Chapter 9

Living Famous

Chapter 9 here! Enjoy!


Ever since she had bonded with Taehyun throughout Rookie Adventures, Wendy’s feelings for the idol had gone from friendly to complicated. 


“Wendy, is everything ok?” A man asked her.


Wendy shook useless thoughts off and faced the man before her.


“Oh, sorry about that, Johnny. I’ve been stressed out these days. I think homesickness struck me again.” Wendy lied.

“Hmm, we should go and grab some Canadian food. I know a place who sells really good butter tarts.” Johnny said.

“Ok.” Wendy nodded.


The couple snuck out of the headquarters and secretly took the cab to a Canadian patisserie somewhere in Hongdae.


“Johnny, this is Hongdae and it’s a Saturday. There are tons of people here. You know our situation right now. This is risky.” Wendy said.

“Wendy, we can always say that we’re friends catching up after a long time.” Johnny said.

“I’m not getting off.” Wendy cried.

“C’mon.” Johnny dragged Wendy out of the cab, paid the driver and let her go.


“This is not a good idea, Johnny.” Wendy said.

“We won’t take long.” Johnny argued.


With that, he and the Red Velvet’s pretty member walked through the streets of Hongdae.


“Johnny, people are looking.” Wendy muttered.

“Relax. I won’t make it look like we’re together.” Johnny said.


The pair then walked into a Canadian patisserie and checked out the butter tarts.


“I’ll get us some.” Johnny smiled.


Wendy nodded as she and Johnny queued in line.


Just then, a good-looking boy with a 5:5 hairstyle walked into the shop. 


“Yes, hyung. I gonna buy you one. Araso, araso. Two butter tarts, sheesh!” The guy said and hung up.


Wendy noticed everyone in the store turned their heads at the door and did the same. Her eyes met with a pair of eyes she has been familiar with.


“T-Taehyun…” Wendy muttered.


The boy smiled at her and walked up to her.


“Nice to see you again, Wendy-sshi.” Taehyun smiled.


“Wen, would you like some Beaver Tails t-too?” Johnny turned around and found his girlfriend facing someone.


“Yes, Johnny?” Wendy turned to her boyfriend.

“Beaver Tails?” Johnny asked.

“Yeah, sure.” Wendy smiled and turned to Taehyun.


“Hey, it’s nice to see you too, Taehyun.” Wendy said calmly, but deep inside she was in panic.


Johnny is here and then there’s Taehyun who is making me all confused. Aish! What am I gonna do? Wendy, think fast.


“Uh, what are you doing here in Hongdae?” Taehyun asked.

“Uh, getting some pastries with Johnny.” Wendy replied.

“Johnny, I see. Well, have fun.” Taehyun nodded and queued in line.

“You’re a fan of Canadian pastries?” Wendy asked.

“Seungyoon hyung and I discovered this place and well, we loved it, so we grab some once in a while. I lost to a bet and well, I ended up buying.” Taehyun said.

“I see.” Wendy nodded.


After hanging with Taehyun for quite some time, the pair had announced that they would be leaving.


“Uh, Taehyun, Johnny and I will go ahead. S-See you around.” Wendy said and walked out of the shop with Johnny.


Tch! He is no match for me. Look out, man. In no time, Wendy is gonna fall in love with me.


“What’s with the creepy smile?” Seungyoon asked the smirking Taehyun.

“Johnny is...tch! Honestly, he is no match for me. Wendy will come straight to me in no time.” Taehyun said.

“Confident much! What makes you say that Wendy wants you?” Seungyoon argued.

“I’m irresistible.” Taehyun said.

“Pssh! You’re hopeless. I gotta go.” Seungyoon said.

“Wait! What about your butter tarts?” Taehyun asked.

“Just put them in the fridge. Do not eat ‘em!” Seungyoon ordered.

“Ok, but where are you going?” Taehyun asked.

“Manager hyung says that he wanted to see me, so I’m meeting him downstairs.” Seungyoon said as he slipped onto his shoes and shut the door behind him.


“Yah! Where have you been?” Seulgi cried.

“Snuck out of the headquarters with Johnny and took a cab to Hongdae to grab some butter tarts.” Wendy said and grinned.

“What? You two would’ve been caught.” Seulgi said.

“Relax. We never held hands or anything. We even hang with Taehyun for a while to make sure that people did not suspect us.” Wendy said.

“Taehyun? Namtae?” Seulgi asked.

“Yeah. We bumped onto that idiot in a Canadian patisserie.” Wendy said.

“O-ok?” Seulgi nodded suspiciously.


Weeks passed since Red Velvet and WINNER had last interacted with each other. Mino was getting really bored.


