Chapter 25

Living Famous

Chapter 25 is up! Enjoy!


Hours before Bobby and Jaelee woke up from their one night stand, the girls and their manager were restless. They have been searching for the female idol the whole night. SM management was also informed about the situation and had alerted themselves of the press. Hana rang her friend multiple times but she wasn’t answering. Exhausted, Jeesu dropped her body onto her bed. “Eonni, eotteohke? Jaeyeon eonni isn’t answering her phone.” Hana sighed. She plopped down beside the maknae and calmed her down. “Jeesu-yah, calm down. I’m pretty sure the perfect explanation for this. She’s fine. Now, get some rest. I’ll try my luck again in a while.” Jeesu nodded and tucked herself into her bed.


Hayeon and E-na were fidgety. The guilt was eating them, but their friend Gaeun was rather calm. “Eonni, how can you lay down there calm as if nothing happened to Jaelee eonni? If the authorities find out that we have something to do with eonni’s disappearance, we will all be in trouble.” Hayeon cried. Gaeun simply giggled, followed by laughter. She folded her arms and faced her two friends. “So? She had it coming. I did warn her, but little miss perfect was acting all wonder woman and assumed that I am no match for her. Well, guess what, she’d gone missing. Who knows where she ended up sleeping tonight? Maybe she and that iKON member actually did the naughty. The bottomline is we got rid of her. So, we will get the spotlight we deserve in no time.” E-na sighed.


Keeping their crisis from the press did not pull through as the media found out about the two idol’s disappearance.


[BREAKING] Rookie female idol Jaelee and iKON’s Bobby disappeared from GDA after party


It seems like the idols’ after GDA party did not end well. Sources say that SM Entertainment’s rookie female idol and Magenta member Jaelee and iKON’s Bobby had gone missing while at the said get together. They were last seen dancing before disappearing before the New Year countdown. Both SM and YG have yet to respond to this issue




@Magentaislove: OMG! Where did they go? I hope they are okay.


@JaeleeFTW: Omo! Where is our queen? Please let her be okay.


@BobbyJiwon: Bring Bobby back! We need him! iKONICs need him back!


@SMstan4life: Maybe they eloped…


@YG5ever: Maybe they ran away…


@KPopLover: Omo! Maybe he ed her…


Seeing all the comments sent the SM management to chaos. They were trying to create some cover up for Jaelee’s sudden disappearance. Hana was furious at the situation. 


Just because our friend had gone missing while in an after party doesn’t mean she got drunk and gone wild. Just because Bobby-sshi is with her doesn’t mean they did the naughty. Aish! 


[UPDATE] Video of Jaelee and iKON’s Bobby dancing widely goes viral


Looks like a clue has rolled in, which may help in the development of Jaelee and Bobby’s disappearance case. And it’s in a form of a cellphone video recording. In the footage, both idols can be seen dancing together in the dance floor. Their bodies were so close together, igniting the possibility of them drunk and high. SM and YG have yet to respond to this. In the mean time, what do you think? Comments!


@KPopLover: Oh, they definitely ed each other. Drunken .


@Magentaislove: What? No! Please tell me they are not dating.


@Hanbinisbae: Oh! They are definitely dating! Congratulations!


Meanwhile, back in SM and YG headquarters, both companies have been running wild. The disappearance of both idols are driving their stocks to plummet down which meant that business wasn’t doing well. Phone calls could be heard here and there. It was really chaotic. SM and YG both contact all the media company they could find and release their statements regarding the issue. Both have denied that Jaelee and Bobby are dating and that they are still looking into the situation.


[UPDATE #2] SM and YG to investigate on the situation; Will sue those who perpetuate the video.


By the time the update was published, it was already 9pm. The girls were still restless. Hayeon and E-na’s guilt is eating them alive. Jeesu was sleepily gazing at her phone, waiting for a call, while Hana was pacing. “Where could they possibly be? Where did he take her? There’s no way that he took advantage of her, right?” Hana’s worried speech had the two guilty girls even more fidgety. Gaeun, on the other hand, was peacefully sleeping in her room. With Jaelee missing, she finally had her peace of mind.


Just then, the door clicked. The girls snapped their attention to the entrance. A very tired and messing-looking Jaelee welcomed them. The girls all rushed to the female idol. Hana threw herself at her, giving her a big hug. Jaelee explained herself and after successfully getting out of the girls’ interrogation, she decided to freshen up.


“Jaeyeon-ah, sajangnim wants to see you when we get back to Seoul.” The girls’ manager informed her and she merely nodded. She knew that the news of her disappearance would eventually come out and she needed to explain her side. Indeed, she was summoned to SM headquarters as soon as they got back to Seoul. 


Jaeyeon, you can do this. Explain yourself but don’t give that fact away. You don’t want to be separated from Bobby forever. 


She knocked on the CEO’s office, who quickly ushered her to walk in. Quietly taking the seat in front of the man, she faced him and calmed her nerves down. “Please do explain your side, Ms. Lee.” The man ordered. Jaelee nodded. “S-Sajangnim, I’m really sorry for what happened last night. Honestly, I really don’t know what exactly happened. All I could recall is that Bobby-sshi and I were chatting and having some drinks along the bar area. We suddenly felt the urge to dance. Then, we out.” She explained. The man nodded. “Ok. Well, according to Hana-sshi, you and him left the club together. We’re assuming that both of you were drunk. Ms. Lee, how can you two be reckless? Are you dating him?” The man cried. Jaelee shook her head. “Ani imnida, sajangnim. Bobby-sshi and I are not dating. We’ve been friends for a long time, but no, we are not dating.” She argued.


