Chapter 16

Living Famous

Chapter 16 is up! Enjoy! 


Jaeyeon appeared in SM Entertainment for her first training day.


“It’s nice to see you here, Ms. Lee!” A man greeted her.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” Jaeyeon gave the man a bow.

“Congratulations for getting into SM Entertainment!” The man smiled.

“Thank you, sir.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“It was nothing. So, contract signing will be in an hour. I think you need to consult this with your parents.” The man asked.

“Uh, I have discussed this with my parents and they are totally aboard with this. I think I can handle this myself.” Jaeyeon said.

“Is there anything else you’re concerned about? Director Im mentioned that you are still in college.” The man asked.

“Uh, ye. I need to discuss something really important with you, director. You did cast me in.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok! What is it?” The man asked.

“Well, it’s my last year in college and I wanted to be able to finish with good grades. So, is it possible for me to have a shorter training time to give way for my studies?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Uh, we can negotiate that with the board.” The director nodded.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Jeon. Say, do I have to move out as well? You know…go into a dorm?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Hmm, yeah, you have to, but maybe we can arrange that too. Don’t worry! I’ll discuss this with the board and maybe I can persuade into giving you time to prepare.” The man suggested.

“T-Thank you, Mr. Jeon.” Jaeyeon bowed at him.


“So, we were informed that your case is a little different from the others, Ms. Lee.” A board member said.

“Ye. I hope you can grant my request.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“I guess we can make a little leeway for you, Ms. Lee. Your training hours and days will be shortened until your graduation from the university. After that, you will have to work extra hours to complete your training. We shall determine whether you are fit to debut soon. However, we can’t grant you the freedom to live on your own throughout your training. We will have to shelter you in a dorm somehow so you can get to know your fellow trainees.” A member of a board explained.

“Ok. I think that’s fair. Uh, am I required to move to the dorm urgently?” Jaeyeon asked.

“You can move in next month, but that’s how far we can give you.” The board member proposed.

“Ok!” Jaeyeon nodded.


After discussing the legalities, Jaeyeon proceed to the training proper. She and two other female trainees were led into the training room.


Jaeyeon and the two other trainees greeted everyone in the room with a bow. Some of the existing trainees greeted them warmly but others forced a smile.


“Please introduce yourselves, girls.” The teacher ordered.


The girls nodded and each introduced themselves.


“Annyeonghaseyo Lee Jaeyeon imnida! Please take care of me.” Jaeyeon bowed.

“Show us what you’ve got?” A trainee smirked.


Jaeyeon nodded. The music started and she began breaking to her dance moves. Everyone in the room watched her as she danced her off. After dancing, she was applauded.


“That was impressive!” The teacher cried.

“Not bad.” A trainee smirked.


Jaeyeon spent the next three hours, sweating it out and dancing her off. In the midst of the training, the teacher called for a thirty minute break. Most dispersed from the room.


“You do know that phones are not allowed in the training room, right?” A girl stood right in front of Jaeyeon.


Jaeyeon looked up and faced her.


“Really? But, there’s no rule about it.” Jaeyeon argued.

“There is. Now, keep your phone.” The girl folded her arms and ordered.

“I’m expecting a call. Can I just use it for while?” Jaeyeon asked.


Pissed, the senior female knocked the device out of Jaeyeon’s hold and smirked.


“Hey!” Jaeyeon protested.

“Oops. I guess you will not be expecting one anytime soon.” The senior trainee smirked.

“But…” Jaeyeon shook her head, grabbed her phone, stood up and walked away from the female.

“Ugh!” The senior trainee walked away, pissed.




“Bob?” Jaeyeon whispered.

“Jae! Why are you whispering?” The boy on the other line asked.


What do I say? I can’t tell him that I’m training for SM. Aish! Jaeyeon, think fast!


“Well, y-you were calling right in the middle of my s-shift. I had to get out of the counter. So, what’s up? Is there something wrong?” Jaeyeon lied.

“Sorry about that. It’s just that I’m bored. Do you have Netflix?” Bobby asked.

“Well, I subscribe to it, but it’s not available here in Korea. Sorry, dude.” Jaeyeon said.

“Oh, well never mind! I’ll just watch TV. By the way, Chanwoo and Donghyuk are recovering, but the rest are still really sick. So, I have to stay here for a couple more days.” Bobby answered.

“Oh. That’s a relief. How’s Hanbin doing?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Still sick, but I guess he can make music in the dorm.” Bobby said.

“Ah, good for him. Hey, I gotta go. See you later!” Jaeyeon cried and hung up.


“Gaeun is a , huh?” The trainee spoke in English.


Jaeyeon nodded confusedly.


“Hi! I’m Hana and you’re Jaeyeon, right? It’s nice to meet you.” Hana smiled.

“You too. So, Gaeun…?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Yeah. She’s been a trainee for seven years now and well, she thinks that she’s the queen for being the girl who trained the longest.” Hana explained.

“Is she good?” Jaeyeon asked.

“She thinks she’s good. Gaeun makes the most mistakes during practice and she drags us all down. Even the teachers here dislike her. They just don’t show it to keep their jobs.” Hana answered.

“I see. I should stay away from her then.” Jaeyeon nodded.

“Looks like it’s too late. You are threat to her position right now.” Hana sulked.

“Me? Why am I a threat?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Have you seen her face when you danced earlier? Man! She was pissed. I’m sorry, but you will be her prime target. Just be careful.” Hana advised.

“I don’t even think that I’m that good. Dancing is not really my thing. I dance when I have to.” Jaeyeon defended.

“You’re kidding, right? You are actually better than most of us here. Better than Gaeun and her posse.” Hana argued.

“I am? T-thanks.” Jaeyeon awkwardly smiled.


“So, what’s that your boyfriend?” Hana asked.

“Boyfriend? Oh no! Hell no! That was a friend.” Jaeyeon stammered.

“So, you were expecting his call? Sorry, I heard about it.” Hana grinned awkwardly.

“It’s ok. No, I was expecting a call from my parents. They’re back in LA and they said that they would call me after work.” Jaeyeon explained.

“I see. Well, it’s nice meeting you, Jaeyeon. Oh and watch your back. You’ll never know what Gaeun will do now that she named her target.” Hana said.

“Thanks for the advice.” Jaeyeon nodded.


By October 1st, Jaeyeon moved into the dorm. As expected, Gaeun and her friends greeted her with scowls on their faces.


“Now that you are here. Clean up.” Gaeun ordered.

“And why would I do that?” Jaeyeon arched her eyebrows.

