Chapter 14

Living Famous

Chapter 14 is up!


It was half-way through junior year. Jaeyeon was growing busier each day with loads of school work. She barely even had time to go to work. 


“Are you sure about this?” Jaeyeon’s friend and co-working Haein asked.

“Uh. My school work is starting to pile up and I don’t think I can balance work and school, so I will have to quit one. I’m sorry, Haein. I have to resign.” Jaeyeon said.

“That’s too bad but education is more important to you. I’ll miss you, girl.” Haein frowned.

“Uh, I’ll miss you too. Now, time to hand my resignation letter to gwanjangnim.” Jaeyeon said.


The female walked over to her manager’s office and handed a sealed envelope.


“What’s this?” The man asked.

“I’m resigning effective next week, gwanjangnim. School has been so suffocating and I couldn’t balance work with it anymore. I’m sorry.” Jaeyeon bowed her head.

“Oh. That’s sad to hear, Ms. Lee. You have an almost perfect track record. You are a consistent employee of the month, but I respect your decision. Your paycheck will go into your bank account effective next week. Thank you for working with us. It was a pleasure meeting you.” The manager said.

“Thank you, sir. For now, I will finish my shift.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok. Go ahead.” The manager said.


Jaeyeon walked back to the cashier and entertained customers.


After a tiring day of work, Jaeyeon walked back home lazily. Just when she was about to enter the building. A group of boys called out her name. Curious, she turned around and met seven good-looking boys’ faces.


“Hey guys.” Jaeyeon greeted lazily.

“What’s up? You sound and look horrible?” Americanized Bobby commented.

“Thanks for uplifting my mood, Bob. I totally feel nice.” Jaeyeon replied sarcastically.

“You ok?” A rather serious B.I asked. 


Well, he was her boyfriend.


“I’m just really tired. The shop got too packed by 7pm and I was entertaining customers non-stop. And…I decided to quit my job.” Jaeyeon explained.

“What? You love it. Why would you quit?” This time it was Yunhyeong who chimed in.

“School is crazy and I couldn’t manage both work and education anymore. So, I had to give one up. My dad will kill me if I drop out of college, so I had to let the cashier work go.” Jaeyeon expounded.

“That’s sad. Hey, at least we are here to make you feel less stressed.” Bobby smiled.

“Thanks Bob, guys.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Let me carry your bag for you.” B.I grabbed his ex’s backpack.


The boys and Jaeyeon squeezed into the spacious enough elevator.


“We’ll go ahead. Go bring Jaeyeon back to her unit.” Bobby said and exited with the boys.


The two exes walked over to the said unit quietly.


“So, congratulations on your awards.” Jaeyeon begun.

“Thanks. I’m glad you made it through junior year, noona.” B.I responded.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Jaeyeon smiled awkwardly.


No words came out of their mouths again and only the sounds of their feet touching the ground. They then found themselves standing in front of the door. Jaeyeon entered her combination and the door unlocked. She latched the knob and the door opened.


“Normally, I would kiss you right now but we’re not together anymore, so I’ll just give you a hug.” B.I grabbed Jaeyeon and enveloped her into a hug. 


The male idol secretly sniffed her hair and resisted the urge to kiss her. He pulled away, gave her a smile and handed the backpack.


“Thanks. See you around, Hanbin.” Jaeyeon smiled and closed the door on him.

“Yeah, you too, love.” Hanbin smiled and walked away.


The male idol heart still beats for the older female. Every second of day, he could not stop thinking about her. He missed her too much. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, but he couldn’t because their status right now is that they are exes.


“What’s with that silly smile?” Jinhwan asked.

“I’m winning her back.” B.I smirked.

“What? Dude! You two promised sajangnim not to enter into a relationship again.” Jinhwan said.

“I’m not letting sajangnim hinder my feelings for her. I love Jaeyeon and it drives me insane not seeing her for a day. I’m gonna get her back.” B.I smiled and walked away.

“Oh brother!” Jinhwan palmed himself.


From afar, Bobby overheard their conversation. At one point, he is happy for his best friend who had gathered the courage to fight for the girl he really loved but a part of him wanted his friend to stop. His conscience was split into two.


Evil conscience: Screw Hanbin! If you want her, go get her. 

Good conscience: No, don’t do it, Bobby. Hanbin is your best friend. Don’t let her, a girl, get in between you.


Evil conscience: best friend shmest friend…Jaeyeon’s hot and you want her. 

Good conscience: You are polluting his mind! Bobby, do the greater good and resist the urge.


Evil conscience: I’ll kill if I don’t get my hands on her. So, if I were you, pounce on the chance already and woo her before it’s too late.

Good conscience: Bobby, focus on the good.


Evil conscience: Dude, go for it and sweep her off.


Ah! You two are driving me insane! Just leave me alone!


Their busy schedules had hindered B.I to make his move on Jaeyeon. A few months passed and the semester had just ended for Jaeyeon. 


Damn! One more year ’til graduation. This is so surreal. I thought I was never going to make it but here I am officially on my summer break. Right when I was leaving the campus, someone called out my name. I turned around and spotted my professor…hot professor hehe jogging up to me. He was relatively young being only 27 years of age and having that tight light blue dress shirt totally showing off his toned chest just make girls like me drool. Damn! No time to be hormonal, Jaeyeon. Your professor just called you, so act normal. So, with that, I gave him a bow.


“What can I do for you Mr. Son?” Jaeyeon asked cheerfully.

“Glad I caught you, Ms. Lee. A friend of mine from a big company has offered a slot for an internship. I sent out one of your designs to him. Sorry, if I wasn’t able to ask for your permission by the way. He reviewed it and even showed them to the directors and well, they liked your pieces. So, he wants you to send in your resumé to them as soon as possible. As not to give you the hassle, I’ll personally hand it to him. If you could process it by the end of this week, it’ll be great.” The good-looking professor gladly explained.

“Really? That’s amazing. Thank you, Mr. Son. This will be a great opportunity for me.” Jaeyeon smiled in happiness.


If I wasn’t a student, I would’ve lunged myself on him and give him a big hug, but no. Be modest, Jaeyeon.


“I’ll meet you at Starbucks nearby. See you Saturday. Bye.” The man walked away with his man bag on his hand.


Saturday came, Jaeyeon dressed into her sun dress, slipped onto a denim jacket and all-white kicks. She grabbed her purse and headed for the Starbucks along her university premises.


She walked in and looked around, in search for professor. As soon as she spotted him, she walked over to his table. She handed him him a folder, containing her resumé and couple more of her pieces.


“Thank you. Wait for their call, ok?” The man said.

“Ye. Algetseubnida. I’ll go ahead, Mr. Son.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“Wait. Why don’t we have coffee for a while?” The man asked.

“Uh, a-are you sure? I don’t think it’s a good idea, sir. You are my professor and I’m your student. I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to treat me for coffee.” Jaeyeon said.

“Just let me make up to you for not asking for your permission in sending out those pieces.” The man smiled hopefully.

“O-ok.” Jaeyeon hesitantly pulled a chair and sat across the man.


