Chapter 2

Living Famous

Chapter 2 is up! Enjoy!



WINNER joined their senior BIGBANG in the airport, as they were set to fly to China for a concert. Other artists that were set to perform were SM Entertainment artists, Girls’ Generation, EXO and the rookie girl group, Red Velvet.


As soon as the girls of Red Velvet walked in, WINNER's maknae, Taehyun had changed from a calm boy to an overly excited puppy.


“Hyung, don’t you think that Wendy is pretty?” Taehyun asked.

“Nugu?” His friend in a black hat asked.

“The one in blue sweater. She’s pretty, right?” Taehyun asked.

“Oh brother!” The friend palmed himself.

“I should talk to her.” Taehyun said as he stood up but leader, Seungyoon yanked him down.

“No, you won’t.” Seungyoon said.

“Hyung!” Taehyun whined.

“No, you can’t talk to her. Did you forget that we’re in a public place? If people see you talk to her, fan wars will erupt. Now, stay put.” Seungyoon said.


Red Velvet’s maknae, Joy noticed Taehyun looking at them…at Wendy.


“Eonni, don’t you think that Winner guy is checking you out?” Joy asked.


Wendy looked up, checked Taehyun and back to Joy.


“Nugu?” Wendy asked.

“That guy with a 5:5 hair.” Joy said.


Wendy glanced up, smiled at the boy and looked at Joy.


“You mean, Taehyun-sshi? Oh, he’s nice, I guess. Why?” Wendy asked.

“Well, he is checking you out.” Joy said.

“Oh, I don’t think he is. He probably noticed us and just wanted to encourage our presence with a smile. No worries.” Wendy said and played around with her phone again.

“Okay?” Joy nodded.


“Hyung, did you see that? She smiled at me.” Taehyun said.

“Don’t even think about it, Taehyun. She smiled at you, period. Maybe she just did that as a sign of respect. You two were paired up in Gayo Daejun last year.” Seungyoon said.


After a while, the speaker announced that an Asiana flight will be boarding the first class.


BIGBANG stood up, grabbed their things and headed for the gate. Winner followed them and Red Velvet walked in last.

Once the boys of Winner settled in the plane, they each busied themselves with their gadgets. It was not until the girls of Red Velvet walked in when Taehyun dropped his stuff and gazed at the group’s pretty vocalist, Wendy.


“Snap out of it, Taehyun!” Seungyoon nudged his friend.

“Maybe it’s not bad to talk to her right now, right?” Taehyun asked.

“No can do.” Seungyoon said.


The concert officially began after two hours, starting off with Red Velvet.


During the girls’ performance of Happiness, Taehyun tuned into the TV screen beside him. He was watching them intently.


“What’s with him?” WINNER member, Seunghoon asked the leader, Seungyoon.

“He has a crush on that girl in blue.” Seungyoon said.

“Wendy-sshi?” Rapper Mino butted in.

“Y-yeah. He’s been all over her since that night.” Seungyoon said.

“What night?” Seunghoon asked.

“SBS Gayo Daejun.” Seungyoon said.

“Ah, right! The hair thing?” Seunghoon said.

“Oh yeah!” Seungyoon nodded.

“Shh! They are almost to the highlight.” Taehyun cried.


Wendy threw her arms up and belted on her solo part.


Shine on me

let it shine on me yeah~

Nae pume

let it shine~


Shine on me

Let it shine on me

Nae du pare

Let it shine~


Taehyun smiled at the screen like a lovesick boy while listening to Wendy’s solo part.


Seungyoon just shook his head and walked away.


December 1, 2014, SBS announced that their year-end music festival will be held on the 21st instead of the 29th. Among the line-up of performers include big acts such as EXO, Sistar, 2PM and the top rookies of 2014. A special stage was planned for four rookie groups which were still subject to deliberation from the SBS executives themselves. 


At the end of the first week, it was announced that top male rookie groups WINNER and GOT7, along with female rookie groups Red Velvet and Lovelyz will be doing a collaboration stage.


“So, we’ll be doing a collaboration stage with other rookie groups?” WINNER’s Mino cleared.

“Yes and rehearsals will start tomorrow. So, be ready.” The boys’ manager said and walked off.

“I wonder which groups we’ll be working with.” Seunghoon said.


“Collaboration stage? Nice!” GOT7’s Jackson cried.

“So, whom are we working with, hyung?” The leader, JB asked.

“You’ll find out tomorrow. Now, get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow.” The boys’ manager said.


“Collaboration stage with other rookie groups?” Irene read the text message on her phone.

“I just hope they are nice.” Wendy pleaded.

“It’ll be awkward if there were guys around.” Maknae Joy spoke up.

“Relax, maknae. I’m sure they are all nice.” Seulgi reassured her.


“Collaboration stage?” Leader Baby Soul repeated.

“Yes and you will find out their identities tomorrow.” The girls’ manager said.

“Goody! I’m looking forward to meeting our sunbaes!” Second maknae Sujeong cheered.


The next day, each group were transported to SBS Studios for the first official day of rehearsals.


The boys of GOT7 were bouncing happily in the car as they awaited for their arrival.


“Will there be girl groups?” GOT7’s Jackson asked.

“I can’t answer you that. You have to find out for yourselves.” Their manager said.

“If there will be girl groups, I just hope it’s Red Velvet!” Jackson smiled.

“Here we go again! Jackson, hold your horses. You’ll be disappointed if they do not show up. Aish! Crazy fan boy!” Eldest hyung Mark yanked him down.


“This traffic is insane! Will we get there on time?” Taehyun cried.

“Patience, maknae. We’ll get there.” Leader Seungyoon patted him and shut his eye for another nap.


Lovelyz were the first ones to arrive in the studios and they were greeted by the choreographer and the stage director.


“Good morning! As you girls can see, your fellow idols are not here yet. So, please make yourselves comfortable. We’ll be joining you in here once everyone’s here.” The choreographer said before he left with the director.


The girls folded their legs and sat on one side of the studio.


Five minutes later, GOT7 arrived. They walked into the building and took the lift to the designated studio. 


