Chapter 12: Kim Taehyung

I'm Him
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It was getting dark. The sky had already started showing a beautiful hue of orange. I stopped running for a while, trying catch my breath. I looked at every direction that’s visible from my sight, but was utterly disappointed. There’s still no sign of him. Not even a clue on where he went. Just where did Kim Taehyung run off to?

As soon as the alien ran and followed Eunhae’s stepmom, I hurriedly left and followed them as well. Although, thanks to my short legs and endurance of a 80-year-old grandpa, I didn’t catch up to them. I was lost half way. They were too fast. My guess is that Ms. Minyoung had already ridden her car, when Taehyung ran after the vehicle she’s on. I mean, I can’t imagine the old wicked lady running, causing me to lose track of them. She must have ridden quite a fast one at that.

But seriously now, what’s wrong with Taehyung? He’s been acting weird today. Especially when he shouted back at that evil wench who ruined Eunhae’s life. I started looking endlessly at the nearby park. I had figured that they’re nowhere to be found in the venue after I had searched the whole place, so I went to the nearest place from there. I had assumed that the park was empty, since it was very quiet – too quiet, maybe. I continued searching, though I wasn’t really getting my hopes up that they really were there. As I was about to give up, a familiar voice was heard.

“Give me that file!” I can never forget that voice. It’s the voice that I’m used to hear whenever I wake up pissed in the morning. There’s no doubt about it. It’s Taehyung. “Hand it over. You’ve ruined her life enough!”

I quickly rushed towards where the voice was coming from and was not disappointed. I saw them just a few meters where I am at, which what seems like they’re in a heated argument. Hurriedly, I hid behind the nearby tree and observed the two. Geez, humans have too much drama. Why can’t they just all get along? Complicated, as always.

“Never. With this, she’ll live in shame forever, and so will her little ‘friend’. Just the perfect plan. If I hand this over to dispatch, they’ll release a dating scandal about her in no time. They’ll continue saying that she’s fake, more after the things she cleared up earlier.” She then showed Taehyung a picture of Eunhae and what seems to be me. It was when Eunhae and I went to the daycare. Damn, we were being followed.

“Why do you hate her so much? She has done nothing wrong to you!” Taehyung growled, while his face narrows into a scowl. The older lady could only laugh sarcastically to the boy who’s obviously too enraged.

“Eunhae? Done nothing wrong to me? Absurd! She has ruined everything. The perfect family I had wanted crashed to the ground, the moment she began living with us. And the most cruel thing is that you were driven away.” She huffed in anger. I could feel her thirst to completely crush Eunhae into pieces. Her hatred is indescribable. It makes me want to pity her. Wait, did she just say ‘you’? Does she mean Taehyung? What is happening?

“Oh, please. Stop acting like you’re the victim here. Also, I was not driven out. It was my choice all along. I was tired of living under your shadow, following everything you tell me, and acting like a perfect person you want me to be. But let me tell you something – I’m not perfect. Not even near it. Stop treating her like dirt, while you treat me as if I’ve saved a thousand lives.” He barked back, clenching his fists tightly. What the- I don’t even understand what they’re talking about anymore. Do they know each other?

“Taehyung-ah, please I’m begging. Come back. Leave that corrupted company. As long as Eunhae is there, you’re not safe. I just want the best for you.” A snort of mockery could be heard from Taehyung, while the teary-eyed woman continued begging with her eyes. What does Taehyung have to do with her? Why does she treat Taehyung like that? I feel like I’m seeing and hearing something I shouldn’t have.

“Since when was she dangerous? If it were anyone, it’d be you. You’re the dangerous one here. She’s the kindest girl I’ve ever met. I’ve wanted to see her for a long time now, but you’ve always forbade me to. I love her.” I knew it. Taehyung does love Eunhae.

“What in the world are you saying? Are you out of your mind? She ruined your life! She’s evil. She’s a two-faced wench-“

“I don’t care what you say about her. It’s obvious that you’re the one that’s out of your mind here, not me. Also, it was you who ruined everything. Why do you always put the blame on her?” he growled, while the lady was rendered speechless for a second.

“Wait, does she know about you?” she asked, a bit calmer now. “No.” he looked away.