The two individuals spent the next hour talking about design and anything out of the blue. At the end, the man offered her a ride, but this time Jaeyeon turned him down.


“I’ll have to pass on that, sir. I have somewhere to go and I don’t want people to accuse me of having an “affair” with my professor. It was a nice chat back there, sir. I had a good time. Thanks for the coffee and thank you for doing the honor to send my resumé. Excuse me.” Jaeyeon turned away and walked to a different direction.


Jaeyeon met up with her friends, Bohee and Mari.


“So, let me get this straight. Hot design professor, Son Jinho just sent your designs to a big design artist of a big company, offered to send your resumé for you, treated you out for coffee and offered you a ride?” Mari reiterated.

“Yes, he did all that. It was sweet but creepy.” Jaeyeon cringed.

“Damn! What effect do you have in men that make them fall for you easily, Jae? First Baekhyun, then B.I, then hottie Han Jungwoo and now a professor, who happens to be really hot and an eye candy?” Bohee commented.

“I don’t know. Most men are pigs. Thinking about Han Jungwoo and Mr. Son just give me the creeps.” Jaeyeon cringed.

“Well, let’s all face it, Mr. Son is totally boyfriend material and he is single. Maybe you can…” Mari said.

“Don’t even think about continuing that sentence, Mari. There is no way I would even flirt with my professor. He may be hot but hell no.” Jaeyeon argued.

“He’s not that old. He is just 27.” Bohee teased.

“Can we not talk about this?” Jaeyeon argued.


A week later, Jaeyeon received a mail from someone.


What the? Why in the world would he give me a ticket for a show? Is he flirting with me or something? Dear Lee Jaeyeon-sshi…he begun. Ok that was cheesy.


Dear Lee Jaeyeon-sshi,


You have probably been thinking why would my professor do so many things for me? Well, I just wanna say that I think you are a really great student and you have such talent for the field. I don’t wanna look like a big flirt at all. I just want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts in my class. So, to reward you, I wanted you to take the opportunity to be an intern in a top notch entertainment company. There’s this hologram musical show produced by one of the biggest entertainment company in all of South Korea, SM Entertainment. A friend of mine gave it the ticket me. I would like to go and watch it but I have a really busy weekend ahead, so I won’t be able to watch. So, as not to put the ticket to waste, I decided to give it to you. I hope you learn a lot from the show. Have a great time and productive summer. See you next school year!




Mr. Son Jinho

Digital Design Professor


Phew! That was close! I thought he was flirting with me. A hologram musical, huh? It’s worth the shot.


That weekend, Jaeyeon dressed up and commuted all the way to COEX Artium in Gangnam District. She walked into the building and explored around. 


Woah! SM Entertainment does have amazing designs. Now, where shall I go in order to get to the hologram musical? I explored around the area, searched for it on a directory map and made my way to the auditorium. A staff greeted me. I handed her my ticket, to which she scanned with a scanner gun and handed it back to me. I entered the room and searched for seats. Well, there was no need to search for seats in the first place because the whole auditorium was empty. There was just a spotlight and a screen. I took a seat at the middle row and waited for the show to begin.


Meanwhile, a male idol walked into the building. His group has been pretty busy lately and just when they were given a break, everyone ran off to their homes, leaving one member alone. 


Nice job, Jongdae! You finally gained the courage to watch your own work a few weeks after its release.


The male idol did not need any ticket to watch his show. As soon as the staff saw him, she just gave him a bow and let him in. 


Great! I got here on time.


The male idol spotted a figure from a far and did not want to surprise that person, so he chose to sit at the far end of the theatre.


The casts include: EXO’s Chen, Red Velvet’s Wendy, SHINee’s Onew, SR15B’s Ten and Hansol and f(x)’s Luna


The leads were Onew and Luna and among the supporting casts were Chen, Wendy, Ten and Hansol. After the show, both individuals stepped out of the theatre and even bumping on each other on the way out.


“I’m so sorry.” Jaeyeon apologized and looked at the guy. She gasped as soon as she caught a glimpse of his face.


“Seolma…” Jaeyeon gasped.


Having realized that the girl recognized him, the male idol bowed.


“Joeseonghabnida.” The idol apologize.

“Y-You were just on the show.” Jaeyeon stuttered.

“I was. Did you like it?” Chen asked.

“Ye, I did.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Hi! I’m Chen and you are? Wait! I totally recognize you.” Chen smiled.

“I don’t think we’ve met before.” Jaeyeon crooked her eyebrows.

“No, but I know you from somewhere. Ah! You’re that cashier from Mr. Chicken, right?” Chen brightened up.

“Yes. Yes, I was.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Your name’s Jaeyeon, right?” Chen asked.

“Yeah. So, y-you’re an artist here?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Ye. I belong to the group, EXO.” Chen answered.

“It’s an honor to meet an idol.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“Thank you.” Chen smiled.

“So, you were watching your own show?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Yeah. I’ve not watch it because of my busy schedule, so now that I had the time, I decided to watch.” Chen explained.

“Ah. That’s nice.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“It was nice meeting you again, Jaeyeon-sshi. I’ll see you around.” Chen excused himself and walked away.


Meanwhile, Jaeyeon design professor met up with his friend.


“Here’s her resumé.” The man handed his friend Jaeyeon’s CV.

“I’ll go through this and hand this to the human resource department. So, she must be a great student, huh?” The friend said.

“Yeah. She is.” The professor smiled.

“You look a little too happy, man.” The man said.

“Does it really show?” The professor asked.

“Tell me that you don’t think of her as just your student?” The friend asked.

“I don’t know. She’s different. She’s really nice, a driven person and hardworking. She’s not any other female students in my class. They up to me by flirting but Jaeyeon-sshi is different. She never complains despite of the big load. She has a totally big effect on me that I don’t comprehend.” The professor smiled.

“Man! You got it bad with her.” The friend commented.

“Yeah.” The professor said.

“Why don’t you ask her out, man?” The friend suggested.

“Are you crazy? No.” The professor cried.

“She’s not dating anyone, right? So, what’s wrong with asking her out?” The friend argued.

“Well, let me see…she’s my student and I’m a college professor. We’re from two different worlds. If I pursue her, people will misjudge us and she’ll be shunned. I am not risking that. I may as well get my mind off her. I’m going back to Los Angeles the day after tomorrow.” The professor explained.

“Right. It’s summer. Hitting the beach, huh?” The friend asked.

“Yeah and maybe flirt with other women to take my mind off her.” The professor said.

“Good luck with that. In the meantime, I’ll look into this.” The friend said.


A week later, Jaeyeon began packing her things.


“LA? You’re going to LA?” Bohee asked.

“Uh. I gotta visit my parents.” Jaeyeon said in between packing.

“Ok.” Mari nodded.


That same day, Jaeyeon received a call from an anonymous caller.


“Yoboseyo?” Jaeyeon answered.

“Hello. This is SM Entertainment’s HR department. Am I speaking to Ms. Lee Jaeyeon?” A woman asked from the other line.

