Chapter 5

Living Famous

Chapter 5 is here! Enjoy! Rated M for some mature scenes.



Two weeks after the confirmation of her relationship with Hanbin, the issue died down. Everything had gone back to where it was. She was busy doing her shifts in the chicken joint, her friends talking about boys and of course, her relationship with the young idol.


“How is it like kissing your man?” Jaeyeon’s friend Bohee asked.

“Uh, we haven’t exactly done that.” Jaeyeon said.

“What? You two have been dating for more than two months now and you two haven’t kissed?” Bohee cried.

“Shh! Yeah. We haven’t.” Jaeyeon said.

“You are such a prude!” Bohee said.

“Yah! I’m not! We are just really busy. I haven’t seen him in two weeks.” Jaeyeon said.

“Have you at least kiss someone?” The other friend asked.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, Mari!” Jaeyeon said.

“You haven’t had your first kiss, didn’t you? Oh my gosh, Jaeyeon! You are like a saint!” Bohee cried.

“For the record, I already had my first kiss.” Jaeyeon corrected.

“Tell us about it?” Mari smiled.

“It was really awkward.” Jaeyeon said.

“You shared it with a creepy guy, didn’t you?” Bohee asked.

“Nope. My childhood friend from Busan kissed me in front of everyone in the class room.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yah! You had your first boyfriend and you haven’t tell us. Aigoo!” Mari shook her head.

“Hanbin is my first boyfriend, girls. That idiot who kissed me isn’t even close to my ideal type.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, what’s his name?” Bohee asked.

“I swore to myself never to say his name out loud again, so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut.” Jaeyeon said.

“C’mon, Jae! What’s his name?” Mari insisted.

“Ain’t gonna say it. His name is taboo.” Jaeyeon said.

“Fine! When you and Hanbin meet up, go for it.” Mari said.

“You girls are really despicable.” Jaeyeon shook her head in disgust.


A week later, the boys of iKON arrived back in Seoul. Hanbin planned to surprise Jaeyeon, so he made his way to her unit without saying anything.


“I’m coming!” Jaeyeon said as she tied her hair in a messy bun.


She opened the door and a smiley Hanbin welcomed her.


“Hanbin…” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Happy to see me?” The younger man asked.

“Uh.” Jaeyeon nodded and pounced on the boy.

“Wow! You must really miss me.” B.I smiled.

“We rarely see each other. I’m just happy that you’re here.” Jaeyeon smiled.


B.I set her down and checked her out.


“Uh, w-what are you wearing?.” Hanbin blushed.

“Sorry. I just got back from jogging exercises and didn’t have enough time to change before you came.” Jaeyeon said.

“Aren’t you letting me in?” B.I asked.

“Come on in. Make yourself at home while I take a quick shower.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ok.” B.I said and sat back on the couch. He then found Jaeyeon’s phone on the couch. 


Curiosity hit him, so he checked it out. He smiled at the sight of seeing their photo on her wallpaper. He tapped onto the gallery icon and checked her photos. They were full of her photos with friends, food, the boys and of course, Hanbin. One picture caught his attention. It was an old photo of Jaeyeon and some guy. He wondered who he was, but brushed that thought when he saw another photo. It was his photo with Jaeyeon. They were hugging each other sweetly. Jaeyeon had kissed the younger idol on the cheek. Hanbin smiled. 


After taking a shower, Jaeyeon joined Hanbin in the living room.


“Damn, this wet look turns me on.” B.I said.

“Yah! Byuntae!” Jaeyeon cried.

“Sorry. So, what are you up to?” B.I asked.

“Well, I decided to read some of my past English workbooks. It really helps me with grammar.” Jaeyeon said as sat beside the male idol.

“Ah.” Hanbin nodded.


The male idol watched his girlfriend browsing through the grammar books. Her side profile just made him smile.


He scooted closer, s his arms around her waist and pulled her onto a bear hug.


“When did you turn into a hug monster?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Neomu joh-ahae!” B.I said.

“Nado.” Jaeyeon smiled at her namchin. 


B.I grinned and placed his palm on her cheek.


“Hanbin…” Jaeyeon mumbled.


B.I gulped, smiled and planted his lips on hers.


For a second, the female was surprised with the young idol’s action, but gave into the situation. Jaeyeon wrapped her arms around the dude’s neck. The kiss went on longer than they expected. With the boy’s bigger physique, it was no doubt that Jaeyeon would be pinned on the couch. The once innocent kiss turned into a heated one as the idol’s hands made their way onto her thighs. His hands gripped onto the girl’s thighs while the kiss went on.