“You’re the newbie and we have a rule here. Newbies clean-up, bring the laundry to the wash and cook. I hope you’re a good cook because we cannot have upset stomachs. Got it?” Gaeun’s posse Hayeon smirked.

“No, there’s no rule.” A girl chimed in.


“Hana…” Jaeyeon mumbled.

“Just because you trained the longest, doesn’t mean you can boss everyone. Let me remind you that you three are younger than the three of us here. Jaeyeon is the eonni among all of us. So, you should treat her with respect. Didn’t your parents teach you that?” Hana stepped up.

“Who gave you the authority to speak up?” Gaeun spat.

“This is a free country and the last time I checked you are not the boss of any of us. Neither are you the leader. So, is everything clear?” Hana pressed.

“Whatever! I’ll be in my room. C’mon girls!” Gaeun turned around and walked away with her friends.


“You didn’t have to tell them off, Hana.” Jaeyeon said.

“I had to. Insofar as everyone is concerned, she is not the leader and neither is she the boss. She can’t go around acting like one. Everyone should be treated equally and with respect.” Hana stressed.

“So, I didn’t know you were younger than me.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, I was born in December, so that makes you older than me. Oh and Jeesu is the maknae. She's currently 15, so she’s younger. Gaeun, Hayeon and Inha are ’98 liners, which makes them younger too.” Hana explained.

“I guess that makes me the eonni.” Jaeyeon smiled awkwardly.

“Yeah. You are.” Hana nodded.


Jaeyeon training days went on more months. Gaeun and her posse did not fail to torment her. 


On the other hand, Mino just couldn’t stop thinking about Irene. Ever since his girlfriend became the new MC for Music Bank, he just couldn’t stop worrying that her fellow MC will hit on her.


“Dude, you’re gonna break that pencil if you don’t stop.” Seunghoon tapped Mino on the shoulder.


Mino relaxed his hands and exhaled. Seunghoon turned to Mino’s line of sight and back to the male idol.


“You’re watching Music Bank?” Seunghoon asked.

“I, uh, I just happen to see Irene-sshi in it. I d-didn’t know she was an MC now.” Mino stammered.

“I see. So, what’s with the pencil thing?” Seunghoon crooked his eyebrows.

“Uh, bad habit, I guess.” Mino grinned.

“Ok?” Seunghoon nodded.


Mino fiddled with his phone for the rest of the show. He searched for the identity of Irene’s co-MC.


Aha! So, his name is Park Bogum. Well, he is not anywhere near hot.


He pursued his research and found out that the co-MC is an actor.


Hmm, so that punk is an actor, eh? Well, he is no match for me.


Music Bank was hitting their 800th episode. As treat for fans, the producers had decided to put only special stages in the said episode. Among the artists invited were Red Velvet, WINNER, Infinite, A-Pink, Girl’s Day, Monsta X, CLC and more.


While inside their dressing room, the girls couldn’t stop talking about WINNER.


“I guess we have a special stage with them tonight too.” Wendy said.

“Are we performing Moves Like Jagger again? Honestly, I’m pretty sick of that song.” Seulgi frowned.

“Me too. I hope not.” Irene seconded.


A knock was heard from across the room and soon the door opened, revealing a man.


“Girls, you’re performing ‘Aim High’ with WINNER tonight. Rehearsals are in twenty minutes.” The girls’ manager informed them.

“Ok!” The girls cried in chorus.


The man left, leaving the girls to chat.


“So, I have two hours to learn and perfect the choreography then.” Maknae Yeri spoke up.

“Don’t worry, we will give you a heads up now as not to waste any time. C’mon Seulgi, let’s show the maknae our choreography for this song.” Irene stood up from the couch.


For fifteen minutes, the girls taught their maknae the first part of the choreography.


“This is pretty hard, considering I don’t know my part yet, eonni.” Yeri frowned.

“Well, at least you have a background on this already. By the time we get to that rehearsals, you just need to put some adjustments.” Joy said.


“Girls, rehearsal time.” The manager called.


All five girls made it to the rehearsal stage. Good thing the fans weren’t even permitted to enter the hall yet.


Soon, WINNER joined them. There were exchanges of hellos before the rehearsals officially began. Seunghoon, who did the choreography first taught Yeri the whole dance, while the others rehearse for themselves.


“At one point, all of us will have to dance in pairs. Since you weren’t with us last time, there were only three pairs and one . Now that you are joining us, a partner will be assigned to you. Jinwoo hyung will be your partner. I already talked to him and he’s okay with it.” Seunghoon explained.

“Ok.” Yeri nodded.

“Ok! Let’s proceed!” Seunghoon smiled.


An hour later, Yeri had finally mastered the choreography. She then joined the rest in the rehearsals. They practiced for another hour and stopped.


“Ok! I guess we’ve got everything covered.” Seunghoon cried.

“Yep! Thanks guys! Great job!” Seungyoon smiled.


The two groups exchanged thank you’s and retreated to their respective dressing rooms. But before Mino could even go back, he spotted his girlfriend talking to her co-MC. They were exchanging laughs and nods. 


His eyes widened when the actor suddenly gave her a short, friendly hug. 


Mino, calm down. You cannot charge there and yank her off of him. That’ll make everyone suspicious. Deep breaths! Damn! I’m going crazy!


Mino walked away, pissed. He caught his friend Seungyoon secretly holding Seulgi’s hand and shook his head. When Seulgi was gone, Mino crept behind Seungyoon.


“Smooth move, man…” Mino whispered.


Seungyoon shot him a confused look and reddened.


“You saw that?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uhuh. Way to go keeping your relationship in the down low.” Mino smirked.

“I can’t help it, man. She was right beside me. It was so tempting. So, I gave into it.” Seungyoon grinned.

“Next time, try not to make it obvious. See ya.” Mino smiled and walked away.


After a while, fans were already allowed to fill in the audience area. Different fan clubs’ chatters filled the room. 


Soon, WINNER walked back to the stage proper for their rehearsal. Inner Circle cheered for their favorite boys. Red Velvet followed and their fans also cheered for them.


After rehearsals, both groups began dressing up for their stages for the night. Irene had three wardrobe changes for this episode as she had to MC, perform with the girls and perform with WINNER for their collaboration stage.


She pre-recorded her MC-ing with Park Bogum both on the MC spot and the interviews. Mino couldn’t help but worry about Irene. 


“Dude, why are you so uneasy?” Seunghoon asked.

“Me? I-I’m not.” Mino grinned nervously.

“Uhuh, yeah, you aren’t.” Seunghoon grinned.

“I’m not.” Mino cried.

