Chapter 1

Living Famous

Disclaimer 1: I may be a fan of K-Pop for five years now but I'm not exactly VERY knowledgeable in all things involving the K-pop world such as netizens' comment / feedback system (the plus and minus system thing? yeah! I never understood it at all.), the artists' dorms, places in Seoul and the like. So, please bare with me. Don't worry! I'm updated with the latest issues. However, there will be some issues that I will choose to disregard so please don't be mad at me for leaving those out. 


Disclaimer 2: This fic is patterned with what is really going on in the industry today but with my own twist, so I hope you will enjoy!




Ever since Taeyeon broke up with him, Baekhyun had been drowning himself with work, making him completely busy even for dating someone.


“Baekhyun-ah, we’ll head to a chicken joint along the road, do you wanna come?” His friend Chanyeol asked and gestured out the door.

“Ok.” Baekhyun stood up and walked away with Chanyeol and the others.


The boys entered the shop and people began looking at them, giddily.


“Brace for the crowd, guys.” Leader Suho muttered.


At that instant, customers began pulling their phones out and snapped photos of the boys.


“When will we ever eat in peace?” Kai sighed.

“Never. Anyway, what will you guys have? I’m ordering now.” Suho said.


The boys each listed down their orders and Baekhyun gathered them. He and Suho walked over to the counter and began ordering. The cashier person did not react to the boys’ presence at all. She was doing her work seriously, but never failed to smile at her customers.


“Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome Mr. Chicken’s Kitchen! I’m Jaeyeon, your server for today. How may I serve you?” The cashier greeted the two boys with a big smile.

“Hi! May we have…uh…Baekhyun-ah, our orders…” Suho smiled at the girl and glanced at Baekhyun.


The younger idol just gazed at the female cashier.


“Baekhyun, our orders?” Suho nudged his friend.


The male idol snapped out of his trance and enumerated their orders. The cashier computed for the boys’ orders and smiled.


“That’ll be 20,000 won.” The cashier said.


Leader, Suho pulled his credit card out and handed it to the female. She charged the orders to the idol’s card and handed it back to him.


“Your orders will be out shortly. Here’s a beeper. Have a nice day!” The cashier smiled and handed the beeper to the idol.


Suho and Baekhyun smiled and walked away.


“Dude, what was that about? You totally spaced out in front of her.” Suho cried.

“Who spaced out?” Chanyeol chimed in.

“Baekhyun did. He just stared at the female cashier over there.” Suho pointed at the younger idol.

“Hyung, do you know her or something?” Kai asked.

“Aniyo. I was just surprised that she didn’t react to our presence.” Baekhyun argued.

“Well, you can’t expect everyone to be fans.” Suho said.

“Yeah.” Chanyeol nodded.

“Aish! Whatever!” Baekhyun shrugged the matter off.


In a while, the beeper buzzed. Baekhyun excitedly bolted up, grabbed the beeper and walked over to the counter. The idol presented the device to the female cashier, smiled and claimed his group’s orders.


“Assa! Let’s dig in!” Suho cried.


The boys spent their lunch hour at the joint and walked back to SM headquarters. Upon heading back to the practice room, Chanyeol cornered his friend. “Yah! Tell me what’s up? I know that your reason earlier was just an excuse.”

“Ok, maybe I was attracted to her.” Baekhyun replied.

“Now, you’re yourself.” Chanyeol grinned.

“I’ll get her name sometime.” Baekhyun smiled in satisfaction.

“And her number, dude.” Chanyeol added.


After completing her shift for the day, the cashier, Jaeyeon stepped out of the chicken joint and wandered around the area. It was a Saturday and she had nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon.


RING! Jaeyeon pulled her phone out and answered the call.


“Jaeyeon-ah, we’re going to a noraebang place tonight. You coming?” A female voice echoed from the other line.

“S-sure.” Jaeyeon responded with a nod.

“Geurae! Meet you in Hongdae.” The female on the other line said.


Jaeyeon took the public bus all the way to Hongdae. As she arrived in the area, she strolled around the shopping district and met up with her friends along the way.


“How was work?” Jaeyeon’s friend asked.

“Ok. Although, I think there was group of idols who came in.” Jaeyeon said.

“Nugu?” Her friends asked.

Shrugging, Jaeyeon dismissed the topic “Molla. I don’t know them but they seem really popular these days.” 

“O-okay?” Her friends nodded.


By 8pm, the girls arrived at a noraebang place. They stepped into a room and started jamming to tunes.


An hour later, a group of boys walked into the same noraebang place. They have been very stressed out with their work as trainees. They've been working hard for their debut album, which will be released in the next couple of months. So much so that they needed a break. The eldest member of the group suggested that they visit the karaoke place to unwind. Luckily, their boss allowed them to take a break.


