Confessions of Love and Craziness

Seventeen Drabbles

Requested by kimminah89

Song: Just Right by GOT7
Members: Minghao, Jihoon, Seventeen
Ship: Jihoon x Minghao (Hoonhao)
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 403
It's time to confess.

"You've always been just right"

"Help," Minghao says pleadingly, sprawled out on the carpet. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and many of the members are out, enjoying a rare day off, and the few members who have stayed back are lounging on the couches, but at Minghao's plea, they sit up, alert. "I'm dying."

At once, the members rush up in a surge to crowd around Minghao.

"What happened —"

"Minghao, no!"

"You've got to be joking—"

"How could you be dying?"

"You can't be dying!"

"Please say you're not serious!"

"There's no way he's dying."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Minghao says, alarmed. "I'm not really dying."

There's silence, then a sigh of relief and frustration as the members sag back into the carpet, endlessly glad that Minghao isn't really dying, but exasperation as well. Jun hits Minghao with his iPad. "You idiot, don't scare us like that."

Seungkwan's clutching his chest exaggeratedly, a dazed look on his face. "Well, there goes twenty years of my life."

Hansol rolls his eyes and addresses Minghao. "So what's the problem."

"W-well, it's about Jihoon-hyung —" And at this, all the members present utter an "ah" of understanding. "Wait, what do you mean by "ah"?"

"Well, Minghao," Jisoo says soothingly. "You're not exactly good at keeping your crush a secret."

The other members huddle around a wide-eyed Minghao, all talking over his head and discussing ways to help him confess.

"Make him write a letter!"

"Compose a song for Jihoonie—"

"B-boy for him!"

"Win him over with aegyo!"

"Lock them in a room together—"

"We don't want any scandals on our hands, Mingyu, so thanks but no thanks."

"Or," Seokmin says, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of mischief. "We could do that."

"Th-that?" Minghao all but squeaks, his eyes growing larger by the second, and to his growing terror, the members all turn to him, smirking.

"You'll find out in due time."



Minghao shrieks as a gust of wind blows, almost knocking him off balance. He's wobbling, arms flailing wildly, and he can't see, but it's all okay, because when slender fingers close around his wrist, he knows he's fine. 

Jihoon's here.

And so with the excuse of the palpitations in his chest being only from the height, Minghao steadies himself, and grabs Jihoon's hand, and with not a second of hesitation, he says the three words he knows will change his life forever.

"I love you."




Okay, I had it finished ages ago, but due to total stupidity on both my part and my internet's part, it got deleted.
/siiiiiiiigggghhhh. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this was altogether entirely too long a wait for such a bad piece of writing, and I'm so sorry. 
Anyway, I still hope you enjoyed that, and if you didn't, please do request again!
It. Was. So. Fricking. Hard. To. Find. Gifs. For. This. Couple.
so here have the boys



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hannabangs09 #1
i have a request XD
Song: Fronting by Seventeen
Member: Hoshi/ Kwon Soonyoung
Ship: Sonnyoung x OC
Genre: fluff, romance (and comedy maybe?) :)
joytotheworld16 #2
Chapter 28: this is perfect!! thank you so much <3 and double thanks for all those cute gifs at the end lol
joytotheworld16 #3
i'm leaving another request because you're just so good!!

song: mansae by seventeen
members: wonwoo and jun
ship: wonhui
preferred genre: mostly fluff but a little bit of angst!
extra: jun and wonwoo are best friends, but now jun realizes he might want to be more.
Can I still request?
Galaxy_30 #5
Chapter 23: Hello :)

Song: Propose by BTS (kinda?)
Members: Woozi, Junghan and Seventeen
Ship: WoozixJunghan (I want to know the ship name as well)
Genre: Romance, fluff (?)
Extra: Junghan proposes to Woozi on their 5th anniversary together in front of everyone and Woozi blushes a lot (??)

Sorry that's the best I've got. And I'm not sure the song entirely fits... And sorry for requesting Woozi again. I can see he keeps being requested :)
Thank you :)))