Meanwhile, a man with a suitcase stopped in front of Jaeyeon’s door. He then pressed a button.




Startled, Jaeyeon pulled away from the kiss.


“Crap. Someone’s at the door.” Jaeyeon said.

“Should I open it?” B.I asked.

“Ani. I’ll do it.” Jaeyeon said as she pulled her shirt down, fixed her hair and checked the monitor.


“It’s dad.” Jaeyeon said in a rather low tone.

“! What should I do?” B.I asked.

“Uh…just sit on the couch, flipped the book to chapter 8 and just look into it. I’m just gonna change.” Jaeyeon said.

“Why?” B.I asked.

“Did you forget that I’m wearing short-shorts? Dad’s gonna kill me when he sees me in this get-up with a guy.” Jaeyeon said as she dashed to her room, pulled into a pair of jeans and rushed back out. 

“Stay on the couch and don’t say anything. Let me handle the situation.” Jaeyeon ordered.

“Yes, ma’am.” B.I smirked.

“Uh, fix your shirt.” Jaeyeon said and then opened the door for her dad.


“Dad! Hi! W-What brings you here?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I decided to stay here rather than book a room in a hotel.” Mr. Lee said.

“O-ok? C-Come on in.” Jaeyeon forced a smile.


“A-Annyeonghaseyo!” B.I stood up and gave the man a bow.

“Hello. Ddal-ah, who is this young man here?” Mr. Lee asked.

“Uh, this is Hanbin. He’s a high school student. He’s uh…Bohee’s cousin. You remember Bohee, right?” Jaeyeon lied and eyed Hanbin to play along.

“Oh yes! I remember Bohee. So, what’s this young man doing here in your place when Bohee isn’t around?” Mr. Lee asked.

“Uh, Bohee asked me if I could tutor him in English. He is entering a university soon and he needs to improve his English grammar skills.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ah, I see.” Mr. Lee nodded, clearly moved by Jaeyeon’s lie.


“Well, carry on with your tutorial session. I’ll be in my room.” Mr. Lee said.

“Ani, Hanbin is leaving. We um…just wrapped up our session for today.” Jaeyeon glared at the boy.

“Ok.” Mr. Lee nodded.

“I’m just gonna send him off.” Jaeyeon said and walked out of the unit with the boy.


“So, I’m Bohee’s cousin now?” B.I asked.

“I couldn’t think of any more excuse.” Jaeyeon said.

“Is your dad really strict?” B.I asked.

“No, he is just overly protective. I had to convince him to ship me off to Seoul for college, but it took me a month to get his approval.” Jaeyeon said.

“Ah. I see. Hmm, can I get some more kiss?” Hanbin smirked.

“No, you can’t. That’s enough kissing for the day. I’ll see you around, ok?” Jaeyeon smiled.

“Ok. I’ll see you around.” B.I said.


“Are you sure he’s going to college, ddal-ah?” Jaeyeon’s dad asked.

“He is taking his CSATs anytime soon and he really wanted to ace it to get into college.” Jaeyeon lied.

“He doesn’t look like he’s really into studying.” Mr. Lee said.

“Well, that was my first impression of him though. He seemed so lazy, but as it turned out, he is a good kid.” Jaeyeon lied again.

“Ok.” Mr. Lee nodded.


As soon as Mr. Lee disappeared before the girl’s sight, Jaeyeon collapsed on the couch.


Jaeyeon smiled while recalling the scene right before her dad came. She and B.I had finally kissed and it was just perfect.


Meanwhile, B.I walked back to his dorm with a big smile on his face.


“What’s with the stupid smile?” The eldest member Jinhwan asked.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just that I finally got to kiss her and…” B.I sang happily.


Yunhyeong, who was sipping on a bottle, choked on his water. Donghyuk and Junhoe dropped their phones and Bobby gave him a mischievous grin.


He gave B.I a fist bump.


“That’s our leader.” Bobby smiled.


The boys cheered on their leader for finally achieving one goal.


“So? How was it?” Bobby asked.

“It was great, but abeonim interrupted us.” B.I said.

“Abeonim?” Yunhyeong cried.

“Yah! You’ve met her dad?” Bobby cried.

“Uh, but we had to come up with an excuse. I ended up being a high school student who Jaeyeon tutors for the CSATs.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, you are younger than noona, hyung” Junhoe said.

“Mr. Lee must be really strict for you two to lie about your relationship.” Jinhwan said.

“Hyung, you should ask abeonim for permission to date his daughter.” Donghyuk said.

“I was thinking about that, but Jaeyeon is gonna kill me when I say a word.” B.I said.