“Yes, this is she. How may I help you?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Ms. Lee, we have reviewed your resumé and the directors were impressed with your profile as well as your pieces. We are pleased to tell you that you are accepted into our company. We shall be looking forward to seeing you in July 1st for your first day. Have a nice day.” The staff said.

“Ye. Ye. T-Thank you.” Jaeyeon smiled and hung up.


“Who was that?” Mari asked.

“That was SM Entertainment. I just got into their internship program. I’ll start on July 1st.” Jaeyeon cried.

“That’s great! We’re so happy for you, Jae. Say, when’s the interview?” Bohee smiled.

“The lady on the phone earlier did not mention it. I guess there’s no interview.” Jaeyeon said.


Three days later, Jaeyeon head to Incheon International Airport for her flight back to Los Angeles. The whole trip took more than eleven hours, so she dozed off almost throughout the flight. As soon as she got to LAX, Mrs. Lee fetched her daughter. The mother and daughter gave each other a big hug.


“It’s nice to see you, honey. Your dad and I miss you so much. How was school?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“Great! I aced all my subjects and guess what? I snagged an internship from a top entertainment company in South Korea and I will be starting next month.” Jaeyeon cried.

“That’s great, honey.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“It was all thanks to Mr. Son. He gave my works to his friend and he was impressed.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“That is so nice of him.” Mrs. Lee said.

“Yeah.” Jaeyeon nodded awkwardly.


“So, are you meeting Jenna and your other old friends?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“Of course! Jenna does stay right across us, so I’ll probably drop by to say hello and maybe hang with her a bit.” Jaeyeon explained.

“Ok. Just don’t stay out too late. Dinner is at 8.” Mrs. Lee said.

“Ne!” Jaeyeon nodded.


After heading home and bringing her luggage up to her room, Jaeyeon grabbed her phone and keys and stepped out of the house. She skipped across the street and stopped at another house. She rang the doorbell and waited for a response.


After a few seconds, a brunette haired girl in short shorts and cropped top greeted her.


“Jae!” The girl pounced on her and gave her a big ole hug.

“Nice to see you too, Jen.” Jaeyeon cried.

“When did you arrive?” Jenna asked.

“Just two hours ago. I just got home. So, what’s with the whole beach get-up?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Why don’t you come in for awhile and discuss this inside?” Jenna asked.

“Sure!” Jaeyeon nodded.


The girls walked into the house and rushed upstairs.


“So?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I’m just trying my new clothes on. Going to the beach tomorrow to catch some sun with some friends. You should come.” Jenna offered.

“Sure. Good thing I bought some summer clothes in Seoul before flying out here.” Jaeyeon said.

“Goody. I’m dying for you to meet my friends. You’ll love them.” Jenna cried.

“Will they like me? The last time I checked I had a hard time being accepted. Asians are mainly their target for discrimination.” Jaeyeon said.

“My friend, Carrie’s boyfriend is Asian and Hannah is partly Korean, so I don’t think it’s a problem.” Jenna said.

“Ok. What time shall we go? We can go with my cadillac.” Jaeyeon offered.

“Cool. Meet me out here at 9 in the morning and we are off to Santa Monica Beach.” Jenna said.

“Okie dokie. So, how’s life in Seoul? You’ve not been here in Cali since the summer before freshmen year.” Jenna smiled.

“Seoul is great and crazy too. I’ve gone through crazy things. I met Seungyoon again after eight years and it was horrible, but we managed to bury the hatchet and now we keep in touch.” Jaeyeon explained.

“Seungyoon? Your childhood friend?” Jenna asked.

“Yeah. He is a big star in Korea now…a leader of a famous boy group.” Jaeyeon said.

“Wow! That is amazing!” Jenna cried.

“That was just the beginning, Jen. I met seven boys and they are all amazing and talented. They just debuted a year ago and they are topping music charts.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Seven? So one must’ve stood out.” Jenna asked.

“Yeah, there was one. His name is Hanbin and he’s a really great guy. He’s really sweet and very talented for an nineteen year-old.” Jaeyeon smiled dreamily.

“Jae, you seem so happy with him. Why?” Jenna asked.

“I’m happy because he and I once dated.” Jaeyeon said.

“You dated a younger guy?” Jenna cried.

“Yes. I couldn’t help it. Seeing him almost everyday and being with him and his friends just made me fall for him, you know. It’s just that his career just started and I didn’t wanna ruin it, so we’ve decided to break up.” Jaeyeon pouted.

“Aw! That must’ve been hard for you.” Jenna awed.

“Yeah, it was. Letting the person you love go was truly heartbreaking for me, but it was for the best.” Jaeyeon teared up.

“There. There.” Jenna consoled her friend.

“I’m fine. We’ve managed to keep in touch. We meet up once in a while, talk about stuff and goof around like old friends. Hanbin and I…we’re great.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Jae, he is your first boyfriend.” Jenna bolted up from her bed.

“Yes, he is and my first love.” Jaeyeon smiled. 


The next morning, Jaeyeon stepped out of her house in acid washed shorts, white cropped tank top over her black bikini top and white kicks. She matched her outfit with black fringe tassel bag and sunnies. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, walked out of her house to her garage and hopped onto her blue cadillac. Jaeyeon had advised her mom to take her car to the shop, have it fixed and filled up gas prior to her arrival.


I miss you Caddie! 


She put the key on the slot, twisted it and started the engine. She checked her mirrors and pulled over to her friend’s front yard. She honked the horn and a jumpy Jenna in an equally summery outfit stepped out of her home and hopped into the vehicle.


“Bye mom!” Jaeyeon cried.

“Have fun you two!” Mrs. Lee cried.


Jaeyeon and Jenna drove off to Santa Monica Beach.


“Jae, you look smokin’ hot. The guys will probably drool at you.” Jenna commented.

“Oh, please stop. We go to the beach all the time back in high school and there were no guys drooling at me. Plus, I’m Asian, so not gonna happen.” Jaeyeon said.

“Not with Daniel around.” Jenna said.

“How could I forget Daniel Sanders? He’s the biggest player in whole of high school and he flirts with every girls. So, he must’ve broken up with Cassidy Simmons by now, huh?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Yeah. Cassidy has left for Paris and she reportedly has a new French beau. Daniel Sanders is stuck here in UCLA and he still plays football. He is still the same old douchebag, dating different girls everyday and dumping them.” Jenna informed.

“I guess some people never change.” Jaeyeon said.

“True.” Jenna nodded.


Upon arrival in Santa Monica, Jaeyeon pulled over to a parking slot, turned the engine off and hopped off her car with Jenna.


“So, where are your friends?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Follow me.” Jenna said as Jaeyeon trailed behind.


The two girls stopped at the pier area. Jenna called out her friends, gave them a good ole hug and then turned to Jaeyeon.


“Guys, this is Jaeyeon Lee. You can call her Jae. That’s J-A-E…JAE!” Jenna cried.

“Hi Jae!” Everyone greeted her.

“Jae, these are Carrie Bridges, her boyfriend Johnny Chen, Hannah Jung, Kevin Carter, Raj Patel and Alex Gomez.” Jenna introduced everyone one by one.