Meanwhile, Bobby was also in the hot seat for the issue. “Sajangnim, I’m so sorry. I did not know what I was doing. Jaelee-sshi and I were just catching up and maybe had some drinks and then I out.” He explained. Yang Hyunseok sighed. “So you were both drunk and left. Bobby-sshi, how can you be so bold and reckless? I know that you are both really good friends but drinking? You know that alcohol can do so many bad things for everyone.” The boss cried. Bobby bowed his head. “Joeseonghabnida, sajangnim. Alcohol isn’t…wait, a minute…we had a few drinks but it ain’t alcohol.” He cried. The boss eyes shot. “What do you mean, Bobby?” He cried.


Bobby grinned. “We both ordered iced tea. Yes, we had two glasses of that drink, so it’s really unlikely for us to be drunk.” He reasoned out. The boss arched his eyebrows. “Well, how can you explain the video of you two dancing like crazies?” He asked. The male idol shrugged. “I don’t know, sajangnim, but one thing is for sure, we were not drunk last night.” He said. The boss nodded. “Ok. I’m filing a report about this.” Bobby nodded.


After meeting with his boss, Bobby whipped out his phone and secretly phoned Jaelee. The boys and his manager were on his neck on this. His best friend was upset with him and so is the rest of iKON. A few rings later, she picked up. “Bob, hey.” She said. The male idol smiled. “Oh thank god you picked up. Jaeyeon-ah, there’s something really weird going on.” He begun. Arching her eyebrows, Jaelee pondered over Bobby’s words in confusion. “W-what do you mean? We were both drunk last night.” She responded. Bobby interrupted her. “Ani, we weren’t drunk. We had iced teas, remember?” He cried.


Jaelee eyes shot. Bobby was right. They had two servings of iced teas that night. Yet, something was still bothering her. “Well, how come we you know…did ‘it’?” She argued. Bobby shrugged. “Molla, but I’m pretty sure we weren’t drunk. I remember you saying that you didn’t want alcohol that night because you didn’t want a repeat of…” Jaelee nodded. “…a repeat of my drunken night at a college party in LA. You’re right! Yet, why did I feel weird last night? I felt so high and crazy.” She cried. Bobby sighed. “That is for us to find out.”


[UPDATE #3] Jaelee and Bobby are back home; Police arrests the uploader of the video.


It looks like justice will be serve soon as the police finally arrests the uploader of the viral video involving Jaelee and Bobby in a rather inappropriate state. So far, SM and YG are still investigating on their artists’ case. 


With the news popping out, Hayeon and E-na couldn’t help but be restless. They really felt so guilty for everything. “I can’t believe this blew up because of us.” Hayeon sighed. E-na nodded. “Eonni, eotteohke? They are bound to find out. We’re gonna be in trouble. I don’t want to be arrested. ” She pouted. Hayeon cursed. “Aish! This is all Gaeun’s fault. If she wasn’t so obsessed with Chen oppa, none of this would’ve happen. Honestly, I really like Jaeyeon eonni and I look up to her. I’m just scared of what Gaeun may do to us, you know. She’s a psycho.” E-na nodded. “Ne, I feel so bad for eonni. Ah, eotteohke?” She pouted. Hayeon exhaled. “Let’s just wait and see.”


YG had began their investigation starting off by contacting the hotel’s management. They have arranged to talk to the bartender who served them drinks that night. Yet, the guy kept mum about the situation. He feared that Gaeun would get back at him for talking. So, the entertainment company had to resort to the police’s help. Bartender Jinhyuk was placed into witness protection program so as to guard him from media pressure. It took them a month to get him to talk.


“Ok! I will speak up and tell you what exactly happened. Cross check my statement with the CCTV footage of that night.” Jinhyuk snapped. The police interrogating him nodded and called for both camps to appear the next session. Soon enough, the two idols appeared in Seoul Metropolitan Police Station for the discussion. Upon seeing the pair, Jinhyuk broke down and plead. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t sue me. Please don’t put me in jail. I did not intentionally drug you, I swear.” The two idols eyes shot. “DRUG??!!!” They cried. 


Jinhyuk nodded his head. “Yes. Drug. Someone asked me to put something in your drink. She said that you both weren’t feeling well and wanted your medicines pounded into powdered form. I did not know it was a drug. I swear. The minute I found out that you guys were missing, I panicked.” He explained. Bobby spoke up. “Who made you do it?” He asked. The bartender took a deep breath, exhaled and spoke up. “Jung G-Gaeun-sshi. Magenta’s Gaeun-sshi made me do it.” He revealed.


Jaelee froze up. “G-Gaeun?” She stammered. Jinhyuk nodded. “Uh. I’m certain that it was her. I would never forget her face.” The police arched his eyebrows and spoke up. “The suspect must’ve known you personally. Mr. Kang, how are you related to Gaeun-sshi?” He asked. Jinhyuk shut his eyes for a while and fluttered them open. He chuckled. “Wow. H-How do I begin? Well, s-she was my school mate back in high school. She used to be the most popular girl in class and she often made fun of me. She was a bully, despite of her popularity. For two years, I endured her tortures whether they be verbal, physical and or psychological. In the middle of junior year, I moved to Busan to have better life and to get away from her. Officer, she’s crazy.” Jinhyuk explained. 