“I hear girl voices.” Jackson smiled.

“Will you shut up?” Mark said.


As soon as they walked in, they greeted their hoobaes. Annyeonghaseyos and bows were exchanged for the next two minutes.


Two minutes later, the girls of Red Velvet made it to the building. They took the elevator and went straight up to the tenth floor for the studio.


When the door opened, everyone turned to the entrance. Four beautiful girls walked into the room and overloaded them with greetings and bows. GOT7’s Jackson couldn’t contain his smile as soon as the girls walked in. 


The male idol has been fan boy-ing over the said girl group ever since their debut and he had set his eye on one member already. He would drive his group mates nuts when he hummed along to the girls’ debut track ‘Happiness’ every time he hears the song playing.


Everybody settled inside the studio, each having their own corners. The choreographer walked in and greeted them.


“Good morning everyone! We’re still waiting for one more group to join us and we start. So, for now, you guys can do whatever you want. Mingle with each other and whatsoever.” The man said and walked out.


The boys just couldn’t stop Jackson from fan boy-ing so they let him be. With that, the said idol stood up from his place and swiftly glided to the four girls over to their left. He particularly sat beside the group’s good-looking visual, Seulgi.


“Hi!” Jackson greeted with a smile.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” She greeted him with a formal bow.

“I’m Jackson and you must be Seulgi.” The dude said.

“Ye. Nice to meet you, Jackson-sshi.” Seulgi replied.

“We can drop the formalities. Just call me, Jackson.” The dude smiled.

“Ok. Annyeong Jackson!” Seulgi smiled.

“That’s better.” Jackson said.


For the next two minutes, the male idol just flirted with the pretty Red Velvet member. GOT7 just laughed at their friend’s greasy ways, while the three remaining members of the girl group was just watching the two hit it off like long-time friends.


Just then, the door opened, revealing the last group to join the three existing groups.


“Sorry, we’re late. Annyeonghaseyo WINNER imnida!” The boys greeted everyone in the room.


The leader quickly noticed the girls of Red Velvet were in the room. As a fan himself, he just couldn’t keep his eyes off them…especially to a certain pretty member.


Back in August, Seungyoon wandered around the backstage in search for his group’s dressing room. He usually finds his way back to the dressing room easily but as of the moment, he was lost. He walked further through the hallway until he bumped onto someone. He looked up and a girl with an orange highlighted hair met his eyes. He had never seen a girl with such a beautiful face and eyes before. Before he would space out on her, he shook his thoughts off and apologized.


“Joeseonghabnida.” They exchanged bows.


“Hi! I’m pretty lost. Would you happen to know where WINNER’s dressing room is?” He asked.

“Ye. I passed by it earlier. Go straight this way, turn right and you will see a paper with the name ‘WINNER’ posted on the door.” She smiled.


Seungyoon absorbed everything she said while looking at her eyes and nodded.


“Thank you!” He said and walked away.


“Anytime, Seungyoon-sshi!” The girl cried.


He froze.


How did she come to know my name?


He found out that she was a member of Red Velvet, the girl group that he recently liked. He did not have any favorites, not until meeting the then orange haired Seulgi. Ever since then, he has been a fan of her.


Back to the present, Seungyoon shook his thoughts off and focused on the situation.


“Great! Now that everyone is here, let’s get started!” The choreographer cried.


“So, as you all know, you will be performing a collaboration stage in this year’s Gayo Daejun. I had already picked a song for you and it’ll be Maroon 5’s hit ‘Moves Like Jagger’. If you wish to have another song, please raise your hands.” The choreographer said.


No one voiced out their concerns so the choreographer got down to the stage formation.


“So, this is what I pictured in my head. The boys will be singing first and on the second verse, the girls will come in and the boys go at the back. On the third verse, the boys will join the girls and just dance around…with the choreography of course. At the end of the song, everybody pose. How’s that sound?” The choreographer asked.

“It’s great! We like it!” Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Well, it’s settled then. Now, let us go to the pairs. At one point of the performance, each of you will be partnering up and just do the routine. Since there are more boys than the girls, one boy will be dancing alone. To prevent time from being wasted, I had already picked the pairings, so listen up.” The man said.


“Mark, you will be paired up with Mijoo-sshi, JB & Baby Soul, Jackson & Seulgi, Youngjae & Kei, BamBam & Sujeong, Yugyeom & Joy, Jinwoo & Jiae, Seunghoon & Jin, Mino & Irene, Seungyoon & Yein and finally, Taehyun & Wendy. Sorry, Jr., you will have to dance alone.” The choreographer said.


As soon as Jackson heard that he would be paired up with the lovely Seulgi, his smile reached his ears.


Seungyoon was looking forward to the possibility of him getting paired up with a Red Velvet member, but his hopes were crushed when he was assigned to Lovelyz’s maknae, Yein and she was assigned to Jackson.


“Now, let’s get down to business. As not to waste any time, I got another person to choreograph the other half. I will be choreographing the boys and Ms. Gayeon-sshi will be teaching the girls. You have two hours to familiarize the routine. When you’re done, take a thirty minute break and let’s get to the collaboration part.” The man said.


The groups spent the next two hours familiarizing every step.


“Ok! I guess you girls got everything. Great job! Take your break and rehearsals will resume after thirty minutes.” The female choreographer said and walked out of the room.


“That was one heck of a rehearsal!” Wendy exhaled.

“Yeah.” Seulgi nodded.

“C’mon girls! Let’s get something to eat.” Irene said and walked out of the room with her members.


Lovelyz also walked out of the room.


Just in time, the boys had wrapped up the first part of their performance. The boys of GOT7 noisily walked out of their practice room. As soon as Jackson spotted Red Velvet walk out of their own practice room, he swiftly glided out of his circle and approached the girls.


Wendy and Joy giggled at the sight of Jackson headed their way.


“Looks like lover boy is here again. C’mon maknae, let’s leave them alone.” Wendy winked at Seulgi, dragged Joy away, leaving Irene with Seulgi.


“Just don’t flirt with him too much, Seulgi. I’ll go ahead.” Irene gave her an encouraging smile and walked off with the rest of the girls.