“Sure. If you aren’t anxious, why do you keep checking your watch?” Seunghoon smirked.

“Hyung, I’m fine.” Mino argued.

“Suit yourself.” Seunghoon nodded and walked away.


Fifteen minutes later, WINNER was called to the backstage interview set.


“What are we supposed to do?” Seungyoon asked the PD.

“You are suppose to give a sneak peek of your special stage tonight. Red Velvet will join you here. ” The PD revealed.


The boys smiled at the PD’s announcement.


“Seungyoon, you will be the special backstage MC, alongside Seulgi. Here are your cue cards. Familiarize your lines for five minutes.” The PD said.


Seungyoon nodded and glanced at his cue cards. Soon, the girls joined WINNER in the set. WINNER stood at the right side and Red Velvet on the left. The recording began.


Seungyoon and Seulgi stood at the front row and beside each other. On either side of them were Yeri and Jinwoo. Standing at the second row (from the right) are Taehyun, Mino, Irene and Wendy. Behind them were Seunghoon and Joy.


“WAH!! Annyeonghaseyo! We are your special MCs for today. I’m Seungyoon.” Seungyoon begun.

“And I’m Seulgi.” Seulgi smiled.

“Here with us is the rest of Red Velvet and WINNER!” Seungyoon smiled and cleared the way, showing the rest.


“Happiness! Annyeonghaseyo Red Velvet imnida!” The girls greeted.

“Annyeonghaseyo WINNER imnida!” WINNER bowed.

“Today, we will show you a special collaboration stage.” Mino said.


Everyone nodded.


“Hmm, guess what our song is?” Yeri cutely teased the audience.

“It is…a secret.” Wendy smiled.

“For now, you will all have to watch other performances” Taehyun spoke up.

“Ne.” Seunghoon seconded.

“Jogeuman gidaryeo!” Everyone cried and the PD called for a cut.


“Ok! Perfect! Thank you, guys!” The PD cried.


Both groups went back to their waiting rooms. On the way back to her group’s waiting room, someone yanked Irene from behind.


“Yah! Who are you…” Irene’s eyes shot when she landed on that someone’s chest.

“Hey…” Mino smiled.


Irene playfully hit the idol’s chest.


“What?” Mino feigned a fake hurt.

“That wasn’t funny, Mino. I thought someone was gonna abduct me.” Irene frowned.

“You are so cute when you’re mad.” Mino teased.

“Whatever. So, what are you doing here?” Irene looked around and faced him.

“Can’t I have a moment with my girlfriend?” Mino pouted.

“You can, but not here.” Irene replied.

“Well, I’m hungry for a kiss. Just grant me one, pretty please.” Mino pouted cutely.

“Fine! Just one.” Irene gave in. 


She wrapped her arms around Mino’s neck, tiptoed and gave the male idol one sweet but quick kiss.


“Happy? Now, I really have to go.” Irene smiled.

“Yes, super happy. I’ll see you later.” Mino pulled away and bade his girlfriend goodbye.


Soon, both groups took the stage for the recording of their respective performances. Red Velvet first took the stage and perform their hit song “Dumb Dumb”. WINNER followed with their hit song.


Both groups changed into different outfits after their separate performances to prepare for their collaboration stage.


After Infinite’s recording, both groups took the stage for their joint stage. When the music start, Seulgi, Wendy, Yeri, Seungyoon, Taehyun and Jinwoo, all six of them, stood on stage, sang and danced the pop part of the song.


The rappers Mino and Seunghoon took the stage and brought the house down with their powerful rapping. The spotlight was then turned when Irene and Joy walked in, delivering rather feminine raps, while the two boys played back-up dancers behind them.


The six then joined the foursome and together they sang and danced happily to the chorus. All ten of them were just performing like long-time friends, just enjoying every moment. At the end of the song, everyone pose together. 


It was pretty obvious that Seungyoon’s hand was on Seulgi’s waist but no one noticed it. They stood up and walked to the side. Irene grabbed the bouquet from one of the stage managers and walked to the center with Bogum.


“Now, let’s find out the winner in this week’s K-chart. In this week, we have Teen Top and Crayon Pop.” Bogum said.


Bogum and Irene announced the results of each category. 


“Teen Top! Chukhadeuribnida!” Irene and Bogum cried. The confetti bomb blasted sending hundreds of colorful confetti flying. 


“Since Teen Top didn’t perform today, we will just relay this award to them.” Bogum said.


The MCs ended the show with their final credits and then walked away from the camera. Endless bowing filled the room.


“Irene-sshi, the PD wants to see us.” Bogum said as he motioned Irene to follow him. 


Mino tensed when he caught a glimpse of Irene walking away with Bogum. His blood boiled when he saw Bogum smiled at Irene like nothing was stopping him.


Mino angrily barged into the dressing room, scaring everyone inside.


“Damn! What’s wrong with you, man?” Seungyoon cried.

“What’s wrong with me? That son of a , Park Bogum is my problem!” Mino cried.


The boys looked at Mino weirdly.


“What’s wrong with Bogum-sshi?” Taehyun asked.

“That good for nothing idiot is hitting on my girl and I can’t take it anymore!” Mino cursed.

“Y-Your girl?” Seunghoon asked.

“Yes! You heard it! You all heard it! Irene is my girlfriend and that is nothing but an annoying prick hitting on her. I wanna beat the hell out of that idiot!” Mino cried.


The guys just stared at him.


“I’m really serious, guys.” Mino cried.

“Yeah, we heard you loud and clear, hyung. Whoa. It’s just that you were the member I least expected to date someone.” Taehyun said.

“Well, I am dating Irene-sshi and it’s driving me crazy seeing that Park Bogum flirting with her. I just completely lose it!” Mino cried.


Jinwoo stood up from his seat and walked away in disappointment.


“I guess Jinwoo hyung is mad…” Taehyun mumbled.

“You did woo Irene-sshi before he did.” Seungyoon smiled.

“Well, I’m just the better catch.” Mino smirked.


“Guys, I think one of us should ran after Jinwoo hyung.” Seunghoon interrupted.

“I’ll do it.” Taehyun volunteered.


Taehyun walked out of the room, leaving Seunghoon, Seungyoon and Mino.


“So? How?” Seungyoon and Seunghoon cornered Mino.

“It just happened.” Mino smiled childishly.

“Just happened?” Seunghoon crooked his eyebrows.

“Let’s not get to the mushy stuff. Now, just help me get rid of the piece of !” Mino protested.

“Bogum-sshi isn’t that bad.” Seungyoon said.

“Seungyoon, that dude is flirting with my girlfriend. I need him to understand that she is mine.” Mino cried.

