Chapter 7

Living Famous

Chapter 7 is here!



Meanwhile, Jaeyeon was happily enjoying her life. Ever since Seungyoon was busy filming his show, he had not been bothering the college girl. 


“It looks like Seungyoon-sshi isn’t coming. I’ve been looking forward to the day he comes again.” Jaeyeon’s co-worker Haein sulked.

“Well, that’s good. With that, he would not be bothering me.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yah! Are you mad at him or something? You didn’t looked pleased when he visited you here.” Haein said.

“We weren’t exactly on good terms when he came by. I just went with the flow because I didn’t wanna look y in front of the TV for the whole world to watch.” Jaeyeon said.

“This is Kang Seungyoon we are talking about. How can you be mad at him?” Haein said.

“It is a long story, Haein and I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” Jaeyeon said.

“We’ve got time. It’s about twenty minutes ’til lunch break is over. So?” Haein asked.

“Fine. It started in eight grade. He kissed me in front of everyone and the next thing we knew, we were the talk of the whole school. Right about a month after, he asked me to meet him at the roof after school and I did. I’ve waited for him for hours but he never showed up. I didn’t know what he wanted to tell me, but I knew it was something important. The next day, I found out that he left Busan for Seoul to attend Superstar K2 qualifying round. I’ve sent him messages, e-mails but I had gotten nothing from him. I’ve been once again…the talk of the whole school because my “boyfriend” left without a word. I was sick and tired of all the rumors coming out and I just wanted them to stop. Luckily, my parents told me a good news. We were moving to the US. So, I did. I spent the next four years in LA and came back for college. On the night when I was introduced as B.I’s girlfriend, we met and had an argument. Things went from awkward to crazy these past months, because apparently, I’m being wooed. I don’t know what that guy is up to, but he’s trying to break me and Hanbin up.” Jaeyeon explained.


Haein gawked.


“Earth to Yoo Haein. Are you even listening to me?” Jaeyeon snapper her fingers in front of Haein.

“Wow. First Baekhyun and now Seungyoon? Damn, girl! You are really a boy magnet. Who’s next Bobby?” Haein said.


Jaeyeon burst into laughter as soon as she hear Bobby’s name.


“Bobby? HAHA! Haein, did you just hear yourself? Bobby and I are nothing but buds. That guy is a big dork. There is no way that’ll happen. He’s a good guy but there is no way that Kim Jiwon will ever feel something for me. Besides, Hanbin will murder him.” Jaeyeon said.


After the break, Jaeyeon and Haein resumed work.


While on cashier duty, seven boys walked into the shop. Customers began whispering, giggling and snapping photos of the boys. When Jaeyeon look up to greet her customer, a familiar smile welcomed her.


“Annyeong…” The guy smiled.


Jaeyeon smiled brightly.


“Can we get three chicken baskets, two baskets of fries and iced teas please?” The boy dictated.

“S-Sure.” Jaeyeon smiled at the boy and inputted the boy’s order.

“May we invite you to our meal?” The boy asked.

“I’ve already had my meal.” Jaeyeon said.

“Oh. Ok. Well, we will wait for our meal then.” The boy smiled.

“Ok. Here is your beeper.” Jaeyeon nodded and handed the boy the beeper device.

“Thanks! Oh and I miss you.” The boy smiled.

“Me too and you are holding the line.” Jaeyeon said.

“Right. I’m heading to our table now.” The boy said and walked to his friends.


“Smooth move, leader.” Yunhyeong remarked.

“You shouldn’t be flirting with your girlfriend while she’s at work.” Jinhwan said.

“I can’t help it.” B.I said.

“Hold your hormones, kid.” Bobby patted the leader’s back.


After a while, the boys’ beeper vibrated.


“Bobby, come with me.” B.I said as stepped away from the table.


The two boys picked up their orders from the counter, which Haein had served them.


“Would that be all?” Haein asked.

“Ye.” B.I nodded.


The two boys grabbed the trays and went back to their table.


“She really loves her job, huh?” Jinhwan said.

“Yeah. She does.” B.I smiled.


Just then, a guy walked into the shop. Haein nudged Jaeyeon to look up. The girl obeyed and met the dude’s face. Jaeyeon froze.


Why is he here?


“Uh, guys…Seungyoon hyung is here.” Maknae Chanwoo said.


B.I turned around and his smile faded. Seungyoon greeted Jaeyeon with a big grin.


“W-Welcome to Mr. Chicken’s Kitchen, how may I serve you? S-Seungyoon.” Jaeyeon growled.

“Nice to see you too, chingu. Miss me?” Seungyoon smiled.

“I didn’t think you would be free, considering you’re busy filming with Seulgi-sshi.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yeah, well. I just dropped her off after the whole morning in YG and I was starving. I remembered that your workplace is just two blocks away from SM, so why not stop by and have lunch.” Seungyoon smiled.