“Hey Jackson!” Seulgi smiled at the dude.

“How was practice? I’m sure you’re exhausted. Wanna grab something to drink?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, sure.” Seulgi nodded.


Jackson then walked Seulgi out of the floor.


“Aish! And there he goes again…” Jackson’s best friend, Mark sulked.

“Just give him a break! You know Youngji turned him down and well, he was pretty upset over it. Seeing pretty girl group members is his happiness.” Leader, JB said.

“Dude, this is Jackson we are talking about. He flirts with every girl he sees.” Mark said.

“Well, let him flirt with girls, just stop him with he gets a little too touchy.” JB said.

“Whatever.” Mark said.


From afar, Seungyoon and the rest of WINNER watched the scene of Jackson flirting with Seulgi.


“Jackson got it really bad with that Red Velvet member.” Mino said.

“Uhuh and he is acting like a lovesick puppy.” Seunghoon added.

“Seulgi-sshi can sure captivate men’s heart.” Mino said.

“So, Seulgi is her name.” Seungyoon mumbled.

“You said something?” Mino asked.

“Nope. Let’s just get some lunch.” Seungyoon said.


“So, what may pretty Seulgi want for a drink? Water? Juice?” Jackson asked.

“An iced cold coffee from the vending machine is fine.” Seulgi said.

“Aight! One ice cold coffee coming right up.” Jackson smiled, inserted coins into the slot and pressed the button.


He then handed the can to the pretty girl group member and got himself something to drink too.


“So, you ready for the second part of the rehearsals?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah. I can’t wait for the mixed stage.” Seulgi said.

“And I can’t wait to dance with a girl as pretty as you.” Jackson smiled.


Seulgi blushed and flashed a warm smile at Jackson.


“Thanks.” Seulgi said.


After getting lunch, Seungyoon spaced out and had ignored his friends’ conversation. He had been thinking about the pretty Red Velvet member again. Well, more like a mental debate.


Why did the choreographer pair you up with Jackson? The guy is a total flirt. I am more qualified. Wait! What’s wrong with me? I don’t like you that way! My partner is fine. Yein is cute. Oh, who am I kidding? She ain’t prettier than you. Wait what? I know that this may sound crazy but I’m not just fanboy-ing now. Stop it, Seungyoon! Ok, so I know that inter-company romance is prohibited but I just can’t help myself. GAH! Stop it! You’re crazy! I can’t stop thinking about you from the moment we first met. Ah, byuntae!!!


“Seungyoon! Are you listening?” Mino waved his hand at their leader.


“Huh, what?” Seungyoon snapped out of his trance and faced Mino.

“You okay, man? You’ve been staring at blank space for five minutes.” Seunghoon asked.

“I’m okay. Just a little preoccupied with a thought.” Seungyoon said.

“What thought?” Taehyun chimed in.

“Just some random thought. Anyway, what were you guys talking about again?” Seungyoon said, trying to change the topic.

“Ok? As I was saying…” Mino said.


Thirty minutes later, everybody gathered inside the boys’ practice room and waited for the choreographer. 


Everyone was busy chatting. Jackson abandoned his group and chatted with Seulgi, cracking jokes and making her laugh. GOT7 and WINNER (minus Seungyoon) were laughing at the way Jackson was hitting on the female idol. Finally, the envious idol couldn’t stop glaring at Jackson.


“Glad you guys are all here! Let’s get started! Let’s take it from the part where Sujeong-sshi, Kei-sshi and Baby Soul-sshi sing their parts.” The choreographer said.


“Ok! Now, when the stage fireworks go off, you guys just dance naturally on stage and then form this arrangement.” The choreographer said as he each positioned everyone in their places. 


“You can do any fan service like checking each other out, each other’s faces and whatsoever! Just make it look natural. I'll leave it up to you on the night itself.” The man said.


After the rehearsals, everyone else seemed to be awkward, except for some pairs who had already established a good team. 


GOT7’s Thai cutie BamBam and Lovelyz’s giant, Sujeong were already high-five-ing each other every time they agree on things, Mark and Mijoo, although awkward at first, managed to get out of the practice room with a small physical contact such as a quick hug. Even main vocalists WINNER’s Taehyun and Red Velvet’s Wendy were up for a good start with small flirty gestures such as lightly pushing each other and even laughing at each other’s jokes. As expected, Jackson and Seulgi were already very flirty with each other.


“You and Jackson sure hit it off!” Wendy cried.

“He’s a nice guy and funny too.” Seulgi said.

“He was so flirting with you!” Wendy said.

“Relax! It’s not like I’m gonna end up dating him, which is prohibited.” Seulgi said.

“Whatever you say, Bear.” Wendy said.

“Let me just remind you of the consequences of hanging with him so much. You can lose everything you have worked hard for the past seven years. Don’t let him get into your head. Interact with him at a minimum.” Irene warned.

“I know that. I promise that I won’t let him get into my head.” Seulgi said.


As soon as the boys got home, Jackson laid on his bed in bliss.


“Seulgi, my pretty Seulgi…what a wonderful name.” Jackson smiled like an idiot.


Mark heaved out a sigh.


“When will you ever stop this nonsense?” Mark shook his head in discontent.


“Maybe I can date her…besides Nichkhun sunbaenim did date SNSD’s Tiffany sunbaenim and they were from two different companies.” Jackson said.

“Oh brother!” Mark palmed himself on the forehead.

“She’s pretty, man and she’s fun to be with. I really like her.” Jackson said.

“You are just in the fan boy stage. This is the real world, man. You cannot date her. Hell should freeze up first before you two can date.” Mark said.

“You’re such a pessimist, man.” Jackson said.

“I may be a pessimist but at least, I am thinking rationally. Think about the consequences you get first before you act, Jackson.” Mark said.


“What a exhausting day! I need some sleep!” Jinwoo dropped to the couch, as the boys gathered around the living room.

“Well, I’m not. I had fun earlier.” Taehyun said.

“Easy for you to say, you and Wendy-sshi got a great start. Jin-sshi and I were having difficulties with timing.” Seunghoon said.