Jaelee tensed up. The police then directed his attention to her. “Ms. Lee, were there instances that she bullied you?” He asked. She nodded. “Yes. Back when we were trainees, she would pick a fight with me on the pettiest of things. She accused me for stealing or messing up her things. She messed up some of my stuff but I was never afraid of her. I am a black belt holder of Taekwondo and I know that I can handle her physical attacks. She’s just an insecure girl, but I didn’t expect things to blow up like this.” She said. Police nodded. “Ok. Do you know exactly why she is insecure?” He asked.


Jaelee sighed and nodded. “Ne. She practically hates me gut for ‘stealing her spotlight’. You see, officer, I debuted way before the rest of the group did. Considering the fact that she trained the longest, she thought that she deserved that spot. Yet, the producers had chosen me. I couldn’t say no. It was their decision, not mine. Envious, she accused me for bribing the bosses, which I definitely didn’t do.” She further explained. The officer then directed his attention to Bobby. “Why do you think Ms. Jung targeted you, Mr. Kim?” He asked. Bobby arched his eyebrows and shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know her personally and I have not met her at all. I don’t know what her motives are for me.” He responded. The police nodded. “Ok. Now, Mr. Kang, my colleague just informed me that they had reviewed the CCTV footage that night and came across an interesting fact. Ms. Jung had allies. Did you notice them?” He asked.


Jinhyuk nodded. “Ye. There were two other girls, but it looked like they were not very participative in whatever Gaeun did.” Jaelee tensed up. “Hayeon and Inha.” She muttered. Everyone turned to her. “You know these girls?” He asked the female idol and she nodded. “Yes. They are my group mates and are Gaeun’s friends.” Police stood up and contacted his colleague. “Officer Han, please tell Ms. Lee’s manager to bring Hayeon-sshi and Inha-sshi over.” The said colleague agreed and requested for the two girls. 


Half an hour later, the interrogation resumed. Hayeon and E-na nervously walked into the room. The police spoke up. “Good afternoon, Ms. Jin and Ms. Jang, please tell us why you girls were both involve in this scene.” Hayeon nodded and sighed. “We didn’t want to be there, officer. We were so against the idea of drugging eonni from the start.” She started. Police arched his eyebrows and rephrased the question. “Again, why were you both there in the scene?” E-na spoke up. “It’s because we’re scared of Gaeun eonni, officer.” Hayeon nodded. “Ye. She’s a psycho. We were afraid that if we spoke up against her, she would get back at us. So, we had no choice but to stand by her even though we knew she’s wrong.” Police nodded and asked a follow up question. “What are her motives?” E-na glanced at Hayeon and she nodded. “She wants to destroy Jaelee eonni’s reputation and her relationship with Chen oppa. She wanted him for herself.” 


The police crooked his eyebrows. “Now, who is this guy?” He asked. Jaelee sighed. “Chen oppa is my boyfriend.” Hayeon nodded and explained. “Ye. Gaeun eonni had really like oppa ever since trainee days but her feelings were never reciprocated. When she found out that Jaelee eonni and oppa were dating, she went ballistic and has then plotted against her.” Jinhyuk spoke up. “Officer, she is really crazy. There was a boy she liked back in high school, but he never liked her back. So, she stalked him everyday so then he would agree to be her boyfriend but he moved away after a month of stalking.” The police clarified. “So, you’re telling me that she has some psychological problems?” The bartender nodded. “Ye. If someone from class outshone her, she would torment that person until he or she cracks.” 


iKON’s manager cleared his throat. “Excuse me, I still don’t understand. Why is Bobby-sshi involved?” Hayeon sighed. “First of all, we really are sorry for getting you into this, sunbaenim. We never expected for her to go this far. So, she included Bobby-sshi in her plan because she wanted to break Chen oppa and eonni up. Seeing eonni and sunbaenim talking at the bar, she found it an opportunity to destroy her. She was anticipating for the drug to take effect so that she would catch Jaelee eonni and sunbaenim hooking up and with that, she could finally show oppa and make him dump eonni.” She explained. The police officer nodded and sat back. “I guess we have all the evidence we can get. Thank you everyone. We will have Ms. Jung arrested as soon as possible.”


Next day, a warrant of arrest was issued to Gaeun. The police showed up at her dorm and handed a warrant to her. She read it and her eyes shot. “What? Why are you arresting me? I’m innocent!” She cried. A police officer handcuffed her and spoke up. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.” She was then escorted out of her dorm and building. Outside, the press flocked the entrance. As soon as she was brought down, camera flashes were everywhere. So as not to be seen in camera, she covered her face with her hoodie. Finally, she was placed in a police car and was then taken to Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. 


[BREAKING] Magenta’s Gaeun arrested for allegedly drugging fellow member Jaelee and iKON’s Bobby.


Following the issue of Jaelee and Bobby’s disappearance from the club, it seems that the police finally know the cause and caught the culprit. Magenta’s very own Gaeun was responsible for the drugging incident involving Jaelee and Bobby. Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency spoke up: “Ms. Jung has been arrested and detained in our agency for being the suspect of Jaelee and Bobby’s drugging incident. Furthermore, According to our witness ‘A’, she, Magenta’s Gaeun had plotted against Ms. Lee for the past couple of months now and dragged ‘B’ and friend ‘C’ with her. We cannot disclose the true reason as per request by the victim herself. Witness ‘D’ has also told us that Ms. Jung has psychological problems and that she had some episodes ever since she was still in high school.” 


