Chapter 17 : Dating Adventure ( Day 6)

Remember Me?

-Narrator POV-

> In the morning

You were like a walking zombie beacuse of the insufficient sleep you didn't have last night...

" I just hoped that today i wouldn't have to walk around too much..."

You were lying so nicely on the sofa when suddenly the door slam open *SLAM*

" ____________!!! WHERE ARE?! ARE YOU UPSTAIRS?! "

You sat up from the sofa to see are pretty boy standing at your door, somehow you felt recharged. You quickly lie back down on the sofa when he looked in your direction *Please please please don't let him find me in this mess*. Well...Apparently he didn't but Sungyeol did...

" YAH! ______! why are you still lying here, if you don't get up now you are gonna be late! "

You jumped up from the sofa totally forgetting about the boy standing at your door...

" Late fore what?! "

" Somehow you could say that its a date with me ^^  "

He flashed you the killer smile making you hide behind Sungyeol

" hahahaha! Sungjong arh~ looks like _____ is scared of you haha! "

" Aniyo! " Sungjong went beside you and stretched out his hands

" Annyeong ______~ i am SungJong ^^ same age as you~ " You hesistate whether to shake his hand anot but instead he pulled you to him and pushed you out of the door leaving Sungyeol behind.

" Yah! Lee Sungjong how dare you leave your hyung behind just because you have your girlfriend! "

"But i haven't changed my clothes~! "

" It's okay princess let this prince make you beautiful at the places i am bringing you to~ "

> At the first destination

You looked at the all so fimiliar place and recalled that WooHyun brought you here

" Wait! Sungjong why are we doing here?! "

" Here for a make-over silly~"

He pushed you to the dressing table while he flipped through the catalog and tell the hairdresser which hair he wants you to have.

" Sungjong ah~ i don't get why do i need to make my hair..."

" You will know it by the end of the day ^^ "

" ______~ is scared that you might eat her up~ :D "

"oh shutup hyung! "

After the total hair make-over you look totally different,

" Woah... Its too bad i ain't your boyfriend for today :| "

Recently you were constantly blushing around INFINITE which makes you kinda think that you were going crazy...

> Next destination

You were stunned by how many dresses that shop have, Sungjong grabbed your hand and there it begin... A battle between Sungyeol and Sungjong to see whose taste in dresses are better, you obviously was already tired but didn't feel tired after trying out dresses~ They all look so pretty~

" Sungyeol oppa? Why are you buying me dress? "

" Ah yes yes~ " He took out an envelope from his pocket and gave it to you

Dear _______,

You are invited to my family's  masquerade ball, i hope to see you there  :)

-Your Secret Admirer

You slumped down on the chair behind you so suddenly that you scared Sungyeol and Sungjong...

" Yah! _______! Are you okay!? "

" Don't scare me like that okay?! "

You gave them a reassuring smile that you are okay as they went back to pick dress for you, you were afraid that your heart might actually change and like someone else... You didn't want to attend this ball but since you didn't want to disappoint INFINITE you decided to go...

After like trying out so many dresses finally they found you a white dress ;)

>Moving on

After lunch,Sungyeol went home.

Sungjong brought you to this pavillion where you thought that only fairytales have

" woah~ does this place even exist? "

" How course it does! ^^ you exist do you~? "

With as swift as the wind Sungjong hold you into a dancing position, you were totally blown away~ you can't help but stare at into those mesmerising eyes of sungjong... Both of you were dancing around the pavillion in your little world~ :3

> During dinner

Both of you were walking along the night streets tasting different food,feeding each other,taking pictures~ Little did you know someone was spying on both of you,that person wasn't very please at all...

> At home

You can't help but to feel paronoid that something or someone was following you but you brush it off thinking that you were just too tired and you have the ball to attend tommorrow so you went off to bed


here comes L :3

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Chapter 17: Good plot, love it.
shafkyulove #2
Finished reading this in 2 hrs n i sooo did not regret it but wat happen to grandma n can u like maje a chapter for their honeymoon n mayb a sequel if its not a burden! : D tq!!!
Hehe chanmi and Ljoe,just get married already!!!
-ily_4ever #4
New reader awe that was such cute and interesting story!! I loved the ending! .... What happened to Subin?? Anyways I loved the story hope to read your future stories!! :]
i like the story... <br />
happy new year btw... <br />
is this the ending? aww :( so sad.... arghh! btw cute ending!! <br />
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tell me if there have a sequel..hhee..maybe..<br />
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Awwww ChanMi&L.Joe!!!
awwwwwwwwwwww!!!! chanmi! l.joe!! just go married now! ahahaha.. aww! sweet moment... Even me I get blushing read this..<br />
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uPdate soon!
Sweet ChanMi&L.Joe momment!
awww...they married? woooooow.. congratz!!!! I wish B-bomb can see the wedding too...<br />