“I couldn’t stop checking Irene-sshi out. She’s really gorgeous! Switch partners with me, Mino!” Jinwoo cried.

“No way, man! I got myself a nice, hot partner. I am not trading her with you. Wendy-sshi looks cool. She’s pretty too. Maybe you and Taehyun can switch partners.” Mino said.

“Oh no! I’m not switching with Jinwoo hyung. I’m comfortable with Wendy already.” Taehyun said.

“Guys! We can’t switch partners. The choreographer had already assigned us to our permanent ones, remember?” Seunghoon said.

“Yeah!” Jinwoo groaned.

“Say, where is Seungyoon?” Mino asked.


Seungyoon laid flat on his bed. He raise his phone up and scrolled down to photos of someone. 


What has got into me? I cannot be in love with you, right? Ok? So, Jackson was all over you. Big deal. Aish! I felt like I was gonna charge down to him and rip his head off. This is not good, Seungyoon. You are not in love with her. You are just a fan boy.


Taehyun stood up and peeked at Seungyoon.


“Hyung, you okay?” Taehyun asked while at the doorway, sending Seungyoon’s phone flying off his hand.

“Yah! You scared me!” Seungyoon cried.

“Sorry! What were you doing before I came?” Taehyun asked.

“N-nothing. I was just looking something up on the Internet.” Seungyoon lied.

“Ok. Well, we’re gonna head out to board maybe. Wanna come?” Taehyun asked.

“Uh. Just give me a minute.” Seungyoon replied.

“Ok!” Taehyun nodded, closed the door and walked back to the boys.


“Hyung seems a little off today.” Taehyun said.

“He does. Does he really dislike being in that collaboration stage with the other groups?” Jinwoo asked.

“Beats me.” Seunghoon shrugged.


December 21st, it was the day when SBS Gayo Daejun was gonna be take place. Idols arrived at the studios in their best outfits and pose for the red carpet.


Soon enough, the event started.


Among the rookies, GOT7 performed first with their new song ‘Stop, Stop It’ with the three rappers Mark, Jackson and BamBam. The rest of the members stepped in and together performed their debut single ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’. Red Velvet came in dressed in green and white cheer outfits and performing their upbeat debut track ‘Happiness’. The lovely girls of Lovelyz, dressed in white and black school uniform-type of outfits cherished the stage with ‘Candy Jelly Love’ and WINNER to the stage with the remix version of their hit debut song ‘Empty’.


As soon as WINNER’s song ended, the rest of the groups stepped onto the stage. The music played and GOT7’s Youngjae and JB started off with the first lines of ‘Moves Like Jagger’. WINNER’s vocalists Seungyoon and Taehyun, along with the other members danced in and performed the next few lines. All together, the boys performed the remaining lines of the first verse.


The girls led by Seulgi cat-walked in as soon as the second verse started. Wendy then sang in her perfect Canadian English accent. The second half of the girls’ part were sang by the tallest member Sujeong, the prettiest member Kei and the leader Baby Soul. 


As soon as the stage fireworks boomed, the boys joined the girls on stage and danced around like crazy, before going to their right positions, each having a partner to dance with. Well, with the exception of GOT7’s lead dancer Jr., whom unfortunately wasn’t assigned to anyone.


The cameraman focused on the awkward but hot pair Irene and Mino waving right beside each other, followed by the comfortable and flirty pair Wendy and Taehyun, which received a really loud cheer from fans after they grind so close to each other and the male idol the female’s hair in a flirtatious way and lastly, the most flirty ones—Seulgi and Jackson, whose fan service was lip biting while checking the female idol out and grinding at her.


Other pairs who were comfortable on stage were Mark and Mijoo who were totally into the dance and even had their arms around each other while posing and BamBam and Sujeong who gave each other high fives on and after their performance.


After their stage, all of them walked over to their seats and witnessed other performances.


At the end of the night, everybody walked back to their dressing rooms to dress down.


Right before going to his group’s dressing room, Jackson took a detour to Red Velvet’s dressing room. He knocked on the door and met Wendy’s face.


“Annyeonghaseyo!” Wendy bowed before the dude.

“Seulgi-ah! Jackson is here!” Wendy cried.


Seulgi jogged to the door and met Jackson’s smiling face.


“It’s best if you two talk outside.” Wendy said and shut the door.


“Hey, what’s up?” Seulgi asked.

“I was wondering if I can ask you out for a date…maybe say tomorrow night?” Jackson asked.

“A date? Hmm, I don’t know. I will have to check on my schedule tomorrow. I’ll give you a call if I’m free.” Seulgi said.

“Ok. Well, see you around, pretty Seulgi.” Jackson smiled and skipped away, making Seulgi laugh at his dorkiness.


Meanwhile, Taehyun was smiling like an idiot while packing his things.


“I think I’m in love.” Taehyun said as he cupped his left chest and smiled in bliss.

“W-what’s with you?” Jinwoo asked.

“Ha…Being so close with Wendy made my heart flutter. I think I’m in love with her.” Taehyun smiled.


Seunghoon, who was sipping onto a bottled water, ended up spraying water at Mino.


“W-what?” Seunghoon cried.


Jinwoo laughed at how Mino was drenched with Seunghoon’s spit as of the moment.


“Yah! Hyung!” Mino growled.

“Ah, sorry. Sorry!” Seunghoon grabbed a towel and tossed it to Minho’s face.


“Are you serious?” Seunghoon cried.

“Mhmm…she smelled so good and her hair was soft.” Taehyun smiled.


Seunghoon palmed his face.


“First Jackson, now you? What’s with Red Velvet anyway?” Seunghoon said.

“Hey! You forgot me! I think Irene is a goddess!” Jinwoo smiled.

“You people are sick!” Seunghoon cried.

“You’re just jealous ‘cause you and your partner were so awkward with each other. Hey! At least, she wasn’t ugly. In fact, she seemed kinda nice.” Taehyun said.

“Where did our leader go off this time?” Mino said.