SM Entertainment released an official statement regarding Gaeun’s involvement in the case. “We regret to inform you that yes, our artist, Magenta’s Gaeun is indeed the suspect for drugging her fellow member Jaelee and iKON’s Bobby. The witnesses have confirmed it themselves. Right now, we are waiting for the official police statement as well as the court proceedings.”


YG has yet to comment about the issue. 




@ChenLeeFTW: Man! She is a psycho! I can’t believe she drugged her own group mate out of what…anger? 


@Jacksonstan5ever: High school? That’s years ago! What is she now…21? She needs to be placed and locked up in a mental facility.


@iKONIC4eva: So if she had plotted her revenge on Jaelee only, why is Bobby involved?


@GoddessJaelee: Does she like Bobby or something and decided to drug him and her because she was jealous?


@Mrs.KimJiwon: Omo! She liked Bobby?


@AngelGaeun: I can’t believe I was a fan of her and now I’m just really disappointed.


@MagentaFTW: Magenta is such a nice group. It’s such a shame that they have / had a psychotic member.


@OurgoddessJaelee: Poor Jaelee. 


@LeeHana: Serves her right for hurting our goddess, Jaelee. 


@iloveGaeun: Maybe she’s just misunderstood.


@Yehetlover: @iloveGaeun Misunderstood? Who plots to destroy an innocent person? She’s a total whack job and deserves to be in jail or better yet locked up in a mental facility where she belongs to.


@deluluBaekChen: Yeah! @Yehetlover is right, @iloveGaeun! I heard about her from a friend of mine who used to go to the same school as her. She is indeed a psycho. Stalking her crushes, bullying the weak and then destroying the rep of anyone who outshines her in anything. Just saying.


@JaeKON: So, is Jaelee and Bobby dating? If they are, I’ll be so happy! I ship them so much!


The following month, the defendant, Gaeun and plaintiffs Jaelee and Bobby appeared in court for the legal hearings. Evidence were laid down and witnesses of both parties were brought out to speak up. SM and the Seoul Metropolitan Police had contacted all of Gaeun’s other victims and they shared their stories about the former’s bullying episodes. 


Meanwhile, WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy were dealing with an envious female figure as well. For two years, the actress wouldn’t leave them alone. Her constant text messaging, photo sharing and even phone calls were driving Taehyun nuts. “GAH! Can’t that take a hint?” He spat and threw his phone. That was his third phone number in two years and she always managed to contact him. Seungyoon chuckled. “Who’s the ?” He asked. Taehyun rolled his eyes and glared at his friend. “Who do you think, hyung? Minji noona is driving me insane. She just sent me an extra long message about how I had missed ‘our dates’, how I don’t pick up her calls and reply to her messages, etcetera. When will she get it in her head that I don’t want her at all? I love Wendy!” He cried. Seungyoon laughed. “Damn! You have one persistent stalker. Dude, why don’t you report this to sajangnim and file a restraining order?” He suggested. 


Taehyun shook his head. “How many times do I have to repeat myself, hyung? Our company is in a middle of a legal battle right now. Your childhood friend Jaelee and Bobby are still appearing in court sessions for their drugging incident. I don’t want to add up to sajangnim’s problems.” He argued. Seungyoon sighed. “Well, what are you supposed to do then? You can’t change your phone every time she contacts you. Just do what I say and try your luck. Maybe you can finally get rid of that obsessive woman.” The leader cried.


“Aish! Isn’t she gonna get tired of this” Wendy cursed. Yeri peeked from behind the older female idol and spoke up. “What’s wrong, eonni?” She asked. Wendy exhaled. “Seo Minji-sshi is at it again. For some reason, she had gotten my phone number and managed to send me tailored photos of her and Namtae. That’s the third photo this month. It’s honestly getting really annoying.” She cried. Seulgi plopped down beside her friend and arched her eyebrow at what she had seen. “Tell her that you are not fazed by all these tailored photos and she should just off.” She cried. Wendy eyed her friend. “Since when do you cuss?” She asked. Seulgi chuckled. “Well, I’m sick of that crazy making you all annoyed. She has to get it in her air-filled head that she and Taehyun will never be together. Plus, Taehyun is crazy about you, he wouldn’t let some psycho ruin your relationship.” She cried.


The next day, Taehyun visited the CEO’s office. “Come in.” The man ordered. Taehyun walked in and sat in front of the man’s table. “Sajangnim, I would like to discuss something with you. I know that this may not be the nice time to talk about it but I just have to.” Taehyun begun. The boss nodded. “Go ahead, Taehyun-sshi.” He ushered the idol to speak up. “Sajangnim, Seo Minji-sshi has been bothering me and Wendy. For two years, she’s been sending me edited photos of ‘our dates’. She’s been pestering me on calling her and even texting her. Also, she’s been sending me inappropriate photos of herself. I’ve changed phone numbers at least ten times already but she still managed to contact me. I don’t think I can handle it anymore. She’s giving Wendy and I emotional stress and we want it to stop.” He explained. Yang Hyunseok took a deep breath and exhaled. “I thought you would never talk about it.” The male idol arched his eyebrows in confusion.


