Chapter 15: It's my fault

I'm Him
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“Hey! That’s mine!” Jimin whined, as Taehyung stole a piece of his bacon. I could clearly see the maknae rolling his eyes at the idiots. Hoseok was busy talking with Hanbyul, while Jin hyung was well….still in his room. He’s probably too busy staring at his reflection in the mirror while saying, more like chanting, ‘Jin, you look handsome today as well”. It’s creepy how he does that even at 3 am in the dorm. Oh, he sure knows he’s handsome, alright.

I bit into my toast, staring at Namjoon who almost broke his chair. Namjoon came to my room when we first arrived and also almost broke the doorknob. But then again, that’s nothing new, knowing that I fix doorknobs in the dorm 3 times a week, thanks to Namjoon. I sighed at the seven boys, shaking my head while eating my omelette. Well, today’s a bit more rowdy than usual. I stopped eating as I remembered the breakfast ritual of these idiots. I quickly looked at Jungkook , and to my relief, he’s eating well. I worried for nothing. I sighed in relief.

“Nothing ever lasts forever!-“

Alright, I stand corrected. I groaned internally as Jungkook started singing to ‘crooked’ again. Well, that’s nothing new, considering this happens every freaking day. I sighed as the rest of the members joined in. Soon, even Bang PD-nim, who was eating quietly at the end, was singing with them. Eunhae even stopped her ‘sacred meal time’ to sing with them. Hanbyul joined in too, shaking the maracas with both her hands. Wait, where did she even get that? What is happening to these people? I’m confused. But that’s also not new at all.




“Sorry, I’m late.”

“Breakfast is finished.” He laughed awkwardly, as I said it with a blank stare. Just how much does this boy love his face? It took him 2 hours just to find a way to separate himself from the mirror. “Oh, really?” he said, acting oblivious.

“Yes, but we could always get you some food-“

“Oh, no thanks. I’m still full from last night’s dinner.” He refused PD-nim’s offer and eagerly went to Eunhae who was already up from her seat. Jin hyung? Refusing food? Is there a storm coming? Or maybe the world’s just ending. Yeah, that’d make sense. “You ready to go?” she asked the girl, while she nodded in return.

“Wait, you two are going somewhere? Just the two of you?” I didn’t realize what I had just ask, after the two looked at me. Wait, why did I ask that? Why am I even curious? It’s just Eunhae and Jin hyung right? No big deal. At least, it shouldn’t be.

“Yeah. Eunhae wanted to go to the teddy bear museum. I kind of promised to bring her there when we were still in high school. To be honest, I feel like a dad babysitting his daughter or something.” Eunhae was quick to hit the guy’s arm while he hissed at the girl.

“Hey, take that back! You’re the overgrown baby here! Is it my fault that I just like teddy bears too damn much? I’ll gladly replace you with a teddy bear any day, Kim Seokjin.” The male tried to pull a headlock on the girl, but the girl bit his arm , which he then let out a loud cry. The duo earned lots of laughs from everyone. I, too, laughed, though I felt somehow… strange.

Those two, well- the fitted each other perfectly. They’re both idiots so I guess that makes sense. But I know that I feel there’s something more than that. What could It be?

“Do you want to join us, Yoongi?” the girl asked as they were about to head out. I shook my head and refused her. “Well okay then. Let’s go?” she smiled at Jin who returned the smile back. I clenched my chest, feeling something weird with my heart. Damn it, Min Yoongi. What is it this time? Why do I regret not saying yes to Eunhae? I sighed and scratched my head. What’s with all this early in the morning?

“I guess we’ll be on our own ways until dinner. Have fun kids! Your cool old man will just head to the spa.” Did he just address himself as cool? Well, okay then. Bang PD-nim left the dining area with a big grin, chuckling his way out. That old man can really be weird at times. Oh wait, most of the time.

“I told you I’m fine, okay?” I turned to Hoseok and Hanbyul, who seemed to be talking about something. “Come one. Please? You need to go to the clinic. What if it turns to be something bad?”