The boys were heading their way to their designated karaoke room but stopped as soon as they heard a girl singing from one of the rooms.


Neoui nun ko ip

Nal manjideon ne songil

Jageun sontopkkaji da

Yeojeonhi neol neukkil su itjiman

Kkeojin bulkkoccheoreom


Uri sarang modu da

Neomu apeujiman ijen neol chueogira bureulge


The girls sang.


"S-She’s singing Taeyang sunbaenim’s song." One of the boys stammered.

"Uh, she has a great voice." The other member nodded.

"Yah! Bobby-ah, can you take a little peek at her?" The other boy ordered.

"Naega wae?" The boy who goes by the name ‘Bobby’ questioned his friend's order.

"Well, you’re the nearest to the door. Now, check her out, man." The other dude ordered.


Bobby nodded and peek through the small gap. He then caught a glimpse of the girl singing.


"Yeppeuda…" Bobby smiled and whispered.

"Huh?" The boys behind him all asked him.


Bobby scooted away as soon as he noticed that the door was slowly being shut.


The eldest among the group asked the Korean-American idol "So?"

"She has a pretty face." Bobby responded.

"Jinjja?" One of the boys asked.

"Uh." Bobby said.


The boys finally stepped into their karaoke room and unwind but for every five minutes, one of the boys would sneak out and check on the room they just checked out on.


"Yah! Where’s Yunhyeong?" The eldest member asked.

"Hwajangsil maybe." Bobby said.


Soon enough, Bobby noticed Yunhyeong’s strange behavior and joined him.


"Yah! Mwohae?" Bobby asked.

"Just checking if the girl with a nice voice left already." Yunhyeong replied with a duh tone.

"You’re gonna hit on her?" Bobby asked confusedly.


Another member stepped out of the room and joined them "What are you guys doing here?".

"Yunhyeong is waiting for that girl earlier." Bobby said.

"Ok! I’m in." The boy nodded and sat next to the two boys.

"Yah! Hanbin-ah, I called dibs on her already." Yunhyeong argued.

"No, you didn’t." The younger one insisted.


By 10:30pm, the girls stepped out of their room, just in time for the boys to step out of their rooms too.


“Oh. It’s her!” Bobby cried.

“Nugu?” Yunhyeong asked.

“Joheun moksorineun yeoja…” Bobby replied.


The boys then walked towards the group of girls and greeted them.


“Omo! iKON-ya.” One of the girls gasped. "Nugu?" Another girl asked.


“Annyeonghaseyo iKON imnida. We overheard someone singing ‘Eyes, Nose, Lips’ and we thought that maybe it came from your room.” The eldest member, Jinhwan spoke up.

“Oh! It was our friend, Jaeyeon.” The two girls said and slowly pushed Jaeyeon forward.

“Uh, ye. It was me. I’m so sorry for singing badly. I promise to make sure that the door is close next time.” Jaeyeon awkwardly faced the boys.

“Ani imnida. You sang pretty well. We just wanted to tell you that you were really good.” Eldest hyung, Jinhwan said.

“Uh, kamsahamnida.” Jaeyeon gave the boys a big bow.

“Yeah. That was one of the best versions of ‘Eyes, Nose, Lips’ we had ever heard.” Yunhyeong chimed in.

“Kamsahamnida.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“Uh, hyungs, manager hyung just sent me a text. He’s outside now.” Another boy butted in as he was glancing at his phone.

“Uh, okay. We’ll go ahead. We’ll see you around, Jaeyeon-sshi, girls.” The boys said, bowed and walked away.


“I can’t believe that iKON just complimented your singing, Jae.” One of Jaeyeon’s friends said.

“Neither can I…and I don’t even know who those boys are.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Are you kidding me? They are no other than the best rookie group yet.” The other girl said.

“From what company do they belong now?” Jaeyeon asked.

“YG, Jae. YG.” Her other friend responded.

“Y-YG? You mean they are…BIGBANG's juniors?” Jaeyeon stammered.

“Uh! They have not debuted yet but they will. YG artists just commended you for your rendition of their sunbae’s song.” The other girl said.

“Wow. I’m honored.” Jaeyeon smiled.


“I heard her first, so I call dibs.” Yunhyeong stated.

“You should not call dibs on her. You barely know her.” Jinhwan argued.

“Well, we’ll get to know her better.” B.I smiled.


“Oh, brother!” One of the other guys palmed himself on the face.

“You two are crazy.” Jinhwan shook his head.


“Oh, look! There’s she and her friends!” Bobby cried. The boys all glanced out of the window.