Yang Hyunseok chuckled. “Seungyoon mentioned it a week ago. He said that’s driving you insane. And we may have had received some phone calls from her agency apologizing for her obsessive actions. So, I’ve been discussing this with our lawyers and we are just waiting for your say.” He explained. Taehyun smiled widely. He never knew that his boss was on it already and was waiting for his actual complaint. “So, what do you propose to do, sajangnim?” He asked. The boss grinned. “A restraining order. We’ve contacted her agency and they seem pretty okay with it. Not really the best way to handle the situation, but we have no other choice. If we don’t issue an order, she will not stop. So, what’s it gonna be, Taehyun-sshi?” The idol nodded. “Yes, please do issue an order.” He said. The boss smiled. “Good.”


“So, you’re issuing a restraining order against her?” Wendy asked and Taehyun nodded. “Uh. My company just contacted yours and they have discussed it already. She’s not gonna bother us again.” The male idol informed his girlfriend and she relaxed. “Thank god! I don’t think I could handle another one of her crazy antics. Thank you, Namtae.” She smiled. Taehyun smiled back. “I would do anything for you, Wan.”


The female in question did not like the situation at all. She had just been given a restraining order. She couldn’t go near Taehyun or Wendy within a fifty meter radius and neither is she permitted to make calls for herself as her phone will be handled by her manager. There are no home phones at all nor does she have access to Internet. She was completely put to boredom and it was killing her. 


GAH! I hate you, Wendy!! I hate you!!! Taehyun is mine and not yours! He is mine!!!


Her parents had received the news and decided to pay her a visit. “Minji-yah, stop doing this yourself. The guy doesn’t feel the same way for you. Move on.” Mr. Kim said. Minji was sobbing and arguing with her parents. “I love him, dad. I do. I know he loves me too.” She cried. Mrs. Kim sighed. “No, he doesn’t, honey. If he does, he will not be dating someone else. Minji, you were just his co-star. It was acting. Stop acting like you still are because it’s not true. What you did was putting so much stress on both Taehyun-sshi and his girlfriend and if you continue this, they are gonna sue you. Think about your future, honey. You’ve just been recently recognize as an actress, don’t ruin your career just for a boy who will never like you back.” Mrs. Kim pleaded. Minji continued sobbing. “I really like him, mom. I really do.” She cried. Mrs. Kim sighed. “Let go of that feelings, honey. There are other guys out there. You will find the right one for you.” She said.


After talking to her parents, Minji reflected over her actions for the past two years. She sighed. She had truly felt something for Taehyun and it hurts seeing him with someone. Driven by anger and jealousy, she decided to shut down the idea of him liking someone else and replace it with her aspiration to be his girlfriend. For years, she felt so powerful and now thinking about it, she felt horrible. She was miserable, a and most of all, stupid. For years, she’s been holding onto a guy who will never like her back and has been desperately trying to get his attention. Pathetic, that’s what she was.


Her friends from Persevere, Goo Haera actress Min Hyorin and singer Yoo Sungeun visited her one day and found her in her living room, dazed. “Minji-yah, we heard what happened. You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself. Taehyun-sshi is a nice guy, yes, but there’s no reason for you to hold onto a guy who has a girlfriend.” Sungeun said. Min Hyorin nodded. “Yes, Sungeun is right, Minji. Have some respect for yourself.” She said. Minji smiled at her friends and sighed. “Yeah, I’ve been pathetic, aren’t I? Believe me, I know. It just hurts seeing him with her, you know. I keep asking myself ‘Why can’t it be me?’ The more I think about it, the more I feel stupid. I regretted everything, girls, I really do. I wanna apologize for everything I had done but I don’t have the courage to go up to them and say sorry just yet. I need time to accept reality.” She said. Sungeun and Hyorin nodded. They patted their hands on her shoulders. “That’s good. We’re proud of you.” Hyorin said.


Weeks passed after the filing of the restraining order. Minji was still contemplating on facing Taehyun. Her friends had stood by her side despite of all the drama. Somehow, they convinced her to contact Taehyun and apologize. One free day at her dorm, she finally decided to give it a go. Seeing her progress, her manager had handed back her phone. Quickly, she inputted Taehyun’s number into the device and sent away a text message.


To: Nam Taehyun


Taehyun-ah, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me, but I just gotta let this out of my chest. Please meet me at Mango Six café this weekend. Bring Wendy-sshi along. She deserves to hear from me too. ~Minji


Taehyun had just received a message from the actress right in front of his girlfriend. “Who’s it from?” Wendy asked. The male idol looked up and smiled awkwardly. “M-Minji-sshi. She wanted to meet us this weekend.” He said. Wendy arched her eyebrows. “M-Minji-sshi? W-what do you think does she want?” She responded. Taehyun shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, but I think we should give it a shot. Besides, we’re meeting her together. I think she has something important to say.” He said. Wendy nodded and smiled. “Geurae. Let’s go to wherever she wanted to meet us this weekend then.”


Saturday came, Taehyun and Wendy took a cab to Mango Six together. Walking in, they were greeted by people’s stares. Looking around, they spotted Seo Minji nervously holding a cup of coffee. Taehyun clasped Wendy’s hands tighter and led her to the actress’ direction. “Minji-sshi.” He called. The actress looked up and bowed at them.  “Please have a seat.” She ushered the couple to take a seat. “First of all, I would like to apologize for everything I’ve done in the past two years. I was blinded by my feelings for you and jealousy that I masked out the reality. I was being a and stupid. I made a fool out of myself for trying to break you two up. I feel so pathetic and dirty. I’m truly sorry for everything. I’m sorry for causing you so much stress these couple of years. I’m gonna leave you two alone from now on.” She said. Wendy glanced at Taehyun who also glanced back at her. Minji sensed their doubt. “Yes, I really do mean it. You guys are meant for each other from the start.” Wendy simply nodded, while Taehyun smiled. “T-Thanks, noona.” The actress smiled. “I should go. Please excuse me.” As she left the shop, she took one glance and a tear fell out from her eye. “Goodbye Taehyun. Fighting!” Smiling, she walked off with a cup of coffee on her hand.