“She’ll hate you, Taehyung. She’ll curse at you. If she knew the truth, I’m sure everything will change. Your existence itself can cause her to blow up on you. This little ‘we’re friends’ play will be over before you know it. She’ll abandon you. You’ll be left alone agai-“

“Shut up!” he finally bursted. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut the hell up! I don’t want to hear it. I know already, okay? You don’t need to repeat it, because I’m reminded of it every damn day. I get it, are you happy now? I know what will happen once she knows everything. As long as I can, I won’t let her know. Just please stop.” Tears welled up his eyes, while he bit his lower lip harshly. The older woman’s lips curved a bit, forming into a smirk.

“So, what if I tell her then?”

As she said those horrid words, silence embraced them both. Surely, Taehyung was taken aback, but he’s not ready to give in to her. He won’t let himself be. It can be seen at how intense and furious he looked at Ms. Minyoug.

“Sure, I dare you. Tell her everything you want. To top it off, just quickly email that file to dispatch and order them to spread this faster than light, with your money like you always do. But remember that once you even tried doing this, I’ll completely disappear in your life and I’ll make sure you won’t ever see me again, so don’t even think about it. “ the woman’s eyes widened, as soon as this came out of the boy’s mouth. Her jaw dropped while her tears were on the verge of falling. She tried to hold on Taehyung’s shoulders as her knees weakened, but Taehyung simply pushed her off a bit. As if on cue, a man in a formal attire approached Ms. Minyoung.

“Madame, it’s time to go.” He said in a robotic tone. The woman turned to him, a bit surprised. She quickly fixed her posture, seeming as if all that didn’t happen. “Alright, I understand.”

“Madame, who is he? Someone you know?” he asked, staring at Taehyung who wore a blank face. Ms. Minyoung was startled, when he asked about Taehyung. She didn’t answer for quite long.

“No. Not at all. Don’t mind me.” Taehyung spoke on her stead and quickly bowed slightly at the man, who seemed to be her chauffeur. Before the woman could even say anything, Taehyung had left already. Walking fast, he went farther away from her. I, of course, followed him closely right on his tail. What was all that about? I barely understood everything they talked about. Did they really speak Korean back there?

I saw Taehyung clench his fists, as he continued walking. It looks like he’s thinking deeply. I continued following him, though I’m as clueless as an empty box. I was completely bothered by their conversation. I can’t help but feel curious, of course. Just who is Kim Taehyung? One thing’s for sure – he does love Eunhae. Suddenly, I stopped walking. I stayed on my spot for a while. I placed a hand over my chest. Why am I suddenly having such negative feelings? Wait, am I bothered about how Taehyung feels about- I don’t even want to think about it. Yoongi’s feelings is really the worst. It just acts up on the most random times.

Dragging myself back to reality, I looked around and saw Taehyung nowhere. Panicking a bit, I ran. Luckily, Taehyung stopped and sat on a bench nearby. I could only mentally sigh in relief, as I sneaked towards the nearest bush, behind Taehyung. Well, this sure is severe, isn’t it? This usual hyperactive alien who has a mentality of a 3-year-old can’t even bear to smile. Somehow, I felt a bit.. a bit.. sad, maybe. Though curiosity is slowly killing me, I still don’t know if I should really ask him, or should I just-

I groaned.

Having a brain is hard. I don’t want to think anymore.

Soon, the street lights flickered in the dark sky, illuminating throug

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So glad to see all of your comments! Keep them coming pls cause i'm such a kid and idk i'm very loser


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Hayagi #1
Ooh I kind of remember reading this fanfic... Please let me know if you're going to continue writing this someday!
Chapter 18: U r back =D its okay, do settle ur real life 1st =D we can wait =D
bomiboo #3
Chapter 18: i cried reading yoongi's diary lol TT
nice story, good job author nim
Winnerikonab #4
Hayagi #5
(Sorry for bothering you again, just curious) Are you going to continue writing this? ^-^
Winnerikonab #6
Chapter 1: Update soon authornimmm
Hayagi #7
Will you update soon? ^-^
Chapter 17: Ok, a really asdfghjkl chapter (its not swear words, dont mind me, i m just being weird)

Finally yoongi is the hyung, but i tot suga was the hyung since his name is more mature XD LOL, anyway, i need to know eunhae & suga story then, i assume that suga will go n find jin for the story telling? XD this story makes me into some kind of investigator XD
ichalibel #9
Chapter 17: Wooooww it's getting mooooore interesting! Did Suga fall in love with Eun hee when he was alive? Did they have something like triangle love story? Would Yoongi comeback?