Seungyoon wandered around the hallways, still thinking about the performance earlier tonight. Even though, he was dancing charismatically on stage with his much younger partner, Yein, he still couldn’t help witness Jackson and Seulgi grinding at each other on his peripheral vision. The images of him checking her out pissed him off.


The leader wandered off ’til he spotted Jackson outside of some artist’s door. He squinted to check the sign indicated on the door.


Re-deu-bel-bet…Red Velvet?


He watched Jackson closely. Soon the door opened and Wendy appeared. She gave him a bow before calling someone. Seulgi then finally appeared. Wendy closed the door and left the pair alone. 


Jackson gave Seulgi a really flirty smile. He listened to their conversation.


“Hey, what’s up?” Seulgi asked.

“I was wondering if I can ask you out on a date…maybe say tomorrow night?” Jackson asked.


Seungyoon gritted his teeth upon hearing the word ‘date’.


“A date? Hmm, I don’t know. I will have to check on my schedule tomorrow. I’ll give you a call if I’m free.” Seulgi said.

“Ok. Well, see you around, pretty Seulgi.” Jackson smiled and skipped away. 


He watched as the idiot skipped away and even checked Seulgi’s reaction. He wasn’t happy about it as he saw that she was smiling at his stupidity.


Before the female would see him spying on them, Seungyoon quickly turned around and walked away.


Date my ! What a flirt! Watch out for me, dude. I’m not backing down with a fight. I will take her. Ok? Seungyoon, you have officially lost your mind.


“Yah! Where have you been?” Mino cried.

“Just clearing my mind off something.” Seungyoon said.

“Which is?” Mino asked.

“Nothing that concerns you, hyung. Let’s just pack up and leave.” Seungyoon said.

“Ok?” Mino nodded.


Seungyoon snapped out of his thoughts and peeked at Taehyun, who was smiling like an idiot.


I feel you, man. I’m thinking dirty thoughts too. We should really bang our heads on the wall.


Seungyoon plugged onto his earphones, closed his eyes and dozed off.  


Red Velvet opened the concert with their upbeat debut song Happiness, followed by their cover of S.E.S’s song ‘Be Natural’. 


Taehyun, who had become a fan boy of the girls tuned into their performance through the small TV in their dressing room. Seungyoon, on the other hand, sneakily watched the girls’ performance.


“Taehyun, get yourself together!” Seungyoon cried.

“I can’t help it, hyung. She’s just too pretty.” Taehyun smiled.

“If you wanna stay alive, then get back to your senses.” Seungyoon said.

“Do you really dislike them so much for you not to give me a chance to fan boy over her?” Taehyun asked.

“I don’t dislike them. In fact, I am a fan. It’s just that your fan boy-ing ways had just overstepped the limit. Tone down.” Seungyoon said.

“You’re a fan?” Taehyun smirked.

“It’s not what you think. I like them. They are pretty fresh but I don’t fan boy crazily.” Seungyoon said.

“Which member do you like?” Taehyun cornered his friend.

“Unlike you, I don’t have a particular favorite. I like them collectively. Now, can we stop talking about this now? Just get ready. We will be on standby in a minute.” Seungyoon said.

“WINNER! You are on standby now!” The stage director cried.


With that, the boys stood up and walked out of their dressing room.


The boys made their way to the stage, meeting Red Velvet along the way. Taehyun greeted Wendy with a very big smile.


Seungyoon, on the other hand, awkwardly greeted the girls. The leader wasn’t exactly feeling sane as of the moment. He just couldn’t help blank out in front of her. 


He maybe performing in front of thousands of people with his group mates but his mind was partly away from reality.


After the whole concert, all artists stepped on stage for a joint stage. WINNER, who weren’t supposed to mingle with SM artists to prevent any issues, hang with the girls of Red Velvet.


Jinwoo was surprisingly talking to Irene. Mino, who once worked with the female idol, jumped into the conversation, creating a friendly tension between him and his friend. Taehyun hang with Wendy and Seunghoon hang with Seulgi and maknae, Joy. Leader Seungyoon was too shy to mingle so he stuck with Big Bang’s maknae Seungri.


“Seungyoon-ah, go hang with your friends and those Red Velvet girls. Hyung has to hang with SNSD now.” Seungri said.

“Nah. I’ll stay with you hyung. I don’t wanna create any trouble.” Seungyoon said.


Seungri smirked.


“What?” Seungyoon asked.

“You must like one of them, huh? Who is it? Irene? Seulgi? Wendy? Or the maknae, Joy?” Seungri asked.

“It’s not that, hyung.” Seungyoon lied.

“Well then, go and hang with them. Look at Seunghoon. He is talking to two girls. Take one out of his wings and just engage in small talk. Gotta go! Good luck!” Seungri jogged away from WINNER’s leader.


Seungyoon exhaled and prepared himself to talk to Red Velvet…to Seulgi.


“Hey…” Seungyoon finally spoke up.

“Glad you finally showed up. Seungyoon, these are Seulgi and Joy. Girls, this is Seungyoon, our leader.” Seunghoon said.


Seungyoon and the girls exchanged bows at each other.


“So, it’s nice to see you girls again. The last time we’ve seen each other was last year at Gayo Daejun.” Seungyoon said.

“Yeah. So, how are you? I suppose you don’t find yourself lost anymore.” Seulgi said.

“Ah, y-yeah! I can identify our dressing rooms better already.” Seungyoon rubbed his nape.

“That’s good.” Seulgi nodded.

“You got lost?” Seunghoon asked.

“Yeah. Once.” Seungyoon said.

“And I thought Jinwoo hyung was the Internationally lost kid.” Seunghoon said.

“HAHAHA!” The girls burst out in laughter.

“If you are with him, he would really get lost easily.” Seungyoon said.

“I see.” Seulgi nodded.


“So, how are you and Jackson? You two seemed to be really close during Gayo Daejun.” Seunghoon said.


Upon hearing a certain someone’s name, Seungyoon’s blood boiled. He tried shaking the thought off but his name was just a big taboo to him. Unconsciously, Seungyoon balled his fist in rage.


“Ah, yeah you can say that. We contact each other once in a while.” Seulgi said.

