Chapter I


Jimin was never a people person though he may seem very cheerful, bubbly and bright all the time like how most people persons are. Actually he considers everybody his friend but he only hangs out with few selected friends of whom he considers his close friends. He's not a very popular student either, since he doesn't stay around much at school and he never even joins any club. Though he was invited in the dancing club by his housemate, Hoseok, knowing how well he is when it comes to dancing. He was really good at it. Too good even. But much to his housemate’s dismay he had to refuse the offer even though he already had promised to join, all because something had occurred. And what occurred was, Min Yoongi. The school's heart throb, the person who can make any girl-even boys drop to their knees. After meeting the guy, he had become so addicted to him. He even made his everyday mission to be closer with the latter. He was his inspiration, his light, his favorite hyung. He fell inlove with the guy after one sunny afternoon when he accompanied his bestfriend Kim Taehyung to cheer for their Hyung, Kim Seokjin in a basketball practice.



3 weeks ago.


Taehyung was carrying a towel and a bottle of water while shouting his lungs out like a crazy fangirl to his beloved hyung, Kim Seokjin, who was currently in a basketball match practice. Jimin was beside him doing the same while waving his blue tumbler in the air to boost his support and also to make him more noticeable in a crowd of people-of which he considers ‘crowd of giants’ since he was not that gifted in height, though he refuses to admit it. When the coach signaled for a break, Jin immediately run towards them, all sweaty and smiling. It was indeed a very mesmerizing sight for Jimin’s friend, Taehyung. Taehyung handed Jin the towel and water of which the older male happily accepts.

"Thanks Taetae."

"Hyung! you are so good back there!" commented Taehyung.

"Yeah" agreed Jimin. "your flexibility in moving across the ring was so amazing!"

“thanks.” Replied Jin, chuckling. He then ruffled Jimin’s hair, which earned them a glare from the brunette, Kim Taehyung.

"And your height! I never thought that you’re the tallest. " added Taehyung making Jimin wince upon the mention of the ‘taboo’ word, he really hated that word the most.

"Your speed too hyung! You were so fast." continued Jimin, ignoring Taehyung’s annoying smirk.

"And the height." coughed Taehyung teasingly, earning him a stabbing glare from the shorter.

"Quit it you guys." interrupted Jin, aware of what’s happening.

"But Jin-hyung..." Jimin pouted cutely. Which made the older smile, looking at how adorable his dongsaeng looks. He turned to Taehyung faking an angry expression, "Taehyungie, you shouldn't do that to Jiminie.". Taehyung bit his lip to suppressed the laughter inside him and replied cutely at Jin, "What did I do?" , with that Jimin pouted more and Jin ruffled the youngers hair again, giving him an apologetic smile. The elder of the three turned to Taehyung and said, "Never mention about the heights Taehyungie. Okay?". The Younger nodded in obedience.


"Yeah! I agree to that!" Interrupted an Oh-so-pale but very attractive person who was walking towards their direction..

"Oh, Yoongi." Muttered Jin, turning his head to the person who was now standing beside him. Jimin and Taehyung smiled in acknowledgement.

"Hyung..I forgot to bring my water." spoke Yoongi childishly.

Jin sighed knowing where this will end, "a lot of girls brought you water, I saw them offering you some a while ago."

"But Im not friends with them. I want youuurs."   I knew it! Thought Jin.

"Not this time. Get your own MIN YOONGI!" scolded Jin.

"but hyunggggggg."  whined Yoongi holding Jin's wrist in persuasion but Jin just rolled his eyes, crossing his arms to his chess.

Jimin knows why Jin doesn't want to share his water THIS TIME so he decided to broke in, "Hyung you can have my water." he offered to Min Yoongi. The atmosphere suddenly changed and Jimin thought it to be awkward, what did I do wrong? He panicked.

Min Yoongi turned his gaze to Park Jimin with an uninterested expression. Jimin gave him the best smile he could possibly make out of his face despite the intense atmosphere, he was obviously shy and nervious, and Yoongi can see it.

"I-im P-Park Jimin..Jin-hyung's..f-f..friend." he managed to tell him. Wait, why am I stuttering? he thought to himself.

"I know." Yoongi replied nonchalantly ,”Seokjin Hyung sometimes talked about you.” he paused, running his hand through his blond locks. “And him” he continued pointing his jaw to Taehyung.

Yoongi looked at Jimin then to his tumbler that the younger was extending to him. Jin smiled at the sight and Taehyung wanted to burst out laughing Looking at his friend’s face. Jimin looks like a five years old who is about to cry, taehyung thought.

"I didn't drink it yet."  said Jimin.

"I didn't asked." Yoongi look at the younger's face again. Jimin was now pouting. His chubby cheeks goes well with his plump pouting lips. And his fatty-eyes was so cute.VERY CUTE. Thought Yoongi. He looked like a lost little piggy. He finds it attractive. Really attractive. But he's not crushing. Never. Not with a guy. What will his friends say?