“What’s going on here?” I asked while both looked at me. “Hey, Yoongi, help me out. Tell Hoseok that I’m fine. Now. As in, right now.” She pleaded while the other male showed a worried face. Oh, dear. More headaches for Suga, yay.

“Hyung, she told me that her ankle started hurting again. Shouldn’t it be checked? The doctor said that it shouldn’t hurt anymore.” The girl sighed again, crossing her arms, “Seriously, I’m fine. No need to worry. I’m sure it’ll get better. Probably.”

“Sorry, Hanbyul. I’ve got to agree with Hoseok on this one.” The girl sighed in defeat while I looked at her apologetically. “Well, it’s decided then. Let’s get going. Oh, and you’re coming too, Yoongi hyung.”

“Me? Why?”

“We’re getting vanilla cheesecakes on the way-”

“Alright, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.”




“Wow, look at how swollen it is.” I said, looking at Hanbyul’s foot which is covered with a red and purplish bruise. Both of us were left in the room alone. Hoseok was out to get drinks for the three of us at the vending machine we passed by at the entrance. I tried touching the hurt area, but Hanbyul just glared at me and hissed, throwing her sling bag at my… well, you know where.

“Hey! Watch where you’re throwing!” I yelled, quickly jumping away to save my precious life. I swear, if she wasn’t a girl and an idol, I would’ve punched her years ago. I mean, how could a girl be this rude?

I sighed, looking at the girl’s small smirk. “You should also look where you’re touching. That seriously hurt, you know? Plus, you should already be used to it by now. The last time was really fun.” She chuckled. What an unbelievably thick-faced woman. I cringed as I thought of the last time she threw a book at that part that is not meant to be thrown at. I literally fell on my knees. I could even feel tears forming in my eyes. She just really had to throw it that hard. Just great.

“Wow, I can’t believe I’m friends with you. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day you’d push me off a cliff.” Sarcastically, I stated, while the girl rolled her eyes like I’m some idiot. Not saying I’m not though.

“Thanks again, Yoongi.” She mumbled a bit unclear. I had to make her repeat it again to completely understand. “What? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

“Hey- I don’t know if you’re pretending you didn’t hear so that I could say it again and feel awkward or you just really didn’t hear.” She chuckled, while I continued eating the vanilla cheesecake we bought near the clinic. I guess these two are really good at keeping promises. Well, if they didn’t buy me as promised, I would’ve kicked Hoseok anyway.

“The latter.” She sighed, watching me chew the vanilla goodness. They actually bought two cakes for me just because I forced and threatened them. Now I see why having friends is such a great thing.

“I said- I-“ she paused, “Thank you. Of course, I’m thankful to Hoseok too but whenever I was in trouble you were always..there. So, yeah- thanks.” She looked away, avoiding any eye contact. First it was Jin hyung and now Habyul? Why is everyone acting weird today. The Hanbyul is actually sincere about thanking me? Will the

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So glad to see all of your comments! Keep them coming pls cause i'm such a kid and idk i'm very loser


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Hayagi #1
Ooh I kind of remember reading this fanfic... Please let me know if you're going to continue writing this someday!
Chapter 18: U r back =D its okay, do settle ur real life 1st =D we can wait =D
bomiboo #3
Chapter 18: i cried reading yoongi's diary lol TT
nice story, good job author nim
Winnerikonab #4
Hayagi #5
(Sorry for bothering you again, just curious) Are you going to continue writing this? ^-^
Winnerikonab #6
Chapter 1: Update soon authornimmm
Hayagi #7
Will you update soon? ^-^
Chapter 17: Ok, a really asdfghjkl chapter (its not swear words, dont mind me, i m just being weird)

Finally yoongi is the hyung, but i tot suga was the hyung since his name is more mature XD LOL, anyway, i need to know eunhae & suga story then, i assume that suga will go n find jin for the story telling? XD this story makes me into some kind of investigator XD
ichalibel #9
Chapter 17: Wooooww it's getting mooooore interesting! Did Suga fall in love with Eun hee when he was alive? Did they have something like triangle love story? Would Yoongi comeback?