
Sci dama

I never missed practice since then. Sulli didnt bother me after that. Not seeing them practice meaning no Krystal for me. I'll be lying if I will say I dont miss her. I am still afraid. Afraid to open up. To be friends. I know she's nice but its me who isnt. I might hurt her. I might hurt her without knowing that I did.

Did I say that I am a deliquent student? I am kinda like one. I skip classes because of my sleeping habits. Although my father is one of the benefactor of the school, I am not allowed to do that. My dad watches every move I make. Yes he did not because he cares but because of his image. He is not a bad guy, he is just let me see, name conscious? Yeah something like that.

"Amber, Mrs. Choi said that you'll be transfer to Ms. Kim's for your physics class." If I am not mistaken this is the girl who woke me up last time. I pretended not to hear anything.

"Yah!!!! Are you listening?!"

"Cant you see Im resting?! By the way why are you always disturbing me?!"

"I-I just"

"Nevermind I dont need to know."

I left her. Its not really a big deal if I was transferred. Ms. Kim is a good teacher and beautiful too. I am concern with the new environment. New class new faces. I know I didnt need to care but I dont like people who questions me all the time.


"Good afternoon, Ms. Kim."

"Oh Ms. Liu. Good that you are here. Class you have a new classmate for this school year. Ms. Liu please introduce yourself."

I pretended not to hear anything and take a vacant seat but first I looked around. something caught my attention. There she is. Krystal Jung. Looking at me. She smiled but I looked away. I continue to my seat. I just cant take it people looking at me.

"Class we are going to have a long quiz today."

"Boooooo!!" Majority of the class yelled.

"Quiet!!!! Take one and pass." Ms. Kim said. Everyone fell silent

The test started and the questions are quite easy. I will finish this in 15 minutes. Ms. Kim leave the class when a teacher came to see her. I guess the principal is calling her. Good for me I have time to sleep. I got an hour and a half to sleep.


"Hey Liu. Give me your paper." A boy said to me


"Yah!!!!! I said give me your paper!" Still not looking




"Are you deaf?!!!"


"Whats your problem?" I said coldly


"Give me your paper so I can copy your answer." He said confidently

"Huh? Are you stupid?"


"What the?! How dare you to call me stupid?!" I can feel that everyone is already looking at us. I looked around and they seemed to be frighten. What the hell with this guy.

"..." I went back in leaning my head to my desk


"Dont make me do things with you Liu. You dont know who I am. Im Kang Minhyuk."


"So?! My father is one of the benefactor of the school. I can make you quit if I want to."

"Ohh too bad. He got a stupid son. Didnt he taught you some good manners? Like studying on your own and not to copy your answers to someone you dont even know?"

"The !-"

"Ohh. Already cussing to me? If I were you, you will go back to your seat and just leave me here alone." I am trying to go back to sleep but I felt a hand grabbing my uniform at the back.

"Who said that you can boss me around?!" He is now grabbing my by the collar.


"Minhyuk! Stop!" A girl yelled. From her voice I already know who is it.

"Soojung-ah, dont tell me you know this jerk?" He said and smiled sweetly at Krystal

"Yes I know her and she's my friend. So please just stop." She said. I was surprised with her answer. A friend.

"Ohh a friend? Looks like Liu got a new friend and it happens to be my girlfriend. Care to tell me how you met my girl?" He said


"Minhyuk I was never been your girlfriend." She said coldly. I felt that his hand held on me tighter. Im still confused


"Now. Lets see about this. Looks like Liu is surprise about everything. Why? You like Soojung? Tsk. Is that the reason why you transferred in our class? Too bad she is already mine." He smirked at me. I want to wipe off that smirk and just punch him hard on the face, he deserves it.


"Yah! Minhyuk I said stop! Let go of her."


"What is happening here? I just left for minutes and now you are causing trouble?" Ms. Kim entered the room. Minhyuk stiffened I guess he is not expecting this.


"Care to explain Mr. Kang?"


"I-I just want to welcome our new classmate Ms. Kim. Nothing more. Right Liu?" Welcome my . Psh.


"Is that true Ms. Liu?" I walked towards her desk and handed my testpaper.


"Done already? So kindly explain what is happening?"


"No need Ms. Kim. I need to go."

"But classes isnt over."

"I know I am not feeling well."

"Wait Ms. Liu. Ms. Jung kindly accompany Ms. Liu here in the clinic."


"No need-"


"Yes ma'am."


The awkward atmosphere started. No one dare to speak anything. Or we just got nothing to talk about. I am still wondering if that jerk is really her boyfriend.

"He is not my boyfriend. Im sorry for the way he acted." Yeah right. Not boyfriend.

"Amber-ssi are you sure you are ok?" She held my hand to stop me. I swear a felt sudden jolt of electricity. Am I in love? No cant be.


"I-I'm good."


"You sure?"


The room is empty. I guess the nurse left for awhile.


"You can leave me now."


"No. I wont. Im staying here." Aishhh stubborn.


"You can leave. You still have a test. Ms. Kim will be-"

"Amber its ok. I want to stay here with you."

She is really nice. So nice that she even stayed even though I was so cold towards her. I fell asleep. I guess for an hour or so.


"Yes?" She was just sitting there and reading a book.

"Dont you have class?"

"I did. Its over. Ms. Kim is my last class."

"Why did you stay? You should go home now."

"Im waiting for you to wake up."


"Because you are going to walk me home." In a commanding tone. I dont know that this girl can give me chills.

"Excuse me?"


"You and me walking home. I heard from Key that we are on the same way." She asked something like that to Key? Wae?

"Come on stupid. What are you still doing there?" I was dunbfounded. She just called me stupid and commanded me. I didnt get mad or annoyed with that. I am-


"Amber. I swear to God that Im going to drag you along if you dont get your off the bed. Its already 5 pm. School is closing at 6 pm. The guards might lock us here."

I walked her home like what she said. She doesnt want to use my car. Why? She just said she wants to walk and see how wonderful world can be. A simple girl she is.


"Thank you Amber. I hope we can do this again next time." She smiled and I melted. I answer her with a nod. I walked away.


I hope we can do this again next time 

I hope we can do this again next time 

I hope we can do this again next time 

Did she just said next time? I am walking her home next time? Why?



Alright guys. Sorry for not updating for long. Sorryyyyyyyyyy. I like to update fix you but I cant find inspiration for it. Mianhe 😭😭😭😭😭


By the way for those who wants to know me better. Do you want to? Hahahaha


Here's my fb account

I deactivate it last time cause I got some issues. So its up to you if you want to add me up. 

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user-E #1
Chapter 15: where are u?
kris214 #2
Chapter 15: Is this going hiatus?
llama_princess #3
Chapter 15: Sweet but short. Please update more :D
Chiki30 #4
Chapter 15: Nice story ^^
reader90 #5
Chapter 15: Sooooo sweet :)
ooleslieloi #6
Chapter 14: Aww thats so sweet!!
jasonds #7
Chapter 14: update soon author nim..nice jobs
Chapter 14: so cute....
Chapter 14: Omg! It's getting interesting! XDD just date already in real life too!
Chapter 13: is this for real??? why do I have a feeling that this isn't? but well, who cares. All I know is that this made me smile and it made my day :) update sooon