“Man! Not hanging out with Red Velvet is driving me insane.” Mino cried.

“You sound so desperate, dude.” Jinwoo said.

“I can’t help it. Having the girls around is really fun.” Mino said.

“Don’t worry! Sooner or later, Wendy is gonna realize that Johnny is not the right man for her.” Taehyun grinned.

“Oh, brother.” Seunghoon palmed himself.

“Say, where is Seungyoon?” Mino asked.

“Molla. He was here a while ago.” Taehyun said.


Seungyoon was in his room, talking to someone on the phone.


“Are you feeling better now?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh, I do.” A girl on the other line replied.

“Is he bothering you?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh. He left like fifty voice mails and another fifty messages all saying the same thing.” The girl said.

“He’s sorry and that he wants you back?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh. I’ve thought about giving him another chance but I’m afraid that he’s gonna hurt me again.” The girl said.

“It’s your call, Seulgi-ah. If you still like him, I won’t stop you. If he hurts you again, I’m always here to comfort you.” Seungyoon said.

“Thanks, Yoon.” Seulgi replied.




“Oh, I’ll call you back.” Seulgi said as she hung up.


[BREAKING] GOT7’s Jackson spotted walking out of a restaurant with KARA’s Youngji; Is it over between him and Red Velvet’s Seulgi?


Seulgi’s heart stopped.


H-He…Y-Youngji…so, he really cheated on me purposely. S-Silly me…


Meanwhile, Seunghoon gasped.


“Yah! Check this out!” Seunghoon showed his phone to the rest of WINNER.


“GOT7’S Jackson and Red Velvet’s Seulgi have broken up?” Mino read.

“GOT7’s ace Jackson had recently been spotted out on a dinner date with KARA’s Youngji around Cheongdam area. The pair was seen being really flirty with each other. With this, Dispatch had speculated that the male idol and the Red Velvet member had broken up and that the former cheated on her?” Taehyun read.

“What?” Jinwoo cried.

“Yah, how can Jackson do this?” Mino cried.

“This is mean even for him.” Taehyun said.


Seungyoon walked out of his room and found the boys gazing at Seunghoon’s phone.


“What’s going on?” Seungyoon asked.


The boys all glanced at him.


“Jackson.” Mino replied.

“What’s with Jackson?” Seungyoon asked.

“Check it out for yourself.” Seunghoon handed his phone to Seungyoon.


WINNER’s leader read through the article and froze.


“Seulgi…” Seungyoon mumbled and quickly pulled his phone out. 


He tossed the phone back to Seunghoon, placed his own phone on his ears and slipped onto his shoes.


“Yoon…” A girl spoke up.

“Did you see it?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh.” The girl replied.

“Are you ok?” Seungyoon asked.

“Ani. Yoon-ah, how can he be so mean?” The girl sniffled.

“He’s a big jerk, Seul and he doesn’t deserve you.” Seungyoon replied.

“I can’t believe that I thought about giving him a second chance.” Seulgi said.

“Well, I’m glad that the news came out before you could even make the biggest mistake.” Seungyoon said.

“Ne. Yoon, thank you for being a good friend.” Seulgi said.

“Anytime, Seulgi.” Seungyoon smiled.

“If you’re thinking of coming to the dorm, don’t do it anymore. I’m glad that I have someone to talk to in times like this.” Seulgi warned.

“Are you psychic or something?” Seungyoon said.

“Haha. No, I just thought that since you heard about the whole Jackson situation, you’re gonna come here and comfort me. I’m not okay but I will be. Just give me time to heal.” Seulgi said.

“Ok. Have a nice day then. See you around.” Seungyoon said and hung up.


[UPDATE] JYP Entertainment addresses the issue regarding Jackson.


GOT7’s Jackson had recently been under fire for going out on a dinner date with KARA’s Youngji while still dating Red Velvet’s Seulgi. JYP Entertainment sent a representative to speak in behalf of the idol. We quote, “Jackson indeed went out with Youngji-sshi but they were not the only ones who were out. The rest of the Roommate cast were with them. It just so happened that both of them stepped out of restaurant together. Having established a good relationship, there is no doubt that both idols are pretty cool around each other. Jackson and Youngji are just good friends and that the male idol is still dating Red Velvet’s Seulgi.” Please continue supporting Jackson. So, what do you have to say? Comments.


“Friends my . You totally cheated on her.” Seunghoon remarked.

“How can he lie like that?” Taehyun cried.

“Maybe we should confirm this with Seulgi first before jumping to conclusions.” Jinwoo said.

“There was never an official break up but Seulgi broke it off with him in spirit.” Seungyoon said while playing around with his phone.


The boys looked at him suspiciously.


“H-How’d you know?” Mino asked.