“You’re just gonna get yourself in trouble, man. Talk to noona about this and stop being so hasty.” Seunghoon cried.

“You two are not helping!” Mino cried and stormed out of the room.


By the time Mino reach the hall, he spotted the culprit laughing and chatting with his girlfriend. Without putting too much thinking into it, Mino charged down to them and yanked Irene out of the way.


“Hey!” Irene cried.

“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Mino yelled at the actor.

“I-I was just talking to Irene-sshi.” Bogum stammered.

“Well then don’t. You do know she’s dating someone, right?” Mino spat.

“Mino-sshi…” Irene whispered.

“Yeah, she is. So, back off, dude.” Mino said.

“O-ok? Uh, Irene-sshi, I’ll see you next week.” Bogum said and hurriedly walked away.


Mino slowly watched the actor as he walked away and unexpectedly, the culprit smirked evilly. Irene then turned to Mino and gave him an icy glare.


“What the hell was that, Song Minho?” Irene spat.

“The guy was clearly flirting with you. I was just showing him that he is messing with the wrong person.” Mino explained.

“Bogum-sshi is not flirting with me. We were just talking about next week’s show.” Irene cried.

“Animatedly?” Mino crooked his eyebrows.

“Well, we were discussing our parts.” Irene said.

“I still don’t trust that guy.” Mino frowned.

“Mino, baby, there’s no need for you to be all jealous. Bogum-sshi is really just a co-worker. He’s harmless.” Irene smiled.

“Harmless? Babe, didn’t you see his face when he walked off? Yeah, he sure is flirting with you.” Mino argued.

“For pete sake Mino! He and I were just talking.” Irene groaned.

“Fine, but if I see him advancing at you, I will not hesitate to rip his head off.” Mino gave up.

“Mino.” Irene warned.

“I mean it, babe. I don’t want guys lingering around you. Hmm, minus your label mates of course.” Mino said.

“Ok.” Irene nodded.

“Now, can I get another kiss?” Mino smiled childishly.

“Good night, Mino.” Irene lightly pushed her boyfriend away, smiled and walked away.


Mino pouted and walked back to his dressing room with a wide grin on his face. The grin turned into a frown when Jinwoo’s face welcomed him. 


“Mino-yah, we need to talk.” Jinwoo begun.

“If this is about Irene, I’m sorry but she chose me.” Mino said in a bored tone.

“You knew I liked her more than just a friend. Why would you do that, man?” Jinwoo cried with eyes red with fury.

“And I didn’t like her more than just a friend? Hyung, did you forget that she was my partner in Gayo Daejun 2014? I already felt something for her. At least, I had the balls to ask her out and not stay as a wimp.” Mino said.

“Asked her out? Pssh! More like flirted your way to her heart.” Jinwoo threw back.

“She liked it anyway.” Mino smirked.

“No matter how much I hate you right now, I can’t help but congratulate you. Don’t you dare hurt her.” Jinwoo growled.

“You bet.” Mino smirked.


Meanwhile, a smirking Park Bogum could been seen inside a room.


Just you wait, Song Minho. She will be mine.


The night before another Music Bank episode airs, Mino invited Irene to his secret underground pad.


“So, what are we doing tonight?” Irene asked her boyfriend.

“Hmm, we have dinner, watch a movie and maybe sleepover?” Mino responded.

“Sleepover? Hmm, well I don’t know about that.” Irene pouted.

“Please please please stay for the night.” Mino pouted cutely.

“What about the girls?” Irene argued.

“Well, you did lie to them about a relative from Daegu is here to see you. Just continue. Tell them that your conversation went on so late that you forgot about your curfew and decided to stay for the night.” Mino explained.

“Y-You’re telling me to stretch the lie out? Mino, I…” Irene hesitated.

“Please? Just one night.” Mino pleaded.

“Ugh! F-fine! I’ll just call Seulgi now.” Irene said.


After a while, Seulgi picked up the phone.


“Eonni, where are you? It’s really late.” Seulgi said.

“Bear, I’m afraid I may not be able to come home tonight. I, uh, my cousin from Daegu and I had just wrapped up our bonding time and it is really late. I will have to stay for the night. I will be back by 6am tomorrow.” Irene lied.

“O-ok? Well, have a good night!” Seulgi responded.

“If manager oppa comes early, cover for me.” Irene said.

“Ok.” Seulgi nodded.

“Tell the girls about it too.” Irene said.

“Ok. Goodnight, eonni!” Seulgi replied.

“Ne, you too.” Irene said and hung up.


“See, she bought it.” Mino smiled.

“Ok, she did buy my lie, but I’m still not off the hook. I have to leave at 5am to make it back to the dorm by six.” Irene said.

“Well, let’s skip the movie then. We can have dinner and then jump right to sleep.” Mino suggested.

“Ok.” Irene nodded.

“Good. I still have some of your clothes in my room. You can use them for tomorrow when you sneak out of my pad.” Mino smiled.

“Ok.” Irene nodded.


After the delicious supper courtesy of Mino’s surprisingly amazing cooking skills, Irene and Mino got ready for bed. The couple had been used to sleeping together in one bed, so there was no awkward feelings anymore.


Soon, both hopped onto the bed and lay down right next to each other. Mino had his arm around Irene’s smaller frame. The female idol snuggled closer to Mino with her head leaning on the male’s chest.


“Goodnight, Huge boy.” Irene smiled, shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“Goodnight, my Baechu.” Mino said as he planted to a kiss on her crown and drifted off to sleep.


At 4am, Irene’s eyes flickered open. She glanced at the man beside her. He’s sleeping peacefully. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek, causing him to flinch a little.


“I’m going back now, Mino.” Irene gently removed his arm around her and placed it on his side.


She slowly shifted out of the bed, grabbed her clothes and towel from the couch and stepped into the bathroom.


After taking a quick shower, she brushed her teeth, dressed up and brushed her hair. She applied some minimal make-up and grabbed a note and a pen from the kitchen counter.




I had a really great time with you last night. 

I’ll see you soon. Love you. 



Your Baechu


At 5am, Irene carefully snuck out of Mino’s pad and hailed a cab back to the dorm. By 5:30, she made it inside her dorm in one piece. She made herself breakfast and chowed down alone.


Soon, a sleepy Wendy stepped out of her room.


“Eonni?” Wendy’s eyes shot.

“Hey…” Irene smiled.

“What time did you come back?” Wendy asked.

“Hmm, right about twenty minutes ago.” Irene replied while shoving a chopstick full of ramen noodles in .


