Chapter 10: Predictable

I'm Him
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“Yoongi!” the little girl shouted, huffing and panting, trying to catch her breath. Huh? Where am I? I looked around and found myself in a forest full of plants and trees. It seems like it’s about noon time. It was quiet. All that could be heard is the young girl’s yelling. Where exactly is this place?

“Yoongi, wait for me!” the girl’s worried scrunched up face, turned into a wide grin as she approached me. The girl’s clothes was already covered in dirt. It’s most likely caused by all that playing in the woods. But, wait. Why is she calling out to Yoongi?

“Yoongi!” she smiled, looking at my direction, before heading towards the boy in front of me. I squinted my eyes, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t clearly see the face of the boy. It was completely covered by the bright sunlight. Soon, everything faded and was swallowed by the blinding white light.

“Hey, Yoongi-“




I quickly got up, while a small scream escaped my mouth. I swallowed nothing, while I felt my sweat flowing down continuously on my clothes. I huffed, as if I lost my breath half way.

A dream? What the heck was that? It seemed so real. Who was that girl? How’d she know Yoongi?

With a snap of a finger, something sparked within my mind.





“Well, everything seems great. Your dancing is drastically improving, while your rapping is on point! I’d say, I’m quite proud of you Yoongi.” The girl chimed, watching me clench my stomach, while I bathe on my own puddle of sweat. “You’re a demon.”

The girl snickered, crouching down next to my almost lifeless body. She poked my sides while I growled at her. “Well, I was only following the boss’ orders to shape you up perfectly for your upcoming debut, Yoongi.” Say what?

“Wait, who’s the ‘boss’?

“Bang PD-nim.” She grinned, wiping some of my sweat from my forehead. I know this is meant to be a kind deed, but it somehow aggravates me that this girl is wiping my sweat off. The same girl who’s the cause of all these sweat on the first place. But of course, as expected, my heartbeat thought otherwise.

“So, he actually told you to train me this hard, enough to shred me to pieces?” she nodded. “He told me to train you, yes, but I don’t know about the rest.” A smirk spread across her face. I knew it. This girl is a spawn of an evil ruler.

I glared at her, throwing my face towel at her. She yelped, catching the towel on time. She stomped her foot, while a frown greeted me. “He told me to train you hard until you die! I was being kind here.” She bit her lip, while her cheeks puffed. That’s what I noticed from Eunhae, for a while now. Eunhae usually puffs out her cheeks when she’s upset. Yes, she’s very predictable. But I guess, that’s what makes her cute.

“I almost died though.” I blankly stared at her, drinking from my water bottle. The girl sighed and sat beside me, crossing her legs together. “Well, you didn’t, right?” she continued, “Besides, you were really good back there. You have surely improved for the past few hours.”

“Yeah, I guess so. I’ll give you my thanks for spending your time to train me. Though I would appreciate it if you’d at least let me rest in between, not asking me to dance five songs in a row.” She laughed. I was about to cut off my legs if she forced me to dance another five in a row. Plus, they ain’t normal dances. The dances choreographed by choreo hyung are made for those professionals already. I ain’t cut out for that. I’d look like a chicken dancing on stage.

“Yeah, I may have enjoyed that way too much.” She muttered to herself. Yup, no shame at all. “What did you say?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing.” She hummed. Please, as if. “I heard what you said, Eunhae. And yes, I have confirmed that you really are a demon.” The girl simply sighed and shrugged it off. I couldn’t help but glare at her. How could Yoongi even love a girl like her? I don’t understand. This girl is complicated. I guess it’s a Yoongi thing. It’s far too different from a Suga thing.

“What? You just looked kinda cool while dancing. I don’t always see you dance around me before. You’d mostly dance on your own. I’m just taking advantage of the moment.” She pouted. Typical Eunhae with that pout. That ain’t working anymore. .

“Yeah, very funny .That’s obviously a lie. You told me that you’re used to seeing me dance when we were kids. You’d always tease me along with my brother, right?” For a second, I heard the girl click her tongue. Yup, predictable as ever, Kim Eunhae.

“Damn it. Since when were you never forgetful, Yoongi? I’m amazed you remembered that.” That’s easy. I’m simply just Suga. It’s a Suga thing, you know. “Now, tell me the truth.”

“Well-“ she paused, begging with her eyes. I glared at her, telling her to go on. “Remember the phone case you gave Jin last week? I was actually planning on giving him that as a surprise today. I also bought the most expensive one. But then today, I saw his new phone case and it looked really similar to what I bought. I was irritated of course.” I continued glaring at her, while her voice squeaked. “Well, he asked me to buy that for him first. I showed him the gift I bought but he said he already has one. So…that dance thing was kind of a payback, I guess.” she giggled, as if she was the most innocent creature. Oh, heck no. I cracked my knuckles while she quickly stood up and ran away.

