Chapter IV


Finally, I updated. I was so busy with school works. Exams, projects, defense and everything. Aigoo. I missed so much in KPOP. Tsk. And now, I lack Yoonmin feels for some reason. I must have misplace it. Gotta find it quick! Inspire me! Anyway I hope you'll like this chapter.  ^___^








It was Sunday. Finally! Stress free day. Jimin had no homework. No chores to do since his Hobi hyung already did it all.

Two days had exactly past since the-Yoongi-hyungconfessedandkissedme- incident. The smiling boy thought as he gaze dreamily at the ceiling, hugging the pillow he shared with Yoongi last Friday night like a koala.

It still smells like Yoongi-hyung..ah~

He sniffle and sniffle and sniffle the pillow like it was oxygen, like it was life. He smiled dazingly as he reminisce the scene of the other night.

“You look stupid.” Said the voice who had been standing beside the door watching Jimin for some time now.

With that Jimin abruptly sat up from his bed feeling all embarrass.

“ Taehyung! God! You startled me!”


“You mean Awaken you from your day dream.”


“what day dream? I wasn’t daydreaming.”


“Did you eat rainbows and unicorns for breakfast? Coz seriously. You look stupid. Smiling to yourself. You look like someone who had just escaped from mental hospital.”


Jimin just rolled his eyes at his bestfriend feeling annoyed at the comment.


“and you call yourself my bestfriend.”


“You should be grateful. Bow down even! The king of the world, your bestfriend!” he declared proudly, smiling to himself like a diva.

“Now who’s the person who just came out from mental?”


Suddenly they heard a laugh from the door. It was Jimin’s brother, Hoseok.


“Hobi-hyung! Jiminie is being a meanie!” said taehyung running to hoseok holding his hand like a five year old. His hair was ruffled by the elder.


“You two are so adorable.”He said.

“ Correction. Only ME is adorable Hobi-hyung.” said Taehyung.

The eldest of the three just laugh at him and said. “Anyway chim, I’m going out with some friends.”


“Okay Hyung! Take care!”


“Okay’ bye!” said Hoseok closing the door.





“Hey chim.”


“Yes ?”


“Does Hobi-hyung have a boyfriend?”


“No. Why?”

“I saw him with your neighbor Jungkook the other day and they’re with two pale, tall guys. The one was a blonde and The other’s hair was silver like a wolf or something.


“Maybe it was just his dancing mates.”


“Well maybe. Anyway! Let’s go to Jin-hyung today!”


“Okay Tae.”


“Ah! You’re so supportive of a bestfriend Chimchim, I love you!!!” he said seizing the latter in a tight hug. “Arrggh taehyung! Let go off me!”

Jimin’s phone suddenly buzz from the bedside table. Taehyung immediately beat Jimin in reaching the phone all thanks to his speed and ofcourse his long arms.

“Yah! What the hell are you doing!”


“Nothing! Why did you suddenly look so excited when your phone buzzed?”




“Really?” he asked feeling suspiscious.


“Really! Now give me my phone!”


“No.” Taehyung quickly went away from Jimin, bringing the phone up high so he can read the text without Jimin snatching it.

“Yah! Taehyung!” he whimpered but it was already too late , Taehyung already read his message. It was from no other than the person who gives butterflies to his stomach.


“What the hell?! And here I thought I was your bestfriend?! I was so open to you about my lovelife!”


“You don’t have a lovelife, stupid.”

“That’s mean. Well it’s the same, lovelife or crushlife, what’s the difference! Anyway don’t change the subject! You didn’t tell me that you two are already dating!”


“Were not dating!” he said. “Not yet.” He added sheepishly.


“Then can you explain this text!” he snap, giving Jimin his phone to read the text.


From: My Snow White<3

To: Prince Jimin

Jiminie, My roommate’s out.

I want to see you.

Are you free?

Reply ASAP else I’m sleeping.



Reading the text Jimin felt like he’s in cloud nine. He was feeling all gooey like a melted ice cream.

“Yah! Earth to Stupid Jimin! Hello!?” called Taehyung. “I said explain!”

“Wait I need to reply!”

 “No! answer me first! “


“No. I never thought that you’ll lie to me. Your bestfriend.”He said pouting at Jimin. The latter was taken aback by the word ‘LIE’. He would never do that to him. Never. He’s his bestfriend.

“Lie? What are you saying. I never lied to you. Your my bestfriend!” he retorted.

“Then what is this thing with Yoongi-hyung and why am I not aware of this?”