“Nice to meet you all!” Jaeyeon greeted brightly.

“Hey, you guys forgot about us!” Three people rushed into the scene. 


“Kayla?” Jaeyeon cried brightly.

“The one and only!” A brunette haired girl smiled and wrapped her arms around Jaeyeon for a big hug.

“Ahem. Annyeong!” Two people greeted Jaeyeon in Korean simultaneously.

“Ssangdung!” Jaeyeon beamed and gave the two Asian individuals a big hug.


“Now that everyone’s complete, why don’t we hit the beach.” Jenna cried.


Everyone nodded and ran to the beach.


“Yah! Oraenmaniya, gongju-ya!” One of the twins cried.

“Neodo. So, how’s life in Seoul?” Twin number one asked.

“It’s a crazy world, Gayoung. I’ve met Seungyoon and finally made peace with him. Oh and he’s a part of an idol group now…WINNER!” Jaeyeon said.

“Your childhood friend, Seungyoon. I’ve seen him in a show. He’s really good.” Gayoung nodded.

“Uhuh. So, Kiyoung-ah, what have been up to?” Jaeyeon asked.

“School and college parties.” Twin number two responded.

“So, we heard you’re dating an idol. Hmm, was it B.I?” Gayoung asked.

“Was. We broke up a few months back.” Jaeyeon said.

“Sorry.” Gayoung apologized.

“No. Hanbin and I are good friends. No hard feelings.” Jaeyeon argued.


“Who wants to go skinny dipping?” Jenna cried.


Jenna and her friends Carrie, Johnny, Hannah and Alex all jumped into the water. While, Jaeyeon and the rest stayed along the shore.


“Jae, aren’t you coming in?” Jenna asked.

“Hmm, maybe in ten minutes. I just wanna enjoy the scenery first before dipping myself in salt water.” Jaeyeon cried.

“Okie dokie!” Jenna cried back.


Suddenly, a group of boys walked onto the shore. They were really rowdy and throwing a football at each other. Jaeyeon spotted a familiar guy from the group and nudged Gayoung.


“Yah, Yah…crazy player at three o’clock.” Jaeyeon mumbled.


Gayoung took a short glimpse of the dude Jaeyeon was referring and turned back to Jaeyeon.


“The Daniel Sanders…” They both muttered.


Jaeyeon looked up, only to meet Daniel’s face. The douchebag stopped on his tracks and grinned. He shoved the football to his friend’s chest and walked over to the Koreans.


Oh boy! He better not be hitting on me now.


“Well, if it isn’t Jaeyeon Lee.” Daniel smirked.

“Daniel Sanders, how can I forget?” Jaeyeon smirked back.

“I’ve always thought losers will be losers but looks like things had changed. How about you ditch your friends and come with me?” Daniel smirked.

“You’re kidding, right? Why will I go with YOU?“ Jaeyeon spat.

“Well, I am awesome.” Daniel smiled cockily.

“Awesome my . I will never and I repeat NEVER ever go with a sad excuse of a man like you. C’mon guys!” Jaeyeon stood up and dragged the twins away.

“Feisty! I like it!” Daniel smirked.

“Another word from you and I will definitely flip you on the sand like dough being bang on a table with flour.” Jaeyeon warned.

“Burn!” Kiyoung A.K.A Peter remarked and walked away with the girls, leaving Daniel speechless.


“When did you get the courage to stand up against Daniel Sanders?” Gayoung A.K.A Gwen asked.

“Had a lot of practice in Seoul. Korean guys are erts.” Jaeyeon smirked.

“Hey!” Peter cried.

“It’s true. Your brother watches in the middle of the night and touch himself.” Jaeyeon said.


“Kiyoung!” Gayoung cried.

“What? A guy can’t help but watch !” Kiyoung protested.

“Enough with . Why don’t we just hit the water? I bet Kiyoung is dying to show off his body!” Jaeyeon smirked.

“Heads up! You’ll fall in love with me, Jaeyeon.” Kiyoung smiled confidently.

“In your dreams, dude.” Jaeyeon smiled and walked away.


As soon as Jaeyeon stripped, Kiyoung, Daniel and the rest of the guys in the vicinity froze.


“Let me help you with that.” Jaeyeon pushes Kiyoung’s jaw back up as it was hanging lose.


Gayoung just snickered.


“Have you been working out?” Gayoung asked.

“I do morning jogs regularly and on some occasions, I go to the gym to workout.” Jaeyeon smiled.


Kiyoung remained quiet. He was still in awe. The last time he had seen Jaeyeon, she was not exactly very attractive.


“Kiyoung, if you don’t stop ogling at me, I will flip you like a dough.” Jaeyeon warned.

“S-Sorry…” Kiyoung snapped out of his thoughts and smiled.

“Anyway, let’s just take a dip.” Jaeyeon smiled.


Jaeyeon and the twins jumped into the water and joined the rest of the gang as they played. Kiyoung just couldn’t control himself anymore, swept Jaeyeon up and gave her a big bearhug.


“Oh Kiyoung, put me down.” Jaeyeon warned.

“If you don’t cover up, I will lose myself. So, please stay decent.” Kiyoung whispered to Jaeyeon’s ear.


A sudden wave of attraction hit Jaeyeon but she managed to dodge the thought before everything gets messy.


“You watch too many , Peter. Let me make something clear for you. Women aren’t objects. Treat them with respect. Now put me down and I’ll cover up.” Jaeyeon said.


Kiyoung let Jaeyeon go. She swam back to the shore, grabbed her spare clothes and got dressed.


“I’m sorry, ok.” Kiyoung sat right next to Jaeyeon.

“Apology accepted. Just don’t do that again. It was weird.” Jaeyeon replied.

“Jaeyeon, I still like you.” Kiyoung revealed.


Jaeyeon turned to Kiyoung.


“You’re just infatuated with me, Kiyoung. It’s not love. So, get over yourself.” Jaeyeon said as she pulled her damp hair into a messy bun.


Kiyoung grabbed Jaeyeon’s hand and placed her palm on his left chest.


“Do you feel that?” Kiyoung asked.


Jaeyeon gulped. She knew he was telling the truth.


“It’s beating fast, isn’t it?” Kiyoung asked again.


Jaeyeon nodded.


“Now, is that still infatuation to you? I don’t think it is, Jaeyeon. I’ve had this feeling ever since you came into my life. I am not asking you to like me back. I just want you to accept my feelings. Don’t feel awkward around me because I’m not asking you for more. I just wanted you to know that I really like you.” Kiyoung said.

“Ok, you like me.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“That’s better. Now, just stay covered or I would lose my mind and kiss you, right here.” Kiyoung said.

“Aye, aye, captain!” Jaeyeon grinned.


After Kiyoung disappeared, Jaeyeon hopped onto a beach chair, grabbed her phone from her bag and checked for messages.


From: Bobby

Hey…how are you? Heard from Bohee noona that you went back home? How’s LA? How’s the sun? Hitting the beach? Skinny dipping with pals? 


