Chapter 18 : Dating Adventure (Day 8) My heart belongs with you

Remember Me?

-Narrator POV-

> The next day

You were designing your mask for the masquerade later, you were thinking of who your secret admirer might be when images of L flash through your mind

" No! It can't be him... I mean he has no interst in girls right? " You gave a pinched to yourself to focus on the mask, but you were still thinking of him as you work on your mask...

" If he was really my secret admirer i hope he won't ask me out... I already have B-Bomb oppa~ I mean i still love B-Bomb oppa right? "

Somehow your heart didn't jump like how it use to, it didn't jump when you think of B-Bomb, it didn't jump when you see the photos you took with B-Bomb but it will always jump everytime you think of L

" Aish! I guess i have to find out the answer later... If only grandma was here :// but she has gone to visit uncle for a month... Ah well _______ haja haja hwaiting~! "

You added the last details to your mask and prepare yourself for the ball later

You wore the necklace and left for the ball~

> At the masquerade

You took a cab to your secret admirer's house, and ho wow~ One thing you could say about your admirer... R.I.C.H... You were greeted by two nicely dressed guys,you bowed to them and showed them the invitation card, they opened the flawless wooden door revealing about 100s of people inside...

* Wow... How am i gonna find that one key which will fit my lock? *

You walked around seeing all this masks makes you actually wonder how do they all look like under the mask, as you approached the fountain in the center of the ballroom you were greeted by a fimiliar voice~

" My lady~ Would you care to dance with this lonely young man? "

" WooHyun oppa? Is that you? "

" Aniyo i don't know this WooHyun you are talking about :) we aren't allowed to tell our names~"

" Oh right sorry hahas~ "

You gave him your hand as both of you danced so lovely among the other couples~ When the music finished WooHyun dragged you to another door which led you to a backyard garden, he brought you to a bench in the middle of the garden

" Wait here i will call him in :) " He leaned in and kissed your cheeks one last time, " Goodbye ______~ Hope you will like your admirer " Before you could stop him he was already too far for you to reach.

* What does he mean by goodbye? Is he going somewhere? *

You sat down on the bench and waited,it was less than a one minute when the door opened again~ This time revealing a stunning guy, his mask made you unable to comfirm whether if he was L. You stood up...

" Annyeonghaseyo~ Nice to meet you~ ^^ "

" Annyeong :) would you like to take a stroll with me around the garden? " His voice sounded like L but you still wasn't so sure,

" Erm, may i ask who are you first? " He took of his mask and gave you the beautiful smile that carried your breathe away

" L oppa... "

" Hey~ ^^ Miss me? "

" I don't know what do say... "

" shhhh, just talk a stroll with me around the garden~ "

he enclosed his hand with yours as both of you walked through the fragrance carried garden~ Suddenly there was a downpour...

" L oppa~ I think we should go back now! " You were about to run away when L pulled you to him, he took off your mask

" Answer me this one question please~ Do you love me? "

You stared at him unable, your mind was blank, unable to register the answer

" I... I...."

L took the key necklace out from around his neck and slot it into your lock, he ran his finger along your face, as he stares deeply into you, he starts to close in until your soft lips touched his. Your first kiss. In the rain. With L...

* I promise to love you and only you,so please don't leave me... You will be my first and last *

* I think i have found my answer, my heart belongs with L... *

WooHyun who was seeing the whole thing couldn't hold his pain any longer,so he decided to walk away

* My first true love, thank you for letting me experience love. I wish you all the best with L~ *

Tears begin to fall from his eyes with every step he took...


D: poor WooHyun... someone in red hair is gonna appear~ not chunji trolololo xD

btw do you guys know MYNAME? :D i love them so much xD

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Chapter 17: Good plot, love it.
shafkyulove #2
Finished reading this in 2 hrs n i sooo did not regret it but wat happen to grandma n can u like maje a chapter for their honeymoon n mayb a sequel if its not a burden! : D tq!!!
Hehe chanmi and Ljoe,just get married already!!!
-ily_4ever #4
New reader awe that was such cute and interesting story!! I loved the ending! .... What happened to Subin?? Anyways I loved the story hope to read your future stories!! :]
i like the story... <br />
happy new year btw... <br />
is this the ending? aww :( so sad.... arghh! btw cute ending!! <br />
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tell me if there have a sequel..hhee..maybe..<br />
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Awwww ChanMi&L.Joe!!!
awwwwwwwwwwww!!!! chanmi! l.joe!! just go married now! ahahaha.. aww! sweet moment... Even me I get blushing read this..<br />
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uPdate soon!
Sweet ChanMi&L.Joe momment!
awww...they married? woooooow.. congratz!!!! I wish B-bomb can see the wedding too...<br />