Music Room

Sci dama

I was discharge hours after I woke up. There is nothing serious. I just black out. Key just exaggerated and brought me in the hospital. I decided not to go to school tomorrow. I tried to sleep but I cant help to think about Krystal. I dont expect that she will cause me trouble. Liking her and being near her causes me trouble but I cant help it. Maybe there is something about her. She's one in a million and I wont let that Minhyuk stop me from being around her. 


"Morning bro!" I groaned in pain when Henry lunged at me

"Oopsie. Wait are you ok? What happen to your face?" I guess Key didnt tell them


"Uhhh I-I"

"We were practicing last night and she is pretty beaten up." I heard Donghae hyung said. So yeah. Im a part of the taekwondo team

"Okay? You should put a cream on it bro. It will heal fast that way. See you later." With that he left.

"So do you mind telling me everything?"

"Do I need to?"

"Yes. Cause I know you are not a violent type Am. Who did that to you? Did you tell your parents?"

"I didnt. They dont need to. Its just a simple matter. I can handle it."

"You can handle yet you are hospitalized?" My eyes grew bigger. What the? How did?

"How did I know? I called that day and your butler answered telling me that Key sent you in the hospital. I wont force you for answers but please Amber take good care of yourself you are like a sister err a brother to me. Arrasso?"

"Dae oppa."

"I told you quit the oppa. Dont suits you." He tapped my back and left me


I decided to go in the music room. Its lunch break and no one is going here at this time. I went to the piano and started playing. I was lost in the music that I didnt notice that I was not alone.

"What are you doing here?" I said in a cold tone. I turned my back and regretted the tone that I used.

"I was just passing and I noticed that someone is playing the piano. Am I not allowed to go here?" She said 

"N-no. I was just not expecting you. I mean. Its lunch break."

"But Im here." She went closer and sat beside me. She looked at me and worry is written all over her face.

"W-what are you doing?"

"What happen to your face?" She ran her fingers on my bruises and I twitched a bit.

"Sorry. Does it hurt? Is that the reason why are you absent yesterday?" At this moment I should be mad and irritated by her questions but I cant help but to feel happy. Happy that she is concern and she noticed that I wasnt there.

"A bit but Im good. Nahh. Its not. I just dont feel like going yesterday. I wa just pretty beaten up because of the rough practice and I got this." I decided to stick out with the excuse of Donghae hyung. 

"Are you sure? Have you eaten? I still got kimbap here." She suddenly asked me. She pulled something from the bag she brought.

"Kry, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Acting like you care."

"Cause I do."




"I care about you Amber." She said with all sincerity. I can see it her eyes. The genuine smile that she gave me. I was rejoicing deep inside but I dont want to show it.


"But you dont even know me."


"Then let me know you. I want to know you better. Lets be friends Amber. Can we?"




"Yeah. Its better to start that way. We'll never know we can be more than that. Please eat this. You need to eat. See you in class later." 

With that she left me. Dumbfounded. What does she mean by that? Shouldnt I be just happy? I planned to take her away from that Kang right? But why Im feeling hesitant? Wae?



Sorry for not updating. Sorry sorry. I just got things to do. Damn that writer's block too. Ughhhh. Mianhae. *bow*


Did you missed me? I bet you dont. Wahahahahahaha well im really sorry for not updating my fics. I will continue them as soon as I was flooded with ideas ok? Speak your mind guys. Please I need some comments suggestions or whatever sort of anything from you guys. 


Thats all. Im joonpau. Im sleepy. Imma sleep. Byieeeeeeeeeee


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user-E #1
Chapter 15: where are u?
kris214 #2
Chapter 15: Is this going hiatus?
llama_princess #3
Chapter 15: Sweet but short. Please update more :D
Chiki30 #4
Chapter 15: Nice story ^^
reader90 #5
Chapter 15: Sooooo sweet :)
ooleslieloi #6
Chapter 14: Aww thats so sweet!!
jasonds #7
Chapter 14: update soon author nim..nice jobs
Chapter 14: so cute....
Chapter 14: Omg! It's getting interesting! XDD just date already in real life too!
Chapter 13: is this for real??? why do I have a feeling that this isn't? but well, who cares. All I know is that this made me smile and it made my day :) update sooon