Jimin’s heart was about to sank thinking the older will refuse the water. Since the latter was Jin’s close friend he wanted to be friends with him too. Min Yoongi one of the school’s flowerboy. The only flowerboy who is hard to get along with according to most people. The only flower boy who is so popular yet his friends can only be counted. He wants to be friends with this hard-to-move flowerboy who is his Jin-hyung’s friend. But his water being rejected means…..friendship rejected. And Yoongi seems uninterested. Eotteokaji?! He was about to look down to his feet to hide the embarrassment and dejection when suddenly he heard the blonde spoke up. “What’s with the face?”. There was a brief pause followed by a heavy sigh before he felt the tumbler being taken out of his grasp, soft fingers brushed to his own. He felt his cheeks heating up for some reason. He looks up to see Yoongi drinking up from his tumbler. He stared at how the older holds the container as he gulp the water into his throat. His sweat falling from those beautiful blond locks of his sweaty forehead down to the paleness of his neck, disappearing in those beautiful white collarbones upon meeting the white fabric he was wearing. And ofcourse he never missed out to notice at how the older’s lips was touching the mouth of HIS blue container. His eyes closed. This sight was indeed the most unforgettable he had ever seen. Min Yoongi was glowing in his eyes. He was like a light. A cold looking light which was warm in the feeling. And Jimin thinks he’s inlove.  






Three weeks had already past since Park Jimin met Min Yoongi, after meeting the older, Jimin had grown addicted to him. Almost every part of Min Yoongi was attractive for him. Just hearing the latter’s name would already make his knees go weak and thinking about Yoongi would already make him stare into space and smile like an idiot. Sometimes Taehyung would make Jimin do him little favors, like doing the school chores, writing lectures so that he can hang out more with Jin in exchange for going to Min Yoongi’s practice every after class and eating lunch every single day with Min Yoongi of which he could also benefit since he would be able to be with HIS Kim Seokjin Hyung, though he also gave Min Yoongi  something-the latest, most expensive and limited edition beanie which just came out from the market, which Yoongi thought twice about receiving, thinking the brunette is being suspicious and so he asked him what he wants in return. But his suspicion disappeared like a mist when Taehyung just cheerfully told him that he likes to be close friends because his Jin-hyung’s friend and that he also wants to eat lunch with him everyday.

Jimin, due to his absurd infatuation towards the blonde he ask Jin of Yoongi’s class schedules so that he would be able to know Yoongi’s whereabouts in each time of the day. He even made sure that he is in every basketball practice with Taehyung to cheer for Jin and his ‘ Goldilocks-hyung’-as what he calls him, secretly. There’s no day where Jimin didn’t see his favorite hyung And because Jimin was always around Min Yoongi and he was always so loud and bubbly like he usually does even before he met Yoongi, they’ve grown close. And Yoongi even considers him as one of his dear friends almost next to Seokjin and his always absent buddy Namjoon, but unlike the two, Jimin is this stupid and annoying type of a friend along with Kim Taehyung of which he calls a ‘breed from another planet’. Yoongi even finds every bit about Jimin as cute, like how he whines everytime he’s being picked on, how he pouted when no one listens to him, how he resembles a cute little piggy when he’s giggling or when he’s being clingy. Jimin had already grown attached to him, since he always see the younger’s face everyday, and he can’t imagine a day without picking on Jimin or listening to his obnoxious blabbering about the teachers being boring, how spongebob became spongebob and how Taehyung came from another planet and came to live with humans. He even finds Jimin’s girly laughs as addicting, it would be nice to have it as a ringtone-he once thought.

Lately the older’s been thinking about Jimin, about how happy he is when he’s around. He’s been asking himself in some of those sleepless night what the younger’s meant to him.

 I think I’m starting to like him, but he is still annoying. He once conclude before falling into deep slumber.


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Chapter 20: i love it so much taejin +yoonmin !so great they are my fav hehehehe and btw bambam you can have yugeom lol
Shieapana #2
Chapter 19: Finally, I liked the chapter
Chimslunatic #3
Chapter 19: I want to ask you, is Dahyun an OC? or Dahyun from Twice??
rdianitasari #4
Chapter 19: Yey some updates hehe great chapters author-nim! It's nice to know that dahyun will make jimin and yoongi get back together~~ i wish that will come soon hehe
Shieapana #5
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for the update
rdianitasari #6
Chapter 17: Well if dahyun already in love with someone else, please just be brave to break her engagement with yoongi. I'm seriously missing Yoonmin's lovey dovey moment hereeeee. Author-nim you really did great chapters, fighting for the next chapter~
luvkpop #7
Chapter 17: Yoongi how could you hurt jiminnie like that TT.TT
I don't like dahyun.... she's broke yoonmin T^T
rdianitasari #8
Yoongi, please stop hurting jimin. Just explain everything. I wish they'll back together soon. Fighting author-nim.
Chimslunatic #9
Chapter 16: update soon^^ make yoongi jealous or regret .. hahaha fighting!
Totomatoes #10
Chapter 15: Oh nooooo

If Jimin ends up knowing that Dahyun's pursuing Yoongi, he might back off because really that's so like him.

And Yoongi wouldn't do anything because he thinks distancing from Jimin is the best solution nooooo stop stop stop stop