In the Train ☆

Love Comes in Different Forms

Here Taekwoon was again - being pushed, pulled and crushed by the people on the over-crowded morning train he took to university every weekday at exactly 6:46AM. Every morning was the same - making him to cringe and pull his tall and broad frame together as small as possible to get at least some space to breath, yet with every stop the train got fuller and TaekWoon felt like suffocating. He counted stops until he could breath at least a little.


“Good morning, sunbae!” a deep voice spoke right next to him and a fame smaller than TaekWoon’s, yet in no way petite or fragile - rather broad and muscular itself -  and two strong arms built him a space to breathe, to forget about the people around them. “The train is so full again. Every time,” the newcomer looked around and then at TaekWoon, soft smile playing on his dainty lips, dimples appearing in his cheeks and TaekWoon could just nod.


For good 6 months his hoobae - a first year student - served as TaekWoon’s shield in the morning rush hours and a companion that kept the seat next to TaekWoon in the train full in the evenings. Whenever he could he even found TaekWoon on the campus and demanded nothing more but company. HongBin was his name and TaekWoon didn’t fully understand the younger one’s motive behind this.


He was pushed, poked and crushed instead of TaekWoon, cursed at even, yet every morning, not skipping a single day, he got in the same train TaekWoon took 5 stops after his and built a wall using his own body. That was a blessing and a curse at the same time.


Yes, TaekWoon didn’t have to deal with the obnoxious crowd that scared him and made him sick at the same time, but he was teased and oppressed by HongBin’s presence. It began with the scent of his cologne hitting TaekWoon straight over the head. It was always the same scent - strong, fresh, a little bit earthy - like soil after rain - but not as subtle. He had to admit to trying to search for it, but he couldn’t find it. Maybe it was the way how it mixed with the heat of HongBin’s skin that made it so unique, but, ouh, the heat that radiated from HongBin.


It was primal and tamed at the same time, raw and sophisticated just like the younger one’s appearance. Coffee brown locks freely falling over his forehead and just slightly over his chocolate brown eyes. Cheekbones high, nose rounded cutely, lips looking soft in lightest tone of pink, jawline carved by the sculptor of nature perfectly, cutting right through TaekWoon’s sanity. Neck gracious and inviting, accompanied by droplets of sweat on hot, more crowded rides, that traveled from his temple down over his jaw and neck to the usually unforgivably ed shirt. Those were only the first two buttons, but it was more than enough - collarbones and hint of strong chest teasing unexplainably.


TaekWoon had caught himself to the sinful habit of his lips far too often in the past month, of the habit of his eyes not knowing where to focus, his hands awkwardly clenched at the edge of his jacket or the strap of his bag. Then again, it must have been only him, but HongBin had habits of similar nature himself.


When ever he locked eyes with TaekWoon for longer than a second he swallowed thickly and looked away instantly, his eyes shifting to TaekWoon when he thought the other wasn’t looking. His grip either on the hoister that hung from the bar connected to the ceiling or the poll next to them, or against the wall behind TaekWoon every time the train swayed and he got dangerously close to TaekWoon. The latter doubted it was for the same reasons as his little actions, but a single morning blew his mind completely.


Nothing was different from other mornings. Taekwoon got in the traina at 6:46AM and suffered quietly for 5 stops until a wall with a bright dimple blessed smile arrived. They exchange an ordinary small talk and went in to their usual quiet coexistence - a very comfortable quiet TaekWoon enjoyed a lot. Even though the train was loud, HongBin as if served as sound barrier a well.


The older had a moment to take a deep breath of the rich scent the younger always brought with him, to admire the lovely set of plain white t-shirt (the cut too low to be considered polite) and a grey knitted cardigan over it. He yet again caught the younger giving him a bit flustered look causing him to look away. Yes, it was indeed an ordinary morning, until they entered one of the few tunnels on their way.


The train swayed oddly, knocking everyone out of balance. It stopped suddenly, the lights going off - screams of shock ringing through the air. People began to move, pushing the calmer one’s down, crushing them painfully and HongBin ended up considerably much more closer to TaekWoon than ever before. His face was literally not more than a centimeter away, his breath mingling with TaekWoon’s. His eyes were wide and bright, locked with TaekWoon’s who tried his best to keep calm and remember he was still protected by Hongbin from the panicking crowd that kept on pushing and poking the younger one. But… the latter was so close.


The blue emergency lights on the ceiling held the whole train in a dim twilight and either the feeling of unknown or how close HongBin was made TaekWoon’s heart to beat faster. He could swear he could hear, no, feel HongBin’s heart beating as fast and maybe even faster when the latter leaned forward even more.


His lips were almost touching TaekWoon’s, his eyes locked with TaekWoon’s. Maybe the situation had given both of them some sort of strange courage - shy looks and quiet admiration turning into actions - but they didn’t fight back. HongBin tilted his head slightly, leaning as close as a millimeter from TaekWoon’s lips, who was already shaking ouh so slightly from anticipation, and it was a question of one move, when the lights came back on.


HongBin pulled back, his ears so red it couldn’t be hidden, TaekWoon’s face probably in the same color. A voice announced about slight technical difficulties and apologized, the panic in the train melted away and was replaced with dissatisfied mumbling. Strangely or not, HongBin remained as close, his face turned away from TaekWoon again, his eyes stealing glances once in awhile. Was this a step forward or back - TaekWoon couldn’t answer now, but he knew he needed the answer and soon.




CHECK OUT: VIXX fic list; Steal Heart; Twitter; Tumblr; Instagram

Another rather cute drabble series beginning, this time marked with the icon . I am planning on 3 drabbles for this in total, maybe even over the weekend already!

still stands for idol AU - aka them as a part of VIXX and stands for Medieval knight AU. Added to ‘Mr.CEO’ as this AU will have at least one continuation. ^^

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BONUS: Leobin from today. My heart stopped. TaekWoon is enjoying this so much - he literally radiates happiness because he can hold his Binnie.

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An update later today? Can it be?


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I really miss your LeoBin fanfic. :(
Now almost no fanfic of them ... it's like going back in time. ??????
beely3063 #2
Chapter 36: Why do i know these super duper cute drabbles too late :((((((((
Leobinship #3
Chapter 36: I really, really want you back !!!
tayzia #4
Chapter 36: ♡♡♡ thank you for the update! this one was really simple but so cute.~~ hongbin always teasing leo haha
Chapter 36: OHMY hongbin ur such a tease
Drakiell_Malfoy #6
Chapter 36: I need more of this~. Maybe an actual kiss♥ Oh... would be great, but i'll be happy with the kiss
Chapter 35: firzt ur back!and this is wonderfull
Chapter 35: This was so simple but also very fulfilling . Love how it's called aroma, everything about the Drabble revolved around that title , as well hongbin's presence. I couldn't think of a better comeback for you to post ;-; ily
Chapter 8: love it! :)