“There’s nothing going on between me and Yoongi-hyung. I think.“

“Explain it clearly.”

“Well you see last Friday when you went home with Jin-hyung.”

“So you confessed?!”

“Yes. But he did too.” Taehyung’s eyes suddenly went like saucers.” He did first.” Added Jimin looking down at his feet.

Taehyung was now gaping at the blushing Jimin who was standing infront of him.

“You lucky guy!” he said.

“I know. But-“


“But what?”


Taehyung noticed the change in Jimin’s expression. He looks-sad. But why? He wondered. Suddenly Jimin’s phone rang. He check to see who’s calling. It was Yoongi. Before Jimin could even snatch away the phone from his hands he immediately step a few steps back then answered it. Jimin was now gaping in horror at him.


“Yah Brat! What took you so long to answer! And why haven’t you replied?!”

“Yoongi-hyung~! I hate you!”

“T-taehyung?! The ?”


“Yah hyung! Watch your language!”


“Hey alien brat where’s the short brat?”


“beside me. Oh, by the way short hyung, He’s coming over. I’M COMING WITH HIM.”

There was emphasis in his last sentence and Yoongi went silent in the other line. He knows Yoongi had already guessed what his purpose of coming. So without waiting for a reply from the elder he immediately cut the call with his last words, “See you yoongi-hyung.”


“My lovestory had just started and now It’s already ending.” Mumbled Jimin who collapse dramatically on the floor looking like a broken hearted man in a drama who have just been left by a lover.

“Shut up Romeo. Fix yourself coz’ were going to Juliet’s house.”


“This is all your fault. You’re the evil witch in our love story!”


With that Taehyung just rolled his eyeballs at the over-reacting Park Jimin then headed out the room. Before he closed the door, he turned to Jimin and said , “By the way I did not know Snow White’s prince was a dwarf?” ,with that he immediately closed the door with a loud chuckle and run downstairs.


“KIM TAEHYUNG!!! YOU !!” Jimin shouted at the top of his lungs.






After –what seems like hours of pacing back and forth in the living room, Yoongi was halted by the sound of the doorbell. It must be them. Park ing Jimin, I know this day would come when the alien would know and attack me. But I never thought it to come so soon. He tsk-ed to himself before heading to open the door.


To his surprised, upon opening the door he was greeted by a smiling Jin. A ING SMILING KIM SEOKJIN.

“Hey! I thought I should drop by. I saw Namjoon with a cold looking guy and he said your alone and lonely.”

Jin was smiling widely like he was so happy to see Yoongi but Yoongi was feeling the opposite. Jin thought that Yoongi got paler. Or was he just imagining it? Yoongi looks like he have just seen a ghost, a beautiful ghost that was Kim Seokjin. Do I look like a ghost? Jin thougth to himself. Yoongi was in the verge of slamming the door on the elder’s face specially after seeing two familiar faces a few meters behind Jin.


“Jin-Hyung! You’re here! “


“Tae! Jiminie!” Called the elder after turning to his back, seeing the approaching duo with Jimin being drag by Taehyung in the arm.


Jin turn back to the gaping Yoongi and said. Can we come in.


NO. “Come in.”



The four was now seated in the living room with Jin and Taehyung seated together in one sofa and Jimin and Yoongi in the opposite sofa. There was a glass table between the two couple. Taehyung was talking cheerfully to Jin about this new anime he was watching, his breakfast this morning and their new kid neighbor who looks like doraemon. The two was obviously busy and Yoongi and Jimin did not dare to bother the two. Else the subject would come to them and they’re not ready to face it yet. But it was already too late coz’ Jin suddenly turn to them, his warm, sunshine smile sending cold chills up their spine.


“Why are you two so quiet?”, Yoongi almost want to dash out of the living room and lock himself up in his room. But no. He can’t leave Jimin. He just can’t leave this cute little piggy sitting beside him, even though it was all Park ing Jimin’s fault why all of them was gathered there in the first place. He needn’t have to ing tell it to his alien bestfriend so soon.

“hyung, he was holding my phone when you texted me.” Said Jimin, pouting after noticing Yoongi eyeing him. Yoongi look’s scary, thought Jimin. But Yoongi understands. He knows how submissive and powerless Jimin is with Taehyung most of the times. With that he turn his glare at Taehyung who only pouted cutely at him knowing Jin was watching.


“Jimin was was acting like a Fairy sprinkling colorful dust everywhere when you texted. I just got curious, as to what’s going on. I’m he’s bestfriend afterall.”


