Jin Ri

Sci dama

Krystal Jung. I am afraid to asked Key about you. He will tease me I know. I pretend to not be interested with you. Yes I am afraid that they will know I like someone like you.

Dont get me wrong. You are perfect. The problem is in me. You are so nice and I dont deserve to be friends with you. I am deliquent student. People in our school dont dare to tease me or call me names. I know its because of my status. Without all of it, I am very sure. People will call me freak. A girl who dresses like a boy and who looks like one too. I am afraid to know you better cause I know when I did I might get attached.

I live alone. My parents are busy. They got separated. I got two siblings and they are also busy with their things. I was left behind. Maybe thats the reason why I dont know how to handle these feelings I feel for you. I never talked about my life. They dont need to know. No one will understand. 

I started thinking about these thoughts when Key told me some things about you. He said he knew since grade school days. You were a nice kid back then I wasnt. I bully people and I dont care how they feel. While you? You are everyone's favorite girl. I can imagine you. The way you put smiles on their faces everytime you do something nice. I know it because just seeing how cute you are is enough for me to smile.

Will I ever meet you again? Too much of coincidence right? If I will be given a chance, I want to try but I dont want to push you away. I dont know how to act around people. You are nice but is it enough for you to like me too? 

All these thoughts was stopped by a certain person I didnt expect to meet.

"Amber Liu!" If I am not mistaken. She is your friend. Sulli?


"Yah! Stop walking! I want to asked something!"

"What is it?!" I said coldly

"Can you give me your number?"


"Cause you are Minho's friend. He is my crush and I need you."

"What made you think I will give it to you? I dont even know you."

"Cause you will thank me after this. I'm Choi Jin Ri. Everyone calls me Sulli.  Now you know me."

"Still a no."

"I dont know that you are really rude. Soojung told me you are nice but I guess you are not."

"Who the hell is Soojung?"

"Krystal Jung. She always says you are nice and everything but I will tell her that she's wrong. So I should be going now ok?"



"I-I will give my number just dont text me stupid things."

"Sure thing! Anyeong!"

I just gave my number to a crazy girl crushing on my friend. Did I do the right thing? She might bother me forever because of that. Aishhh Amber Liu you just became a stupid because you are afraid that your crush will know negative things about you.


Things will only get better ok? Trust me. I know Im a lame author but crazy things happen and and and and and and and 


I might improve right? 

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user-E #1
Chapter 15: where are u?
kris214 #2
Chapter 15: Is this going hiatus?
llama_princess #3
Chapter 15: Sweet but short. Please update more :D
Chiki30 #4
Chapter 15: Nice story ^^
reader90 #5
Chapter 15: Sooooo sweet :)
ooleslieloi #6
Chapter 14: Aww thats so sweet!!
jasonds #7
Chapter 14: update soon author nim..nice jobs
Chapter 14: so cute....
Chapter 14: Omg! It's getting interesting! XDD just date already in real life too!
Chapter 13: is this for real??? why do I have a feeling that this isn't? but well, who cares. All I know is that this made me smile and it made my day :) update sooon