While waiting for her manager, Irene took a quick nap on the couch.


“Eonni sure is tired. Look at her. She’s napping on the couch.” Wendy whispered.

“I know. Her cousin must’ve worn her out.” Seulgi replied.


By the time the manager had picked Irene up, Mino had just woken up. He shifted to his side and found an empty bed space. 


I guess she left.


He grabbed the note sticking to the side table and read it silently. I smile spread across his face.


The male idol quickly got out of his bed and stepped out of his room. He looked around and found his pad really empty.  He grabbed his towel and walked into the shower. The warm ripples of water hit against his slightly-tanned body.


After a warm shower, Mino wrapped his lower body with a towel, brushed his teeth, applied some toner on his face and stepped out of the bathroom. He walked into his room, grabbed his clothes from the wardrobe and slipped onto them.


He dragged his feet to the kitchen and whipped himself up some breakfast. After a while, he finished grooming his hair, grabbed his phone, wallet, keys and slipped onto his shoes. He shut the lights off, climbed up the short flight of stairs and closed the door behind him. He locked up and made his way out of the building. He then hailed a cab back to his dorm.


Mino and his group mates spent the whole day in YG Entertainment headquarters, meanwhile Red Velvet had their individual activities. Seulgi, Wendy and Joy stayed at home, Yeri was out in school, while Irene was busy MC-ing for Music Bank.


In the midst of his busy schedule, Mino still found time to watch Music Bank on his iPad. He had it on live stream.


When Irene’s face appeared on the screen, Mino smiled. His girlfriend looked really beautiful in the camera. He knew she was really tired but make up totally made her look different. Beside her was the actor and fellow MC Park Bogum. Mino’s gripped on the device tightened. He scowled when the culprit playfully flirted with his girl.


Leader Seungyoon, who noticed his friend’s intense stare on the screen.


“Dude, that screen isn’t gonna stare at you back, so stop with the staring contest.” Seungyoon said.

“I am not in a staring contest with the screen. I’m watching Music Bank live.” Mino replied.

“Right. Irene.” Seungyoon nodded.

“Yeah Irene! And that Park Bogum is pissing me off.” Mino growled.

“It’s just for a show and Irene-sshi isn’t exactly the type who sleeps around, you know. Just trust her.” Seungyoon said.

“Oh! I trust my girlfriend very much. I don’t trust that idiot who is lingering around her. I know he is up to something and I am not letting my guards down. Irene is mine and he needs to get this information into his little head.” Mino growled.

“Wow! I’ve never seen you this furious before.” Seungyoon gasped.

“Well, a guy has to protect his possession.” Mino smirked.

“You’re crazy.” Seungyoon shook his head in disbelief.

“I am serious, Seungyoon. You don’t want Jackson flirting with your girl, Seulgi, right?” Mino cried.

“How did this situation become mine? And Seulgi and I aren’t dating.” Seungyoon protested.

“So? Would you want that piece of crap hitting on your girl again?” Mino asked.

“Of course not. He doesn’t deserve her. However, me agreeing to your point doesn’t mean I totally support whatever you’re cooking up in your head. Hyung, I beg of you. Don’t start any trouble.” Seungyoon warned.

“Sorry, leader, but this time, I will have to defy your order. This war just started and I am not going down without a fight.” Mino said and snapped back to his iPad.


Seungyoon threw his hands up in defeat and shook his head in disappointment.


“So, you and Seulgi…what’s with you two? You did say that she isn’t your girlfriend?” Mino asked.

“She isn’t really. We’re just enjoying each other’s company.” Seungyoon smiled nervously.

“You do know there’s no middle ground. It’s either you’re together or not. So, what is it?” Mino asked.

“Like I said before, we’re taking things slow.” Seungyoon said.

“That is bull, man! If you two like each other, just go and date!” Mino cried.

“Do you think this is easy? Sajangnim is gonna kill me and our fans will hate her. I can’t risk seeing her get hurt from any more from ruthless fans. I don’t want her to suffer from hate again. Never.” Seungyoon gritted his teeth in anger.

“I said date not parade your affections in public. You can still be together without being seen.” Mino spat.


“How do you two even meet up?” Seungyoon asked.

“We meet up outside of a coffee shop at night and we head to my pad. Well, Zico hyung and I share that underground pad.” Mino explained.

“So, you two sleep together?” Seungyoon exclaimed.

“By sleep you mean…?” Mino asked.

“You know…?” Seungyoon awkwardly replied.

“Oh that. Nope, but we were almost there.” Mino smiled.

“WHAT?” Seungyoon cried.

“Zico hyung caught us making out on the couch.” Mino snickered.

“That is just gross, man.” Seungyoon cringed.

“Well, you opened up the topic.” Mino shrugged his shoulders.

“So, Zico hyung knows?” Seungyoon asked.


Mino nodded.


“Damn.” Seungyoon cursed.

“I know and she has no clue that you guys knew about her and I.” Mino said.

“You should tell her.” Seungyoon suggested.

“I will.” Mino cried.


Saturday night, Mino had secretly gone with Irene to dinner.


“So, I’ve got something to tell you.” Mino grinned awkwardly.

“What is it?” Irene asked.

“I, uh, that night when Zico hyung almost walked in on us making out on the couch and when you had left, Zico hyung talked to me. He, um, caught us.” Mino nervously explained.

“What?” Irene panicked.

“I’m sorry. I tried denying but he just saw it right through me.” Mino guiltily lowered his head.

“Oh. So much for seeing each other in secret.” Irene faked a smile.

“That’s not all. Backstage at Music Bank, I might have burst into rage and spilled the beans to the boys.” Mino grinned awkwardly again.

“What? Why?” Irene cried.

“It was an accident. I was just mad about Park Bogum that I completely lost it.” Mino explained his side.

“Great. I guess I have to tell the girls about us too.” Irene forced a smile.

“Babe, I’m really sorry.” Mino pouted.

“No, I guess you’re right. The girls have the right to know.” Irene reassured Mino with a smile.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Mino asked.

“Aniyo. I can tell them myself.” Irene smiled.

“Ok.” Mino smiled.


Later that night, Irene called the girls to the living room.


“Eonni. what is this emergency meeting about? You’re making me nervous.” Joy panicked.

“Yeah! Is something wrong?” Seulgi seconded.

“I called you out here for an important announcement.” Irene begun.

“Well? W-what is it?” Wendy asked.

“I, uh, I am dating Song Minho.” Irene exhaled and revealed.


The girls all looked at her in shock.


“S-S-Song Minho? You mean WINNER’s Song Minho? Mino oppa?” Wendy beamed.

