Body Heat ♬

Love Comes in Different Forms

TaekWoon’s eyes were wide open despite the fact that it was the middle of the night. He wasn’t the type who would slip in to unconsciousness the moment he laid his head down on a pillow, but he did enjoy sleeping, so for him to be up at this hour was more than just odd. The mad on his left was awake as well, the man on his right tossing and turning in his sleep. The cold air of the room was definitely to blame for this unusual behavior.

“The heater is broken again,” TaekWoon stated quietly, the man on his left letting out a sigh and sitting up. He laid his eyes on TaekWoon, the boy next to him and the other two who were in the same room.

“It’s not good to sleep in cold,” the one who was now sitting sighed and proceeded to stand up. “I will go check how is Wonsik’s room. He wouldn’t wake up even in a snow storm. Maybe if we will add one more person here it will get warmer. His snoring is the least problem,” he spoke and quietly made his way out.

‘He takes the role of the leader very seriously,’ TaekWoon thought to himself and let out a small sigh, closing his eyes and trying to get any sort of rest. He was already beginning to slowly slip in to a slumber when an unknown weight attacked him from his right, blocking his arms, chest and legs. Immediately, TaekWoon was back awake and already wanted to sit up, but when he looked to his right and saw the ‘attacker’, he remained still.

HongBin, who was sleeping on his right, had moved closer to him and tossed his arm and leg over the older one. His head was hidden under the hood of his jacket, some strands of hair falling on his sleeping face. The younger had his blanket tightly around his back, but, his one arm and leg had escaped the cocoon in search for more warmth and had ended up locating TaekWoon.

A small groan left HongBin’s sealed lips and he moved closer, following the head he felt coming from TaekWoon. He pressed his body closer to the broader male and TaekWoon had to move his right arm out of the way before it got trapped and the moment he did so, HongBin moved even closer.

The latter let out a small, satisfied sigh and TaekWoon simply didn’t have the heart to push him away. Beside it was indeed warmer to have someone so close and, well, it was nice that that someone was HongBin. TaekWoon couldn’t deny that.

He lowered his arm so that it now was resting around HongBin and pulled and twisted their blankets so they would somehow cover the limbs the younger one had tossed out from the warmth of his blanket. Another groan of content left HongBin’s mouth and he completely moved from his bed place to TaekWoon’s, his head now resting on TaekWoon’s chest.

His long eyelashes brushed against his high cheek-bones, hair slightly falling over them and in a spur of a moment he raised his free hand and smoothed the disobedient strands of hair away. HongBin was stunning, he couldn’t deny that even a bit, but at the same time he was so much more than just good looks and TaekWoon found it offensive almost on a personal level when no one acknowledged that.  He let out a breath and pulled the blanket more over the younger one. If only he would know what to do to change how other perceived him.

“So cute,” he heard Hakyeon whisper and looked up to the leader, who dragged a sleepy Wonsik behind him. “Good way to warm up,” he added with a wink and went to his sleeping place on TaekWoon’s left, dragging Wonsik along.

The snoring of the later soon rang in the chilly air, but TaekWoon actually didn’t care. He felt the body heat of HongBin swirling around him and soon he finally drifted in to sleep, sharing it with the boy in his arms.



CHECK OUT: VIXX fic list; Steal Heart; Twitter; Tumblr; Instagram; hongbinstaekwoon’s LeoBin drabbles

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An update later today? Can it be?


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I really miss your LeoBin fanfic. :(
Now almost no fanfic of them ... it's like going back in time. ??????
beely3063 #2
Chapter 36: Why do i know these super duper cute drabbles too late :((((((((
Leobinship #3
Chapter 36: I really, really want you back !!!
tayzia #4
Chapter 36: ♡♡♡ thank you for the update! this one was really simple but so cute.~~ hongbin always teasing leo haha
Chapter 36: OHMY hongbin ur such a tease
Drakiell_Malfoy #6
Chapter 36: I need more of this~. Maybe an actual kiss♥ Oh... would be great, but i'll be happy with the kiss
Chapter 35: firzt ur back!and this is wonderfull
Chapter 35: This was so simple but also very fulfilling . Love how it's called aroma, everything about the Drabble revolved around that title , as well hongbin's presence. I couldn't think of a better comeback for you to post ;-; ily
Chapter 8: love it! :)