“That dude can be such a kid sometimes.” Seunghoon said.

“His dorky style just make him attractive.” Seulgi said.


I am dork too. Aish! Seungyoon, stop it!


Meanwhile, Irene seemed overwhelmed by Jinwoo and Mino’s presence around her. The two boys were practically playing tug-of-war with her as the rope. She soon softened up when Jinwoo displayed his dorky side and Mino boasting his aegyo skills.


“Mino-sshi, for someone who looks really manly you have a lot of aegyo and I thought Taehyun-sshi was the maknae.” Irene said.

“Believe it or not, Mino here has more aegyo than Taehyun. In fact, Taehyun has zero aegyo skills.” Jinwoo said.

“Really? Impressive. Our maknae has a lot of aegyo but Seulgi can do it too. She usually does the Pikachu aegyo.” Irene said.

“Interesting.” Mino nodded.


Meanwhile, Wendy was laughing her off with Taehyun’s crazily funny life stories. 


“Taehyun-sshi, please stop. I don’t think my stomach muscles can handle this much laughter in one day.” Wendy said.

“You have a cute laugh.” Taehyun said.

“T-Thanks. Phew!” Wendy said as she heaved out some air.


Later that night, Jinwoo, Mino and Taehyun walked in back to their hotel rooms in bliss.


“Irene is so pretty!” Jinwoo smiled in content.

“Correction, hyung. She’s a goddess.” Mino flashed a toothy smile.


Seunghoon just gave them a disgusted face.


Meanwhile, Taehyun looked more like a lovestruck puppy with his 5:5 hair, droopy eyebrows and silly smile, giving Seungyoon the creeps.


“Yah! Quit fanboy-ing now and pack up. We’re heading back to Seoul tomorrow.” Seungyoon ordered.

“Aren’t you at least attracted to one of them?” Taehyun asked.

“I have no particular favorite. Now stop lazing around and start packing up.” Seungyoon ordered.


The next day, the boys flew back to Seoul.


As soon as the girls of Red Velvet got back to Seoul, they immediately went down to business. The girls began familiarizing the dance routines for their upcoming comeback track. 


While practicing, two boys walked into the room, giving them bows.


“Hey guys!” Irene greeted the boys.

“Annyeong noona! It’s nice to see you girls again! It’s been a while.” One of the boys said.

“C’mon Joy. Let’s leave these four alone.” Irene grabbed the maknae and stepped out of the room.


“Hey Wen.” One of the boys greeted Wendy, walking up to her and giving her a hug.

“Miss you, Johnny.” Wendy smiled.


“Hey Bear…” The other guy greeted Seulgi.

“Hey Yong.” Seulgi gave a warm smile.


Wendy and her male pal Johnny walked over to a corner and sat together.


“How are you? How’s idol life?” Johnny asked.

“Stressful but it has been really fun. How about you? Are you training well?” Wendy asked.

“Yeah. Our debut is fast approaching so we practice our asses off everyday.” Johnny said.

“Good for you. Fighting!” Wendy cried.

“Thanks! Uh, Wen, I came here for something else.” Johnny said.

“What is it?” Wendy asked.

“You still like me, right?” Johnny asked.

“Yeah, of course. Johnny, we’ve been dating for over a year and I have never forgotten about us.” Wendy said.

“That’s good. Son Seungwan, I don’t want you looking at other guys, ok? You are my girl.” Johnny said.

“Yes, sir! I, Son Seungwan or Wendy, will not be looking at other guys other than Seo Youngho A.K.A Johnny.” Wendy smiled.


Johnny giggled and grabbed Wendy’s hand.


“Saranghae.” The male trainee kissed the back of her hand and smiled.


Meanwhile, Seulgi and her male friend Taeyong just looked at their friends.


“Glad everything has been cleared out.” Taeyong said.

“What’s cleared out?” Seulgi asked.

“This. Johnny has been bugging me about the whole collaboration thing. After watching Gayo Daejun, he just fueled up like an engine. Wendy’s closeness with that WINNER dude drove him crazy…me crazy!” Taeyong said.

“Really?” Seulgi asked.

“Oh yeah!” Taeyong nodded.

“Wan will not cheat on Johnny. That’s for sure. Taehyun-sshi was just flirting with her and she was just being friendly with him.” Seulgi said.

“We just hope so.” Taeyong said.

“Yeah!” Seulgi nodded.


“So, how are you? Any guys flirting?” Taeyong asked,

“I’m good. Yeah, I guess there’s one. GOT7’s Jackson is a dork. He was my partner in the collaboration stage.” Seulgi said.

“The Roommate guy?” Taeyong asked.

“Yeah. He’s cool. Funny.” Seulgi said.

“Hey and I’m not funny?” Taeyong pouted.

“You are, Yong. It’s just that this dude is funnier. He’s a really cool guy.” Seulgi smiled.

“You two are dating?” Taeyong asked.

“I wouldn’t say dating. We’re just pretty cool friends.” Seulgi said.

“Ok.” Taeyong nodded.


After months of friendship, their feelings for each other grew.


“Where are you going?” Mark asked.

“It’s time, man. It’s the big day.” Jackson said.

“Big day?” Mark asked.

“Yes. I’m gonna ask her to be mine.” Jackson said.

“You’re kidding, right?” Mark asked.

“It’s now or never. I failed once, I cannot do it once more.” Jackson said.

“Just don’t get caught, man. You are both rookies and a dating scandal is detrimental to both of your careers.” Mark said.

“I know that. Gotta go. Wish me luck!” Jackson threw his cap on and stepped out of the dorm quickly.


“Where is he going?” Leader JB asked.

“Gobaek.” Mark said.

“Mwo?” JB eyes shot.

“Yeah. I couldn’t stop him.” Mark said.

“We are gonna get screwed here.” JB said.

“Since we cannot stop that idiot, I told him to keep everything on the down low.” Mark said.


The GOT7 member met up with Red Velvet’s Seulgi at Dunkin’ Donuts. They discreetly approached each other as to not burst their cover.


“Hey…” Jackson smiled.

“Have a seat.” Seulgi said.