“Uh. We’re dating. H-He’s my boyfriend.” Irene awkwardly smiled.

“Woah…” Seulgi let out a big awe.


Joy pulled out a grin pretty like the Cheshire cat. The tall member then pounced on the older girl and wrapped her arms around.


“I’m so happy for you, eonni!” Joy beamed.


Irene’s hands then patted Joy’s back.


“Uh, I’m glad you’re okay with it.” Irene smiled.


Joy broke out of the hug and glanced at her group mates.


“We are so happy for you, eonni.” Seulgi smiled.

“Yeah and Mino oppa is really cool.” Wendy added.

“And he is obviously into you.” Joy said.

“Congratulations, eonni!” Yeri smiled.

“I love you, girls!” Irene then enveloped the girls into a big hug.


From: Huge Boy

How did it go? Are they okay with us dating?


Irene smiled and typed away.


To: Huge Boy

Uh. They even congratulated me for getting a boyfriend.


From: Huge Boy

That’s a relief. For a second I thought Wendy-sshi is gonna rip my head off.


To: Huge Boy

HAHA! The girls love you so they are totally on board with this relationship.


From: Huge Boy

Well, who doesn’t love me? I’m irresistible!


To: Huge Boy

Now, now, Mr. Song, a little humility would be nice.


From: Huge Boy

I am irresistible and you know that.


To: Huge Boy

Whatever. Goodnight, Mr. Song.


From: Huge Boy

Goodnight, my Baechu! Sweet dreams and by that I mean dream of me. :)


To: Huge Boy

Will do. Goodnight! :)


With that, Irene ended her conversation with Mino.


“So, when did this all start?” Wendy asked curiously.


Irene turned to the doorway and answered Wendy’s question.


“In MAMA after party, I drunkenly kissed him and passed out. He made it seem like I just passed out period and called you guys and in GDA after party, I just lose it. I told him my feelings and he did too. I agreed to go out with him. Since then, we’ve been seeing each other.” Irene explained.

“Wow!” Wendy gasped.

“I knew you really had undeniable chemistry together.” Joy smiled.

“Ever since you two were teamed up in Rookie Adventures, he had his eyes set on you.” Seulgi nodded and smiled.

“Yeah and I saw the way he looked at you in the collaboration stage, eonni. His eyes were glowing and they scream love.” Yeri smiled.

“Oh, stop it with all the mushy stuff, guys.” Irene cried.


“So, does he get jealous of other guys, eonni?” Joy asked.


Irene froze.


“Yeah, he does. He actually despises Bogum-sshi right now.” Irene revealed.

“What? Bogum-sshi is nice and he does not hit on you.” Wendy cried.

“I know that, but Mino claims that he does. So, I don’t know which side is telling the truth.” Irene shrugged her shoulder.

“Trust your instincts, girl.” Seulgi smiled.


For the next two weeks, Mino was still determined that Park Bogum is hitting on Irene and the girl was still sure that her co-MC wasn’t.


Another Friday came and Irene was off to Music Bank again for MC-ing job. While lounging inside her dressing room, Irene could hear her make up artist and wardrobe stylist gossiping about something…well more like someone.


“Don’t you think Park Bogum-sshi really likes Irene-sshi?” The stylist said.

“Oh yes, he does. Have seen the look on his face when he looks at Irene-sshi? It was pure affection.” The artist added.

“He’s really handsome and I would be stupid if I turn him down.” The stylist said.

“Yeah and he is nice too.” The artist added.


Irene cleared .


“Uh, I’m right here and I can totally hear you.” Irene said.


The two staff members bowed down their heads in shame and walked away.


“Well, Bogum-sshi is really nice and good-looking but him liking me? No way.” Irene told herself.


A knock on the door woke Irene up from her trance. The subject of the staff’s gossip welcomed her.


“Annyeong! Ready for rehearsals?” The actor asked.


Before Irene could respond, her phone rang.


“Uhuh. Just give me a minute and I’ll join you.” Irene smiled.

“I’ll wait for you outside.” The man said and walked out of the room.


“Hey…” A man’s voice echoed from the other line.

“Hey, I’m off to rehearsals. We can talk later, ok?” Irene said.

“This won’t take long. Meet me outside of the café after Music Bank.” The man said.

“Ok.” Irene smiled.

“Now, go.” The man said.


“Ready?” Her fellow MC smiled.


Irene smiled and nodded.


The pair rehearse their lines for the next fifteen minutes. While sitting on the couch, Irene could sense Bogum’s hand slowly making its way on her back. Normally, it was nothing but not when she had a boyfriend.


So, he has a hand your back. No big deal.


From her back, the hand made its way to her waist. Irene gulped. 


Maybe Mino is right. Oh! This is not good. Irene, think fast.


Soon, Bogum scooted closer and placed his cue cards down. He took her hands and made her face him. Irene looked at him nervously.


“Irene-sshi, I really like you.” Bogum said.


Irene removed Bogum’s hands off hers. She smiled at him nervously.


“M-M-Mianhae, Bogum-sshi, I…can’t…” Irene stammered.

“Why? Is it because you’re seeing Mino-sshi?” Bogum answered.


Irene panicked.


“I knew you’ve been sneaking off with him.” Bogum said.

“Get off me! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Irene cried.

“Irene, you are mine!” Bogum insisted.

“You’re crazy! Get off me!” Irene struggled to get out of Bogum’s hold.

“Scream all you want! No one is gonna hear you!” Bogum cried and pulled her closer.

“Get off me!!” Irene screamed.


Just in time, her manager walked in.


“What is going on here?” The man cried.


Bogum got away from Irene and flashed a smile.


“Nothing. We were just fooling around.” Bogum smirked.


Irene slapped her hand across Bogum’s pale face and walked away with her manager.


“What happened?” The manager asked frantically.

“He was harassing me. I told him to stop but he wouldn’t get off. You came in just right time.” Irene explained.

“After this episode, I’ll talk to producers and I will convince them to let you take a break from your MC-ing job.” The man said.

“Thanks oppa. Uh, er, I’m gonna meet up with some high school friends tonight. If that’s ok?” Irene asked.

“Ok. Just cover up, ok?” The man said.

“T-Thanks.” Irene smiled.


After her job in Music Bank, Irene dressed down and asked her manager to drop her off at the café. As not to trigger suspicion from people, Irene got herself some ice coffee and stepped out of the shop with it. 


After a while, a guy in dark clothes approached her.


“Kaja.” The man said.


She and the man walked away. They didn’t wanna garner any attention, so they walked together with a big gap. Once they entered the secret pad, Mino went all kissing monster with his girlfriend.