“Well, she poured her heart out on me. Hehe.” Seungyoon grinned.

“What do you exactly mean?” Mino asked.

“She asked me to go over to her dorm. When I got there, she basically poured her tears out on me.” Seungyoon explained.

“So, what exactly is going on between she and Jackson?” Seunghoon asked.

“She caught him kissing Heo Youngji in plain view.” Seungyoon replied.

“Oh!” Mino nodded.

“So, in theory, they’ve broken up.” Seungyoon said.

“How did she take it?” Taehyun asked.

“She cried herself to sleep at first but she eventually learned to accept the reality that Jackson Wang is a big jackass.” Seungyoon answered.

“Damn! This is evil even for him.” Jinwoo commented.

“Yep, so low.” Seungyoon nodded.

“Well, why didn’t Jackson announce their break up?” Taehyun asked.

“He is trying to win her back.” Seungyoon said.

“What was he thinking?” Mino cried.

“He never thought about it before he messed with her. I feel really bad for her.” Seungyoon sulked.


After a long break, Jaeyeon went back to school.


“I heard that selected students from the fine arts department will be given a chance to go to Japan in the next two weeks for a week-long immersion with Japanese graphical designs. I wish I will be picked.” Bohee sang.

“What makes you think Mr. Kang will pick you?” Mari cried.

“I can dream.” Bohee replied.


“Good morning and welcome back, students! To begin, you may have all heard this rumor about the Japan trip, am I correct?” The dean asked.

“Ye!” The class agreed.

“Well, that rumor happens to be true.” The dean cried.


Everyone buzzed around.


“Students. There will only be two people from each departments who would be chosen. For our department, it would be Ms. Lee Jaeyeon of Year 2 and Mr. Han Jungwoo from Year 3.” The dean announced.


As soon as Jaeyeon’s name was announced, Bohee and Mari turned to their friend who was really overwhelmed. Year 3, Han Jungwoo and his friends were also happy.


“Ms. Lee and Mr. Han were especially handpicked by yours truly as they showed excellent performances in their classes. I know you all wanted to go but we can only send two, so if you guys work harder, I may just consider you next year. So, keep up the good work and you’ll get there. Representatives, please see me at 5pm for your briefing.” The dean said.


“Ye.” Jaeyeon and Han Jungwoo replied.


“Woah! Japan? That’s nice! You’ll get to visit Japan for a week.” Mari cried.

“Wah! You get to have another week of vacation while we get to work off. I envy you, Jae.” Bohee said.

“I guess I am just lucky.” Jaeyeon smiled proudly.

“Guess what? Hottie Han Jungwoo sunbaenim is going too. I heard he has his eyes on you.” Mari teased.

“Jang Mari, I have a boyfriend, remember? Even if Jungwoo sunbaenim is a hottie, I wouldn’t exchange Hanbin for him.” Jaeyeon said.


“Lee Jaeyeon-sshi!” A guy had called Jaeyeon from behind.


The female turned around and met a really good-looking guy’s face. She immediately gave him a bow.


“Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim.” Jaeyeon greeted.

“Are you heading to Mr. Kang’s office?” The guy asked.

“Ye, sunbaenim.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Let’s go together.” The guy smiled.

“Uh, y-ye.” Jaeyeon nodded confusedly and walked with the hottie.


People were looking at them weirdly, making Jaeyeon a little uncomfortable.


“Uh, sunbaenim. Is it okay if you move a little further? People are kinda um…looking.” Jaeyeon pleaded.

“Relax. It’s not like I’m going to hurt you.” The guy said as he brushed his shoulder on hers.

“Sunbaenim, I don’t want to sound rude but you are really close to me and I need my personal space.” Jaeyeon requested.

“If that’s what you want.” The guy took a step away from the female.


Jaeyeon slowly exhaled.


What is this guy thinking? News flash, buddy…I am not an easy person.


“I’m glad you kids made it. So, let’s get started. So, the university’s college of fine arts is pleased to announced that we will be bringing fifteen handpicked students for a study tour in Japan. You will be going around Tokyo to see and experience Japanese art and design. Here are your guidelines and waivers. Have your parents read through them and sign. I want these all done by Thursday. You may submit this waiver sheets physically or by email. Your air fare will be shouldered by the department, as well as your hotel accommodation. As for your food and other expenses, they shall be shouldered by you. You will be given two free days to be able to go around the city on your own.” The dean explained.


After getting everything she needed, Jaeyeon walked out of the office. 


“Jamkkanmanyo!” A guy cried out.




Jaeyeon spun around and faced the guy.


“Ye, sunbaenim?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Need a ride home?” The guy asked.