“So, what are you here for exactly, dad?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Uh, I have a convention to attend to here in Seoul tomorrow and then another one in Busan two days after tomorrow, before heading back to LA. Why? Am I bothering you?” Mr. Lee asked.

“Aniyo. It’s just that…you came here out of the blue and I wasn’t able to clean up.” Jaeyeon said.

“Sorry about that, honey. Say, how are you doing with school?” Mr. Lee said.

“I’m doing fine, dad.” Jaeyeon said.


Two days later, Mr. Lee took a domestic plane to Busan, setting Jaeyeon free from her temporary misery.


“You what? You told him that B.I was my cousin?” Bohee cried.

“I didn’t have enough time to come up with another excuse. He caught us off-guard. What was I supposed to do? Tell him that I’m dating an idol, who, by the way is two years younger than me? Oh and we were just making out on the couch when you rang the doorbell and interrupted our little moment?” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, you could’ve just say that he was some kid who you bumped onto the elevator, saw you with grammar books and pleaded you to help him with his English skills for CSATs.” Bohee said.

“My dad will kill me if I said that. So, I thought of you and came up with this really big lie.” Jaeyeon said.

“So, how are you and Hanbin acting about this?” Mari asked.

“Well, when dad was in his conference, I was hanging with the guys.” Jaeyeon said.


Meanwhile, Seungyoon was still bummed about Jaeyeon’s indifference towards him.


“Dude, what’s with you?” Mino asked.

“Just remembered something really awful.” Seungyoon said.

“Which is…?” Mino asked.

“Well, I’ve been seeing you, Jinwoo hyung and Taehyun chasing after the Red Velvet girls and it had me thinking about my high school days.” Seungyoon said.

“Is this about your first love again? Dude, get over it. She ain’t talking to you again after you ignored her.” Mino said.

“Thanks for making me feel better, man.” Seungyoon said sarcastically.

“Well, you were stupid and hormonal back then. You are a man now, Seungyoon. Get over it.” Mino said.

“I’ve tried, hyung. It’s just that I saw her recently and it just brought back memories.” Seungyoon said.

“Do you still feel something for her?” Mino asked.

“Yeah, I do.” Seungyoon said.

“Did she see you?” Mino asked.

“Uh, but when I gave her a hug, she pushed me away and said that she didn’t know me.” Seungyoon explained.

“Wow. The classic case of amnesia. Dude, maybe it is really time to move on. Say, you and Seulgi-sshi seem to be hitting it off.” Mino said.

“Me? Seulgi? Dude, did you forget that she is pretty much dating our man, Jackson? Seulgi is pretty cool but the closest level that she and I can get is friends.” Seungyoon said.

“Really, Seungyoon?” Mino said.

“Yes, hyung.” Seungyoon insisted.

“Fine. Now, tell me at least who this girl really is and maybe I can ask someone to track her down.” Mino said.

“By someone, you mean your underground buddies?” Seungyoon asked.

“You know me so well, leader. So, who is she?” Mino asked.

“You know her, hyung.” Seungyoon said.

“Who? The only person closest to your age is Minzy sunbaenim, but she ain’t from Busan. Unless, she’s from another company. Hmm, A-Pink’s Eunji sunbaenim?” Mino asked.

“Ah, aniyo.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, who is it?” Mino cried.

“It’s Jaeyeon-sshi, Hanbin’s girlfriend.” Seungyoon revealed.

“!” Mino cursed.

“I knew you would say that. What a crazy coincidence, huh?” Seungyoon said.

“Damn! Hanbin’s girlfriend? This is crazy, man. A-Are you sure you did not mistake her for some other girl?” Mino asked.

“Dude, I am not the amnesia patient here. I perfectly remember her face.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, prove it.” Mino said.


Seungyoon pulled his old phone out and showed Mino a photo of him and Jaeyeon.


“Well, you’re right. It is her, but Seungyoon-ah, don’t be stupid. You know the consequence if you mess with her. You’ll earn a beating from the boyfriend himself and you know how bad it will get if this hits the press.” Mino said.

“I know that. I just wanna confirm if she indeed suffered amnesia. The only way I will find out is through her parents, but I don’t even know how and where to find them.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, where did she exactly go anyway?” Mino asked.

“Molla. No one knew. My friends back in high school acquired zero information about her whereabouts.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, then. Let this go. This isn’t good for your career and friendship with Hanbin.” Mino said.


Seungyoon couldn’t handle the curiosity anymore. He contacted his friends back in high school. Seri, who was now a student in Dongguk University, had agreed to meet up with the idol after getting a message from him.

“Hey Seungyoon! Oraenmaniya!” Seri cried in Busan satoori accent.