“Who are you talking about?” Their manager asked in confusion.

“Jaeyeon-sshi…a girl who sang Taeyang sunbaenim’s song really well in the noraebang.” Bobby mumbled.


“Hyung, please open the door. I’m just gonna go and talk to her.” Bobby said as he was holding onto his phone.

“You have two minutes.” The manager said.


Bobby jumped out of the car, surprising the rest of the boys inside the vehicle.


The idol jogged up to the girls, startling them a bit.


“Hi! I have not really formally introduce myself. Bobby imnida.” Bobby smiled as he pulled his hand out for a handshake.


The two girls lightly pushed Jaeyeon to the dude. She gladly accepted the handshake.


“I was wondering if I could get your number.” Bobby said.


Jaeyeon froze “M-My number?” and stammered.

“Uh. If it’s okay.” Bobby shyly nodded. Jaeyeon glanced at her friends and back at Bobby.“S-sure! She’ll give you her phone number.” Jaeyeon’s friend grinned.


Jaeyeon awkwardly gave her number out to the boy she barely knew.  After exchanging numbers, Bobby smiled, bowed and ran back to the vehicle.


“Dude, that was unfair!” Yunhyeong protested.

“Well, you guys were so busy arguing that you forgot one thing. So, I jumped out of the car and asked for her phone number.” Bobby defended.

“You are not keeping that for yourself, right?” B.I asked.

“I am giving her number to you and Yunhyeong. Fair enough?” Bobby said.


Two weeks later, Jaeyeon decided to walk around Mapo District, getting to know more about the place.


I can’t believe dad bought a condominium unit here in Mapo-gu and asked me to move here. My Cheongdam dorm is still in pretty good condition. But…what the heck! At least, I’ll be closer to Hongdae now. 


Another week later, Jaeyeon finally moved into her place. She took two trips just to bring all her things to her new unit. She paid for the fare, stepped out of the cab, went over to the trunk and pulled her luggage out. She then lugged the last batch of her stuff all the way to her place.


On her way to the building, a boy called her name. She turned around and faced the person calling for her name.


“Oh! A-Annyeonghaseyo!” Jaeyeon gave the dude a bow.

“I’m glad you recognized me or I would’ve looked like a complete fool.” The dude smiled widely.

“Hehe. Uh, I’m afraid we’ve not formally met.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ye. Annyeonghaseyo B.I imnida.” The boy finally introduced himself.

“B.I?” Jaeyeon asked confusedly. 

“Ne. I’m iKON’s leader.” The boy said.

“Ah, algetseubnida.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Geunde, you shouldn’t be speaking formally with me.” B.I stated.

“Y-ye?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Bobby said that you’re a sophomore in college, which makes you older than me. I am nineteen years old, Jaeyeon-sshi.” B.I explained.

“Uh, y-ye? Whoa! You look really mature for your age.” Jaeyeon said.

“I get that a lot. Say, what are you doing with those bags, noona?” B.I said.

“Uh, I’m moving into a new place. Yeogi.” Jaeyeon said as pointed to a building.

“Yeogiyo? Ah, I live there too. Say, let me help you with your bags.” B.I offered.

“Uh, aniyo. Gwaenchana. I’ll probably be your fans’ next target if you help me.” Jaeyeon declined.

“There’s no one looking. Plus, it will be really disrespectful if I don’t help a noona with her things.” B.I insisted.

“Ok.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Jaeyeon and B.I then entered the building and took the lift to their respective units.


“Oh! You stay at 37th floor. Our unit is just a floor below. Feel free to visit us.” B.I said.

“Ne. Geunde, I don’t know your unit number?” Jaeyeon said.

“Uh, it’s 36-N.” B.I answered.

“Okay.” Jaeyeon smiled.




“Well, this is my stop.” B.I smiled.

“Ne. Annyeong!” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Have a great day, noona!” B.I smiled and stepped out of the lift.


After having settled in her new home, Jaeyeon dumped herself on the bed.


I need a nap.


Meanwhile, B.I stepped into his dorm with a smile.


“What’s with the smile?” Bobby asked.

“Uh? Amugeotdo eobseo.” B.I said.

“Yah! Hyung! Where’s our ice cream?” Member Junhoe cried.

“Ne?” B.I asked.

“Ice cream eodieyo?” Member Donghyuk said.

“You went out to buy ice cream but you forgot to buy them? Ah, hyung!” Member Junhoe whined.

“Ah, stop whining! I’ll buy them now! F-for real!” B.I said as marched out of the dorm.


“What’s up with him?” Jinhwan said as he was coming out of his room.

“I’ll go follow him.” Bobby said and walked out of the dorm.


He then rushed to the elevator.


