


This chapter is more about Dahyun  or what's currently happening with her. I just felt the urge to let you know something about her. ^^

Enjoy readers! :-D










“Do you still love me?”


“Yes ofcourse silly.” The girl laughed lightly before taking a seep from her caramel macchiato. She is currently enjoying a peaceful afternoon at a café with certain pouting blonde.


“You’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had.” She adds.


“Are you happy right now?”


“Yes. I am.” She giggled. “Aigoo Oppa, what’s wrong with you?” This oppa which she calls bestfriend really likes to ask her questions.


“You know that he doesn’t love you, right?”


Hearing his next question, she sighs, here we go again.


“I know Minhyukkie oppa.” She answered as calmly as she could. He’s starting again.


“Do you really love him?” he asked.


“ Are we gonna argue about this again?” she asked wearily, “I don’t want to repeat what happened the other day. And we only make up yesterday. I don’t want you upset with me Minhyukkie.”


“But I’m already upset Dahyunnie.” He answered sadly and in a matter of factly.


“I’ll be okay. Yoongi oppa is a nice oppa.”

“But does he even love you? He might only hurt you again and I don’t want that.”

With Minhyuk’s next words Dahyun remembered the years she spend being inlove with her first love, Min Yoongi. She remembered every tiny bit of event spent with him.


Yoongi oppa.

She doesn’t know if she still love him the same. What she knows is she really loves this person who is staring back at her with eyes full of love and longing. But she’s hurting this person now. She’s hurting her bestfriend that she loves so much. She has to. She’s got a responsibility to tend to. And that responsibility is her parents orders.


I need to remember my feelings for Yoongi oppa.


The feelings she had with Yoongi was have long forgotten after being hurt and turned down so many times before.


This will be hard.

I only see him as a brother now.. as how he sees me as a precious sister.


She sighs and stared out the window.


She remembered when she met Yoongi again, after many years of separation. She noticed he wasn’t like before anymore. He doesn’t resist her anymore nor shut her every bit of romantic affections that she tries to pull out every time their together. The old Yoongi would surely ignore her and even tell her to stop. This new Yoongi was different. It’s like he was possessed.


Is he also trying hard like me?


She paused thinking.

Now that she thought of it, Yoongi had gotten a bit soft and less cranky. Not just to her but also to other people.


What changed him?

WHO changed him?


Maybe he realized he like me now.

And now he’s trying his best to make up to me..


Yoongi oppa..


I need to love you back..

I don’t wanna be unfair.



She turn her gaze back at his blonde companion infront of her.

She look at his eyes. He had been staring at her the whole time she was in her thought.


His affectionate, gentle eyes was pleading.

Pleading  her to look at him. Only him.

Pleading her to run from this crazy world and this crazy responsibility together.

Pleading her to come back.

They had been inlove with each other for years now. They are not lovers but both knows of each other’s feelings. Both had already confessed about each other’s love. But because she honors her parent’s order too much, they have to forget about their feeling for each other. Unless a miracle will happen and would make Dahyun pursue their love. A miracle that involves Yoongi.


“We can still be besfriends Minyukkie.”


Bestfriends… he thought bitterly. He tried to hold back the salt water that was about to form in his eyes but it was imposible. He bit his lips bitterly, allowing a single tear to escape from one of his eyes before uttering a sad, “Okay.”


She slowly stood up from her seat and went to the opposite 3 people chair next to her bestfriend to hug him carefully and join his agony.


“Dahyun..I love you so much..” he whispered between sobs.







Days have passed ever since that night when Yoongi met Jimin in the street and brought him to his house and it’s been weeks-No months since Yoongi joined Jin, Taehyung and Jimin in lunch. He wants to know how they’ve been doing. He misses eating with them. He misses spending time with them. he wants to see them.

And so he decided to call Jin that morning and tell him he would join them this lunch.

He noticed Jin’s gladness when he called and felt his excitement when he told him about joining lunch them.

Jin and him had been a bit distant with each other lately ever since Jin had talked to him and had reprimanded him about what he did to Jimin.

 Yoongi already knows about Jin and Taehyung, he was happy for them when he learned about them but he was also jealous at the same time because their happily inlove and he is not. He miss Jimin. He thought.

“Oppa!” called a jolly voice.

He hissed, feeling annoyed coz’ she disturbed him again in his thoughts.


“Oppa, is this your roommate’s mug or Yours? Can I use it” asked Dahyun, lifting a froggy mug, showing it to Yoongi. It was Jimin’s favourite mug which he bought to Jimin because the younger likes to drink hot chocolate when he is their apartment and so he thought he mind as well have a mug of his own left there.