“Well, order now because you are holding the line.” Jaeyeon said.

“Right! A chicken meal will do and iced tea.” Seungyoon said.

“Anything else, Seungyoon-sshi?” Jaeyeon asked.

“You know what I want but then again, you are always the stubborn Jaeyeon I know. So, I will have to push you more. So, for now. I will just have the meal.” Seungyoon said.

“One chicken meal and iced tea coming right up. That’ll be 12,000 won.” Jaeyeon said.


Seungyoon handed the cash and received a beeper device in exchange.


“Please wait for the beeper to light up, sir. Have a nice day.” Jaeyeon grumbled and attended the next customer.


Seungyoon turned around and met iKON’s stares.


“Well, look what we have here. Hey guys!” Seungyoon cried.


"This is gonna end badly." Jaeyeon thought as she faced the next customer.


“What are you doing here, hyung?” Bobby asked.

“Well, I dropped Seulgi off after working with her in the headquarters and I thought how about I have lunch around Apgujeong instead. This shop is just two blocks away, so what the heck. I didn’t know you were in the city.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, you know. I just wanted to see how my girl is doing. It seems like she’s doing fine, so we’re just hanging here for a while.” B.I said.

“Ah.” Seungyoon nodded.


Clearly, there was tension forming with just B.I’s stare at Seungyoon and the latter’s forced smile. Jaeyeon was getting nervous. 


“Hey, Gaeun, do you mind taking over my shift for a while? I don’t feel so good.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok.” Gaeun said.

“Uh, here is your beeper, ma’am. Pick your order up at the right hand side as soon as the beeper lights up. Have a nice day!” Jaeyeon smiled.


The lady nodded, grabbed the beeper and walked away. Jaeyeon walked away from the counter and let Gaeun take over. The girl walked back into the locker room, pulled her phone out and furiously tapped onto the screen.


To: Babo Yoon

I don’t know what you are up to, but please just don’t make a scene.


SEND! Kang Seungyoon, you are one big piece of wood that is so hard to break. What would it take you to leave me alone?


Seungyoon’s phone buzzed. He pulled his phone out and read the message.


From: Jaeyeoni

I don’t know what you are up to, but please just don’t make a scene.


Seungyoon smirked and tapped away.


To: Jaeyeoni

I won’t. I was observing the enemy. It looks like he’s getting pretty uneasy. Unfortunately, I am not stopping. May the best man win.


As soon as Jaeyeon read his message, her blood rose to her cheek, making her fuel in rage.


To: Babo Yoon

Yah, Kang Seungyoon! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for competing with your own label mate? Please just get over me. Stop this, I beg of you.


Seungyoon smirked.


To: Jaeyeoni

We’ll see. 


A week later, WINNER and Red Velvet flew to Jeju-do for their summer special episode. Jinwoo, who was sick, skipped out of the filming and stayed in Seoul. The idols were seated according to their teams. Irene sat in beside Mino. Seulgi sat beside Seungyoon, Wendy with Taehyun and Joy with Seunghoon. 


Seulgi, was pretty stressed out from he group’s promotions to their filming dates, took a quick nap while in the plane. Sometime around the trip, her head dropped on Seungyoon’s shoulder. Startled, the male idol turned to his partner, who fell asleep beside him. The idol continued gazing at the girl. She had no make up on, so her face was pale. She looked peaceful and it would be a big sin to wake her up. So, Seungyoon let her be. No matter how numb Seungyoon’s shoulder was because of the weight, the idol did not protest. His beautiful partner was sleeping oh so peaceful and he just couldn’t get enough of her. His gaze then directed to Seulgi’s lips. Despite of her pale face, the girl’s lips were still red. Seungyoon found himself drawn to her. Before he could do something stupid, the male idol snapped out of his thoughts and looked away.


What the hell were you thinking, Seungyoon? This is Seulgi we are talking about. She’s just your partner in the show…a friend and your good friend’s girlfriend. You like someone else, so snap out of it!


Meanwhile, Wendy, who sat right beside Seulgi, sensed someone staring at her. She glanced at Taehyun, who was smiled at her.


“Is there something you want to say, Namtae?” Wendy asked.

“Nothing.” Taehyun said.


Unknowingly, Taehyun was admiring his partner. He thinks that she was really pretty and cool. If she didn’t have a boyfriend, he would’ve asked her out already.


On the other hand, Seunghoon and Joy were chatting with each other. They were pretty good friends, so everything was fine.


Irene dozed off right after take off. Slowly, the girl’s head dropped on Mino’s shoulder. The idol smirked. 


One point for Mino and zero for Jinwoo hyung. Take that!


Soon after arriving in Jeju Airport, both groups were transported to their hotel for a break.