“Hanbin-ah, jamkkanman!” Bobby said and blocked the elevator door.

“Tto wae?” B.I asked.

“I’m coming with you this time.” Bobby said.

“Why?” B.I asked.

“You’ll lose focus again and Junhoe will be whining. Yah! What exactly happened?” Bobby asked.

“J-Jaeyeon-sshi. I met her outside. She just moved into the building, so I was helping out with her things.” B.I explained.

“She moved in?” Bobby asked.

“Uh. She’s in the 37th floor.” B.I said.

“So, are you gonna keep this a secret from Yunhyeong?” Bobby asked.

“Uh. This is my advantage.” B.I said.

“Whatever man! Let’s just buy ice cream for those idiots.” Bobby said.


Unfortunately, B.I’s greed did not give him advantage from Yunhyeong at all. The boys ended up riding in the same elevator with the female.


“So, where are you going today, Jaeyeon-sshi?” Yunhyeong asked.

“I’m going to class today in Hongdae.” Jaeyeon said.

“Oh! Hongdae?” Donghyuk asked.

“Ne. I’m on my second year in the university.” Jaeyeon said.

“Woah! We should be speaking in honorifics then.” Junhoe said.

“Aniyo, gwaenchana. I’m cool with informal language but one must use it appropriately.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Noona, what do you major in?” Yunhyeong asked.

“Uh…digital design.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Ah.” The boys nodded.

“Noona, don’t you consider auditioning in an entertainment company?” Donghyuk asked.

“Ah, aniyo. I just want to focus on my studies. Singing is just a hobby.” Jaeyeon said.

“Woah! That’s a first!” Yunhyeong cried.


“Yah! What took you so long?” One of Jaeyeon’s friends asked her.

“Sorry, Bohee. The boys of iKON cornered me and they talked to me nonstop. We spent the whole elevator ride talking and it exhausted me.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yah…looks like the boys really like you. Get to know more about them for us.” Her friend said.

“No, I’m not gonna do that. Plus, they are busy as hell and so as I.” Jaeyeon said.


“Oh, joeseonghabnida, Chanyeol-sshi. Jaeyeon-sshi does not have weekday shifts. She only works with us during weekends and on emergencies.” The manager said.

“Oh, geuraeyo. Thank you.” Chanyeol said and retreated from the counter.


“So?” Baekhyun asked.

“She only has weekend shifts.” Chanyeol said.

“Well, did you ask if we can get her phone number?” Baekhyun asked.

“I purposely did not ask.” Chanyeol said.

“Wae?” Baekhyun asked.

“Because I will sound like a crazy stalker. If you want it so bad, come here during her shift and ask her for her number. Don’t ask me to do the dirty work for you.” Chanyeol said.


Later that night, Jaeyeon arrived home. Coincidentally, the boys of iKON pulled over in front of the building and caught sight of the female.


“Oh, annyeonghaseyo!” The boys greeted her.

“Going up?” Bobby asked in English.

“Yeah.” Jaeyeon smiled.


The boys, along with Jaeyeon stepped into the lift and rode it.


A month later, Jaeyeon had gotten used to the boys’ presence.


One Sunday afternoon, Jaeyeon stepped out of her place to do some grocery shopping. She visited a local supermarket to do so.


iKON’s leader B.I, once again, lost to a bet. As penalty, he had to do the grocery shopping himself. He reached for a box of cereals along aisle 9 and dumped it on the cart. As he pushed forward, he came across Jaeyeon who was busy scanning through her grocery list. The idol member smiled and approached her.


“We meet again, noona.” B.I said.


Jaeyeon looked up and met B.I’s face.


“Oh, annyeonghaseyo B.I-sshi!” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Noona, Hanbin is fine.” B.I said.

“Hanbin?” Jaeyeon asked.

“My real name…” B.I responded.

“Ah, geurae. Annyeong Hanbin-ah!” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Want some help with that basket?” B.I asked.

“Ah, aniyo. Gwaenchana. Besides, I’m not buying a lot of things. Just the essentials from my list.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok, but I will walk around with you. Is that fine?” B.I asked.

“Uh, o-okay.” Jaeyeon nodded.


After checking all their items out, B.I grabbed all the bags and carried them.


“Hanbin-ah, I can carry my own bag.” Jaeyeon said.

“Aniyo. I’m the man. So, I will carry the bags for a lady.” B.I said.

“Ah, gomawo.” Jaeyeon smiled.


As they stepped out of the store, a little girl rushed to the boy and hugged his leg. B.I looked down and smiled.


“Hanbyul? Ah, yeogiseo mwohae?” B.I asked the little girl. The idol set his bags down, lifted the kid and hugged her.


