Handsome ♬

Love Comes in Different Forms

Inspired by this interview where TaekWoon basically swoons over HongBin.



When asked about the most handsome person TaekWoon knew, he didn’t have to search long for an answer. To him and many others it was as clear as sky on a hot summer afternoon. He daily saw a living Adonis - as if sculpted by gods themselves - who was the epitome of what one could call handsome.


Hair in color as light as ash blond or as rich as red wine or fresh burned coal either pushed back or falling freely over his forehead in gentle waves; eyes marked in pitch black or vivid colors; tailored clothing hugging his body - it didn’t matter. Yes, it all just brought his beauty out more but to TaekWoon the fairytale prince, who TaekWoon could call his own, looked the best like he was now. His coffee black hair still damp from shower, his well sculpted body hidden in loose grey slacks and deep blue t-shirt, which TaekWoon could swear it belonged to him instead of the man who was wearing it. Like this he looked the best.


He was sitting on the floor, his back resting against the sofa TaekWoon was sitting on. The script of his drama was in his hand and he was studying it for at least third time. His focus was unbreakable and the younger was absolutely immersed in the new reading material. Yes, like this he looked the best, apart from those times behind locked door when nothing else but the two of them existed.


TaekWoon slowly moved to the edge of the sofa and then to the floor, sitting down next to the younger. He scooted closer, his arms naturally wrapping around other’s slim waist and pulling him a little bit closer, his chin finding it’s place on other’s shoulder.


“Bin-ah,” he asked quietly, receiving a low hum as a reply, “aren’t you tired?” TaekWoon asked turning his gaze to the mesmerizing strong jawline right next to his face.


“No, I’m okay, hyung,” HongBin replied, giving a small smile to the older before returning to reading. TaekWoon had learned not to argue with the man he wanted to embrace so much he tend to lose his concentration even in public. He simply nodded and remained in the same spot for a while before starting an already mastered shifting task.


Few moves here and there, a bit of twisting and pulling and in matter of few minutes HongBin was basically in TaekWoon’s lap - still sitting on the floor but now between TaekWoon’s legs, his own half thrown over the long polls TaekWoon used to walk. His back was comfortably resting against TaekWoon’s chest, his head laying on blonds broad shoulder. He was still reading his script, but now he seemed more relaxed, less stressed, less tired.


The current blond securely had his arms wrapped around HongBin’s waist, his cheek resting against the side of younger one’s head as he read along the dialogues and actions of scenario. At moments HongBin would quietly murmur his lines, or shift a little in his spot or TaekWoon pressed light, random kisses on other’s hair - a complete fairytale idille.


Time passed them in a different way and it was hard for TaekWoon to tell how much had passed, but soon the one page was on display for far too long and the blond looked at the man in his arms, who, without a big surprise, had fallen asleep. His eyes were shut tightly, long lashes brushing against his high cheek bones; his rosy lips slightly parted; his chest rising and falling in steady breaths. HongBin deserved sleep, he indeed did.


TaekWoon slowly took the script out of HongBin’s hand, placing it away, and the sleeping one instantly stirred. He turned his head just a little, his hot breath now hitting TaekWoon’s neck directly. HongBin had his devilishly pure charm when awake, but when asleep TaekWoon could see nothing more and nothing less than his personal angel - tired and dragged around, yet still above the grey everyday life.


Just a little bit more, he will allow him to sleep in his arms like this just a bit more before waking him up to, ironically, go to bed. Just a little bit more with his handsome sleeping prince.



CHECK OUT: VIXX fic list; Steal Heart; Twitter; Tumblr; Instagram; hongbinstaekwoon’s LeoBin drabbles


Jung TaekWoon: not knowing how to hide his favoritism towards HongBin since like FOREVER!


Also I have realized I prefer writing poetic language filled descriptions more than dialogues. I like painting pictures with words.  Do you like my descriptions, or am I swooning over my own work for nothing?


Sure, TaekWoon, SOMETIMES.

In case if you are wondering what I am planning regarding writing in 2016, check out THIS blog post!

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An update later today? Can it be?


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I really miss your LeoBin fanfic. :(
Now almost no fanfic of them ... it's like going back in time. ??????
beely3063 #2
Chapter 36: Why do i know these super duper cute drabbles too late :((((((((
Leobinship #3
Chapter 36: I really, really want you back !!!
tayzia #4
Chapter 36: ♡♡♡ thank you for the update! this one was really simple but so cute.~~ hongbin always teasing leo haha
Chapter 36: OHMY hongbin ur such a tease
Drakiell_Malfoy #6
Chapter 36: I need more of this~. Maybe an actual kiss♥ Oh... would be great, but i'll be happy with the kiss
Chapter 35: firzt ur back!and this is wonderfull
Chapter 35: This was so simple but also very fulfilling . Love how it's called aroma, everything about the Drabble revolved around that title , as well hongbin's presence. I couldn't think of a better comeback for you to post ;-; ily
Chapter 8: love it! :)