Joy and Wendy, who were awake throughout the flight jumped onto their beds and had some quick nap. Irene and Seulgi were chatting instead.


Seunghoon approached the leader, who was lying flat on his bed.


“Dude, you ok?” Seunghoon asked.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” Seungyoon said.

“Well, you’re dazed.” Seunghoon replied.

“I am not. So, you and Joy, huh?” Seungyoon asked.

“What about me and Joy?” Seunghoon said.

“You and the maknae are hitting off!” Seungyoon said.

“She’s just a really good friend. I don’t plan on liking her. She ain’t my type.” Seunghoon said.

“Right?” Seungyoon nodded sarcastically.

“Oh and you don’t flirt with Seulgi? I’ve watched your episode. You took her to the pool place just to hit on her.” Seunghoon said.

“I did not do such thing. Besides, I promised her, didn’t I? Plus, I was just teaching her pool. Something wrong with that, huh, hyung?” Seungyoon responded in defense.

“Ok. Relax. No need to be all defensive.” Seunghoon held his hands up, kinda like someone being arrested.


The groups were given a day to settle down and relax before their filming day.


The next day, both groups slipped onto their swimming gear. The girls hid the swim wear beneath their normal clothes. They were briefed on what they were supposed to do the whole day. As soon as they settled in, the cameras began rolling.


“Welcome to Rookie Adventures! I’m MC Daesung.” Daesung introduced himself.

“Hello, I’m Amber!” Amber greeted.

“Today, we are in Jeju-do. Here with us, are Red Velvet and WINNER!” Daesung said.


The first challenge was a scavenger hunt. Each group must look for certain items at different stops. Whoever collects the most items at the end of two hours will be pronounced as the winners for the round.


Seulgi and Wendy injured themselves along the way. So, their partners had to assist them. Seulgi slipped while trying to climb up a steep and slippery slope, getting herself a cut on the knee. Seungyoon panicked. There was no medic, so he got a big hanky and tied it on the affected area tightly. He bent down and asked Seulgi to get on his back.


Wendy, on the other hand, acquired a cut on her arm when she accidentally tangled herself with metal wires. Luckily, Taehyun had some bandages in his bag and gave her one. Before putting one on, Taehyun disinfected the wound with portable sanitizer and carefully covered the cut. Diva Taehyun struck again.


At the end of the round, Seunghoon and Joy won. The two groups took a little break from their game. Seulgi and Wendy got their cuts treated, while the two girls walked around.


In the afternoon, the game proceed. The next couple of games will be in the water.


First game was the seaweed game. Twelve sheets of seasoned seaweed sheets were dangling on a piece of wire hanging above the artists. Each pair would have to get onto a rubber float and paddle ’til they get to the middle of the pool. They must jump out of the float and reach for the seaweed. The pair who gathers the most seaweed will win the round. To reach for the seaweed, the males will have to lift their partners.


As soon as the MCs cried ‘Go’, each pair lunged into the water, trying to get to the seaweed course first. When everyone got to the crucial course, the boys lifted their partners to reach the seaweed sheets.


Mino held onto Irene with all his strength. Seungyoon, Taehyun and Seunghoon all tried to balance their partners on their shoulders.


At the five minute mark, Irene managed to get two sheets. Seulgi had three, Wendy with two and Joy having three.


Seunghoon and Joy pretty much had an advantage because the female idol is tall, but Seungyoon was determined to win this game. Seulgi slipped a few times, knocking her and Seungyoon in the process. 


“You okay?” Seungyoon said as he tucked the girl’s soaked hair in between her ears.

“Uh and check what I’ve got.” Seulgi said as she wiggled something in front Seungyoon.


The male idol smiled.


The MCs announced that Seulgi snatched the fourth seaweed sheet. Seulgi offered the seaweed to her partner. The idol took a bite and assisted his partner back on his shoulder.


“Aww! That’s so sweet!” MC Daesung cried.

“Yeah and oh look! It seems like they are not backing down.” Amber said.


The game went on for fifteen more minutes, until all the seaweed was gone. At the end of the game, the yellow couple emerged as champs with five sheets.


Mino & Irene- 3

Taehyun & Wendy- 2

Seunghoon & Joy- 3


After a five minute break, all pairs were directed to another game, the water chicken fight. It required the male idols to carry their partners on their shoulders and they must push the other pair. Whoever falls into the water twice will be eliminated at the end of the round. 


Round 1:


Mino & Irene vs. Seungyoon & Seulgi

Seunghoon & Joy vs. Taehyun & Wendy


Mino gripped on Irene’s thighs as they battled out with Seungyoon and Seulgi, who were pretty tough competition. Determined to win, Irene pushed Seulgi with all her might sending her friend and her partner into the water.


Mino gave his partner a big high-five.


