Chapter 13: Just Suga

I'm Him
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“Are you hiding something from me? What is it that I should not know?”

Dead – that’s what Taehyung is right now. The boy’s face went completely white while his mouth stayed hanging. His lips started to tremble, as he started to sweat nervously.

He was not able to answer for a long time. Eunhae grew impatient. She’s definitely thinking that we’re suspicious. I can’t blame her though. Though Taehyung isn’t the one to blame too. The poor boy is just really scared to be hated by his sister – by Kim Eunhae.

“Taehyung… is there something wrong?” she spoke again, this time a lot calmer. I remained silent throughout. I just can’t bear to not tell Eunhae all about it. So instead of spilling the beans to the girl Taehyung least wanted to tell the truth to, I’d rather keep my mouth shut, because, well, I do say more than I want to.

Taehyung avoided her gaze and simply let out an empty laugh. “Oh, what? It’s nothing. We just wanted to surprise you ‘cause, you know, you’re officially part of the Big Hit family now.” He lied.

“Are you sure?” Eunhae asked, not buying Taehyung’s obviously made up story.

“Yeah. Isn’t that right, Yoongi hyung?”

. My mind went completely blank. I slowly turned my head, facing Eunhae. I couldn’t even look at her eye-to-eye. As a completely blunt and straight up person, this type of act is hard for me. Weirdly, I could feel Taehyung’s piercing stare at me, added to Eunhae’s doubtful gaze. I guess I was taking too long to answer.

After a deep sigh, I finally looked at Eunhae’s eyes. No more turning back, Suga.
“I- Eunhae I need to tell you something.” I paused. Taehyung’s eyes immediately widened, while Eunhae’s curiosity was obviously killing her. Before Taehyung could even cover my mouth, it was all too late. I had already said the words that Taehyung would never allow to escape his own mouth.

“Taehyung is Ms. Minyoung and your father’s son-




“Taehyung is your brother.”




It’s as if time stopped. Even the soft whispers of the wind could be heard at this point. It took me a while to realize that I actually said that. I did not regret saying it though. After all, she has all the right to know. But-

I groaned.

I just hope this won’t turn into something bad. I stared at Eunhae but her face was blank, probably because she still couldn’t register it in her mind. She finally blinked, though other than that, she continued not to move. What are you thinking right now, Eunhae?

Suddeny, the girl bursted out laughing, as if it was the funniest joke of the century. As I expected, she didn’t believe me at all.. I looked away, cleary disappointed. Taehyung’s brows furrowed as his face was filled with guilt.

“Seriously, guys? This is the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.” She continued chuckling, whilst we were the ones who did not react this time. Soon, her laugh faded, and was replaced by a serious face. She finally noticed Taehyung’s almost teary eyes. I bet the kid was really scared, seeing that he’s about to tear up now.

“Wait- you’re saying… Taehyung- I..” Eunhae stuttered, finally realizing the truth. She was confused. She looked like she was conflicted on what to say to Taehyung, so I took the first step.

“It’s the truth, Eunhae. Please believe me.” Shock took over Eunhae. Well, this is quite an awkward situation, especially for me. All I want them to do was make up and do sibling stuff and be in good terms. I guess, we won’t be able to achieve that as easy as I thought.

I looked at Taehyung and he was clearly devastated. I guess he thought that Eunhae hates him now. But obviously, she doesn’t- or does she? I don’t even know anymore. They’re simply a complicated species.

“I-“ she finally spoke, after what seems to be an eternity for me, “I-I’m sorry.” With that said, she quickly run off, leaving a more devastated Taehyung. What? That’s it? That’s not the Eunhae I know at all! I pat Taehyung’s back, reassuring him that everything will be fine, before running off towards Eunhae.

She wasn’t that particularly fast, so I caught up easily. I quickly grabbed her hand, forcing her to stop and look at me. “What was that? Why did you run away? Eunhae..Taehyung, he needs you right now.” I said in a stern voice, even startling the girl in front of me.