“Oppa, nan bogoshipda.” The kid hugged the boy tighter.


Soon, a lady approached the idol, confusing the female beside B.I even more.


“Hanbin-ah.” The woman spoke.

“Eomma?” B.I smiled.

“What are you doing here, son?” The lady asked.

“Just out for grocery shopping after losing a bet with the boys. Oh and helping a friend out. Eomma, this is Jaeyeon-sshi.” B.I said.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” Jaeyeon bowed at the older woman.

“Oppa, is she your girlfriend?” The little girl asked.


B.I just grinned, while Jaeyeon froze. “Ani. Noona is just a friend, really.” The male idol cleared up.

“Ne, Hanbin is really just a friend to eonni.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Ok.” Hanbyul smiled.

“Ah, Hanbin-ah, I’ll go ahead. Annyeonghi gaseyo.” Jaeyeon said as she grabbed her bags and smiled.

“Geunde…” B.I argued.


“You can go with her. I can handle our bags.” The woman said.

“Are you sure?” B.I asked.

“Uh. She needs your help more than I do. Go.” Mrs. Lee said.

“Ye, eomma. Hanbyul-ah, jalga.” B.I waved at his family and jogged up to Jaeyeon.


He snatched her bags and walked away with her.


“Hanbin-ah, naneun gwaenchana.” Jaeyeon said.

“Mom said that she could handle the bags herself. So, I’m helping you now. Kaja.” B.I said.

“N-ne.” Jaeyeon nodded confusedly.


“Gomawo, Hanbin-ah.” Jaeyeon said.

“Anytime.” B.I flashed his cute dimpled smile.

“Have a nice day.” Jaeyeon said and shut her door.


The male idol walked into his dorm, smiling.


“What’s up with you?” Eldest member, Jinhwan asked.

“Just happy that I helped someone today…” B.I said.

“Nugu?” Jinhwan asked.

“Jaeyeon-sshi. I came across her in the supermarket. She had a couple of heavy bags so I helped her out.” B.I said proudly.

“You and Yunhyeong are doing all sorts of things just make her notice you, huh?” Jinhwan asked.

“Ani. Everything is just coincidence for me. I have not formally made a move on her.” B.I said.

“Let me remind you that you’re the leader. Keep your head straight, Hanbin.” Jinhwan said.

“I know that, hyung. You don’t need to lecture me because I made an oath already.” B.I said.

“Araso. Yah! I’m not being hard on you, man. Just telling you that you should concentrate on your work. Love will always be there.” Jinhwan said.

“Ah, hyung!” B.I whined.

“Ara. Ara.” Jinhwan said.


“Yah! Eodiga?” Bobby cried.

“I have an extra cone of ice cream with me, so I’m giving it to Jaeyeon-sshi.” Yunhyeong said.

“You are not going anywhere. Hyung, don’t bother her.” B.I said.

“You can go around and hang with her but I can’t give her an extra piece of dessert. Yah! That’s unfair.” Yunhyeong said.

“It’s two in the morning. Do you expect her to be awake at this time?” B.I said.

“Haha! True.” Yunhyeong grinned.

“Just give it to her tomorrow.” B.I said.


At 8pm, Jaeyeon stepped out of her dorm and made her way to Cheongdam.


“Good morning.” She greeted her co-workers.

“Jaeyeon-sshi, two members of an idol group were looking for you.” The manager said.

“Y-ye? Idols?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Yeah. They’re from EXO. They said that they wanted to talk to you.” The manager said.

“Eh?” Jaeyeon asked.

“They are waiting for at table 7 now.” The manager said.

“Okay.” Jaeyeon set her purse down, dressed into her uniform and stepped out of the locker room. 


Finally, she made her way to the restaurant proper and met the two boys.


“Annyeonghaseyo! How may I help you guys?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Hi! I’m Baekhyun and this is my friend, Chanyeol. We’re both from EXO.” Baekhyun said.

“Hi. So, can I get you anything?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Uh…” Chanyeol said and nudged at Baekhyun.


Baekhyun blanked out.


“My friend wants to tell you that you’re really pretty.” Chanyeol said.


Jaeyeon blushed and bowed.


“K-Kamsahamnida.” Jaeyeon replied.

“Oh and he’s asking if he can have your phone number?” Chanyeol, the wing man, said.

“I’m sorry but I don’t give out my personal phone numbers to strangers.” Jaeyeon said.


“Can I get you anything else?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Oh! Ok. Well, a box of fried chicken will be good.” Baekhyun said.

“Let’s head over to the counter for a proper ordering scheme.” Jaeyeon said.


The two boys got their orders and walked away.


