Meeting you again

Sci dama

I forgot you for a while i have been busy after the games. We didnt make it to the nationals. Well I dont expect it either to get in. With the cocky Siwon? He doesnt care about the team. He wants the fame for himself. Just expected to him. Just muscles and his brain is empty.



Coach is not bad though. He said we still have next year to do better. I am planning to quit on the team why? Cause I am not sleeping enough because of practice. I need time for myself. Oh I love myself. No wonder some people hate me. I am selfish and boastful bastard, as they say. I am not really boastful. They just think that why. I am not denying I am selfish tho.



We are in the model section. Are section of selfish bastards like me? Why did I say that? They only care for themselves. They want to be on the top and if I say they want they will do anything for it. Even if it takes to destroy your friend. Me? I am just plain selfish. I dont want people pissing me off. I dont care about them. 


So here it is. The general christmas party. Everybody is required to attend. Why? I dont know. They said its for some kind of concert where every year and section will perform. I really dont have an interest on these kind of things. Its boring. Sitting all day and watching stupid people to perform. 


Thank God its almost over. I was in a good mood not until someone in front of me is so noisy. I dont mind him hitting on the girl but I really hate him being so noisy. I want to punch his face to shut him up. This scenario continue until

"Hey beautiful. May I know your name?" Boy 1

"..." The girl didnt answer

"Hey. We know you are listening so give us your number to know each other better. Im sure it will benefit you too." Boy 2

"..." Still no response from the girl. Now I am beyond pissed off when the guy hold her waist to pull her. I dont know why but I did something unusual for me

"Didnt you see?! She doesnt want to give you her number. Leave her alone."

"A-amber Liu?" Boy 1 stuttered when I laid my eyes on him. 

"Ohh. So you know me?"

"Y-yeah. You are in the Elite group right. Is this your girl? Im sorry we didnt know. Guys come on lets leave." They left and I was left with the girl.

"T-thank you." I looked at the girl. She is the one I have been thinking. The one I cant get out of my mind. She is Krystal Jung.

"..." I remained silent. I dont know how to respond. I found her. What should I do?

"Attention all students. All performance are over. Prepare to leave the concert hall and go back to your respective classes. Good day everyone. Merry christmas!" The announcer said in the speaker.

"Aishhhh!!" I get pissed with the pushing. Dont know why I am here really. I should have ditch this stupid event.

"Ouch!" Again. Its Krystal Jung. She is squeezed in the crowd. 

I hold her tight. Didnt let go of her until we exited the hall. Due to the pushing. We are inch from each other faces. I can hear my heart pounding hard. I can smell her hair. The sweet smell that is so intoxicating. Does every girl smells nice like this? I didnt notice that we are out in the room.

"Thank you again, Amber-shi." She said to me

"Soojungie! Where have you been? You got lost in the crowd." A tall girl came to her. I am preparing to leave.


"Omo! Are you Amber Liu?" The tall girl asked me and I answered with a nod.


"Yah! Why didnt you tell me you are friends with Amber Liu?" They talked and I was left behind. I decided to leave and dont mind what they are really talking about. 


I saw her and held her hand. I even smelled her hair. We almost like hugging. I hold into my chest and its pounding crazy. Cant move on? Now I know she knows my name and I found her again. I doubt if she really knows me or she just heard my name by the guys who hitted on her. 



Krystal Jung I saw you again and I still dont have the courage to ask you to be my friend. I hope we can meet again. You are unexpected. You make me go crazy. Your smell your beautiful face. I cant get out of my mind. Will I see you again? Will I have the courage to ask you to be my friend? 



No. Its impossible. I am cold. You wont like me. I am not likeable. I am not worth to be your friend. 


I am so happy writing this story. Every update brings back good old memories. I hope you like it.

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user-E #1
Chapter 15: where are u?
kris214 #2
Chapter 15: Is this going hiatus?
llama_princess #3
Chapter 15: Sweet but short. Please update more :D
Chiki30 #4
Chapter 15: Nice story ^^
reader90 #5
Chapter 15: Sooooo sweet :)
ooleslieloi #6
Chapter 14: Aww thats so sweet!!
jasonds #7
Chapter 14: update soon author nim..nice jobs
Chapter 14: so cute....
Chapter 14: Omg! It's getting interesting! XDD just date already in real life too!
Chapter 13: is this for real??? why do I have a feeling that this isn't? but well, who cares. All I know is that this made me smile and it made my day :) update sooon