“What’s going on?” asked Jin, curious of what’s going on.

“Noth-“ –Jimin

“Yoongi-hyung and Jimin is dating!” interrupted Taehyung before Jimin could even finished.


“No!” –Jimin.

“YES!” –Taehyung.

“NO!” –Jimin.

“Your denying Yoongi-hyung face to face! How could you?”

Jimin froze, realizing what Taehyung just said was true. His Yoongi is there, listening to them and he is indeed denying about them. Denying his and his Yoongi-hyung’s feelings. He felt bad. But his Yoongi-hyung did told him not go tell a soul about them. He doesn’t know what to say or what to do. He sat there silently, looking down at his lap. Both his hands were now gripping hard at the fabric of the sofa. Just when he decided to close his eyes in guilt, he felt a hand hold his. He look to see a thin pale hand that was now gently holding his own.


“Actually Jimin is saying the truth.We aren’t dating. But Taehyung is also right. Because NOT YET. I was just about to ask Jimin out on a date today. But Mother here” he gestured at taehyung. ” called for a ty family meeting and now we can’t have our date anymore coz’ I know this family meeting thing will last long since you, Father, will be interrogating me too.” Yoongi finished without a pause. Jin nodded in understanding while Taehyung sat beside him gawking, then when the younger realized what his Yoongi-hyung had just called both of them. He quickly regained his composure and sat there like a proud wife. The two person sitting opposite them did not fail to see it. Yoongi suppress a smile to form on his face.

“Wow.” - Jin

“what do you mean wow?” -Yoongi

“I can’t believe about you two. Specially you mr. cold guy.” Jin smiled.

“And so?”

“My Yoongi is really growing up!”

"Shut up Kim Seokjin."

"Take care and love each other okay?"

“ew. You sound like a real mother.”, Jin just laugh at the comment.






(Sneak peak at the others)


“Was that handsome guy, Yoongi’s boyfriend?”


“No, it’s his bestfriend.”


“I thought you were his bestfriend?”


“I am too. But they are also close.”


“ I the way.."




"I just clean up my room this morning."




"My parents are out." The older said with his husky voice. He step closer to the his blonde lover. who didn't move from his position.


"And?"  he asked again. Clamly. Though inside he felt like his heart is about to explode coz' damn his boyfriend is so hot right now. With that y look his giving him and oh, was that his voice?


"It's been a while since we did that babe."




(@ Hoseok's)



“Let’s go!”


“How about kookie and Zelo?” asked Hoseok. He is in the usual café, where he and Jungkook usually hang around with some friends and where Taehyung had spotted him the other day having a double date with Jungkook.


“I told them not to come.”


“huh? But why?”


“I want to have you all for my self today.”


“w-what…” Hoseok was now blushing.

The silver haired guy quickly reach for hoseok’s hands then stood him up and lead him out the café.


“Where are we going?”




“W-What the-OH SEHUN!”


Sehun laughed, “Just Joking. Let’s go to the park.”









END OF THIS CHAPTER..... Hope I will be able to update soon. I need some feels!





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Chapter 20: i love it so much taejin +yoonmin !so great they are my fav hehehehe and btw bambam you can have yugeom lol
Shieapana #2
Chapter 19: Finally, I liked the chapter
Chimslunatic #3
Chapter 19: I want to ask you, is Dahyun an OC? or Dahyun from Twice??
rdianitasari #4
Chapter 19: Yey some updates hehe great chapters author-nim! It's nice to know that dahyun will make jimin and yoongi get back together~~ i wish that will come soon hehe
Shieapana #5
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for the update
rdianitasari #6
Chapter 17: Well if dahyun already in love with someone else, please just be brave to break her engagement with yoongi. I'm seriously missing Yoonmin's lovey dovey moment hereeeee. Author-nim you really did great chapters, fighting for the next chapter~
luvkpop #7
Chapter 17: Yoongi how could you hurt jiminnie like that TT.TT
I don't like dahyun.... she's broke yoonmin T^T
rdianitasari #8
Yoongi, please stop hurting jimin. Just explain everything. I wish they'll back together soon. Fighting author-nim.
Chimslunatic #9
Chapter 16: update soon^^ make yoongi jealous or regret .. hahaha fighting!
Totomatoes #10
Chapter 15: Oh nooooo

If Jimin ends up knowing that Dahyun's pursuing Yoongi, he might back off because really that's so like him.

And Yoongi wouldn't do anything because he thinks distancing from Jimin is the best solution nooooo stop stop stop stop