“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Did you forget that you don’t own the place completely?” A guy broke the couple’s make-out session.


Irene reddened and bowed at him.


“You two can make-out here all you want but not on the couch.” Zico cried.

“We’ll be in my room, hyung.” Mino said and dragged Irene into his room.


“So, what are we supposed to do here?” Irene asked.

“We can resume what we’ve started.” Mino grinned naughtily,


Irene slapped Mino’s chest playfully.


“ert!” Irene cried.

“You love me anyway!” Mino smiled and collapsed on his bed.

“Whatever! Anyway, I’ve got to tell you something.” Irene said.

“What is it?” Mino smiled.

“You were right. He is hitting on me.” Irene awkwardly answered his question.

“See. Wait! How did you…?” Mino panicked.

“He harassed me.” Irene shyly replied.


Mino’s eyes shot. His fist curled into a ball and he bolted up.


“Minho…” Irene muttered.

“Oh, it’s on!” Minho cried.

“No. You are not attacking him. Fights won’t resolve anything.” Irene ordered.

“I can’t just let him get away with it. I’m gonna show him who he’s messing with!” Mino asserted.

“He will not be harassing me for the next two weeks.” Irene revealed.


Mino turned to her.


“What do you mean?” Mino asked.

“Manager oppa got to the scene before he could harm me any further. I told oppa what happened and he said to take a break from Music Bank. Manager oppa had talked to producers. They said I could take two weeks off.” Irene explained.

“Two weeks is not enough to drive him away.” Mino insisted.

“Well, what do you suggest?” Irene asked.

“On your comeback as an MC, I will visit you to make sure he does not make a move. If he does, I have no other choice but to beat the hell out of him.” Mino proposed.

“No. Manager oppa will catch you.” Irene said.

“I can always say that I am here to visit a friend.” Mino smiled.

“Mino…” Irene whined.

“Trust me on this, babe.” Mino said.


At the end of two weeks, Irene was back to Music Bank. She knew Mino was gonna be around soon, so she had to prepare herself for the lie she was going to make up, in order for her manager not to suspect anything.


While making her way to her dressing room, someone wrapped his arm around her waist, startling her. She turned to her side and met Bogum’s face. Irene groaned on the inside.


“Glad to see you again. I’m starting to believe that you’re avoiding me.” Bogum smirked.


Irene froze.


“A-A-Ani. I’m not avoiding you. I was just busy.” Irene lied.

“C’mon. If you date me, you wouldn’t be avoiding this situation anymore.” Bogum smirked.


“Like she would date you…” A guy a few feet away growled.




Bogum took his arm off Irene and faced the guy who just spoke up. Irene looked at Mino intently and shook her head, as if telling him not to say anything.


“And why wouldn’t she date me, Mino-sshi?” Bogum smirked.

“She’s not your type. In fact, she likes y bad rappers.” Mino growled.

“Rappers? Oh, like you? Pathetic.” Bogum smirked.

“Ok, that’s it!” Mino cried and charged towards Bogum. 


He swung his arm and hit him on the face with a big punch. This gesture sent Bogum to the ground. The actor wiped the blood off his lip and stood up.


“You do know that there are security cameras all over the place and I can use that as an evidence to sue you for hitting me.” Bogum smirked.

“Oh yeah? Well, you are the one who deserves to be sued you. You did harass Irene-sshi after all.” Mino smirked.

“Harass? She likes me. Why would that be harassment?” Bogum stated.


“Enough!” Irene cried.


“Bogum-sshi, I don’t like you. Why can’t you take a hint? Mino, kaja.” Irene grabbed Mino’s arm and dragged him away.


Mino smirked at Bogum.


“Why did you punch him?” Irene cried.

“That prick just pissed me off.” Mino asserted.

“Mino, please, just this once, calm down. If manager oppa finds out that we’re dating, we’re screwed.” Irene said.

“Ok, but I am not letting him get away with it next time.” Mino replied.


Two weeks after the punching incident, everything was back normal. Bogum had decided to keep his distance from Irene as not to get punch again. Right after that episode of Music Bank, Irene asked her manager if she could go around with a “friend” again. 


“Ok, but remember to cover up, ok?” The man said.


Irene nodded. After dressing down, Irene packed up her things and asked the manager to bring them back to her dorm for her. She stepped out of the building and rode a taxi to her meet-up place with Mino.


“Glad you made it. So, did that idiot hit on you again?” Mino asked.

“No, he didn’t. I think he learned his lesson.” Irene smiled.

“Alright! Do you want some coffee first?” Mino asked.

“Sure.” Irene nodded.


Mino and Irene walked into the café. 


“What do you like?” Mino asked.

“The usual.” Irene smiled.


The female stepped aside and waited for her boyfriend to order drinks for them.


From: Park Bogum-sshi

I know you’re out with him.


Irene tensed up. She shut her phone and waited for her boyfriend.


A few minutes later, Mino handed a coffee cup to her.


“Gomawo.” Irene smiled.

“So, who was that?” Mino asked.

“Hmm?” Irene asked.

“You received a message. Who was it?” Mino asked.

“Uh…B-Bogum-sshi…” Irene nervously replied.


Mino tensed up.


“Minho-yah, calm down.” Irene patted the male idol on his arm.

“What did that idiot say?” Mino asked.

“He said he knows we’re out right now.” Irene said.


Mino’s face turned stone hard. He looked around, as if trying to find the culprit, but he failed.


“He’s just messing with us. C’mon.” Irene grabbed Mino and walked out of the shop.

“I’m sick of that dude, babe.” Mino whined.

“Just don’t mind him.” Irene said.

“Ara. Kaja!” Mino nodded and grabbed Irene’s hand.


The male idol intertwined his fingers with her and they walked away.


“So, are we going to your place again?” Irene asked.

“Uh. Don’t we always?” Mino smiled.


Unknowingly, someone had already snapped photos of their secret date. He smirked wickedly.


After months of trying to squeeze something out of you two, I finally got it. This will be a big scoop!


The guy scurried away with a big sinister smile on his face.


After hanging with Mino, Irene took a cab back to the dorm. The rest of the night was peaceful.


The next day…


[BREAKING] WINNER’s Mino and Red Velvet’s Irene are dating!


Looks like love’s in the air for WINNER’s Mino and Red Velvet’s Irene. They have been recently spotted out on a coffee date in Mapo District area. Dispatch say that the pair grab some coffee together and strolled around the area for the next couple of hours. However, this was not their first date. We quote, “We have been following them around for months now and had speculated that they are going out. It was not until yesterday that our evidences had become clearer.” SM and YG will have yet to comment about this. In the meantime, below are some of the photos taken from yesterday. Tell us what you think.