“Strike one for the yellow couple!” Daesung announced.


Seungyoon and Seulgi got back to their position and went on with the game. This time, Seulgi pushed Irene, sending her flying off Mino’s shoulder.


“Strike one for Minrene!” Amber cried.


Both pairs got back to their positions and continued with the game. Mino grip on Irene’s thigh became tighter, sending chills down the female idol’s spine. She shrugged the thought off and pushed Seulgi, sending both the female and the male idol into the water.


“Strike two and you’re out! Red couple wins!” Daesung cried.


Seunghoon and Joy faced off Taehyun and Wendy, who were pretty weak, considering that Taehyun was really thin. Soon, the unlikely pair beat the close friends.


Round 2:


Mino & Irene vs. Seunghoon and Joy


At the end of the game, Mino and Irene emerged as the winner.


The last game was then filmed after two hours, as all of the idols had to dry up.


“Our last game is the highlight of everything. Are you guys ready?” Amber cried.


Both groups cheered.


“Alright! Let’s begin! So, this will be like Running Man. Your mission is to find a key that will open a secret prize, in order to find it, you need to go through different obstacle courses. You will each be given two flags. These flags will be attached onto your waists. Along the game, there will be rings from a bell. This means that you will have to hide to avoid being caught. You know what to do. Ready?” Daesung cried.


After a while, the game started. The teams spent the next two hours chasing after each other and even ripping flags off.


At the end of the game, Taehyun and Wendy won.


“Aish! You two are so unfair! You practically pulled our last flag at the finish line.” Seulgi protested.

“Rules are rules, Bear.” Wendy smiled proudly and faced her partner who was catching up on air.

“Gwaenchana?” Wendy asked.

“U-Uh…just give me a moment to breathe.” Taehyun said as he breathe heavily.


“Damn! You really need to grow some muscles, dude. You’re lanky and unfit.” Mino tapped his hand on Taehyun’s shoulder.

“Y-yeah yeah…” Taehyun said in between exhales.


After getting some shower, the girls all jumped into bed and rest.


“Girls, filming will be back in an hour. So, take a thirty minute nap and then go back to the lobby.” The girls’ manager said.

“Ye!” The girls responded in a sleepy tone.


Meanwhile, Mino approached the dazed Seungyoon.


“You still wouldn’t let her go, huh?” Mino said.

“It’s hard, hyung. Seeing her with Hanbin just breaks my heart. I didn’t wanna force myself to her, but I can’t help it. I’ve regretted not telling her how I feel.” Seungyoon explained.

“Seungyoon, Hanbin is getting really suspicious already. If you don’t stop this, it will be war and sajangnim will kill you two. You have to stop these mind games with her. Make peace with her and move on.” Mino said.


“Yah, hyung! Check this out.” Taehyun came rushing in, wiggling his phone.

“Can you at least stay still so that I can see what you wanted to show me?” Mino said.


Taehyun stop shaking and showed Mino a picture. The older dude’s eyes shot upon looking at the phone.


“Seolma…” Mino gasped.

“Uh! It’s Hanbin and Jaeyeon-sshi. Yah! I can’t believe sajangnim permitted them to date. Look at them, they are so cheesy.” Taehyun said.


Mino glanced at Seungyoon, who was uncomfortable.


“Taehyun-ah, will you leave us first?” Mino asked.

“Ah, wae?” Taehyun asked.

“Ah, karago! Ppalli!” Mino spat.

“Araso, araso.” Taehyun nodded and sped away.


“You ok?” Mino asked.

“I need some fresh air. Excuse me.” Seungyoon stood up and walked away.


“Ah, hyung, look at this…” Taehyun said.

“Not now, Taehyun. I need to get out of here.” Seungyoon said as he slipped onto his shoes and walked out of the hotel room.

“Yah, eodiga! Seungyoon-ah! Aish!” Seunghoon cursed.


Seungyoon stepped into the elevator, out of the lobby and out in the open. He looked around the surroundings and sighed.


Jaeyeon-ah, it’s hard. Seeing you with my friend really hurts. I just want you to notice me for once. I’ve done everything but you still wouldn’t look at me as someone more than a friend. 


“Seungyoon-ah, what are you doing here?” A man asked.

“Uh, manager hyung. I’m here to clear out my head.” Seungyoon said.

“Ok. You have forty minutes left ’til filming resumes. I’ll go ahead.” The manager said and walked away.


Seungyoon whipped out his phone and checked the photo that Taehyun was showing Mino earlier.


[NEWS] iKON’s B.I and girlfriend spotted out on a date along Hongdae. 


The young idol and his girlfriend were seen out on a date along the streets of Hongdae last night. They enjoyed a dinner date in a restaurant before grabbing some desserts along the way. As seen the photo, the couple was holding onto each other’s hands and they were all smiles. Such a lovely couple, don’t you think? What do you guys say? Comments!