To: Bobby

Hey Jiwon! I guess you heard. LA has been amazing and it’s just my first official day here. Sun is great! Beach is awesome! Met up with my old pals and even met new people. How’s Seoul?


From: Bobby

Seoul…is ok I guess. The guys and I are preparing for a new album. Please look forward to it. Hanbin is super duper hyper. He’s been running around with music sheets.


To: Bobby

Cut the dude some slack. He is after all the leader and he composes and produces most of your group’s songs. Anyway, Bob. Fighting!


From: Bobby

Aight! Have fun in Cali, Jae! Peace out!


Tch! Dork…


Just when Jaeyeon was about to shut her phone, a shadow appeared before her. She looked up and groaned in annoyance.


“What do you want Sanders?” Jaeyeon asked.

“You’re flirting with that loser over there but you won’t go with me. I’m disappointed.” Daniel fake hurt.

“Excuse you, Daniel, but Peter is my friend and I can do anything I want with him. As with you, you are nothing but a douchebag whom I should avoid.” Jaeyeon smirked.

“C’mon! Just one dip with me.” Daniel pleaded.

“No can do, jerk. Now, run along.” Jaeyeon shooed the dude away.


“What did he want?” Jenna asked.

“He wants some alone time with me. Jerk.” Jaeyeon cursed.

“Tch! Same old Daniel, huh?” Jenna said.

“Yes. Annoying.” Jaeyeon said.


That night, Jaeyeon was invited to a party organized by her Korean friends.


“So, what was the whole Peter thing about?” Jenna asked.

“His hormones got the best of him and well, he wanted me to cover up or he would lose himself to me.” Jaeyeon said.

“Damn! That dude still has the hots for you and it’s been two years since you left.” Jenna said.

“Uhuh. I honestly think he watches too much for him to see me as a object. I’m not even wearing clothes that show too much skin. I’m pretty much covered up.” Jaeyeon said.

“Boys are just too .” Jenna said.

“Yeah! Now, let’s just go inside. The twins are probably freaking out right now ‘cause there is like a gazillion people in the beach house.” Jaeyeon said.


“Glad you made it, Jae. Looking gorgeous by the way.” Gayoung remarked.

“Gwen, I’m wearing a simple tank top and shorts. Nothing elegant.” Jaeyeon said.

“But the shorts totally highlights your .” Gayoung smiled.

“Seoul and Los Angeles are indeed two different worlds.” Jaeyeon sulked.


Peter walked up to the girls and gawked at the sight of Jaeyeon in loose white tank top, black shorts and black kicks.


“Oh Kiyoung, get a hold of yourself.” Jaeyeon warned.

“I told you not wear anything suggestive.” Kiyoung cried.

“Well, what do I wear then, huh? A coat? For God’s sake, Kiyoung! It’s the freaking summer. I can’t be wearing winter clothes on a hot summer night. Just hold the urge of yours. Crazy boy.” Jaeyeon cried.

“What if Daniel is around, huh? What if I can make it there on time to kick his ?” Kiyoung said.

“Peter, I know you like me, but you cannot act like my boyfriend here. I can take care of myself. Need I remind you that I am second degree Taekwondo black belter. I think I can handle the prick myself. In fact, I can squeeze him like a pulp. Now, if you excuse me, I’m gonna go ahead and dance with Jenna and the rest.” Jaeyeon walked away.


Later that night, Jaeyeon was a quarter tipsy. She had a drink on one hand and another on the table, trying to hold herself together. She was dancing around too much that she needed to take a break.


Meanwhile, her twin friends Gayoung and Kiyoung were busy entertaining people.


“Glad you can make it Jinho oppa!” Gayoung cried.

“Whazzup hyung!” Kiyoung smiled.

“Man! It’s been a while since I had last been invited to a college party and man! Nothing changed. Party music, college folks dancing ’til dawn, booze and a lot of hook-ups.” A tall man cried.

“Well, it’s what we do when we achieve freedom from our parents. We party ’til we drop. Hey, why don’t we introduce you to our friends?” Gayoung said.

“Goody!” Jinho nodded.


“Hey guys! This is Jinho, our cousin.” Gayoung cried.


Everyone exchanged hellos. Meanwhile, Jaeyeon was still trying to get herself together. Just when she finally gathered enough strength to walk away, a pair of arms s around her waist and a faint man’s voice tickled her ears.


“I told you I’m not finished. So, what’s it gonna be, Jae?” The man whispered.


Good thing, Jaeyeon was still sober or she would have let herself by swayed by the player. She wriggled away from Daniel’s hold and shoved him away.


“If you think you could sway me with your flirting, you are wrong, Sanders. You do know I can squeeze you like a pulp right now, right?” Jaeyeon warned.

“I would like to see you try. Let me remind you that I am a football player. So, it will take a big amount of energy to flip me over.” The guy argued.

“Get the hell out of sight, jerk.” Jaeyeon demanded.

“Not until I get what I want.” Daniel smirked.

“No, you do what I want and that is for you to off!” Jaeyeon cried.


Normally, she was careful with her words, but now that she’s partly tipsy, she was swearing.


“I don’t think you can do that. Girls are submissive when they are drunk.” Daniel smirked and s his arms around Jaeyeon’s waist.

“Get off me, jerk!” Jaeyeon struggled to get away from the jerk’s hold again.


“Hey, Jenna. Have you seen Jae? I have yet to introduce her to my cousin?” Gayoung asked Jenna.

“She and I were dancing a couple of minutes ago. She must be in the bar right now.” Jenna said.


Gayoung walked up to the bar and witnessed the push and pull scene between Jaeyeon and Daniel Sanders.


“What the…?” Gayoung gasped.


Before she could lunge and break Daniel away from Jaeyeon, someone had jumped into the scene, grabbed Daniel and threw a big punch on his face. People around were alarmed with the current fistfight. 


“What the , man?” Daniel beamed.


The dude continued to beat the hell out of Daniel, leaving Jaeyeon and the rest clueless.


“Jinho oppa? Hajima!” Gayoung cried.


Kiyoung had rushed to the scene and tried to pacify the situation. Jaeyeon squint her eyes, trying to decode her mystery savior’s identity and gasped.


“Seongsaengnim?” Jaeyeon drunkenly cried.


Kiyoung, Raj and Johnny, as well as Daniel’s friends pulled the boys apart.


Daniel’s friends dragged Daniel away, while Kiyoung and the rest had released the older dude.


“Seongsaengnim, yeogiseo mwohaneungeoyeyo?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Seongsaengnim? You two know each other?” Kiyoung cried.

“Uh. He is Mr. Son, my design professor. W-what are you doing in here, Mr. Son?” Jaeyeon asked.

“The twins invited me to their college party. I didn’t know you were friends with my cousins.” Jinho spoke up.

“C-C-Cousins? Gayoung and Kiyoung are your cousins?” Jaeyeon cried.


“Yes, Jae. Jinho oppa is our cousin.” Gayoung nodded.

“This is awkward.” Jaeyeon grinned awkwardly.


