Chapter 45 : Bonus LJoe Chanmi (Part1)

Remember Me?

-Narrator POV-

Chanmi was helping her mother with the garden when a post man came,

" May i help you "

" Are you Chanmi? "

" Yes? "

He handed her a bouquet of flower,thank her and walked off.

" Bwoh ya? Ma~ Did you order flowers again? "

" Those flowers aren't for you dear? "

" No! Of course not! Nah- You can keep the flowers~ "

Chanmi passed the flowers to her mother and continue to work on plucking out weeds. Chanmi's mum saw a card in between the flowers.

" Chanmi arh? "

" Yeah? "

" Who is this LJoe? Is he your new boyfriend? "

" Huh?! No! Wait... How do you know i know him? "

Chanmi's mother wave a card infront of her. Chanmi quickly grab the bouquet and the card from her mother.

~ Meet me in the park at 5PM. - LJoe

 P.S You don't like flowers do you?

" What time is it now? "

" 4:30PM ? "

" Oh my gosh! Ma i will be back later at night! "

Chanmi wash her hands and dashed out of the house to the park.

" Our Chanmi grew up and finally fall in love~ awww~ Maybe i should invite my future son-in-law over for a dinner~ Right but first my flowers. "

> At the park

LJoe was sitting on the beach watching people walk past,he pulled up his scarf to cover his mouth. He glanced over to the box of gift beside him.

* Damn.... Why is just giving a gift so hard? *

Suddenly a group of girls approached him.

" Omo he is so cute! "

" Annyeong! Can you take pictures with us? "

LJoe just shake head,but the girls kept pestering him. Just then Chanmi who arrived saw what is going on and decided to hide to see what will happen.

LJoe being as stubborn as them continued to declined their offer until the girls got fed up and left.

" Irritating girls... " He pulled up his scarf once more.

" Wow wow wow~ " LJoe turned his head to see Chanmi, " Mr popular~ Why did you decline their offer? "

" Oh so you want me to have a photo with them? I will go call them back~ "

LJoe got up with the gift and walked away when suddenly Chanmi grabbed his hand.

" Aniyo!!! You can only take pictures with me! "

LJoe smirk" Oh ho~ How is that so? "

" I - just - i - thought... aish! Nothing! You didn't hear that! "

LJoe took off his scarf and placed it around Chanmi, Chanmi became flustered.

" Ah! Its okay! You don't have to give me your scarf~ "

" Just wear it...I don't want you to catch a cold and the...." LJoe handed Chanmi the gift, " For you... "

Chanmi didn't hesitate and just opened it. Inside it was a braclet

" What is this? As in why are you giving me this? "

" If you don't want to wear it than i will just have to be hreatbroken again... " LJoe pouted

" Oh~ Hehheh~ If i wear it than i'm yours? "

LJoe just shrugged and showed her the similiar braclet on his hand.

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Chapter 17: Good plot, love it.
shafkyulove #2
Finished reading this in 2 hrs n i sooo did not regret it but wat happen to grandma n can u like maje a chapter for their honeymoon n mayb a sequel if its not a burden! : D tq!!!
Hehe chanmi and Ljoe,just get married already!!!
-ily_4ever #4
New reader awe that was such cute and interesting story!! I loved the ending! .... What happened to Subin?? Anyways I loved the story hope to read your future stories!! :]
i like the story... <br />
happy new year btw... <br />
is this the ending? aww :( so sad.... arghh! btw cute ending!! <br />
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tell me if there have a sequel..hhee..maybe..<br />
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Awwww ChanMi&L.Joe!!!
awwwwwwwwwwww!!!! chanmi! l.joe!! just go married now! ahahaha.. aww! sweet moment... Even me I get blushing read this..<br />
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uPdate soon!
Sweet ChanMi&L.Joe momment!
awww...they married? woooooow.. congratz!!!! I wish B-bomb can see the wedding too...<br />