Back in the café, Taehyun and Wendy still remained shocked until Wendy cleared . “Well, that went fast. Since we’re here, why don’t grab something to drink, Namtae?” She smiled. Taehyun simply nodded and led his girl to the counter. The pair spent the next forty five minutes in the shop before going back to their dorms.


Legal battle aside, Jaelee couldn’t stop thinking about her male friend, Bobby. Ever since that night, she couldn’t get him out of her head. Merely thinking about it made her uneasy. Not because she regretted what happened, rather she actually felt attracted to him. “Eonni!” Jeesu cried. Jaelee burst out of her bubble and faced the maknae. “Yes, maknae?” She asked. The latter chuckled. “Eonni, you’ve been in daze for twenty minutes now. What’s got you so distracted?” She asked. The older female idol shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just thinking about Hayeon and E-na, you know. I mean, they did not really want to be in that situation. I’m just worried about them. They don’t deserve to be detained.” She lied. She couldn’t exactly tell Jeesu why she was dazed. 


Ugh! Why am I thinking about it? I shouldn’t be thinking about it! I shouldn’t be thinking about him! Gosh, curse that dude’s body!


“Eonni, manager oppa said that your court hearing will be moved to Friday.” Jeesu cried. Jaelee simply nodded. 


Crap! Court hearing will be on Friday? This Friday? That means…oh great! Seeing Bobby will get me all worked up inside again. I mean, Bobby is clearly nice. He’s a cool guy. Funny and hot, but I definitely don’t want anything more from him. It’s just a silly attraction brought about that night of pure lust. Gosh! I better calm myself down. It’s just Bobby for pete’s sake. 


The court hearing was a success. Gaeun was pronounced guilty for illegal possession of drugs, defamation and countless other misdemeanors. Two girls Hayeon and E-na, on the other hand, were subjected to mandatory community service and temporary suspension of promotional activities. Jaelee had mixed feelings. At one point, she was glad that justice had been served, but she couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hayeon and E-na. To make things even worse, Bobby was sitting right next to her and he was making it hard for her to calm down. 


Deep breaths, Jae. It’s just Bobby. BOBBY! I don’t like Bob. He isn’t my type and neither am I ready for a relationship. I just got out of one. I can’t have a rebound guy right away. Hell no! 


“Jaeyeon! Yo, earth to Jaeyeon!” Bobby snapped his fingers at the female idol who broke out of her trance. “Y-Yeah?” She asked him. “Wanna get something to drink? My treat.” The male idol smiled. 


Don’t even think about it. The issue hasn’t exactly died down.


She flashed an awkward smile. “Sorry, Bob. I can’t. You know our situation, right? We aren’t exactly off the hook. Next time, maybe. I’ll swing by your dorm and maybe greet the boys too. Later, Bob.” Jaelee turned around, walked away and finally hopped into the car. She exhaled and closed her eyes.


Why can’t I get you out of my head, Bob? Why can’t I stop thinking about that night? Why can’t I calm down? Ugh! 


Similarly, Bobby’s secret feelings for Jaelee were slowly coming out again. He tried masking it out to keep himself from hurting. He knew that she still loves his best friend and keeping this feelings won’t lead anywhere. So, he had to get rid of it or he thought he did. The memories from that night rolled back to him like waves. A smile crept on his face. Sleeping with her wasn’t entirely a big mistake. It was not what he had expected but it was worth it. He wanted to feel what was like holding her and kissing her for once and that night, they sure did a lot of them. “Bobby-yah!” Eldest member Jinhwan cried. Bobby snapped his head at the dude and eyed him. “Yeah?” Jinhwan shook his head. “You’ve been out of it for the past ten minutes. Dude, what hell is wrong with you?” He asked. Bobby shrugged his shoulder. “Nothing. I’m just a little concerned about Jaeyeon, you know. She’s ignoring me. I mean, I know we aren’t exactly in a good situation right now, but does she really have to turn me down? We are friends.” He lied. Jinhwan shook his head. “Dude, you gotta cut her some slack. She’s probably still bothered by the fact that she was the target of that drugging incident. Maybe she’s scared that you would get involve in another situation like that. Stop thinking about it, man.” He said. Bobby sighed. “I guess.”


Two more weeks passed and Jaelee was getting really confused. She still couldn’t stop thinking about Bobby no matter how much she tried diverting her attention to something else. Frustrated, she dumped herself onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. 


Bobby, why can’t I get you out of my mind? It was just one night and obviously, we were not in the right state of mind. Yet, why does it feel so right? Gosh! I shouldn’t be feeling this way at all. We’re friends and I dated his best friend. It’s just weird. Sleeping with your ex’s best friend is just wrong, even if you didn’t mean for it to happen. I need to get this out of my system and I can’t exactly tell anyone about it. 


Looking around, she found a guitar on the side. A smile crept across her face. “That’s it!” She cried. Quickly, she stood up and phoned someone. “Oppa, can I go back home? No, I’m not paying iKON a visit. I just needed time alone to reflect and maybe write some songs. Well, I left my music book at home. Ok. Thanks.” She hung up. She changed to a different outfit, fixed her hair, applied some minimal make-up and grabbed her purse. She slipped onto some sneakers and closed the door behind her. 


