Kang Minhyuk

Sci dama

I dont like trouble. I dont like drama. As much as possible I want to avoid those things. My school life has been peaceful since preschool. I avoided troublesome people and stayed alone. I met friends. A group where I really belong. A group that wont question me and accept me whole heartedly. I learned to live by myself most of the time. Like what I said my parents didnt care so am I.

A unexpected thing happen when I met Krystal Jung. I survived the whole first week in their class. Wishing this wont end and will last at the same time. Why? Cause that Kang Minhyuk guy wont leave me alone. He did lie low for a while but he kept on annoying me. He does his best to annoy the hell out of me.

"Liu!" He yelled. 

Its already dismissal time. Everyone is leaving. For me its my time for myself and sleep. I dont give a damn for other things thats why I didnt mind him. I continue walking. I didnt bring my car today cause Krystal is right. Its good to appreciate the beauty of the world.

Its 5 pm and the sun sets. Its beautiful. I stop by a park. I decided to sit and watch it alone. Krystal is indeed right. I dont know that the sun will be this beautiful. I decided to continue walkin home after that but someone grab me in an empty alley.

"What are you-, Minhyuk?"

"So you remember me?"

"Of course. Who wont? A stupid jerk like you is unforgettable." I pull a smirk. Two guys were holding me. Two bigger guys. Have you seen some bouncers in the club? Just like that.

"Who allowed you to call me jerk?! Its not me who is the jerk here. Its you!" He grabbed me by the hair 


"I can do whatever I want Kang. You also bring some of your pets here. What do you need from me anyways?"

I guess I angered him because he punch me hard on the face. Tsk such a loser.


"Is that what you got?" I smirked at him. And he blew another punch. This time its in my stomach.

"Still cocky Liu? You know what. I dont want to kill you. Not yet. But hear this. Stay away from my girl or you will say goodbye to your disgusting face."


"Your girl?"


"Jung Soojung. She's mine. The punches are for warning. Dont you ever dare."


"Yours? But the last time I checked it isnt that way. She even asked me to walk her home."


"She is just being polite Liu. Dont assume things. She wont like you. She will never. Because in everyone eyes you are just a disgusting dyke. If not because of your money, you cant do anything. You hear me? Everyone is disgusted by a dyke like you." 

How dare him?!!!!! I tried to fight back but the guys are strong.

"Oohhh so little Liu wants to fight? Not now Liu. Just remember what I said. Stay away from her besides you arent good for her. You are a selfish bastard!"


"You are done? You are just afraid of me Kang. Try me and lets see who isnt good enough for her."


"Hahaha so you really like her then? Too bad Liu. Give up. You lost already. Trust me. Ahhh wait I also got something for you." With that he hit me hard causing me to black out.



"Am!!!!" The diva is overreacting again


"Uhh where am i?"


"You are in the hospital. Gosh Am. What were you thinking? I went to your house but I didnt find you there and you left car. I was worried about you." 


"I-I just want to take a walk. But you see I ended up here."


"What really happened Am. You got some bruises. Did you get into a fight?" He asked worriedly

"I dont."

"You dont? Am come on. Dont lie to me."

"Im ok Key. Dont make a fuss about it."

"I should call Aunti Li-"

"You wont! She doesnt need to know. Im ok. Thank you for your concern. I'll be fine. You should leave." I guess he understood what I want. He left.


That Kang Minhyuk is really getting into my nerves. Who is he to tell me those things? He doesnt even know me. He doesnt know anything. Its better that I get Krystal before he gets her for himself. That guy is crazy and upto no good. I will prove to him that I am greater than what he thinks of me. 




Lame update hahahah sareeeeehhhhhh

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user-E #1
Chapter 15: where are u?
kris214 #2
Chapter 15: Is this going hiatus?
llama_princess #3
Chapter 15: Sweet but short. Please update more :D
Chiki30 #4
Chapter 15: Nice story ^^
reader90 #5
Chapter 15: Sooooo sweet :)
ooleslieloi #6
Chapter 14: Aww thats so sweet!!
jasonds #7
Chapter 14: update soon author nim..nice jobs
Chapter 14: so cute....
Chapter 14: Omg! It's getting interesting! XDD just date already in real life too!
Chapter 13: is this for real??? why do I have a feeling that this isn't? but well, who cares. All I know is that this made me smile and it made my day :) update sooon