“Uh, aniyo. I can take a cab home.” Jaeyeon said.

“I insist.” The guy said.

“Gwaenchanayo, sunbae. I can go home myself.” Jaeyeon insisted.

“Are you sure? I have a car and I can drive you home. That way, you won’t need to spend your money.” The guy said.

“Aniyo, gwaenchanayo.” Jaeyeon declined his offer once and for all.

“O-ok.” The guy nodded.

“I’ll go ahead.” Jaeyeon walked away from her senior.


She walked out of Hongik University and bumped onto someone in black and baggy clothing.


“B-Bobby?” Jaeyeon mumbled.

“Hey, let’s go.” Bobby said.

“W-what are you doing here?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Well, I was around the area, so I decided to stop by and walk you home.” Bobby said.

“Are you really Kim Jiwon?” Jaeyeon asked playfully.

“The one and only. Now, c’mon! The boys will be really happy to see you.” Bobby smiled.

“Ok? We’re taking a cab.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ara.” Bobby nodded.


As soon as Jaeyeon hailed a cab, the two friends stepped into the car and sped away. From afar, a tall and good-looking dude watched them as they sped away.


I am not letting some guy get in the way. I will make you mine, Lee Jaeyeon.


Three days later, Jaeyeon, her senior Han Jungwoo and the rest of the representatives depart for Tokyo. Much to Jaeyeon’s annoyance, Year 3 design hottie, Han Jungwoo was assigned to sit beside her.


Just great! I have to stay with this guy for two hours. He’s a hottie but there is no way I would let some player hit on me.


Jaeyeon spent the next 160 minutes stuck with the player. After claiming her baggage from the conveyor belt, the female walked over to a corner to give way for other people to claim their bags.


Meanwhile, the boys of iKON were also claiming their bags. Maknae Chanwoo was looking around the arrival area and spotted a familiar female figure a few feet away.


“Hyung, isn’t that Jaeyeon noona?” The maknae tapped onto Donghyuk.

“It is…yah! Jaeyeon noona is here too!” Donghyuk cried.


The boys turned around and gazed at Jaeyeon who seemed to be preoccupied with thoughts.


“Watch and learn.” Leader B.I grinned as he passed his bags to Bobby and walked over to the female.


He tapped on her shoulder, causing her to flinched a little and turned to the idol’s direction.


“Hanbin?” Jaeyeon’s eyes shot.

“The one and only. What are you doing here?” B.I asked.

“I was chosen to be one of the representatives for design department to take part in a week-long study tour here in Tokyo. I suppose you and the boys have a schedule? Concert, perhaps.” Jaeyeon explained and asked.

“Majayo! We are here for YG Family concert.” B.I replied.

“I guess Seungyoon is here too.” Jaeyeon assumed.

“Ne, WINNER sunbaenims are here in Tokyo right now.” B.I said.

“When’s your concert?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Tomorrow night. This day will be a day off but I supposed we will be rehearsing.” B.I answered.

“I see. Well, have fun!” Jaeyeon cheered.

“Will you be having this day off too?” B.I asked.

“Yeah. As soon as we all get settled in our hotel rooms, we can take the rest of the day off.” Jaeyeon said.

“Come to our rehearsals, please.” B.I aegyo-ed.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Come with us then or better yet, we fetch you from your hotel.” B.I said.

“Uh. I’ll send you the address.” Jaeyeon said.


As soon as Jaeyeon had settled in her room, she unpacked some of her stuff and locked her bag. She pulled her phone out and tapped away.


To: Nae namchin

Staying at XXX Hotel, room 2307


From: Nae namchin

Jinjja? Ok. I’ll go to your room now.


Huh? He’s coming to my room? Isanghae.


After a while, someone rang on Jaeyeon’s doorbell.


“Coming!” Jaeyeon cried and rushed to the door. She unlocked it and pulled it wide open.


“You’re fast.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, you are lucky that we stay in the same hotel.” B.I answered.

“Ye? Jinjja? Nice.” Jaeyeon bobbed her head.


Jaeyeon grabbed her phone and purse, grabbed her jacket, slipped into her shoes, pulled her keycard and walked away with the male idol.


The pair stepped out of the elevator and met up with the rest of the boys.


“Oh! Noona, yeogiseo mwohae?” Junhoe asked.

“Well, I stay in this hotel too.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Jinjja? Wah, daebak!” Donghyuk cried.

“Are you joining us for rehearsals?” Bobby asked.

“Uh. Hanbin talked me into it.” Jaeyeon said.

“Assa!” Yunhyeong cried.


“Kaja! Oh, annyeong Jaeyeon-sshi! Yeogiseo mwohaneungeoyeyo?” The boys’ manager asked.