“So, what did the good-looking EXO members ask you?” Jaeyeon’s co-worker asked.

“My phone number.” Jaeyeon shyly revealed.

“You are one lucky girl to have two EXO members take a special trip to our shop just to ask you for your phone number.” The co-worker said.

“I didn’t give it out. They are strangers to me. Aish! I’ve never gotten this much attention before. Back in Busan, I wasn’t even part of a popular crowd. Is there something off?” Jaeyeon said.

“Face it, girl. You are really pretty. Any guy will check you out.” The co-worker said.

“Stop it with the flattery, Haein.” Jaeyeon ordered.


“Satisfied now? Man! You sounded so desperate and I had to be your wing man. So embarrassing!” Chanyeol said.

“Thanks man. Something about her is different. I’m cool around girls, but I had never been nervous my entire life when I faced her earlier.” Baekhyun said.

“You must be really scared after the break-up with Taeyeon sunbaenim, huh?” Another guy jumped into the conversation.

“GAH! Jongdae, where did you come from?” Baekhyun cried.

“You two sat on the couch beside me. It’s impossible for me not to hear anything you said. So, who’s this girl?” Chen asked.

“She’s a normal citizen working at a chicken shop two blocks away. Say, want some chicken?” Baekhyun said as he held onto a box of chicken on mid air.

“Sure!” Chen nodded.

“Man! Baekhyun has a huge crush on her.” Chanyeol said.

“Is she pretty?” Chen asked.

“Oh yeah!” Baekhyun said.

“Chanyeol?” Chen asked.

“Kinda.” Chanyeol replied.


One lazy day at Mapo-gu, the boys invited Jaeyeon over to their dorm. 


“Wow! Seven guys living together is a crazy sight! Look at the mess here. Woah!” Jaeyeon cried.

“Sorry about this. We’ll clean up.” Bobby said.

“No, it’s fine. It’s not like I’m a clean freak or anything.” Jaeyeon said.


Throughout the time Jaeyeon had known iKON, she seemed closer to two boys only…the Korean-American cutie, Bobby and genius leader, B.I. She was too comfortable with the boys that having B.I’s muscly arm over her shoulder meant nothing to her. As for the ’96-liner, all physical contact with her was heaven. 


His ’95-liner hyung, Yunhyeong was not too happy about what he was seeing, so he pulled up some flirting tactics of his own, like pulling a chair for her over dinner, lending his jacket to her when she felt cold and even helping her out with some groceries when they cross paths in the elevator.


Jinhwan, the eldest finally realized the tension between his dongsaengs and called for a meeting.


“Ok. I called for an emergency meeting to discuss a very important issue. Yunhyeong and Hanbin, stop fighting over Jaeyeon-sshi. She’s not a piece of rope that you two pull in the game of tug-of-war. She’s a person. If you two like her so much, then just tell her. Let her choose whom she likes to be with. Period.” Jinhwan said.

“Ne.” The two boys nodded.

“Hanbin, you should’ve known this better, since you are the leader of this group.” Jinhwan added.


One day, Yunhyeong found an opening. He gathered up his courage and knocked on Jaeyeon’s door.


“Hi Yunhyeong! What’s up?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I like you, Jaeyeon-sshi.” Yunhyeong said bluntly.

“Uh?” Jaeyeon asked in confusion.

“I really like you. I don’t know why but I do. If you accept my heart, I will be really happy.” Yunhyeong smiled.


Jaeyeon froze.


A confession from iKON’s Yunhyeong. This is not what I had expected. I never expected anything at all. I thought the boys were just being friendly.


“Yunhyeong-ah, I don’t know what to say. You had surprised me.” Jaeyeon said.

“Is that good thing or a bad thing?” Yunhyeong asked.

“I don’t know. Ok…so, I like you, yes, but not in a romantic way. I’m sorry.” Jaeyeon said.

“Oh. Well, this is awkward.” Yunhyeong said.

“Don’t be. You’re a great guy, Yunhyeong. It’s just that I’m not ready to enter a relationship yet. I’m sorry.” Jaeyeon said.

“Oh. I suppose I had just been rejected.” Yunhyeong sulked.

“K-Kinda, but hey, we’re still friends, right?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Oh yeah.” Yunhyeong smiled.

“Thanks for understanding.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yeah.” Yunhyeong said as he walked away, empty-handed.


“So? How was it?” Donghyuk asked him secretly.

“Rejected, man.” Yunhyeong said.

“Sorry, man.” Donghyuk said.


B.I knew that Yunhyeong would follow Jinhwan and confess to her but he did the otherwise. 


iKON’s leader and his best friend, Bobby worked on their songs in a room. B.I smiled and began writing down the lyrics he had in mind.


