I love you, brat.

Just This Once (She's Gone)


*BACK TO THE PRESENT* ( 10 months later )

“Mianhe, Dara-ah..” He looked down at her with guilt written all over his face.

Dara was busy nursing Seunghyun’s wounds. She didn’t look up as she concentrated on cleaning the cuts. She sighed as she started to dab the wounds gently. This particular one is going to leave a big scar… When will he stop this?

Mistaking her silence as anger, he timidly touched Dara’s shoulder. “Brat..”, he said in a soft voice.

“Hmm?” Dara was still not looking up. How many times do I have to do this. Will the time come when I’ll see his dead body?

Tears started b in her eyes as she felt the gentle touch on her shoulder. It took all of her self-control to stop her tears from falling. She ducked her head lower and started nursing the last cut.

He saw a small drop of tear fall onto the carpet. Sighing, Seunghyun got down from the bed and tried to tip her face upwards as she struggled with him. No! I can’t let him see me like this.

“YAH! DON’T MOVE!! Do u want me to make your fifth vertebrae the sixth?!” She yelled as she feigned anger.

“Brat, I’m so sorry...” He didn’t take heed of her orders and hugged her tightly, slightly wincing as the cuts of him arms inflicted some pain.

“I’m so sorry, so sorry,” he repeated as he her long chestnut hair and laid her head into the crook of his neck. Dara started to sob quietly as she hears the warm and apologetic tone in his voice.

Even though she was used to nursing him after his fights, she couldn’t help but worry every time. This time it’s worse as she thought of the death of her co-worker. He was involved in a cross-fire between gangs the day before.

 Gangs, guns, violence, death. And her Seunghyun mixed into all these. Will he leave her one day? Will she wake up to find her left side empty, cold… Instead of a grinning donkey with his messy bed hair?

Her sobs subsided as her tears drenched his shirt. His heart broke apart hearing her cry, holding her shaking body with so much care. He carried her bridal style onto the bed as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Dara-ah… I love you. I love you so much,” he said.

“Oppa… I’m sorry I cried,” she whispered silently. He hated it when she cries.

He smiled as he looked at her red eyes, his thumb wiping away her tears. He pressed his lips against hers, gently at first, as if testing her. She started to cry again as she wrapped her hands around his neck. This warmth I feel, will it fade too?

 Sensing her response, he slid his tongue over her lower lip, nibbling it gently as she gasped. Taking this opportunity, he slid his tongue into as she kissed back passionately.

“Uhh.. Oppa..” she moaned.

He fumbled with her blouse as he ripped it off her, revealing her pink bra.

“Oppa! You’re still hurt!” she exclaimed as she broke the kiss. Her eyes travelled down to his exposed abs, how she wanted him so much… she frowned as she see the bandages over the cuts. Sighing, she tried to push him off her.

“No, baby. You got me ,” Seunghyun huskily whispered as he nibbled her earlobe. Before she could object, he claimed her lips again, his tongue battling hers as she responded just as passionately.


She stopped kissing him and tried to push him away. “Mfmphhm!” He was still kissing her and she couldn’t make a coherent word. She hit his chest gently, signaling she wants to stop. His eyes flicked open as he pulled away, grinning playfully at her.  

“Oppa!” she said. “I could have.. erm…”

“get myself lost into this passionate make out session with this gorgeous Greek god  and end up having ?” Seunghyun finished her sentence for her as he inched his face nearer to hers.

She flushed pink at his answer and averted her eyes. “Ya-yah! D-Don’t come closer!”

He ignored her as he continued closing the distance between their faces. He closed his eyes as she started to panic. If I kiss him again I don’t know what I’ll do.


Seunghyun’s eyes popped open as he felt something fluffy touch his lips. He glared at the pillow before grabbing it and finding widened eyes behind it as Dara held the pillow tightly.

He smiled inwardly. You know I’ll wait till you’re ready, Dara. 

Feigning annoyance, he advanced towards her.

“Yah, you brat! Come here!”