At the end of the night, Jackson’s wish came true. Red Velvet’s pretty visual Seulgi had accepted his heart. 


While walking her back to SM Entertainment headquarters, Jackson let his joy out by hugging the female.


Seulgi smiled at Jackson’s dorky action.


“You don’t know how happy I am that you said yes.” Jackson grinned like a little kid.

“I’m glad you are. I cannot say no to someone who is so cute and funny.” Seulgi said.

“Kang Seulgi and Jackson Wang are officially together.” Jackson raised their clasped hands up and then kissed the back of her palms.


Seulgi giggled at the way his lips came into contact with her hand.


“You are mine, only mine.” Jackson smiled.

“I am yours.” Seulgi said.


From that night on, Jackson and Seulgi are a couple. 


Two days after getting together, Wendy caught Seulgi messaging someone in a rather happy way.


“Who is that?” The Canadian beauty asked.

“Uh, just Jackson.” Seulgi smiled.

“Well, what’s with the stupid smile?” Wendy asked.

“Can’t I smile stupidly at his text message? You do it all the time with Youngho.” Seulgi defended.

“Well, Youngho is my boyfriend. Jackson is just some idol flirting with you.” Wendy said.

“Well…” Seulgi said as she was tapping on the screen.

“No way! You are…yah! Are you serious?” Wendy cried.

“What?” Seulgi replied.

“You like him, don’t you?” Wendy said.


Seulgi nodded. 


Wendy snatched the device from Seulgi’s hand and scanned through the message. Her jaw hung in awe.


“Y-You t-two are d-dating?” Wendy cried.


Seulgi flashed a grin.


“You said that you wouldn’t fall for him.” Wendy said.

“I can’t help it. He is really nice and he takes good care of me. What girl wouldn’t like a guy who makes her feel special?” Seulgi said.

“Joohyun eonni has to know this. You are in so much trouble, Kang Seulgi.” Wendy said.

“And why will she be?” A voice echoed across the room.


The two girls glanced at the doorway and met with Irene’s face.


“Eonni…” Seulgi mumbled.

“Why is Seulgi in so much trouble, Wan?” Irene asked.

“Well, I caught her exchanging text messages with Jackson AGAIN and guess what?” Wendy asked.

“What? He asked her to hang with him again?” Irene answered.

“Nope, worse. Check the messages.” Wendy handed the device to Irene.


The beautiful girl group leader read through Seulgi’s text messages and her eyes shot.


“You’re dating him?” Irene cried.

“You make me look like the bad guy here. Eonni, Wan…Jackson is a great guy. I really like him and well, he likes me too. I know you think that he is a player, but I see the sincerity in his eyes. I trust him. I know what I’m doing, girls.” Seulgi said.

“Ok. We trust you, right, Seungwan?” Irene asked.

“I guess. Bear, you gotta be careful. You two should cover up when you go out on dates.” Wendy said.

“Yes, I know that, girls.” Seulgi said.

“Good! Now, tell me, when did you two start dating.” Irene ordered.

“Two days ago.” Seulgi smiled.

“Did he kiss you yet?” Wendy asked.

“Uh. Last night.” Seulgi smiled.

“Aigoo!” Wendy and Irene giggled in excitement.


The girls couldn’t keep a secret from the maknae. Soon, Joy found out about Seulgi’s relationship with Jackson and she cheered from her.


A month passed since the two idols got together. Despite of their busy schedules, Seulgi and Jackson still find time to hang out. 


One free evening, Jackson took Seulgi out for dinner. Since their manager were still clueless about their relationship, they just met up half way from their agencies’ headquarters and all covered up to avoid people recognizing them.


Jackson interlaced his fingers with Seulgi’s and they walked away from the area. The boy was taking her to a restaurant nearby.


After dinner, the pair grabbed some ice cream from a nearby convenience store and strolled around happily. 


The next day, photos of their date circulated on the Internet.


[BREAKING] GOT7’s Jackson and Red Velvet’s Seulgi are dating?


GOT7 member and Roommate star Jackson and Red Velvet’s Seulgi were spotted out on a date last night. According to Dispatch, the pair were headed out for a dinner date just around their agencies and had ice cream after. Both of their agencies have yet to confirm this alleged relationship.


After receiving the news of Seulgi’s alleged date with the male idol, SM Entertainment looked into the photos and doubted the evidences.


“These photos do not prove that Seulgi-sshi was out on a date with Jackson-sshi. The pictures are blurry and the girl is all covered up.” Lee Sooman explained to the representatives.

“So, what do we tell the press, Mr. Lee?” The representative asked.

“Tell them that the girl on the photos is not Seulgi-sshi.” The man said and stretched his arms out.


[UPDATE] SM Entertainment denies that the girl on the photos is Seulgi.


SM Entertainment denies the accusation that Seulgi was out on a date with Jackson.

A representative released a statement and we quote “We’re afraid that Dispatch media outlet had mistaken the girl on the photos to be Red Velvet’s Seulgi. There is no clear evidence that the girl’s identity points to Seulgi, considering that the photos are blurry and she’s all covered up, not showing her face.”


[UPDATE #2] JYP Entertainment affirms that Jackson did go out on a date with someone.


GOT7’s Jackson indeed went out on a dinner date with someone last night. A representative of JYP said, we quote “We talked to Jackson himself and he said that he was out with his girlfriend last night. As for her identity, he still has not disclose it to us. We will look further into this matter as soon as we get in touch with him.”


Not contented of SM Entertainment’s answers, Dispatch released the next batch of photos they had taken during the alleged date of Jackson and Seulgi. These photos were clearer and show the face of the mystery girl. This time, the photos clearly illustrate Seulgi’s bare yet beautiful face. SM has no escape this time.


[UPDATE #3] Dispatch releases next batch of photos; Seulgi is indeed the girl in the photo.


Dispatch has released the next batch of clearer photos and this time, they all show Jackson and Seulgi in a clearer angle. The pair can be seen holding each others’ hands, smiling and eating ice cream. They looked so sweet. Back in December, they worked together in a collaboration stage for SBS Gayo Daejun, alongside WINNER and Lovelyz. Nobody had expected that they would end up together. Both companies have yet to confirm the claim.