“I have study tour here in Tokyo. I bumped onto these boys and they insisted on me tagging along. Is it okay?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Of course! Let’s go!” The manager said.

“Uh.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Hanbin grabbed Jaeyeon’s hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. The female gave him a warm smile and walked out of the hotel with her.


A few feet away, someone witnessed their sweet moment.


Who is this guy now? 


The good-looking guy followed them as they walked out of the building. The boys hopped onto a van and Jaeyeon walked in too. Before the dude could catch them, the car had drive away.


Aish! Do I have to chase them around? Oh well! If I want the girl, I should do what it takes then.


The good-looking male hailed a cab and asked the driver to follow the van with the plate ID number he had took note of. Soon enough, the van stopped at the back entrance of Tokyo Dome.


“Sir, I think the car we’re following drove inside the building, but I cannot drive in. Is it okay if you get off here?” The Japanese driver asked.

“Hai. Arigato gozaimasu.” Jungwoo thanked the driver, handed the fare and got off.


The hot Korean male got off from the taxi and snuck into the building.


“Are you sure about this?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Manager hyung did not mind, so it’s gonna be okay.” B.I said as he was massaging her hand.

“Seeing Seungyoon here is pretty awkward.” Jaeyeon fidgetted.

“You two haven’t exactly been speaking to each other ever since the talk, huh?” B.I guessed.

“Y-yeah.” Jaeyeon replied guiltily.

“You two should make up, soon. I feel weird too.” B.I said.

“Geurae. I’ll try.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Thirty minutes later, iKON began their rehearsals. Jaeyeon watched the boys as they rock the rehearsal stage.


Meanwhile, the boys of WINNER arrive. They walked into the stage area to witness their hoobaes rehearse. Mino spotted a familiar figure and nudged Seungyoon.


“Seungyoon-ah, Jaeyeon-sshi is here.” Mino mumbled.

“Ne? J-Jaeyeon?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh. She’s right over there.” Mino pointed towards a female figure.

“Should I talk to her?” Seungyoon asked.

“You should make up.” Mino said.


Seungyoon walked away from his friends and walked over to the lonely Jaeyeon.


“Hey…” Seungyoon stammered.


Jaeyeon turned around and faced Seungyoon.


“H-Hey…” Jaeyeon awkwardly replied.

“H-How are you?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh, I-I’m good. Y-You?” Jaeyeon awkwardly replied.

“I’m good too.” Seungyoon said.


Awkward air filled them.


“Y-Yoon…” Jaeyeon begun.

“Are we still friends?” Seungyoon interrupted.

“Of course, we are. We will always be best friends.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“So, we’re good?” Seungyoon asked and pulled his hand out for a truce handshake.

“Oh, yes!” Jaeyeon accepted his handshake.


“Finally!” Mino exhaled.

“What?” Taehyun asked.

“Those two finally made up.” Mino cried.

“Who?” Taehyun asked.

“Oops! I wasn’t suppose to say it. Damn, Seungyoon is gonna kill me!” Mino cursed.

“Say what?” Taehyun asked.


“Seungyoon-ah, I don’t mean to be interrupting but should I tell them?” Mino cried.

“Tell them what?” Seungyoon cried.

“You know what!” Mino cried.

“Mwo? Ok!” Seungyoon cried.


“So, what is it, hyung?” Taehyun asked.

“Hanbin’s girlfriend, Jaeyeon-sshi was Seungyoon’s first love.” Mino revealed.

“MWO??” Jinwoo, Seunghoon and Taehyun cried.

“Yes, she was his first love. A rift got in between them and for years, they did not speak to each other. Recently, Seungyoon found out about her relationship with Hanbin and pursued her. He pissed her off like crazy. Soon, he got a hold of his emotions and gave up.” Mino said.

“Jinjja? Woah!” Taehyun gasped.

“Crazy, right?” Mino said.


Taehyun and the rest of the boys nodded.


“So, what are you doing here in Tokyo? Don’t you have class?” Seungyoon asked.

“I do. I was chosen as one of the representatives of my department to participate a study tour here in Tokyo. I’m here with the rest of the reps, including my annoying sunbae.” Jaeyeon said.

“Annoying?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh. He’s driving me nuts! He’s hitting on me. While on the plane, he kept winking at me. I also caught him checking me out. Crazy ert.” Jaeyeon said.

“Does Hanbin know?” Seungyoon asked.

“Ani. I was gonna tell him but iKON was called to the stage for rehearsals." Jaeyeon said.

“You should talk to your boyfriend and his manager maybe they can help you. Hmm, you can also call me when that ert does something.” Seungyoon said.

“Ne, I will.” Jaeyeon nodded.