“WAAAA!!” She scrambled off the bed and started throwing the used blood-stained cotton pads at him.

“You mad woman! Don’t you know it’s dirty?!” he said as he ducked the numerous red balls like Angry Birds attacking him. One hit him on his face and he stopped shouting, his eyes flickering onto her.

“O-Oops.. Hehe.. oppa, mianhe.. Hehe..” she faltered as she back away, her back leaning against the wall.

“You brat!” He said as he took slow footsteps that could kill Dara as she watched him advancing to her oh-so-ily. She gulped as he placed both his hands at either sides of her, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

“Ehehe.. O-oppa..” She stammered as she look into his eyes. Oh my Higa, let me die now. His eyes are such a soft brown.. She resisted the urge to him then and there, although it wouldn’t be as he would willingly comply. Hehehe, my donkey wants me as much as I want him.

“Yah, why are you grinning like an ugly starfish?” He knew she couldn’t resist his charms up close.  He chuckled before breaking eye contact and swept her off her feet.

“I love you, brat,” he said, leaning his forehead against his as she softened under his gaze.

She still doesn't remember anything. But this 10 months, as she is showered with love and attention from Seunghyun, she felt completely at bliss. Living with the love of her life is just so surreal! And this man is all hers, only for her to keep.

Seunghyun gazed into her eyes, he had fell so deeply in love, so so deep. He knows this overwhelming love he has for her will drown him one day.. And he can't help but watch anxiously as each day pass by.

Each and every day he would wake up and find her next to him. And each and every single day he would give thanks to the Lord for her. 10 months. 10 whole months. And he is eternally grateful to the Lord for his grace.

She’s mine. Who cares about the future, as long as she’s here… I love you, Dara. And I'm so sorry..

I’m so sorry, but I love you so much.

He held her closer to him, willing himself to believe she really is here, in his embrace. 


He snapped out of his gaze when Dara pinched his cheeks affectionately, grinning down at her. 

“Now let’s go down for dinner! You’ll cook!”




Thank you for all your comments and support!! I hope I swayed some of your opinions? No?
@lovedbs5k : Awww.. I'm sorry you're sad. But TOP's a nice guy too ryt? :)
@lilmissy : Hehe, everything will be revealed soon!
@dada0926 : Haha, I know ryt, chingu! :DD
@sieann : Waa thank you! I'm glad you could see what I'm trying to imply there.. 
@chenchen : Whoa! Okay, okay, JaeDara coming soon! I promise! 
And a big thank you to all my silent readers too! :) Thank you for the support! *bows*
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Chapter 20: TABISAN for the win. Don't like Jaejoong he left Dara. Present is important authornim. This fic should be TABISAN.

hiccups #2
kristinamay17 #3
Please make this a Tabisan.:))
ellisd #4
Dara is such a kid! Lol
im so happy you updated this ... yes pls. make it tabisan though i love jae also bt dara suffered enough fr him, make her happy just being w/ seunghyun & her brother ji ... she had sacrificed so much already for jae...
myjoyce1986 #6
please make it tabisan cause top deserve dara please let them be together pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tabisan in the end
Sounds creepy. but it came up on google and I squealed. WHO DID YOUR PHOTO WORK FOR CH. 12 ?!!?! Because that is amazing! Please message me. :D
Oh god the tabisan moments are just perfect! TT__TT \m/ <3 please author-nim make this end wth tabisan, i dnt care abou jae's reasons anymore...
Kyaaahh!!..Go Tabi!!..I vote for you..Don't let anyone hurt your princess Dara..heheheh..Always make her safe in your arms..I am happy that you are back again!!..Kyyyaahh!!..A go go go!!..FIGHTING Tabisan FIGHTING!!..hehehe..I'll be waiting for more of your updates soon..and Thanks for this update..
dada0926 #10
Chingu~~~ Aigoo.. I've been busy coz of work... OMG poor Jaejoongie~~ cute Dara Dara pretty Dara :))) Nice updates!!