“What are you smiling at?” Bobby asked.

“I have a really great song in mind.” B.I smiled.

“You aren’t using this song to impress Jaeyeon-sshi, right?” Bobby asked.

“Nope. I’m using this song to confess.” B.I said.

“Now, you’re being cheesy.” Bobby said.


“Hi.” Jaeyeon said as she walked into the boys’ dorm. 


She had just been invited once again and this time, the boys seemed to have cleaned up.


“Woah! You guys cleaned up.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Well, it was getting really cluttered here, so we cleaned up.” Jinhwan said.

“I see.” Jaeyeon said and sat on the couch.


“Whazzup Jaeyeon!” Bobby greeted.

“Hello to you too, Bobby.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Hey there, noona!” B.I greeted with a hug.

“Annyeong Hanbin.” Jaeyeon smiled.


The rest of the boys greeted her with a bow.


“So, what’s the occasion this time?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Nothing. We just wanted to invite you for dinner. Uh, we cooked. Jinhwan hyung did.” Junhoe said.

“Oh. Well, thank you.” Jaeyeon said.


Throughout supper, B.I offered meats to Jaeyeon, earning glares from Yunhyeong. 


After dinner,  the boys led Jaeyeon to the living room. Jaeyeon squeezed in between Bobby and B.I. Once again, B.I’s arm was over Jaeyeon’s shoulder. This time, Jaeyeon felt a little zap of electricity.


Ok? What was that? What’s with the tingly feeling? I’ve been really comfortable with these boys and there’s no malice anymore. Why do I suddenly feel weird?


She glanced at B.I who smiled at her in return.


Dugeun, dugeun, dugeun…ok? Now, this is getting weirder. Uh, I have to stall.


“Uh, boys, I just remembered that I had homework to do. I gotta go. See you around.” Jaeyeon stood up, bowed and walked away, leaving the boys in shock.

“W-what just happened?” Bobby asked.

“She has homework to do.” B.I said.


As soon as she exited the boys’ dorm, Jaeyeon exhaled.


Homework? How lame can you get, Jaeyeon? Aish! 


The next day, Jaeyeon walked to class in daze.


“Earth to Jaeyeon, can you hear me?” A friend asked.

“Uh?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Are you ok? You’ve been spaced out for two minutes. Whazzup?” The friend asked.

“Nothing. So, you were saying?” Jaeyeon asked.


Jaeyeon shrugged the idea of liking B.I. She hopped into the lift and was about to close the elevator door when two boys blocked it. She immediately pressed the open button to give way for them.


“A-annyeonghaseyo.” Jaeyeon greeted the two boys.

“Just got home from class?” Bobby asked.

“Uh, yeah.” Jaeyeon nodded.


After that short conversation, no one uttered a word.


DING! The elevator stopped at the 36th floor. The two boys stepped out of the lift quietly.


“Yah! You two okay?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah. Why?” B.I asked.

“I sensed awkwardness. You didn’t do anything stupid, right?” Bobby asked.

“No, I did not do anything stupid, hyung.” B.I said.


More hang out time and physical contact later, Jaeyeon had become confused with her relationship with iKON’s leader. They both knew that there exist friendship only but the tingly feeling just won’t go away.


“You liked it?” Jaeyeon’s friend asked.

“No, I don’t.” Jaeyeon explained.

“Gosh! For someone who’s a guy magnet, you sure are very innocent and dense.” Jaeyeon’s friend said.

“I’m not innocent and I am not a guy magnet.” Jaeyeon argued.

“Whatever you say. For the record, those physical contacts ain’t friendly. He was hitting on you.” Jaeyeon’s friend.


“Bobby hyung, I need you to help me.” B.I said.

“Help you with what?” Bobby asked.

“Help me with the beat later. Now, take a look at this music sheet and rehearse.” B.I gave Bobby a piece of paper.


“So, this was what you have been doing for the past three days.” Bobby said.

“Yep.” B.I smiled.


The leader pulled his phone out and tapped away.


To: Jaeyeon noona

Annyeong! Are you free tonight? 


After a while, Jaeyeon responded.


From: Jaeyeon noona

Yes. I’m free. Why? Am I invited to your dorm again? You know…if your boss finds out that you’re letting an outsider in, he’ll call the police on me.


To: Jaeyeon noona

HAHA! No, sajangnim will not do that. And, no…I am not inviting you to the dorm. I was hoping that you and I can have some time away from the boys. 


From: Jaeyeon noona

Is this some sort of a date, Hanbin? If it is, I’m afraid I can’t. You’re fans will go wild and they’ll probably hunt me down when they find out that a girl is on a ‘date’ with their beloved B.I oppa.