@HugeBoyfanatic: WHAT???!!! NO!!! Uri Mino belongs to Inner Circles not some cheap doll!


@PinkGoddess: This is a shock, but I will support her all the way!


@InnerCircle4eva: We support you, Mino! Besides, ever since Rookie Adventures, we have seen your chemistry together. Fighting!


@RedVelvetLeader: No! Uri goddess deserve someone else and not him.


After receiving the news, SM and YG were in chaos. They have not expected this to come at all.


“Sajangnim, Red Velvet’s manager just called up. He said that Irene-sshi admits it. She is dating Mino-sshi.” A man spoke up.

“Ok. As much as I want to deny this and make up some excuse, dispatch had photos of them holding hands. We’ve done this mistake with Sulli-sshi’s scandal and we cannot repeat it. So, tell the PR to release a statement regarding this. We’re confirming her dating scandal.” The boss said.


The CEO’s executive assistant nodded and walked away. While SM side had settled their problem, YG still could not contact Mino.


“Aish! Call him again. I need to hear from Mino now!” YG yelled.


The assistant frantically bowed and scurried away, looking for Mino. Meanwhile, the male idol was stuck in his shared path with Zico.


“Hyung, what am I gonna do? Irene is gonna kill me for making it the top trending topic list.” Mino asked.

“You gotta face the reality, man. You two have been caught red handed. So, what’s there to hide? I’m pretty sure SM had summoned her already. Who knows what her company will release? But you gotta answer the damn phone. I’m pretty sure you’re manager hyung is freaking out and Yang sajangnim is too.” Zico smiled warmly.

“I hate it when you’re right.” Mino groaned.

“I know. If I hear that damn phone ringing and no one is answering, I will smash that in half. Got it? Now, I gotta go.” Zico hopped out of the counter and walked away.

“Thanks hyung!” Mino hollered and answered the ringing phone.


“Uh…” Mino picked up.

“Yah! Minho-yah! Where are you? I’ve been calling you for the past two hours. Get your in the headquarters now! Sajangnim is furious!” The manager cried.

“Ye.” Mino bowed his head down.

“I’m expecting you to be here in fifteen minutes tops, ok? Bye.” The man yelled and hung up.


Mino reported to the headquarters after fifteen minutes and faced the wrath of his manager and his boss.


“So, talk!” Yang Hyunseok ordered.


Mino took a deep breath and opened his mouth.


“Ye, sajangnim. Everything is true. I am dating Irene-sshi.” Mino confessed.


Yang Hyunseok unwrapped his arms together and placed them on the desk top.


“There. Isn’t that so easy? We just needed one word from you but it took us nearly three hours to squeeze it out.” The boss spoke up.


Mino nervously looked at his boss.


“Honestly, I’m mad because you had just broken one rule. You shouldn’t be dating anyone when you are at the height of your career and a girl is just a distraction. But, we cannot control your feelings. The company is partly responsible for you two being closer anyway. So, we should accept the consequence. With that, we will be releasing our statement.” The boss explained.


[UPDATE] SM and YG releases their statements; Both confirms issue


SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment both released their official statements regarding the dating scandal between their artists. An SM representative spoke to the press and relayed their message. We quote, “Hello! This is SM Entertainment. After talking to Irene-sshi herself, we confirm that she and WINNER’s Mino are dating. Dispatch’s reports of them dating a few months back is also true. They had gotten together way back but wanted to keep their relationship on the down low first.”


YG’s statement says, “Hello! This is from YG Entertainment! The reports of WINNER’s Mino dating Red Velvet’s Irene is true. They started dating after getting to know more about each other. Please take care of them and support them all the way.”


So, what are your thoughts? Do you think that they match? Comment below!


@InnerCircle4eva: Well, they are undeniably made for each other! Ever since Rookie Adventures, their chemistry was just amazing. Mino oppa fighting! Irene eonni fighting!


@MinReneshipper: I have shipped this couple since Rookie Adventures and I have seen their amazing chemistry on-screen but I have not expected it to come true. I guess things just happen when you least expect it to be! Congratulations to being a couple! Minrene fighting!


@SeulRenebabies: It’s sad that our goddess is dating already but that’s ok! Mino oppa is really cool and they suit each other! Fighting!


@MrsSong: WHAT??!!! Hell no! Mino oppa, why didn’t you wait for me? Why did you go for that good for nothing plastic doll? *cry cry*


@HugeBoy: This is so heartbreaking! Mino oppa WAE??!!! She is not worth it! Oppa, please reconsider your decision! Andwae!!! *cry cry*


@CertifiedInnerCircle: This is the worst news ever! She does not deserve our Huge Boy! She is nothing but a fake! Her company is bullsh*t and she has obviously gone under the knife! She is not pure! Hell! She is not pretty at all! *cry


“Why must this happen all so soon? I’ve not prepared myself for this. Wae?” Irene threw her phone away and dumped herself on the bed.

“Well, now that the truth has been revealed, you wouldn’t be hiding anymore.” Seulgi forced a smile.

“I know, but I am not ready for this.” Irene cried.

“Get your lazy off the bed, eonni and think of the bright side.” Wendy smiled.

“I’ve gone through this phase. There are as much haters as supporters, but don’t put yourself down. You’re great and Mino oppa really cares for you. So, don’t let those people get into your head. They are just jealous. Fighting, eonni!” Seulgi cheered.

“Thanks, Bear!” Irene smiled.


“Damn, hyung! We’ve called you for three hours and you just decided to show up now? Don’t you know how sajangnim is mad at you? Yeah! He is freaking mad!” Taehyun cried.

“Taehyun, you’re a little bit late. The management just released the statement.” Mino growled.

“What? So, how was it?” Seungyoon cried.

“We have confirmed it.” Mino exhaled.

“What?” Seunghoon snapped his head to Mino’s direction.

“Uh. Our relationship is out in the open now.” Mino smiled.

“That’s good.” Taehyun smiled.

“Yeah and that idiot Park Bogum finally gets the message!” Mino smirked.


True! Park Bogum did get the message and he was furious!


This isn’t over! You will be mine, Irene-sshi.


Bogum smirked and shut his phone.



A/N: I honestly think that Park Bogum, the MC of Music Bank is really adorable but for the sake of the progress of this story, I made him the bad guy. Oh and I think he and Irene are cute together (but not ship material). So, for Bogum's fans out there, please don't hate me. 

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)