If things were what I had pictured out in my head, you must’ve been with me right now and we would’ve been making good memories together. I wish Hanbin is taking care of you well. Jaeyeon-ah, mianhae. I’m sorry for leaving you and for making things difficult for us right now, but I am not giving up just yet. I will fight for this feelings ’til the end.


Later that day, the filming resumed. While on a break, Seungyoon once again gazed at his phone. Seulgi, took the spot beside him and analyzed him.


“Seungyoon-sshi, gwaenchanayo?” Seulgi asked.


Seungyoon turned to Seulgi and smiled.


“You don’t look like it.” Seulgi said and glanced at the phone’s screen.


“You have a really old phone.” Seulgi remarked.

“Oh, this? Ani, this is not really my phone now. I have a smartphone, see.” Seungyoon wiggled his other phone.

“Oh.” Seulgi nodded.

“This phone here is my old one. It’s pretty cool that it hasn’t died on me yet.” Seungyoon said.

“Oh. So, what were you looking at? I didn’t wanna pry but you looked so calm.” Seulgi said.

“Remember my story?” Seungyoon asked.

“The one about your first love?” Seulgi asked.

“Uh. This is our photo together.” Seungyoon showed his partner the picture.


“I-Isn’t this…?” Seulgi mumbled.

“Yeah, I’m in love with Jaeyeon.” Seungyoon said.

“Wow. This is…wow.” Seulgi was speechless.

“I know. I’m in love with my best friend, who practically is dating my friend now.” Seungyoon said.

“She’s B.I’s girlfriend, right?” Seulgi asked.

“Uh. She is.” Seungyoon nodded.

“It must be really hard for you to keep up.” Seulgi said.

“Yeah, it does.” Seungyoon said.

“You’ll get through this, chingu.” Seulgi smiled warmly.

“Thanks. So, how are things with Jackson?” Seungyoon asked.

“We’re good. He’s just a little bothered by our skinship.” Seulgi said.

“Oh, he is? I’m sorry. We should limit it then.” Seungyoon said.

“Yeah, but I’m honestly okay with it. We are doing it for the show and the fans. I’m just happy that we make them happy.” Seulgi said.

“Seulgi-sshi, you are not attracted to me, are you?” Seungyoon grinned.

“Museun mariya? I am not. You are just full of yourself.” Seulgi said.

“Ok.” Seungyoon smiled.


“Seulgi-sshi, Seungyoon-sshi, what’s up? You two have been constantly showing nice chemistry together, but why do I see awkwardness now?” The PD cried.

“Joeseonghabnida, PD-nim. We’ll do it again.” Seungyoon said and eyed Seulgi.

“And…action!” The PD cried.


So, the pair continued displaying skinship despite of their agreement.


By Monday, both groups flew back to Seoul. The boys were tasked to report to the headquarters for a meeting with their boss.


“Congratulations, boys! You are doing well with your show ‘Rookie Adventures’. Keep up the good work. We are working on your collaboration with Red Velvet for the official OST of the show. I will still have a couple of meetings with Mr. Lee Sooman, so for the meantime, good luck!” The boss cried.


“Collaboration with Red Velvet? Awesome!” Mino cried.

“Nice.” Taehyun smiled.


“So, where is Hanbin?” The boys of WINNER asked.

“He’ll be here in a while. He’s in the middle of something.” Yunhyeong said and snickered.

“Something?” Taehyun asked.

“Yeah. Something.” Yunhyeong nodded.


B.I then walked into the practice lounge and welcomed everyone. He bowed at his sunbaes and greeted his friend.


“Done with being preoccupied with something, huh, buddy?” Bobby snickered.

“Yah! It’s not what you think. We were just…” B.I said.

“Making out?” Yunhyeong asked.


Seungyoon froze. Mino glanced at his friend. The leader curled his fist into a ball in rage. The older dude hung his arm on Seungyoon’s shoulder to calm him down.


B.I smiled cheekily.


“You actually did?” Bobby asked.

“Well, yeah.” B.I nodded.


“Aish! You hormonal teenager. Let’s just start.” Jinhwan cursed.


After wrapping up the recording, Seungyoon walked back to his group’s lounge and collapsed on the couch.


“That was stressful.” Taehyun heaved a sigh.

“Dude, make room for me, will ya?” Seunghoon lazily walked over to the couch.


Seungyoon stood up and walked out.


“What’s his problem?” Jinwoo asked.

“I’ll talk to him.” Mino stepped out of the room and caught up with Seungyoon.

“Dude, hold it together.” Mino said.

“I saw what he did, man. He made it a point that he really rub it in my face. Pathetic.” Seungyoon said.