“No. It’s mine. Use the other mugs.”


“You want me to use your housemate’s mug? How could you?”


“Idiot. We share all the mugs in here. So it’s okay if you use any, anyway it’s clean. Except that, don’t ever use that.”


Dahyun was suddenly curious. “Why?”


“Well..” Yoongi paused, thinking for an answer.


“That’s neither ours.” Interrupted Namjoon who just came in from the kitchen door. All heads turned to him.


“Who’s this then your girlfriend’s?” asked Dahyun to Namjoon.


Namjoon shook his head smiling. Dahyun turn to Yoongi. No way. she thought.


“Oppa! “



“You actually kept something of your ex’s?”


“What the are you saying?!”


“Actually No. it’s of a friend.” Spoke Namjoon who was now beside Dahyun making himself a coffee.


Friend. “Who is this friend? Are you inlove with a friend too?”


“TOO?” asked both Namjoon and Yoongi.


“I mean. Are you inlove with this friend?” she corrected herself.


“You’re inlove with that friend?” asked Namjoon to Yoongi, he never really knew about Jimin’s and Yoongi’s status. All he knows before is, they’re close and Jimin was always there in their apartment. What kind of a bestfriend is he if he doesn’t know what’s happening in his bestfriend’s life. He thought. He’s been way too occupied with his current lover, how about his bestfriend?


“Why the are you asking me such a stupid question? We’re getting late for school.”,replied Yoongi avoiding the question. He immediately hop on his shoes and went out of the kitchen to get his bag upstairs for school.


“Sneaky little bastard, It’s still early.” ,mumbled namjoon after glancing at his wristwatch.

“Aigoo that oppa.” Said Dahyun after hearing namjoon.


“Namjoon oppa?” she turned to Namjoon.


“Who is this friend?”


“Oh. Ah. Park Jimin.”


“Park Jimin?” The name was familiar, thought Dahyun. I think I already heard it a lot of times.


“They’re very close. He is always here before but I don’t see him lately anymore. He must be busy.”





“It’s a guy??”


“Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”


“N-nothing. So Oppa is inlove with a guy before?”


“Inlove? I don’t know about that.” Replied namjoon, scratching his head.


“You’re his bestfriend and you don’t know? Tsk.”


“Anyway, he’s Yoongi’s dongsaeng from your school. ”


“Really? Aigoo. oppa I wanna know him. “




“I did not know Yoongi oppa had already fallen inlove. I mean, he has never been inlove. I want to know the person who made him capable of love.”


“Seriously? Are you really his lover?”


“Not really, just his fiancé. “ she smiled.



“Dahyun let’s go!” called Yoongi.


“Okay Coming!” she yelled, she deliberately turn to Namjoon and said, “We’ll be going now namjoon oppa!”


“Okay.” He replied cheerfully, showing his dimples.







Did I bore you? Haha. Sorry.

This chapter is short , I know.

I've been having trouble thinking what to write next.

I need to hurry and finish this story fast coz' i'll be gone for a long time and

 i don't want to live you all hanging.

Anyway, I hope you liked this chap. ^^

btw, your comments was very much appreciated.

I'm so pleased to know your thoughts about this story..

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'D

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Chapter 20: i love it so much taejin +yoonmin !so great they are my fav hehehehe and btw bambam you can have yugeom lol
Shieapana #2
Chapter 19: Finally, I liked the chapter
Chimslunatic #3
Chapter 19: I want to ask you, is Dahyun an OC? or Dahyun from Twice??
rdianitasari #4
Chapter 19: Yey some updates hehe great chapters author-nim! It's nice to know that dahyun will make jimin and yoongi get back together~~ i wish that will come soon hehe
Shieapana #5
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for the update
rdianitasari #6
Chapter 17: Well if dahyun already in love with someone else, please just be brave to break her engagement with yoongi. I'm seriously missing Yoonmin's lovey dovey moment hereeeee. Author-nim you really did great chapters, fighting for the next chapter~
luvkpop #7
Chapter 17: Yoongi how could you hurt jiminnie like that TT.TT
I don't like dahyun.... she's broke yoonmin T^T
rdianitasari #8
Yoongi, please stop hurting jimin. Just explain everything. I wish they'll back together soon. Fighting author-nim.
Chimslunatic #9
Chapter 16: update soon^^ make yoongi jealous or regret .. hahaha fighting!
Totomatoes #10
Chapter 15: Oh nooooo

If Jimin ends up knowing that Dahyun's pursuing Yoongi, he might back off because really that's so like him.

And Yoongi wouldn't do anything because he thinks distancing from Jimin is the best solution nooooo stop stop stop stop