She hailed a cab and slipped inside. “To XXXX Tower please.” The driver nodded and drove away. 


Jaeyeon, calm down. I’m pretty sure the boys are too busy. He did say that they were making a comeback in a month and just squeezed in the court hearings into his jam packed schedule. He will be too busy that you wouldn’t meet him along the way.


Twenty minutes later, the driver pulled over in front of the building. Taking out some cash, she handed it to the driver and stepped out of the vehicle. She walked in, took a lift and anticipated for the elevator to reach her floor. The lift dinged, opening the door and quickly, she stepped out of it and made her way to her unit. Inputting the lock combination, the opened the door and shut it. She took her shoes off, slipped into some room slippers and tossed her purse onto the couch. Walking into her room, she searched for a music book from the pile of books on her desk. Pulling it out, she flipped through it, grabbed a pen, stepped out of the room and collapsed on the couch. 


Tapping her pen on her lip, she brainstormed on the lyrics. Soon enough, words came rolling. She was in a roll because forty-five minutes later, she covered 3/4 of the whole song. With her stomach rumbling, she stood up and grabbed something to eat from the cupboard. She came across a bag of chips to which she immediately grabbed and plopped down on the couch, resuming her task. Fifteen minutes later, she finished her song. “Whoa! I finished a song in an hour. That’s a record.” Setting her pen down, she laid down on her back and shut her eyes. Writing that song completely diverted her mind off thoughts on Bobby.


Meanwhile, Bobby was restless. He just couldn’t stop thinking about her. His feelings for her were just out of control now. He just needed to tell her ASAP! He got up from his bed, grabbed his cap, slipped it on and stormed out of his dorm, surprising everyone. “Dude, where the hell are you going? We have a schedule in two hours.” Yunhyeong cried, but the former ignored him. “What just happened?” B.I cried. Jinhwan sighed. “Just let him be. He needs to let out steam.” Everyone nodded.


Five minutes later, a ring could be heard from the front door. Jaelee opened her eyes and stood up from the couch. Shuffling the door, she pressed onto a button that will reveal the surveillance footage. Her eyes shot upon seeing it. Right outside stood Bobby. She gulped. 


Why in the world is Bobby here? What does he want?


Unlocking the door, she quickly opened it, revealing a distraught Bobby. “Bob…” She muttered. He took a deep breath and forced a smile. “We need to talk…” She simply nodded and ushered him inside. Closing the door behind me, she turned around to face him.


“What’s up?” She asked him. He took his cap off and then put it back on. Clearly, he was nervous. His anxiety was also making her nervous. “Bob, speak. You’re making me nervous here.” She cried. Bobby smiled and cried. “Oh for pete’s sake! Jaeyeon, I like you and no, it’s not because we had that night. I’ve liked you for quite some time. I just had to keep my mouth shut because you were dating Hanbin and I know that you still love him. I know you’re not ready for relationship since you just got out of one, but nevertheless, I had to tell you how I feel and…” The female idol placed her index finger on his mouth to shut him up. She chuckled. “You talk to much, Bob.” Jaelee said. She removed her finger from his lips and exhaled. “I think I like you too, Bob.” He smiled, snaking his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “Really?” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes. Call me crazy but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 


He smirked. “Well, let’s make you even crazier.” Her eyes shot. Before her she could respond, Bobby had crashed his lips on hers. Stunned, Jaelee stood frozen, her eyes wide open. As he pressed his lips some more, the female idol closed her eyes and willingly opened and kissed him back. Bobby had explored the walls of with his tongue, making her all tingly inside. He lifted her up and grabbed both her thighs and positioned his hands on her on . “Bob, what are you doing and where are we going?” She cried. The male idol flashed his signature eye smile. “Couch.” He lightly dropped her on the couch and climbed on top of her. She panicked. “Bob, please tell me we’re not…” He kissed her yet again. The pair spent the next five minutes making out on the couch. 


Seungyoon received a call from a long-time friend a little over a week ago. “Daehyung?” He cried. The guy from the other line chuckled. “Seungyoon, my man. Whazzup?” He cried. Seungyoon smiled. “I’m good, man. So, what’s up? Why’d you call?” He cried. Daehyung smiled from the other line. “Well, I just want to inform you that I’m getting married, man and you’re invited.” Seungyoon’s eyes shot. “No way! Dude, congratulations! So, who’s the lucky girl?” He asked. Daehyung chuckled. “Seri, dude. I’m marrying Seri.” Seungyoon burst into a fit of laughter. “Seri? Our friend, Seri?” He cried. Daehyung nodded. “Yeah, Seri. We’ve been dating for two years now and well, I proposed to her five months ago and we’re getting married in a month. I want you to be there. Seri wanted to Jaeyeon to be there as. Yet, she couldn’t contact her. Can you do us a favor and relay this news to her?” He cried. Seungyoon smiled. “Sure, man.”


Having no contact with Jaelee whatsoever, he had to resort to meeting her in person. Ever since the incident, the female idol had changed her number and put her SNS accounts on hiatus. The male idol contacted his female friend’s manager. “Manager hyung-nim, would you know where Jaeyeon-sshi is? I have to speak to her about something really important.” He said. The man nodded. “Yes. She’s currently back in her own place. She said she needed time for herself. Please do give her sometime. She’s really stressed out and needed peace.” He said and Seungyoon nodded.