“You are pathetic. Wake up, will you? You’re making things complicated because of that stupid feelings. Get a grip, man. You’re the leader and you should act like one.” Mino said.

“I wanna know if she ever felt the same way.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, ask her.” Mino ordered.

“Not when Hanbin is on the way…” Seungyoon said.

“Well, make a way. Aish! You are being irrational here. Think about it, man. The sooner you let go of this insane feeling, the faster she is gonna forgive you. Now, man up and move on.” Mino said.


One late night, Seungyoon snuck out of his dorm and made his way to Mapo.




“I’m coming!” Jaeyeon said as lazily walked up to the door and checked the monitor.

“K-Kang Seungyoon? Aish…” Jaeyeon rubbed her eyes and opened the door.


“Yeogiseo mwohae?” Jaeyeon groaned.

“I just want some answers.” Seungyoon said.

“Answers? W-what are you talking about?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Are you just gonna let me stand here or are you letting me in?” Seungyoon asked.


“So, what answers do you want at…twelve midnight?” Jaeyeon asked impatiently.

“Did you feel the same way about me?” Seungyoon asked.

“Mwo?” Jaeyeon said.

“Did you?” Seungyoon asked.

“No, I didn't feel the same way, but that kiss drove me nuts. Gradually, it just disappeared.” Jaeyeon said.

“Do you love Hanbin?” Seungyoon asked.

“Yes, I do. No one has made me this happy. We may not be seeing each other often because of his life as an idol, but I’m okay with it, because I know that he will make time for us.” Jaeyeon said.

“You’re dating a younger guy. Isn’t that odd?” Seungyoon said.

“I know that. I’ve thought about it before even jumping into this relationship and I realized that there’s nothing wrong with liking someone, for as long as you’re not hurting anyone.” Jaeyeon said.

“You are. Me.” Seungyoon said.

“Yoon, you are the single most hard-headed person I’ve ever known. Please just let this go. I’m tired of this. Get over me and go home.” Jaeyeon said as she walked out of him.


Seungyoon grabbed her hand and pulled her back.


“Kang Seungyoon, jigeum mwo…” Jaeyeon said, but was enveloped into a tight hug.


Seungyoon closed his eyes and wrapped his arm tightly on Jaeyeon’s back.


“M-Mianhae…” Seungyoon said as tears flowed out of his eyes.

“Yoon…mwohanya?” Jaeyeon complained.

“For the last time, I want to say that I’m sorry for everything. I made you looked like a fool, but let us just bury the hatchet and start over. I want the old Jaeyeon, my best friend, back. Please.” Seungyoon said in between tears.

“Yoon…” Jaeyeon mumbled.


Seungyoon unwrapped his hands, placed them on her face and rested his nose on hers.


“Yoon…” Jaeyeon mumbled.


Seungyoon leaned in but she backed away.


“No, Yoon. Don’t.” Jaeyeon said.


Seungyoon retreated and dropped on the couch.


“I’m tired. Go home.” Jaeyeon said.


“Neomu apa.” Seungyoon cried as he hit his chest repeatedly.

“That is exactly what I felt when you left with no word. Now, you know.” Jaeyeon said.

“What does it take for you to forgive me?” Seungyoon cried.

“As long as you stop all these chaos.” Jaeyeon demanded.

“Fine! I’ll give you what you want! I’ll let you go! Just don’t treat me like trash.” Seungyoon said.

“I never treated you like one, Yoon. I just want to make things clear that we’re just friends and I can’t accept your feelings.” Jaeyeon said.

“Good. Have a nice life with my hoobae, chingu.” Seungyoon grabbed his jacket, slipped into his shoes and walked out of the dorm.


“Where have you been? And at this late…” Mino nagged.

“I paid a little visit to her, hyung. I’m gonna give her what she wants.” Seungyoon said.


Mino brightened up.


“You are?” Mino asked.

“Uh. I’m sick of all of these. I’m stepping on people and anger them. I want all of these to end. Her friendship is way more important than what I feel right now. I’m letting go.” Seungyoon said.

“Finally!” Mino mumbled in success.

“Now, if you excuse me, I’ll be in bed.” Seungyoon said.


“Someone is feeling a lot better. What’s up?” Bohee asked.

“I just made up with a long time friend. It feels great knowing that there are no barriers anymore.” Jaeyeon said.

“Who is this friend?” Mari asked.

“Kang Seungyoon.” Jaeyeon said.

“K-K-Kang S-Seungyoon? WINNER Seungyoon?” Bohee asked.

“Uh.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“You’re friends with him?” Mari cried.

“Yep. We’re childhood buddies.” Jaeyeon said.

“First Hanbin and now Seungyoon. What guy wouldn’t like you, Jae?” Bohee said.

“Seungyoon liked me even before he became an idol, girls.” Jaeyeon said.

