you tell me earlier”

“alright just wish me luck ok ?”

“ne,, good luck kwon yuri”he said

“kamsahamnida lee jae jin”I said and waved to him

“hey,, tell him I said hi ok ?”he shout at me I just nodded

I walked inside the building and come to the receptionis

“can I help you miss ??”the lady one said

“yeah,, I want to meet no”I said

“you must be mr.choi girlfriend right ?”I was chuckle when she can recognize me.


“don’t be worry mrs.choi, everyone in this building already know about you”she smiled at me

“anyway I m seohyun. I will company you to meet”she said

“thank you but actually I want to meet minho”I said

“I know that mrs.choi, you just awkward don’t you ?”I nodded

“yuri..”tiffany waved at me

“hi,, tiff”I said and hug her.

“I will take her seo baby”tiffany said

“so why everyone know about me ?”I asked tiffany

“well my boss was put a big picture of you,him, and yoogeun in this building”

“he do that ??”

“yeah,, once on his room and once in there”tiffany pointed at the wall

“gesh,, that was so ashamed”I said

“no that picture was great. when you take that ?”

“one month ago. he said we need a family photo so we go to the studio. I don’t get it why he put in here”I said

“ can you help me with this paper ?”someone interrupt us

“just  wait I must send mrs.choi first”tiffany said

“so fany  I m ok. just tell me where is his office I can go with my self”I said to her

“ok,, so just walk straight then turn left ok ?”she winked at me.

I walk to the left until bumped to someone.

“ouch sory”I said apologeticly

“can you use your eyes for walk ?”she nag at me.

I looked at her, she was so messy her eyes was red like she already crying for one day.

“sorry am I hurt you ?”

“yes you are !!”she said and walked away

I look at her weirdly. I just try to be nice but 'wtf' with her.

“minho ?”I approach him who standing right in front his office

“yu-yuri ??”he look shocked

his face was like a mess. he look so frustration I looked at him with a worried face.

“come”he invite me to his office

“here I bring you a lunch. tiffany said you was so busy with your work. I just don’t want you to skip your lunch so bring it here. anyway I gotta go now I must pick yoogeun from his school”

“can you stay here ?”he asked me

“why ? I though you busy”

“I want you feed me”he said

“how if I bothering you ?”

“no you don’t bothering me. you will helped me”he said

“fine,,”I said

I prepared the food that I bought before I come here.

“say aahh…”I said and feed him.

he looked at me with a different look. his eyes like want me to trush him more than anyone. I don’t have any idea what’s wrong with him. I wanted to ask him whats wrong but I just afraid to asking that. I will wait until he explained to me.

“here drink first. I need to find a trash”I said and give him my new bottle water.

“there is a trash over there”he pointing while drink

I trow the plastic bag into there. but why the trash is full of tissue ?? is he cry all the day ?? but his eyes seems not crying. or maybe ?? no it cant be that girl. how if ?? no kwon yuri think positive.

“I done to feeding you. now, I must come to see our child. take care and if you can please call me or just send me a text it will helped me a lot”I said and about to walked away

“I will drive you”

“no,, I can go with my self”

“no you cant”

“why cant I ? I go here with my self”I said

“no you come here with your ex”

“oh,, sorry I kinda forget about that. and yes he is give me a ride. well he said hi to you”

“so you want him to drive you home ?”

“I already asked for that but he say no”I said coldly

“come on I will drive you home”he said and pull my wrist

but I just stand with no move. I don’t get it ? what’s wrong with him ? he looked at me with his tearly eyes. suddenly he hugged me..

“w-what’s wrong ?”I asked him

“…”this is my first time to hear he crying

“sory if I make you cry I m sorry oppa”I said and hug him and his back

“no it’s not your fault yuri”he said

“I trust you oppa.. I know there is something wrong with you. I will wait until you want to speak to me”I said

“thank you for always on my side”

“your welcome yeobo”I said playfully

“I will tell you if I m ready”he said

“I will wait no matter what”

“can you stay here ?”

“again ??” he nodded

“alright,, now I will take care a big baby choi”I said and he laughing

“we should call umma first then”he said and pull of his hug




“ne,, umma thank you”he hung up the phone.

“so what I must do now ?”I asked him

“I need someone who can massage me while I checked my file”he said

“arasso my big baby boy”I said and kissed him




Minho Pov

I was so lucky, yuri can understand me. she didn’t mad at me because today I didn’t send her any text,call or pick her like usual. but she just come here bring me a lunch and make me laugh again.

“ugh,, I think yoogeun was better”yuri said stretch her arms.

“tired ??”

“no,, it just a bit bored”she said and pout

“yeah,, well I do this everyday”I said

“you should put more color on this paper so you wouldn’t get bored”she said

I just laughing

“but you will destroy my file though”

“when I was little I always make a mess with appa file. but appa said his partner was laughing at the file that I draw”

“well I should try that someday”I said

after I few minutes yuri was keep yawning. I told her to take a rest but she didn’t want to. until she fall a sleep.

“aigo~ my girl was sleepy”I said and carry her to sofa

“oupss,, sorry mr.choi I just want to give you and yuri a tea”tiffany said

“it’s ok put it on my table. and fany can you bring a blanket ?”

“oh sure I will asked the”she said and walked away

tiffany back with a blanked on her hands.

“thank you tiff”I said

“your welcome mr.choi”she said and smile

I looked at yuri face, I touch her cheek, and her soft hair. she was my beauty queen, I should never hurt her. she was my everything, I cant let eun seo destroy our relationship even she said that she was regret. I cant give her a change even once.

“I will never let anyone destroy us”I said and cup her forehead




“tomorrow is Saturday I will company yoogeun all day yeayy”yuri said

“how about me ?”I asked her

“oppa must go to work, pick me and yoogeun in his school, lunch together, back to work and dinner together”she said playfully

“aish,, fine”

“why you don’t like it ?? oh I forgot you must send me home after yoogeun sleep”

“no,,no,,no,, how about this ? I pick you and yoogeun to his school, work, pick you two again, lunch together, work, dinner together, and let you sleep with us”I smirk at her


“why don’t you like it ?”I imitate her

“ok,,ok,, but I must bring my cloth then”she said

“no you don’t have too. you already have your own  cupboard in my home”

“oh,, I kinda forgot about that hehe”her smile makes me smile too.

I pick yoogeun who already fall a sleep. yuri carry him and kissed him all the way to home. after that I send yuri home. and call her for saying good night.


-A bit long, is that ok ?? anyway let's move to next chapter-

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horrribleeeh grammar and stuff omg my first minyul story. gotta fix this when i have lots of free time mkay hunhun ??


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lorraineOT9 #1
Chapter 78: JJANG!!!!!!!! THIS FANFIC WAS GREAT! thank you for making this! ;-)
I came to read this again for the nth time! This is so good!
Am I the only one who has read this story 6-8 times ?
Chapter 78: i came 2 read tis again..
its a gud story..i think ihv read tis story countless time already..
mo_mo_moana #5
Chapter 78: i love it thank you!
143015 #6
Chapter 78: I love this story.
Chapter 78: Daebakkkk!!!! hehe
great job loved the story plot :) x
YuRiHolics #9
Hi !~~ I have finish reading this story . and looks like someone is copying this ..
VinaKimberly #10
Chapter 78: i read this fanfic again gosh i don't know how many times i read this fanfic. make a sequel eonni please!!!!