Yet, he did not listen to him and chose to go to her place. It was important. He needed to tell her immediately since the wedding would be in a month. As soon as he got out of his dorm, he immediately took a cab to her place. He took note of visiting iKON too while he was around the area. 


When he reached her floor, he immediately rang the bell. The preoccupied pair inside the unit halted their make out session and stared at each other. “Was that the bell?” Bobby asked and the girl under him nodded. “Yeah, I should get that.” The male idol leapt out of the couch, making way for Jaelee to get the door. As she checked the surveillance camera, her eyes shot. She snapped her head at Bobby. “It’s Seungyoon. Hide in my room. T-Take your shoes with you and don’t make a noise.” Jaelee cried. Grabbing his shoes, Bobby rushed to Jaelee’s room and shut the door behind him.


Fixing her clothes, Jaelee opened the door, meeting Seungyoon’s smiling face. “Yoon? What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?” She asked. The male idol chuckled. “Nice to see you too, chingu. May I come in?” She nodded, ushered him inside and closed the door behind her. “So, what’s up?” She asked. He smiled. “You will never believe who just contacted me a week ago.” He said. She eyed him in confusion. Seungyoon grinned. “It was Daehyung. He is getting married.” Jaelee’s eyes shot and gasped. “No way! The idiot is getting married? When? To whom?” The male idol chuckled. “Who do you think the lucky bride would be?” He asked. The female idol pondered for a while and hit a realization. She gasped and cupped . “Seri?” Seungyoon nodded. “Uh. They’ve been dating for two years and five months ago, he proposed to her. In a month, they are getting married and they both want us there.” He said. Jaelee smiled. “That’s great! I knew those two would end up together. Anyway, just tell him to send me the invitation. You know the address.” He nodded.


“So, are you okay? Your manager said you need some time alone. Is this about the whole drugging issue with Bobby?” She nodded. “Kinda. I also wanted to start writing again. I need a peaceful environment where no one could distract me. So, I chose to come back here and write. Plus, I left my music book and I need to clean up. Dad’s coming in two days.” Seungyoon nodded. “Ok. Oh and can I get your new phone number? Your old one seemed to be deactivated.” She nodded and rang him. “There.”


When Seungyoon left, Jaelee rushed to her room and knocked on the door. “Bob, you can come out now.” The male idol burst out of the room and pulled her inside. “What the hell, Bob?” She cried. He flashed a smirk and placed his hands on her hips. “Let’s get back where we started?” Her face turned red. “I think one make out session is enough.” She cried. Bobby pouted. “So, what are we, Jae? You clearly don’t what a relationship right now.” He said. She pulled her hand out. “Friends.” Bobby glared at her. “Do friends make out with each other, Jae?” He argued and she rolled her eyes. “Bob, you know I’m not ready for a relationship. I like you, yes, but being friends is all we could ever be now.” She cried. Bobby sighed. “I don’t want to be friends, Jae. No matter how much I try suppressing these feelings, they just keep coming back. Maybe we can you know…” Jaelee shook her head. “Oh no! I am not gonna be your booty call, Bob. No way! Sleeping with you once is enough. There’s no way I’m going all friends with benefits with you. No.” She cried.


Bobby shook his head. “What? No. That’s not what I meant. I want us to take things slow. No labels too. Just you and me enjoying each other’s company in a more romantic way, yet no official label. What do you say?” He said. Jaelee dropped her body on the bed and pondered. “Ok.” She smiled and this brightened Bobby’s mood. “Assa! So, where you writing earlier?” He asked and she nodded. “Uh. I suddenly had the drive to write. Plus, I needed to clean this place. Dad will be here in two days and well, it needs cleaning up. So, I decided to come home and just hang around all by myself. That was until you knocked on the door and proposed a discussion which resulted to us making out and here we are now. Oh and not forgetting about Seungyoon’s surprise visit which was primarily about our friends getting married and him informing me about it.” She explained. Bobby chuckled and the female idol shot him a glare. “What? You look cute when you ramble. So, I guess I should head back to the dorm.” He said. Jaelee nodded. “You should. You have a major comeback to think about. Go.” She cried. Soon, Bobby slipped onto his shoes and walked out of the female’s unit with a satisfied look on his face. The female idol finished up what she had to do in her unit and took a cab back to her dorm.



There you have it everyone!



1. For those who are wondering, Gaeun has been pronounced guilty. Hayeon and E-na had to do community services for being accesories in the crime. 

2. After getting the restraining order, Minji still attempted to contact Taehyun and Wendy through snail mail and tried to destroy their relationship but with her parents and friends urging her to stop her shenanigans, she completely stopped.

3. So, that night of pleasure did not end up to be just a simple hook up after all.

4. For those Jae-By shippers out there, you can now jump out of your seats and dance for joy because Bobby and Jaelee had just gotten together. Well, they are not necessarily boyfriend and girlfriend but they are taking things slow, if you know what I mean.


FYI, I am down to my last five chapters. So, brace yourselves for how the different relationships in this fic will turn out. 


Will there be Mino and Irene at the end?

Will Seungyoon and Seulgi ever reveal their relationship to the public?

Will Taehyun and Wendy be free?

Will Seunghoon's over protectiveness towards Joy grow to something more?

Will Yeri settle for Mark or meet someone else?

Will Jaelee and Bobby ever become an official couple?





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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)