To: Jaeyeon noona.

Haha! Oh, it’s not a date. I really just want to talk to you without the boys. I wanna hear your opinion on something.


From: Jaeyeon noona

Ok. Where do you wanna meet?


To: Jaeyeon noona

Meet me at Han River park.


From: Jaeyeon noona

Ok. See you then.


“So?” Bobby asked.

“We’re set tonight. Go with me to Han River Park.” B.I said.

“Ok.” Bobby said.


Later that night, B.I and Bobby stepped out of their dorm quietly and made their way to Han River. 


As soon as they reached the place, they spotted a familiar figure sitting on the pavement. A smile crept on B.I’s face. The leader then nudged Bobby to give him a beat.


Soon, the Korean-American cutie burst into beatbox and B.I began rapping. Startled, Jaeyeon turned around and watched the two boys rapping their hearts out.


Sometime along the song, B.I stopped rapping and sang the lyrics instead which surprised both Bobby and Jaeyeon.


B.I walked towards Jaeyeon and grabbed both of her hands.


Dugeun, dugeun, dugeun…what is he doing now? And…why is my heart beating so fast?


He danced around her and Bobby followed. At the end of the song, B.I flashed a really big smile at Jaeyeon.


“It was great. You should release this.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, I am, just not anytime soon. This song is specially dedicated to someone special.” B.I said.

“Aigoo! Who is she?” Jaeyeon asked.


Bobby retreated back.


“Did you hear the message?” B.I asked.

“Uh. You sang the song like you really like someone.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, you’re right, noona. I really do like someone.” B.I smiled.

“She must be really special to you.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ne. She is. That someone is you, noona.” B.I confessed.


Jaeyeon froze.


Did I hear him right? He likes me? Kim Hanbin likes me? iKON’s leader, B.I likes me? This is crazy! Scratch the thought, Jaeyeon!


Jaeyeon glanced at the smiley and hopeful ’96-liner.


Tell him you really like him too.


“Noona, will you accept my heart?” B.I kneeled.


Jaeyeon battered her lashes as she looked at the guy.


“Hanbin-ah, you didn’t have to kneel down.” Jaeyeon said.


The idol stood back up and faced her. Jaeyeon gave him a warm smile.


“Yes, I will accept your heart, Hanbin.” Jaeyeon smiled.


B.I screamed in victory and smiled happily. Bobby came jogging in and congratulated his friend. 


“Let’s go before people see us here and create issues about you two.” Bobby said.


As soon as the trio got back to their building, they hopped onto the lift and awaited for their floor.


“Hyung, go ahead. I’ll just walk noona back to her dorm.” B.I said.

“Aight!” Bobby saluted and stepped out of the lift as soon as they reached the 36th floor.


B.I then walked Jaeyeon back to her dorm. She unlocked it and faced the idol.


“You may go now. I can take it from here.” Jaeyeon said.


B.I grabbed her hand and caressed it. “Thank you for accepting my feelings, noona.” He said.

“Uh.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“So, I can call you my girlfriend now?” B.I asked.

“Not unless you drop ‘noona’ and call me Jaeyeon.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok. Jaeyeon, will you be my girlfriend?” B.I smiled hopefully.

“Yes.” Jaeyeon replied.


B.I grabbed the back of her palm and planted a kiss.


“Good night.” B.I smiled.

“You too.” Jaeyeon said.

“Dream of me.” B.I teased.

“Ne.” Jaeyeon smiled before gently pulling her hand away and walked into her dorm.


iKON’s leader had successfully confessed and got the girl of his dreams to be his girlfriend. He walked back to his dorm happily and slept peacefully.




A/N: Ok so we all know that Baek is still dating Taeng. Honestly, I hate it. It broke my little EXO-L heart but life must go on hehe. Anyway, in this fic so we start off as Baek heartbroken after his break-up with Taeng (let's just say in this fic she broke up with him mwahaha). He wanted to get his mind off her. Coincidentally, he comes across a cashier girl in a fictional chicken joint located a few blocks away from SM headquarters. He falls for her (love at first sight? Yes, maybe). The guys help him but he is unlucky.


Cashier girl who goes by the name of Lee Jaeyeon meets iKON. Coincidentally, she moves into the same apartment building as them and they form a tight bond. In this chapter, she gets together with the leader B.I (love him by the way! My bias!).


UPDATE! For new readers out there, it has been confirmed that Baekhyun and Taeyeon broke up recently. So, this story line wherein they 'broke up' actually make sense. FINALLY! I just hated it so much, but now that they are over, I can celebrate!!! MWAHAHAHA!! 


Thanks for reading! Comments. Next chapter will be up.

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)