“He liked you?” Mari cried.

“Uh, but I turned him down.” Jaeyeon said.

“Poor, Seungyoon.” Bohee pouted.


Since then, Seungyoon never bothered pursuing Jaeyeon anymore even though he was still trying to move on. While Seungyoon was slowly accepting his fate, Jackson was still bothered by his girlfriend’s close interaction with his friend.


“Dude, get over it. They are doing this for the show.” Mark said.

“They shouldn’t be using my girlfriend as pawn.” Jackson stated.

“Well, you got into this relationship, so you should know the repercussion.” Mark said.

“I need to talk to Seungyoon-sshi about this.” Jackson said.


“Whazzup man?” Seungyoon asked.

“‘Zup!” Jackson smiled.

“So, what brings you here in the set? Visiting Seulgi-sshi eh?” Seungyoon said.

“Yeah and you.” Jackson said.

“Me?” Seungyoon asked.

“Yeah. I wanna talk to you about something really important.” Jackson said.

“Let me guess…it’s about the skinship, huh?” Seungyoon asked.

“Seulgi must’ve briefed you about it.” Jackson said.

“Yeah. We actually agreed to keep our distance but the PD wanted us to stay close.” Seungyoon explained.

“I see. Dude, just limit it, ok. I’m not comfortable.” Jackson said.

“Aight!” Seungyoon saluted.


Seulgi’s busy promotional schedule, as well as filming schedules piled up to the point that she cannot make time for any dates with Jackson. 


One calm Sunday afternoon, Seulgi and the rest of Red Velvet made their way to Inkigayo for their promotions for Ice Cream Cake. Seulgi roamed around the hallways, in hopes that she would bump onto her boyfriend. She made a left turn and stopped when she spotted a group of boys before her. The female idol smiled and confidently walked over them.


“Annyeonghaseyo!” The boys greeted a girl in hot pants and cropped top.


“It’s nice to see you again, guys! Hey, Jackson.” A girl greeted.


Seulgi stopped on her tracks and looked at the boys.


“Hey…” GOT7’s resident mood maker, Jackson greeted awkwardly.

“So, how are you?” The girl asked.

“I’m good.” Jackson smiled faintly.

“Are you still bummed about me turning you down?” Youngji asked.


The boys howled.


“Nope. I’m really doing well. I have a perfect girlfriend.” Jackson said.

“Yeah, a girlfriend who flirts with WINNER’s leader. I gotta hand it to you, Jackson. She’s a good catch.” Youngji said.

“You don’t know her.” Jackson said bitterly.

“Ok. Whatever you say.” Youngji said.

“So, how are things with Hongbin-sshi?” Jackson asked.

“Oh, we’ve broken up. He wanted Hyeri-sshi all along.” Youngji said.

“Oh, I see.” Jackson nodded.


Seulgi turned around and walked back to her group’s dressing room.


“Where were you?” Wendy asked.

“Just walking around to clear my mind.” Seulgi said.

“You saw Jackson, didn’t you?” Irene asked.

“Uh. He’s chatting with Youngji. I didn’t wanna bother him, so I let him be.” Seulgi said.

“Youngji? Heo Youngji, the new KARA member?” Wendy asked.

“Uh. They are friends.” Seulgi said.

“I don’t trust her.” Wendy said.

“You have not met her.” Seulgi said.

“So? I don’t think she’s someone to be trusted. I can feel it.” Wendy said.

“Whatever, Wan!” Seulgi shrugged off the conversation.


“HAHA! Seungyoon-sshi, please stop.” Seulgi cried hysterically.

“What’s so funny?” Seungyoon pouted.

“Your face. HAHA. Please stop. My tummy hurts.” Seulgi said.


“Look at those two. They are hitting off really well.” Seunghoon said.

“I know. I’m pretty scared of what the press may say about eonni and Seungyoon oppa. Eonni is dating someone and if they grow even closer, people may misunderstand things.” Joy said.

“If Seungyoon falls for her, it’ll be war.” Seunghoon said.

“Agree.” Joy nodded.


The cameras began rolling and the filming started. 


Thursday came, Red Velvet arrived in M-net for their stage in M! Countdown. The girls were up against GOT7 for this week. 


“Looks like you are up against your boyfriend this time.” A guy from behind cried.


Seulgi turned around and faced the person.


“Seungyoon? W-what are you doing here?” Seulgi smiled.

“Taehyun and I are here to support you guys.” Seungyoon said.

“You mean he is supporting Wendy.” Seulgi said.

“You could say that.” Seungyoon said.

“Ok. So, why are you really here?” Seulgi asked.

“Well, we are recording for a special stage for M! Countdown next week.” Seungyoon said.

“There you have it. You are not here to support us.” Seulgi smiled.

