
Red alcohol

Eunhas POV.

-Who are you, Lee Eunha....

-Whaat? Why do you asked me this? First you were trying to act cool. Then you were trying to scare me. Now you're following me. Are you stalker or what? I must be the one to aske you this question!

-Just tell me who you are! I feel that you'll bring problems to me and my friends..... You're dangerous, I can feel it!_He was really serious.

-Yah.....I don't care what you feel, I'm dangerous for your gang or a lucky  panny. Now please stop following me and stop talking stupid things too.

-You still have no idea what I'm talking about right? Don't play games with me, I'm warning you!_he said, turned around and walked away.

-I'm  home. I said as I entered the house, but then realized that it was nonsense, couse no one was there. I sat on te couch for five minutes.

-Eunha, are you home? I came half hour ago. Let's go eat!.

-Okay onni, but what about aunt and uncle?

-It's okay. They'll come late. Don't worry, they're always like this. Okay now let's go!_She said and smiled widely. But I knew that she missed having dinner with her family.

Dinner was so good, after that we decided to relax little bit.

-Eunha, let's go swim little bit._She said and grabbed my hand.

-WaIt onni! I can't swim, I'll just watch you okay?_I said to her.

-Sorry Eunha, I forgot tha you can't swim. But you can come into water where is small water.

-Is there something like that too?_I asked with cheer.

-aai so cute. There is of course.

After playing on the pool little bit, we went to our rooms. I layed on the bad. Suddenly Jungkooks face appeard in my mind......"Yah Lee Eunha! Stop thinking about that creature. He's just trying to act cool and so his "gang". I'm already annoyed thinking about them." i jumped from the bad and I heard knocking on the door.

-Come in!_I said. 

-It's me Eunha._Said uncle and entered the room.

-Oh, come in uncle._I said and smiled at him.

-I'm early today, so I came here because I'm interested how was your first day at new school.

-Oh I see. It was great! I made a friend already.

-I'm so happy to hear it. I'll go now okay?_He said and went out.

"Early? It's 11pm already. I guess he comes back later than today. Now it's time to sleep. I'm really tired." I turned off the lights and soon fell asleep.

Next morning I woke up early too, but I decided not to wait for Eunseol and go by myself. I wrote a letter about me leaving house by my own and then went out the house. I a music got my headphones  ready and walked slowly to the school. "Oh! This isn't the way I walked to school yesterday.....Aish I got lost!" I was so mad at myself.

-How I'm gonna get at school on time?!

-Are you lost?_I turned around and saw Jungkook, who had an evil smile on his face and his gang.

-It's none of your business!_I said to him.

-Why are you so mean to us?_Said one of his gang member.

-Stop it hyung!_Said Jungkook to him.

-You don't want any help?_Asked Jungkook.

-No! I didn't liked you from the start and there's no way I'm gonna aske you for help from you!

-So you decided it already? It's your last chance.

-I have nithing to decide! I don't need anything from you and I don't wanna have any business with you and your gang!

-So you really want to be my enemy?

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Chapter 30: daebak!! it was so cool
thank you for letting us know the taste of red alcohol tatuli :D <3
i loved it! ♥
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 30: Yay! Awww that's so sweet! I love this story! Also I can't wait for the SEVENTEEN fanfic!!!!
Kawaiiworld #3
Chapter 29: Awww that's sad): I loved this chapter!!! I can't wait for the next one!!!!
mostsweet #4
I want Nari and V to raise my heart beat :D
mostsweet #5
Hate you!! :D maybe you are my friend idk :D kekeke
Kawaiiworld #6
Chapter 27: Awww that's cute, love going on between Nari and V. But the evil witch is back. I hope Jungkook doesn't get engaged. I loved it so freaking much!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
sophie_bts_jungkook #7
Chapter 26: Oh gosh I hope the 'got7' doesnt make problems again
Kawaiiworld #8
Chapter 25: Is there going to be a next chapter? It's so good!!!!
mostsweet #9
Chapter 21: Aaaahhhhhhhh thats not fair i want more :'(:'(:'(:'(
mostsweet #10
Chapter 17: Awwwww cute want more 3:)