“Mwo? Your sunbae is hitting on you?” Bobby cried.

“Ne, I would’ve given him a beating but we were in the plane.” Jaeyeon added.

“Let’s make him back off then.” B.I smirked.

“Eotteohke?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I have a plan.” B.I smiled.


That night, iKON and Jaeyeon were transported back to the hotel. By the time they had arrived, Jaeyeon’s sunbae Han Jungwoo had gone back to the hotel too.


“Wah! I need some sleep. I’ve got a whole day of work tomorrow.” Jaeyeon stretched out.

“Is he that guy, Jaeyeon-ah?” Bobby asked.


Jaeyeon glanced at the tall dude briefly and back to Bobby.


“Uh.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Bobby nodded at B.I. The younger idol grabbed Jaeyeon’s hand and pulled her closer.


“Hanbin, mwohae?” Jaeyeon asked nervously.

“Just go with the flow, babe.” B.I said as he pulled her even closer and crashed his lips on hers. Shocked, Jaeyeon stood frozen.


B.I wrapped his left arm around the girl’s back and the other hand on her face for support. Jaeyeon caught on the situation and allowed herself to go with B.I’s action. She wrapped her arms around the boy’s neck.


Year 3 design student and Jaeyeon’s sunbae Han Jungwoo just stood on his spot in shock.


“I’ll walk you back to your room. Guys, you know what to do.” B.I said as he escorted Jaeyeon back to her room.


When the pair disappeared, the boys ganged up on the older male.


“Han Jungwoo-sshi, right?” Jinhwan stepped up.

“Y-ye.” The dude nodded nervously.

“Stop whatever you are doing and no one gets hurt.” Bobby warned.

“Ye?” The dude asked confusedly.

“We know you are hitting on our friend, Jaeyeon. We suggest you just lay her off and everything will be in place.” Yunhyeong ordered.

“I don’t know what you are talking about and who the hell are you?” Jungwoo asked accusingly.

“You have messed with the wrong people, Han Jungwoo-sshi. Hit on our friend again and you will get a beating.” Bobby cried.

“What if I don’t stop?” Jungwoo smirked.

“We can easily call on the police for harassment and stalking.” Donghyuk threatened.

“Drop it and nobody gets hurt. C’mon boys!” Jinhwan said as he walked away.


Bobby was last to go. He made sure to scare the guy even more to make him reconsider his stand.


“By the way, we are iKON, YG Entertainment's upcoming boygroup. Have a good night.” Bobby walked away with swag.


“What was that?” Jaeyeon argued.

“Just showing the guy who’s the boss.” B.I stated confidently.

“O-ok.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Ever since he got a warning from the boys, Jungwoo had stopped bugging Jaeyeon during their stay in Japan. Everything went smoothly. Jaeyeon spent her last day, roaming around the streets of Shibuya ward.


Meanwhile, the boys of iKON were also given a rest on their last day in Tokyo. The boys cruised along Shibuya ward.


“Oh.” Donghyuk gasped.

“W-wae?” Junhoe asked.

“Jaeyeon noona.” Donghyuk said as he placed his forefinger on the car window.


Junhoe squinted his eyes and looked at the window.


“It is noona. Hyung!” Junhoe said as he shook Hanbin.


The sleepy Hanbin woke up and followed Junhoe’s gaze.


“Jaeyeon…” Hanbin smiled.

“Hyung, jamkkanman.” Bobby cried.

“Wae?” The boys’ manager asked.

“I’ll be right back.” Hanbin said as he stood up and slowly stepped out of the car.


People began looking at B.I weirdly. He jogged up to someone with bags on her arms. He noticed that she had earphones on, so he took them out, surprising Jaeyeon, who almost cursed out loud.


“Ah, gabjagi. Hanbin?” Jaeyeon cried.

“Annyeong!” The male idol smiled.

“Yeogiseo mwohae? People are looking…” Jaeyeon panicked.


B.I pointed over to a black van car with Bobby waving at them.


“We happened to pass by and Donghyuk spotted you. So, you wanna come with us?” B.I asked.

“Mwo? Aniya. You guys have schedule right now.” Jaeyeon said.

“Aniyo. We don’t. Manager hyung is gonna drop us around Harajuku district and we’re off to stroll around.” B.I said.

“My bags…” Jaeyeon insisted.

“We can ask manager hyung if he can store them in the car. What do you say?” B.I asked.

“I-I don’t know.” Jaeyeon mumbled.

“Please. I really wanna spend time with my girlfriend before I get busy again.” B.I pouted.

“O-okay…” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Geurae. Kaja.” B.I said as he snatched three bags from her arms and brought her over to the van. 


Bobby slid the door open, greeted Jaeyeon and helped Hanbin let her in.