“Why? Are you sad? Ok. If it makes you feel any better, we are really here to support you.” Seungyoon said.

“I’m not sad. I knew you are not that type of person who would visit a friend unless you have an intention.” Seulgi said.

“Really? You don’t think I’m a supportive person, hmm?” Seungyoon took a step closer and smirked.


Seulgi froze on her spot.


“W-What are you doing?” Seulgi stammered.

“So, I am not a supportive kind of a guy?” Seungyoon asked.

“Well, you always have a motive when you wanted to see me.” Seulgi said.

“What do you mean?” Seungyoon asked.

“I knew exactly why you wanted to take me to the pool place.” Seulgi said.

“Uh? Why?” Seungyoon asked.

“You wanted to piss her off. You wanted her to feel jealous. So, you flirted with me to get what you want.” Seulgi said.

“I, uh…” Seungyoon was speechless.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not mad.” Seulgi said.


“Seulgi-ah!” A guy cried.


Seulgi and Seungyoon turned around and faced the guy.


“Jackson?” Seulgi cried.


Jackson jogged up to the two idols and smiled.


“‘Zup man!” Jackson gave Seungyoon a man shake.

“Hey…” Seungyoon smiled.

“What brought you here, man?” Jackson asked.

“Uh, just stopped by to cheer on my Rookie Adventures partner. Ah. Taehyun is here too.” Seungyoon said.

“I see. Well, you don’t mind me taking her away, right?” Jackson asked.

“Not at all. Seulgi-ah, fighting!” Seungyoon said as he cheered on Seulgi and walked away.


“So? We are gonna be up against each other.” Jackson said.

“Yeah, we are.” Seulgi nodded.

“Aren’t you gonna cheer for me?” Jackson asked.

“Yah! I’m gonna be cheering for my own team.” Seulgi said.

“Meanie.” Jackson pouted.

“Aigoo, this guy…” Seulgi shook her head.


Meanwhile, Taehyun was flirting with Wendy in the dressing room.


“Taehyun-sshi, we will be going out soon. So, this flirting game has to stop.” Irene said in an annoyed tone.

“Ne, noona. I will go out as soon as you are called for standby. Say, where is Seulgi-sshi?” Taehyun asked.

“She’s probably with Jackson right now.” Wendy said.

“Right. I wonder how Jackson feels when he sees his girlfriend having skinship with Seungyoon hyung?” Taehyun blurted out.

“What is Seungyoon even doing? He seems like he’s deliberately flirting with our Bear.” Wendy said.

“Maybe Seungyoon hyung is falling for Seulgi-sshi…” Taehyun said.

“He better not. He’s just gonna complicate things.” Wendy said.


At the end of the show, GOT7 was pronounced as the winner for the week.


The boys celebrated at the backstage with a whole bunch of artists congratulating them for their win.


“Great job for bagging second place this week. It’s still an achievement.” Seungyoon said as he walked Seulgi back to the dressing room.

“Yeah. It was a close match. Plus, they deserved it.” Seulgi said.


The two idols stopped as soon as they caught a glimpse of GOT7 interacting with KARA. What caught their attention was how close Jackson was with the girl group’s maknae.


“Are you ok?” Seungyoon asked.

“Oh, yes.” Seulgi nodded.


Youngji smirked at her and back at Jackson.


“Don’t let her get into your head.” Seungyoon said.

“I won’t.” Seulgi replied.


A couple of weeks later, Seulgi received a call from her boyfriend.


“Hey…” Seulgi answered.

“Meet me in Han River park in an hour.” Jackson said.

“Waeyo?” Seulgi asked.

“I wanna hang with you before both of us get too busy again.” Jackson said.

“Ok. I’ll meet you in an hour, then.” Seulgi replied and hung up.


Irene was out to film a music video with her teammates Mino and Jinwoo, Wendy was recording her duet with Taehyun and Joy was in school. Seulgi was left back in the dorm.


She changed onto more decent clothes, applied some light make-up, grabbed her purse, slipped into her shoes and stepped out of the dorm. She hailed a cab off to Han River park.


She walked around the park, searching for Jackson. As soon as she spot the dude’s figure, she walked up to him.


Before she could even reach the guy, someone blocked her view of him. Seulgi froze.


The female idol watched the person blocking her way as she made a really surprising move.


A redhead girl with a fringe smashed her lips onto the capped dude before her, surprising both the dude and the girl watching from a far.


Seulgi froze once again.


To be continued...




A/N: Seungyoon finally gave his feelings up. We all know that RV and GOT7 did not promote at the same time. Ice Cream Cake was released in March and Just Right in July. For the case of my story, I decided to put their promotions together so I can show Jackson and Seulgi's interactions.


Who do you think is this redhead with a fringe? Is Jackson cheating on Seulgi all along?



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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)