Jaeyeon spent the next hour ignoring her friends’ hot cousin.


“Jae, you should stop drinking.” Jenna said.

“I’m fine, Jen. I’m drinking juice.” Jaeyeon replied slightly tipsier.

“Yeah, juice. What juice would smell like cocktail? Stop this, Jae.” Jenna snatched the glass off Jaeyeon’s hand.

“Hey! I’m not drunk, I swear!” Jaeyeon beamed.

“Oh, really? Why don’t you walk in a straight line, hmm?” Jenna challenged.

“Ok.” Jaeyeon stood up and began walking. 


Unfortunately, she failed to walk in a straight line, proving that she’s tipsy.


“You are tipsy all right! Let’s get you out of here.” Jenna said as she grabbed Jaeyeon by the arm.

“No. I’m fine. I promise that I wouldn't create another trouble. Please? I just wanna get drunk before I start my internship this summer.” Jaeyeon pleaded.

“Fine! I’ll better look for a designated driver for you. I bet Peter will gladly accept the offer.” Jenna said.


Another hour later and Jaeyeon was evidently drunk, seeing her passed out on one of the couches in the beach house.


“I’ll take her home. Just tell me where she lives.” A guy volunteered.

“You would do that, oppa?” Gayoung asked.

“Yes. Since everyone is basically dozing off right now and you can’t drive, I guess I’ll be the designated driver.” The man said.

“Thank you, oppa. Don’t you dare take advantage of my friend’s drunken state.” Gayoung warned.

“Gayoung, she’s my student. I think I have the moral obligation to keep her safe. Just give me the damn address so I can take her home?” The man demanded.


Gayoung wrote the address down and handed the piece of paper to her cousin.


With that, Gayoung’s tall, hot cousin, Jinho A.K.A Jaeyeon’s professor Mr. Son carried Jaeyeon, placed her on the passenger seat right beside him, buckled her up and drove all the way to the address written down in the piece of paper.


Fifteen minutes later, Jinho pulled over in front of the Lee’s house.


“This must be it.” Jinho switched the engine off, rushed out to scoop Jaeyeon out of her seat and carried her all the way to the front door. 


The man rang the doorbell and a woman in a silky night gown welcomed him.


“Hello! Mrs. Lee, I presume.” Jinho said.

“Yes! Oh my! What happened to Jaeyeon?” Mrs. Lee gasped.

“She got a little too carried away with alcohol and got herself drunk at the party. Her friends couldn’t take her home, so I decided to give everyone a favor and bring Ms. Lee back home safe.” Jinho said.

“Thank you. Please bring her in, young man.” The woman said as she opened the door for Jinho and the passed out Jaeyeon.


“Where shall I bring her?” Jinho asked.

“Upstairs to her room. First door on the left.” Mrs. Lee said.


As soon as Jinho got to Jaeyeon’s room, he placed her down, took her shoes off and tucked her in. He then jogged down and met Mrs. Lee.


“May I ask who might you be, young man?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“I’m the twins’ cousin, Son Jinho. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lee.” The dude bowed.

“Thank you for bringing her home, Jinho-sshi.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“It’s my moral obligation to do so, Mrs. Lee.” Jinho grinned.

“Moral obligation?” Mrs. Lee repeated.

“Yes. Jaeyeon-sshi is my student and I don’t want anything bad happening to her.” Jinho explained.

“So, You’re the Mr. Son who had given my daughter a chance for internship. Thank you.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Lee. You have a brilliant artist daughter. I can’t just ignore her talent. Anyway, I should head back before the twins’ party end up in a disaster. Have a nice night, Mrs. Lee.” Jinho bowed and drove away.


The next morning, Jaeyeon woke up with a big headache.


“AHHH!!! My head hurts like hell! What the happened last night?”Jaeyeon groaned in pain.

“Oh, honey you’re awake! Language, Jae.” Mrs. Lee beamed.

“Mom? How did I get here from the party?” Jaeyeon asked in daze.

“Oh! A young man drove you here. He said you were too drunk to drive back and so was your friends and the twins.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“Young man? Who?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Hmm, he said that he was your teacher. Mr. Son, if I’m not mistaken.” Mrs. Lee said.

“Seongsaengnim?” Jaeyeon’s eyes widened.

“Yes, Mr. Son drove you back home. He said that the twins and the rest of your friends were incapable of bringing you home. It was such a nice gesture for him though.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“Mom, what are you thinking?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Nothing. I just think that he treats his students really well and he seem to have taken an interest in your talent.” Mrs. Lee said.

“I guess he does.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“He is a fine young man too. Totally boyfriend material.” Mrs. Lee smiled.

“Mom!” Jaeyeon whined.

“What? I’m just complimenting him. I didn’t say I like him. What am I? A cougar?” Mrs. Lee cried.


Jaeyeon walked back to her room in complete panic.


Mr. Son couldn’t have possibly heard me say stupid things, right? I babble when I drunk. UGH! What am I gonna do?


Meanwhile, Jinho was smiling like an idiot as soon as he woke up from his sleep. He grabbed his phone and called his friend.


“Dude, what the hell? It’s midnight here!” His friend protested.

“Sorry. I totally forgot the time difference. Anyway, you never believe who I bump into last night?” Jinho said.

“Who?” His friend groaned.

“My student, Lee Jaeyeon.” Jinho smiled.

“What up with her?” The friend asked.

“If I was not a teacher, I would’ve hit on her last night. She had even with a simple beach outfit.” Jinho smiled.

“Why wouldn’t you? You did say that she isn't seeing anyone. Make a move, man.” The friend said.

“I can’t. It’s morally wrong to date your student.” Jinho cried.

“Dude. She’s 21 and you’re what…27? It’s not like you’re by a minor. Just ask her out!” The friend cried.


“Damn! You sure have a big hangover to have me in your room right now, instead of you in mine.” Jenna remarked.

“Yeah. My head hurts like hell when I woke up. Good thing we have Tylenol or I would’ve been in the hospital by now. So, how did you get home?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Peter drove me home as soon as he sobered up. I heard the twins’ hot cousin brought you home.” Jenna grinned.

“Wipe that grin of your face, Jen. He is off-limits to me, to you or to anyone else.” Jaeyeon cried.

“Why? He’s hot!” Jenna cried.

“Haven’t you heard what I said yesterday? I had a big shock of my life when my professor appeared in a college party in casual clothing. He is my professor, Jen. Professor.” Jaeyeon emphasized.

“Professor? Back in Seoul?” Jenna asked.

“Uhuh and I don’t want any issue popping out regarding me and him. So, whatever you’re thinking will never happen.” Jaeyeon stressed.

“You are so dense!” Jenna cried.

“I am so not. I just don’t wanna be engaged in a relationship or fling now.” Jaeyeon defended.

“Still pretty much caught up with the ex?” Jenna asked.

“I guess so. I’ve never like someone so much as him but I had to let him go for the greater good. No matter how much I try pushing my feelings aside and keep our relationship strictly platonic, the memories of us together just keep crossing my mind. Hanbin, you would say, is my first love.” Jaeyeon smiled.