“Annyeonghaseyo!” Jaeyeon greeted the boys’ manager.


Jaeyeon spent the rest of her day with the boys of iKON. She walked hand-in-hand with Hanbin and sandwiched between him and Bobby, who was secretly jealous of the couple.


“I’m tired. I’m heading off to bed.” Yunhyeong threw his bags on the ground and jumped on his bed.

“Yah! We gotta pack, so get your off the bed.” Jinhwan cried.


Meanwhile, their leader was busy flirting with his girlfriend in the lower floor.


“Should the leader be in his room right now?” Jaeyeon teased.

“Can I stay here for tonight?” B.I asked.

“Byuntae!” Jaeyeon cried.

“Nongdam-iya. So, I’ll be busy again starting next week. Yang sajangnim said that our comeback preparation will kick off tomorrow when we get back to Seoul. That means I won’t be seeing you often.” B.I said.

“Gwaenchana. I’m used to it.” Jaeyeon smiled encouragingly.

“Don’t worry about it. Once my schedule clears up a bit, I will visit you, ok?” B.I promised.

“I will look forward to it.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“S-saranghae.” B.I revealed.

“S-sarang?” Jaeyeon replied.

“Don’t you love me?” B.I asked.

“I do, but love is such a strong word.” Jaeyeon said.

“That’s exactly how I feel. I feel that this relationship is so strong and that nothing can break us.” B.I explained.

“You are so cheesy.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“That’s just who I am. I maybe really serious in my work, but I am a very caring man.” B.I said.

“Man, huh?” Jaeyeon teased.

“I am a man.” B.I reiterated.

“Ok. Kim Hanbin is a man.” Jaeyeon smiled.


The next two weeks was hell for the boys, as they were packed with recording and dance rehearsals. Jaeyeon, on the other hand, was packed with papers and reports.


One Saturday, Jaeyeon, who was busy manning the cashier, received a very important call from the YG boss’ secretary.


“Ms. Lee, Mr. Yang wants to see you at 2pm, is that okay with you?” The woman asked.

“Uh, will it be really long meeting?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Uh, I’m not so sure about that, Ms. Lee. Mr. Yang does not discuss the things talked about inside the conference room.” The secretary said.

“O-ok. I’ll be there.” Jaeyeon nodded and handed her apron to someone else.


“Take over my shift. I need to talk to the boss.” Jaeyeon said as she walked away.


“Gwanjangnim, I have an urgent meeting to attend to at 2pm, is it okay if Dahee takes my shift? I’ll be back in two to three hours max.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok, but this will be a deduction from your monthly pay.” The boss said.

“Ye.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Jaeyeon dressed down, grabbed her purse and hailed a cab. As soon as she reached YG, she immediately informed the guards to bring her up. The secretary led Jaeyeon into the boss’ office.


Maknae, Chanwoo was wandering around the vicinity and spotted Jaeyeon in the building.


Noona is here?


“Mr. Yang, Ms. Lee is here.” The secretary informed.

“Let her in.” The man ordered.


Jaeyeon slowly emerged from the doorway and greeted the man before her.


“Have a seat, Ms. Lee.” The man instructed.


“How are you doing, Ms. Lee?” The man asked.

“I’m fine, sir. Thank you for asking.” Jaeyeon replied.

“Well, let me get down to the whole point of this meeting. As you know that Hanbin and the rest of iKON are pretty much packed with schedules, right?” Mr. Yang started.

“Ye. I was informed about it, sir. I have no problems.” Jaeyeon answered.

“Good. I know that you kids pretty much like each other, so much. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. It’s just that I’m really concerned about Hanbin. He’s a kid who had spent years training in my company and I see how he works really hard. Ever since you and him started dating, he was really inspired, but lately, he’s been slacking off. I understand that he wants to rest but he is bringing the group down. So, I wanna ask if you can talk to him.” Yang Hyunseok asked.

“Ye, sajangnim. I will talk to him.” Jaeyeon bowed.


Meanwhile, Chanwoo walked back into his group’s lounge.


“Junhoe hyung, J-Jaeyeon noona is here. Did Hanbin hyung invite her?” Chanwoo asked.

“Ne? Noona is here?” Junhoe cleared up.

“Uh. I saw her in the lobby.” Chanwoo nodded.


That night, Jaeyeon pondered over CEO Yang’s words.


Sajangnim is right. If Hanbin is slacking off, he’s gonna bring the whole group down and there is no way I’m gonna let them break up. I’m not gonna let him give up his dream. However, I don’t think I can handle not seeing him at all. Ah, eotteohke?


Soon, she rang the busy Hanbin.


“Ye?” Hanbin picked up.