“I- I need time. I need-“ she paused, “I need to think.” I saw her lips tremble. Judging from her expression, she was very confused. Well, yeah, of course she’ll be confused. What was I thinking? I focused more on Taehyung, that I did not give much thought to Eunhae. It won’t only affect Taehyung, but also her. And Eunhae had already many things to deal today. Wait, was I being insensitive?

She finally broke free from my grab and ran off. Well, it’s more like I let go on purpose. I heaved a heavy sigh. What have I done?

I guess, I needed time to think as well. Looking at all the illuminating lights, I lingered around the park for quite a long time, before calling it a day and returning to the dorm.




Taehyung didn’t come to practice after that. It has been a week after that event, but he still insists on locking himself up in his room. I apologized to him, but he said that he wasn’t angry at me at all. He said he just couldn’t face Eunhae at the moment. I guess he’s still thinking that Eunhae hates his guts right now, That said, I barely saw Eunhae in the building too. If I do, she’s usually locked up in one of the practice rooms. I just couldn’t approach her. I don’t even know the reason why. Soon, the members started to worry. Namjoon even suggested to drag him out there and snap some senses out of him. Though it wasn’t really a bad idea, I felt like Taehyung needed a bit more time. I had no choice. Besides, Eunhae knows about it already. This situation couldn't be worse, right? I told them the truth. Everything he told me that night, I told them. The members, well, was shocked enough to pee in their pants. Thankfully, after that, they completely understood Taehyung’s situation and gave him time.

A few days laer, Bang PD-nim announced to everyone that we’ll have a company vacation. That guy is completely oblivious of Taehyung and Eunhae’s situation. Since everyone was required to join, we had no choice but to drag him. Thankfully, he felt better now, almost like before. We’re scheduled to fly to Jeju today with Bang PD-nim and Hanbyul. Seriously, the girl won’t shut up and keeps on trying to piss me off. Might I say, it’s working very well. But still, there’s no sign of Eunhae anywhere.

“We’ll have to pair you up throughout the whole vacation, okay? Just so everyone could be respnsible of each other.” we all nodded at Bang PD-nim, while the nice guy grinned happily. Without any words spoken, Bang PD- nim immediately chose Namjoon, knowing that he really likes the rapper so much. Namjoon only sighed, but he was happy to accompany the president. Naturally, Jungkook and Jimin paired up, due to Jimin’s endless and annoying persuasion and Jin hyung immediately chose me. I don’t really have complaints though. This hyung really does cook well. Maybe he could cook something special for me. Besides, he’s quite fun to laugh at.

“E.Claire-ssi… do you want to be partners?” Hoseok shyly asked, while the girl smiled.

“Oh, Hoseok-ah! Of course, I’d love to. Also, stop calling me E.Claire. Since we’re friends and partners already, just call me Hanbyul.” I swear, I could

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Hayagi #1
Ooh I kind of remember reading this fanfic... Please let me know if you're going to continue writing this someday!
Chapter 18: U r back =D its okay, do settle ur real life 1st =D we can wait =D
bomiboo #3
Chapter 18: i cried reading yoongi's diary lol TT
nice story, good job author nim
Winnerikonab #4
Hayagi #5
(Sorry for bothering you again, just curious) Are you going to continue writing this? ^-^
Winnerikonab #6
Chapter 1: Update soon authornimmm
Hayagi #7
Will you update soon? ^-^
Chapter 17: Ok, a really asdfghjkl chapter (its not swear words, dont mind me, i m just being weird)

Finally yoongi is the hyung, but i tot suga was the hyung since his name is more mature XD LOL, anyway, i need to know eunhae & suga story then, i assume that suga will go n find jin for the story telling? XD this story makes me into some kind of investigator XD
ichalibel #9
Chapter 17: Wooooww it's getting mooooore interesting! Did Suga fall in love with Eun hee when he was alive? Did they have something like triangle love story? Would Yoongi comeback?