The next day, Jaeyeon and her friends once again enjoyed themselves with the sun. Jaeyeon and the rest played beach volleyball under the hot sun. Good thing she wore sunscreen or she would look like fried chicken at the end of the day.


In the midst of the game, Jenna blanked out while holding the ball.


“Jen! The ball!” Jaeyeon nudged but her friend remained dazed.

“Earth to Jenna Lewis, can you hear me?” Jaeyeon repeated.


“I don’t care if he’s your teacher, Jae. He is hot!” Jenna blurted out.

“What?” Jaeyeon turned her gaze at Jenna’s line of sight and spotted a tall, built and half- guy, leaning on a surf board.


Jaeyeon gulped.


Why did I even look? Great! Now, I’m ogling at my professor’s toned wash board abs. Kill me now!


Jenna snapped out of her thoughts and began serving the ball. Gayoung caught it, hit it and it charged towards Jaeyeon, who was still pretty distracted.


“Jaeyeon, watch out!” Gayoung cried.


It was too late. The ball had hit Jaeyeon’s face and she collapsed to the sandy ground.


“Jaeyeon!” The gang all rushed to Jaeyeon, who was pretty much passed out on the sand.


Kiyoung crouched down and shook Jaeyeon’s conscious body.


“Ireona! Jaeyeon-ah, ireona!” Kiyoung cried while lightly slapping her cheeks.


“What happened?” Another person jumped into the scene.

“Oppa…what are you doing here?” Gayoung asked.

“I was chatting with a few friends when I heard you all called out for Jaeyeon-sshi’s name and the next thing I saw was that she collapsed. What happened?” The man asked.

“A ball hit her face and she passed out.” Kiyoung said.


The guy examined her face and spotted blood coming out of her nose.


“Kiyoung, get some ice now. Gayoung, get some tissues.” The guy cried.


Five minutes later, Jaeyeon awakened.


“W-what happened?” Jaeyeon asked weakly.

“You passed out after getting hit by a volleyball. Shouldn’t you be paying attention to the ball when playing?” A guy said.


Jaeyeon’s eyes shot as soon as she had a full view of the dude’s face.


“Seongsaengnim?” Jaeyeon bolted up.

“Easy.” The guy cried.

“Y-Yeogiseo mwohaneungeoyeyo? Where are my friends?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I sent them out to continue playing and volunteered to watch you.” The guy smiled.

“T-Thank you. Uh and about the other night…thank you for saving me from Daniel and for taking me home.” Jaeyeon said awkwardly.

“It was my pleasure. So, I guess you’re ok now.” The guy said.

“Ye. Kamsahamnida, seongsaengnim. I should head back out now.” Jaeyeon smiled and stood up.


“Wait! H-how did the CV go? Did SM call up?” The guy asked.

“Ye. The directors and producers liked my work and they said that I could start next month.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“That’s great! I knew you would get in.” The guy smiled.

“Thank you, seongsaengnim. That means a lot from you.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“Please just call me oppa. Hearing you call me ‘seongsaengnim’ make me feel so old.” The guy said.

“But you are my seongsaengnim and calling you oppa will be weird.” Jaeyeon said.

“We are not in Seoul, Jaeyeon. You can call me oppa here in LA and nobody will mind.” The guy argued.

“The twins will. Kiyoung will.” Jaeyeon said.

“Why?” The guy asked.

“‘Cause he has a silly crush on me. He is your cousin and if I call you oppa, he’ll misunderstand things.” Jaeyeon explained.

“Relax. I’m not flirting with you. So, Kiyoung really likes you?” The guy asked.

“Since high school…” Jaeyeon revealed.

“Damn!” The guy cursed.

“Uhuh and the morning before the party, he freaked out when I was skinny dipping with the girls. He said that if I don’t cover up, he’ll lose himself. I didn’t know that a semi-conservative bikini would turn him on.” Jaeyeon nagged.

“Aish! He must’ve been watching too much for him to think that.” The guy said.

“Oh yeah! I did catch him watch an episode from his laptop two years ago. I even caught him touching himself. I was scarred for life when I witnessed that scene.” Jaeyeon cringed.

“HAHAHA!!” The guy cracked up.

“It’s not funny, oppa. I swear! I wanna kill him for making me witness that horrific scene.” Jaeyeon cried.


The guy smirked.


“What?” Jaeyeon asked.

“You just called me oppa.” The guy grinned.

“What? No, I didn’t.” Jaeyeon denied awkwardly.

“Yes, you did.” The guy smirked.

“Damn! Why did I even bother trying to outsmart my hot professor?” Jaeyeon said.


She covered as soon as she realized what she had said.


“Y-you think I’m hot?” The guy smirked.


Damn it, mouth! Why can’t you cooperate with my brain just this once?


“Huh? What? I didn’t say you’re hot.” Jaeyeon denied.

“Yes, you did.” The guy smirked.


Jaeyeon turned pink.


“Blushing means yes. I guess even my most attentive student find me hot.” The guy teased.

“It’s not funny, oppa. I didn’t mean it.” Jaeyeon argued.

“So, you don’t think I’m hot?” The guy repeated.

“Aniya. It’s not that! Aish! Why are we even talking about this? Fine! You win! Even your most attentive student think you’re hot, but don’t misunderstand things! I don’t like you that way.” Jaeyeon cried.

“Ara. Ara. You think I’m hot but don’t have feelings. I get it. I was just messing with you.” The guy said.


That night, Jinho called up his friend.


“So, what can I do for you again, buddy?” A man on the other line asked.

“She thinks I’m hot.” Jinho smiled.

“She does? Wow! That’s a cookie point for you.” The man said.

“My cousin, Kiyoung likes her too.” Jinho said.

“Oh. That’s bad.” The man replied.

“Well, at least I got her to call me oppa.” Jinho smiled in satisfaction.

“Nice. Hey, man. I need to go and handle your women problems by yourself. Gotta go.” The man said and hung up.


“You what?” A girl from the other line cried.

“Uh. I slipped and kinda told him that he was hot.” Jaeyeon revealed.

“Aigoo! So, have you seen his body?” The girl on the other asked.

“Yah! Byuntae!” Jaeyeon protested.

“Did you?” The girl asked again.

“I might’ve seen him in his surfing gear with it zipped down ’til his waist.” Jaeyeon admitted.

“Omo! The abs! How was his abs?” The girl cried.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this. Tanned, eight-packed, wash board abs.” Jaeyeon said.

“OMG. I can’t believe you had front row seats to that show.” The girl cried.

“Again, Bohee. Byuntae! Anyway, how’s Seoul?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Fine. Oh and remember Han Jungwoo?” Bohee asked.

“Yeah?” Jaeyeon asked.

“He just started working as a professor in your department. Words say that he’ll be filling in the last slot of the line-up of professors in the seniors level.” Bohee revealed.

“Mwo? That jerk will be part of the line up of professors? Ah, maldo andwae! Eotteohkaji?” Jaeyeon panicked.

“You have to face him somehow.” Bohee said.