“Hey, Kim Eunhae, get back here!” she yelped while I continued chasing her. “Come on! Can we just call it even? I mean, I did buy him an expensive gift that he didn’t need.”

“Even? I was on the verge of dying just a few minutes ago thanks to those complex dances you wanted me to dance.” I growled, while she continued running. As she was running around the practice room, the girl tripped on her own foot and fell down. Smart move, Eunhae. I’ve got you now. She then crawled towards the corner, crouching down on her knees. “It’s over, Eunhae.”

“Mister, please, don’t kill me. I am but a child!” she cried, while I came closer, bending my knees down to her level. I could only scoff at her words. Since when did she start using honrifics? Where did the mister thing come from? She closed her eyes shut, as she saw my menacing smirk. The girl cried out in pain, as a flick of my finger stung her forehead. As a reflex, she covered her forehead, half screaming. She then stopped and looked at me with a judging stare. “Wait, that’s it?”

“Yeah. What do you expect? I’d hit you with a baseball bat? Just don’t do that again. You know dance practices will be the end of me.” She nodded, rubbing her forehead. I could only sigh, as a small smile formed on my lips. I quickly stood up and held my hand out, trying to help her stand up. She looked at me doubtful, but graciously took my hand. You’re too kind, Eunhae. I simply let go of her hand, laughing my off as she fell on the ground. I heard the girl cussing under her breath, glaring daggers at me. She hissed when I chuckled at her, as she got up by herself. “This is why you don’t mess with me, Eunhae.”

“Smooth, Yoongi. I’ll take note of that. I’ll take note of not trusting you again too, Yoongi.” Oh, no. Yoongi is very much trustworthy. It’s Suga you shouldn’t trust. But then, she’ll never know. I simply shrugged, while the girl dusted her clothes. Without us noticing, the door of the practice room opened, showing the ‘pink maniac’, or as how the rest of the members calls him.

“I knew it. Both of you are still here.” He grinned, hopping in the practice room. With a pink phone on his left hand, a paper bag rests on his right. I stared at the older male, noticing his pink sweatpants. Pink pants? Very Jin indeed. “What are you doing here, Jin?” Eunhae asked, while Jin threw the paper bag at her.

Eunhae opened the bag, taking out two energy drinks. “What are these for?” 

“Oh, nothing. I just thought both of you needed something to drink. Anyway, I’ll be going ahead. I didn’t get proper sleep last night. You two should head home soon too. It’s getting late. You do know how to get to the dorm now right, YoongI?” I nodded. “Great. Finish things up soon.” he grinned, before walking away towards the door.

Right before he could finally exit the room, he stopped on his tracks. “Eunhae, don’t overdo yourself. You know how your asthma randomly attacks. Always drink your liquids to stay hydrated. I wouldn’t want that to happen again.” Wow, I’ve never heard Jin talk like that. He seems really serious. He’d usually talk to us in a calming manner, just like a mom would do to her child.

“I know. I don’t want that to happen again too. I’m .. actually surprised you remembered that. I’ll take care of myself.” She muttered while stuttering a bit, looking down at the empty ground. Eunhae? Stuttering? Wait, is there something going on that I don’t know.

Jin hyung grinned again, one last time. “That’s good then. I’ll be going.” He chimed,

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So glad to see all of your comments! Keep them coming pls cause i'm such a kid and idk i'm very loser


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Hayagi #1
Ooh I kind of remember reading this fanfic... Please let me know if you're going to continue writing this someday!
Chapter 18: U r back =D its okay, do settle ur real life 1st =D we can wait =D
bomiboo #3
Chapter 18: i cried reading yoongi's diary lol TT
nice story, good job author nim
Winnerikonab #4
Hayagi #5
(Sorry for bothering you again, just curious) Are you going to continue writing this? ^-^
Winnerikonab #6
Chapter 1: Update soon authornimmm
Hayagi #7
Will you update soon? ^-^
Chapter 17: Ok, a really asdfghjkl chapter (its not swear words, dont mind me, i m just being weird)

Finally yoongi is the hyung, but i tot suga was the hyung since his name is more mature XD LOL, anyway, i need to know eunhae & suga story then, i assume that suga will go n find jin for the story telling? XD this story makes me into some kind of investigator XD
ichalibel #9
Chapter 17: Wooooww it's getting mooooore interesting! Did Suga fall in love with Eun hee when he was alive? Did they have something like triangle love story? Would Yoongi comeback?