“Hanbin-ah, can we meet up?” Jaeyeon asked.

“What time?” Hanbin asked.

“I’ll meet you outside of your dorm at any convenient time.” Jaeyeon said.

“Will you be awake by 2am?” Hanbin asked.

“I’ll wake up by then.” Jaeyeon said.


At 2am, Jaeyeon swung by the boys’ dorm. She pulled her phone out and tapped away.


To: Nae namchin

I’m right outside of your dorm.


Soon, Hanbin opened the door for his girlfriend. He led her into his dorm.


“We can talk about this tomorrow if you are sleepy.” Hanbin suggested.

“Aniyo. I am okay. Hanbin-ah, I met up with Yang sunbaenim and he wanted me to talk you.” Jaeyeon insisted.

“Oh, w-why?” Hanbin asked.

“It’s about you. Sajangnim had witnessed that you have been slacking off a while now and you know that you’re the leader. The boys are relying on you.” Jaeyeon said.

“So, what are you suggesting?” Hanbin asked.

“I think he is suggesting that you spend more time with your music and less time with me.” Jaeyeon explained.

“Oh.” Hanbin said.

“Think about it, Hanbin-ah. W-we can always see each other when you aren’t busy, just like we always do. Just stop by at my place.” Jaeyeon smiled.


After having the serious talk with Hanbin, Jaeyeon has not seen the idol.


“Jaeyeon, are you ok? You seem off today?” Jaeyeon’s friend Bohee asked.

“I’m ok. I just really have a lot of things in my head.” Jaeyeon replied.


Two more weeks of not seeing each other, Jaeyeon began pondering over her relationship status with Hanbin.


I don’t want him to be held back by me. This is his dream and I don’t want to be the one who’s gonna ruin it. Maybe Yang sajangnim is right…I think it’s time to let him go. It hurts but this is for the best.


iKON’s leader had been pondering over the same matter, but the idol was resisting in letting Jaeyeon go.


“Dude, is this about Jaeyeon noona?” Bobby asked.

“Uh. I can’t let her go, man. I can’t.” Hanbin replied.

“I know you really care for her but sajangnim is right. You have a dream to live up to and she has her own life too. As much as I would hate to see her get hurt but it is the reality, man. Jaeyeon has been a really great friend to all of us but we have a contract.” Bobby said.

“I can make it work with her. Balancing work and my relationship with her maybe hard, but I can make it all work out.” Hanbin insisted.

“You are just gonna stress yourself out too much if you do this. As your friend, I hate saying this, but you have to make a choice. What’s it gonna be? Your dream or your feelings for her?” Bobby said.


One quiet night, Hanbin walked up to Jaeyeon’s place and knocked on her door.


“Hanbin…” Jaeyeon said as she opened her door.

“Hey. May I come in?” Hanbin asked.

“Uh.” Jaeyeon nodded and led him in.


Hanbin and Jaeyeon sat on the couch quietly.


“So, what brings you here?” Jaeyeon begun.

“I’ve thought about what sajangnim had said on your meeting with him.” Hanbin revealed.

“Oh, you did?” Jaeyeon mumbled.

“H-he’s right. If I want to pursue my dream, I have to stay focus.” Hanbin said.


Jaeyeon froze.


This is it, Jaeyeon. Brace yourself.


“I understand. F-friends, then?” Jaeyeon replied.

“F-friends.” Hanbin nodded.


Jaeyeon held out her hand, to which the idol shook.


“Good luck on your studies, noona!” Hanbin smiled.

“Good luck on your music, Hanbin.” Jaeyeon smiled.


“Hey, if noona and I still have feelings for each other in the future, we can still make it work, right?” Hanbin asked.

“Yes. You can count on that.” Jaeyeon smiled.


The night ended with the two staying as friends.


“So, you two broke up?” Mari asked.

“Ne. It was for the best.” Jaeyeon said confidently.

“We’re proud of you.” Bohee smiled.


“I guess we wouldn’t be seeing noona.” Donghyuk said.

“Uh.” B.I nodded.

“Are you gonna be okay, man?” Jinhwan asked.

“I will be.” B.I said.


Ever since then, Jaeyeon and B.I had not spoke or bump onto each other.



A/N: So, I don't think Taehyun and Seungyoon really know about Canadian pastries. I just made it all up to show that Namtae and Wendy have something in common.


Han Jungwoo is a fictional character. He is Jaeyeon's sunbae who happens to be really good-looking and a player. He likes Jaeyeon but she thinks he is creepy.


Are you sad that Jaeyeon and B.I broke up? I know I am! But, don't worry! There will be more Jaeyeon-B.I interactions later on.


Chapter 10 will be up in a while!

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)