“That guy is a psycho! If he wasn’t a sunbae, I would’ve kicked his balls.” Jaeyeon cursed.

“Well, you have a hot professor to help you drive him away.” Bohee remarked.

“You are not helping, Bohee. Is there any good news?” Jaeyeon sulked.

“Hmm, iKON is coming back soon.” Bohee said.

“Bobby told me that a few days ago. Any other news?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Eobseo.” Bohee replied.


A party was yet again held in the beach. Since everyone was invited to join, the gang decided to enjoy. There were booze, party music and bodies grinding together.


“Just juice, please.” Jaeyeon requested.


Kiyoung walked away with everyone’s orders in mind.


“Juice? You’re such a kill joy!” Raj cried.

“I got deep drunk two days ago and Jinho oppa had to bring me home. So, I am avoiding alcohol at all cost.” Jaeyeon argued.

“Oppa?” Gayoung beamed.

“Seongsaengnim asked me to call him oppa.” Jaeyeon explained.


Gayoung nodded.


A few minutes later, Jinho joined the gang. He walked over to the bar and get himself something to drink.


“Just iced tea? Man! You’re such a girl!” Jinho’s friend Kyle teased.

“I’m trying to stay sober just in case someone needs me to be their designated driver again.” Jinho explained.

“Jin, you’ve got to ask her out already. You can’t keep your feelings bottled up.” Jinho’s other friend, Lee remarked.

“I can’t. She’s my student. Plus, she turned me down when I offered her a ride before.” Jinho argued.

“Why don’t you just hang with her? Look over there, she’s dancing with her friends. Go for it.” Kyle encouraged.

“No.” Jinho insisted.

“Fine! How about I ask your lovely student over there? I’m pretty sure she’s gonna succumb to my charms. Watch and learn.” Lee smirked, hopped off the chair and walked over to the crowd of dancing people.

“WHAT??” Jinho cried.


“Go get her before Lee does. You know what he wants in women.” Kyle warned.


Jinho stood up and walked over to Jaeyeon before Lee got to her.


“Flirt with her more or I will beat the hell out of you.” Jinho warned his friend.

“Outta boy. Go get her.” Lee smirked and walked away.


“Seongsaengnim, I mean, oppa! What are you doing here?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Wanna dance with me?” Jinho asked hopefully.

“That depends…do you know how to dance?” Jaeyeon grinned.

“I’ll have you know I was part of the dance team back in high school and I was part of dance crew in college. So, I would say I can dance awfully damn well.” Jinho smiled proudly.

“Ok. Show me what you’ve got, Mr. Son?” Jaeyeon smirked.


Jinho grabbed Jaeyeon’s hand and pulled her away from her friends. He led her a few feet away from them and began showing off. Jinho danced his off in front of Jaeyeon, who was totally blown away with the man before her.


“Wow! That was amazing. Why didn’t you consider going to idol-hood?” She asked  the man.

“My dad will kill me if I pursue dancing. He has my future planned. I hated it but I had learned to embrace it. Look at me now. I am college professor, a design practitioner and I love my job.” Jinho smiled.

“You never fail to surprise me, seongsaengnim. I always thought you were that typical nerd absorbed with his profession.” Jaeyeon said.

“I’m glad I turned your perception of me upside down.” Jinho grinned.


Suddenly, a familiar song came blaring from the speakers. Girls’ Generation’s hit “I Got A Boy” played.


“Ooh! This is my jam!” Jaeyeon cried.

“Show me what you’ve got.” Jinho grinned.

“Oh! I will show what I’ve got all right!” Jaeyeon smiled and began breaking into dance.


She had dance exactly to the choreography of the song. As soon as the highlight of the song blared, Jaeyeon just burst out to the y choreography of the song, blowing Jinho away.


At the end of the song, Jinho just practically gawked at her.


“Wow! I didn’t know Girls’ Generation has a tenth member.” He grinned.

“I take that as a compliment to my cover of I Got A Boy.” Jaeyeon smiled.

“How did you learn the choreography anyway? I didn’t think you were a hardcore K-Pop fan.” He said.

“Oh, I’m not. I knew the choreography because I had danced to this in freshman year. Bohee and Mari dragged me into it. I had performed in a talent show with them.” Jaeyeon explained.

“I see.” Jinho nodded.


Some party songs, drinks and dancing later, Jinho dragged Jaeyeon to the bar. They sitting awfully close to each other.


“Wanna head to the shore?” Jinho asked.

“Sure.” Jaeyeon nodded.


Jinho led Jaeyeon to the shore and sat with her on the sand.


“It’s so nice to get away from the busy city of Seoul for once.” Jaeyeon begun.

“Yeah. Work had absorbed me and I just needed a break. Good thing it’s summer.” Jinho said.

“Yeah. It’s nice to hang with my old friends for a change.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yeah.” Jinho nodded.


Awkward silence filled the air.


“So, you surf too?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Yeah! My UCLA buddies talked me into it. We come here often. That was until I got a job in Hongdae.” Jinho said.

“That explained your surf suit yesterday.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yeah.” Jinho nodded.

“You do know that you were the reason why that ball hit my face and had me passed out, right?” Jaeyeon revealed.

“Why is that?” Jinho asked curiously.

“Well, Jenna was distracted and I had to snap her out of her bubble. She told me that she didn’t care if you were my professor. She thought that you were hot. I ended up looking at her direction of sight. I then realized that she was gawking at you and I ended up doing it too.” Jaeyeon confessed.

“Liked what you had seen?” Jinho smirked.

“N-No.” Jaeyeon stammered.

“Really?” Jinho smirked.

“Well, who wouldn’t be flushed when a toned, eight-packed guy is half- before her, huh?” Jaeyeon defended.

“I’m glad you found me attractive.” Jinho grinned teasingly.


After a few chats, the pair stopped and just watch the currents crashed along the shore. Jinho glanced at Jaeyeon and spotted something stuck on her hair.


“Uh, you’ve got sand on your hair.” Jinho informed.


Jaeyeon tried to brush the sand off but failed.


“Here, let me.” Jinho scooted closer, guided Jaeyeon to face him and brushed the sand off on her hair.


Jaeyeon froze.


Jinho leaned in, cupped her face and little by little, closed the gap between them. Their noses touch and slowly he pressed his lips on her soft ones. Jaeyeon sat frozen as the guy before her tried to make her lips part.


Holy crap! I’m making out with my professor! Jaeyeon, think fast!


Jinho pulled away, panting and facing Jaeyeon.


“I like you, Jaeyeon.” Jinho confessed.

“Seongsaengnim…” Jaeyeon mumbled awkwardly.


Jinho realized that his kiss failed to take effect on her.


“I’m sorry.” Jinho apologized.

“Uh, I should go back.” Jaeyeon got up and walked away, leaving Jinho.


“Damn…” He cursed under his breath.


The rest of the night was awkward. Neither any of the two spoke to each other. The night ended with Jaeyeon herself home in daze.



A/N: So, in this story SM has another hologram musical production. The cast line-up is different this time.


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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)