[UPDATE #4] SM Entertainment confirms Red Velvet’s Seulgi’s relationship with GOT7’s Jackson.


SM Entertainment, home to Red Velvet, confirms that Seulgi is indeed dating GOT7’s Jackson. 

“Seeing the clearer photos and talking to Seulgi herself, we confirm that the relationship is indeed true. The couple has been dating for over a month now and would occasionally meet up for dates. Please support them as a couple and individually.”


SM’s CEO was furious upon seeing defeat. He had almost conceal the truth but Dispatch had to release clearer photos, preventing him from denying Seulgi’s relationship.


“Mr. Lee, Ms. Seulgi is here.” The secretary said.

“Please let her in.” The man said as he placed his arms down the table.


A nervous Seulgi entered the man’s office.


“Annyeonghaseyo!” Seulgi nervously greeted her boss and sat on the chair.

“Ms. Kang, I’m sure you are very aware of the situation right now. Honestly, I’m furious. I keep asking myself, how can my artist be this reckless? You know how dating interferes with career. That is why I prohibit both intra and inter-company romances but I just can’t stop kids these days. You guys are young and you want to enjoy life, so I gave in because I want you to enjoy what you are doing. I tried to conceal the truth by lying to the press that your face cannot be recognize in the first photos sent to us. It really was blurry but I immediately knew that it was you. However, the truth just keeps coming out. So, we had to confirm your relationship with him. I sent our representatives to talk to Mr. Park Jinyoung regarding the issue involving you and his artist and I’m expecting a call from him anytime. We will be settling this issue together to calm the press down. Oh and I expect that stock prices will go down again so be prepared for the staffs non-stop glares.” The boss said.

“Y-Ye sajangnim.” Seulgi nodded.


Seulgi stepped out of her boss’ office with a heavy feeling. She had never felt bad for being selfish before.


“Hey. Are you okay?” A guy asked Seulgi.

“Yong. I feel so bad. I didn’t know that things will get complicated after one date. I’m pretty sure I covered up, but why are the paparazzi so good at taking photos?” Seulgi said.

“It’s their job, Bear. They do that for a living so they’re pretty much experts at this field. Don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine when the issue die down. I’m pretty sure he is having a hard time too.” The guy said.

“I wanna see him today. I know it’s risky but I just have to. I need to hold onto him.” Seulgi said.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ll help you sneak out.” Taeyong said.

“Really? Thanks Yong! You are the best!” Seulgi wrapped her arms around the boy who returned the favor and smiled.

“Anything for my best friend.” Taeyong flashed a slight smile.


Deep inside, the trainee was fueling in rage. As soon as he heard that she was dating him, he wanted to rip Jackson’s head off. It’s not because he was overly protective of her. Rather, he was jealous. That’s right! Lee Taeyong is and has been in love with Kang Seulgi ever since the day they met. He couldn’t gather up the courage to confess and when Jackson took her heart, he was devastated. However, he needed to be strong…for himself and for Seulgi. He knew that she only sees him as a friend so he is willing to sacrifice his feelings for her happiness even if it hurt. So, he volunteered to help her.


Taeyong and Seulgi snuck out of the headquarters. The trainee brought the female idol to a nearby shop, where she met up with her idol boyfriend.


“I’ll go ahead, Bear. Take care of her, man.” Taeyong said and walked out of the shop.


“So, he must be Taeyong, huh?” Jackson asked.

“Uh. Aigoo! Is my boyfriend jealous?” Seulgi teased.

“Ani. I just wanna confirm it.” Jackson said.

“Are you doing well? You know…after the confirmation.” Seulgi said.

“I am. I’m never regretting it.” Jackson smiled.


Seulgi smiled.


“We’ll get through this, Seul.” Jackson smiled.


Meanwhile, the boys of WINNER had just wrapped up their first week of promotions in Japan. Seunghoon was looking up at different dance moves on the Internet. As he logged onto Naver, his eyes shot.


“Looks like Jackson finally got the girl.” Seunghoon said.

“Huh?” Mino chimed in.

“Check this out.” Seunghoon handed his phone to Mino.


“Ah, daebak!” Mino cried.

“What?” Jinwoo asked.

“Jackson and Seulgi are dating now.” Mino said.

“WHAT?” Jinwoo cried.


Upon hearing the news, Seungyoon froze.


Did I just hear it right? S-She’s dating Jackson? Aish! Seungyoon, you shouldn’t be very concerned about this.


“That dude must’ve flirted so much and ended up pleasing her. I should do the same with Wendy-sshi.” Taehyun said.


Seungyoon shot him a glare.


“What?” Taehyun asked.

“Don’t even think of trying. You’ll just get yourself in trouble with sajangnim and bring her into your mess.” Seungyoon said.

“You are so uptight!” Taehyun complained.

“I’m the leader, aren’t I? I’m just doing my job.” Seungyoon said.


“He is one brave soul.” Seunghoon commented.


That night, Seungyoon pondered over the news. As of the moment, he had just been rejected without even trying.


I lost to a player? Aish! Seungyoon, stop it!


Ever since then, Seungyoon dropped his feelings for the Red Velvet member.



A/N: Let us imagine that Seungyoon got lost on the way to his dressing room and bump onto Seulgi. He does not recognize her because she was not in her colorful outfit for Happiness. He falls for her, realizes who she is, meets her again and has an inner battle with himself regarding his weird feelings for her.


How do you find SR15B's Taeyong crushing on Seulgi?


Yes! SM Rookies' Johnny and Wendy are dating in this story. JUST in this story.


As for the Super Rookies stage in 2014 SBS Gayo Daejun, I don't know what really happened behind the scene but let's just imagine that:

1. Jackson is a big fan of Red Velvet (most girl groups for that matter) and he particularly likes Seulgi. 

2. Their partnership somehow ended in friendship and eventually they start dating.

3. Taehyun is acting like a lovestruck puppy after meeting Wendy and he cannot get over her.


There you have it! Comments. Next chapter will be up.

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)