“Seri-ah, nice to see you again. How’s it going?” Seungyoon asked.

“I’m great. Yah! You are an idol now! Chukhahae!” Seri cried.

“Thanks. Hey, have you heard of Jaeyeon lately?” Seungyoon asked.

“J-Jaeyeon? W-Waeyo?” Seri asked.

“So? Have you?” Seungyoon asked.

“Well, lately, I heard that she’s dating an idol from…omo! He’s from your company too. iKON? Yeah. iKON.” Seri said.

“I already know about that, Seri. Any other information?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh, I heard she goes to Hongdae as a Design student but I have not seen her for years.” Seri said.

“Oh. Ok.” Seungyoon nodded.

“You miss her, huh?” Seri asked.

“I made a really big mistake and I wanna make up for everything. If you find any information to her whereabouts, please contact me.” Seungyoon said.

“Seungyoon-ah, you are pretty much closer to her than I. Your label mate is dating her. Why don’t you ask him?” Seri said.

“It will be a big war if Hanbin finds out that I had a past with his girlfriend. He’s a really good friend and I don’t wanna ruin this friendship.” Seungyoon said.

“Well, lie through it. Think of some excuse. Be creative. Sorry, Seungyoon. I really can’t help you with this, since I don’t even know where to start.” Seri said.

“Ok. I understand. Thanks for making time. Say, have you heard of Daehyung lately?” Seungyoon asked.

“As far as I know, he’s in Busan right now.” Seri said.

“Oh. I see. Well, it’s nice seeing again, Seri-ah. Catch you next time.” Seungyoon flashed a small smile and bowed at her.


“So? Any progress?” Mino asked.

“Nope. Seri got nothing. I guess it’s up to me.” Seungyoon said.

“Dude, take a chill pill. We have filming tomorrow. Focus on your on-screen partnership with Seulgi first.” Mino said.


While on a break, Seungyoon pulled his old phone out and gazed at the wallpaper. Red Velvet’s visual sat next to him.


“Hey, you okay?” Seulgi asked as she patted on his shoulder.


Seungyoon glanced at Seulgi and smiled.


“Kinda. I’m pretty tired.” Seungyoon said.

“We all are. Say, I noticed that you’ve been staring at your phone for a while now. Anything bothering you?” Seulgi asked.

“Just bummed about a personal thing.” Seungyoon said.

“Oh. I won’t pry on that then.” Seulgi said.

“It’s ok. I am willing to share it to you.” Seungyoon flashed a slight smile.

“Is this about someone really special?” Seulgi guessed.

“How did you know?” Seungyoon asked.

“You looked just like me when I stare at my phone, waiting for Jackson’s text messages.” Seulgi said.

“Oh. Yeah, she’s special. I’ve known her since we were six and as years went by, feelings just grew. I had fallen in love with her. I told myself that I was gonna tell her how I feel one day and I set that date. It just that…a big opportunity opened up for me and I totally blew that confession day off. The next thing I knew, I was the town’s hero for getting into Superstar K2 and she was gone. My friends don’t even know where she was. And then, one day, I met her at our company party and she was there, giving us a bow, with my label mate’s hand on her waist. I found out that she’s dating my friend and junior, iKON’s leader B.I. Oh and she doesn’t even know who I am, which I presume, was a consequence of having amnesia.” Seungyoon shared his story

“Wow. That’s a sad story. Do you still like her?” Seulgi asked.

“Uh, I do, but I can’t do anything about it ‘cause she’s dating my friend.” Seungyoon said.

“You should talk to her nicely. Ask her if she remembers you.” Seulgi said.

“If I find her, then I would.” Seungyoon said.

“You should make friends with her.” Seulgi smiled.

“You know what? That’s a brilliant idea, Seulgi-sshi.” Seungyoon said.

“Anytime.” Seulgi smiled.


The pair proceed to filming their show.


WINNER reported to YG headquarters on their free day. Seungyoon and the rest of the boys, bumped onto Bobby, who had been hanging with the sunbaenims.


“Yo, Bobby!” Seungyoon called.

“Whazzup, hyungs!” Bobby gave each member a bro hug.


Seungyoon then wrapped his arm around the dude.


“How’s it going?” Seungyoon said.

“Good. I’ve been hanging with Epik High sunbaenims. They said that they would be featuring me in their new track and well, I’ve been working with them non-stop. So, how’s it going with Red Velvet sunbaenim? You hitting off with Seulgi-sshi, eh?” Bobby smiled.

“Aniyo. Seulgi-sshi…well, she’s pretty cool and we get along but she’s dating someone.” Seungyoon said.

“Ah.” Bobby nodded.

“So, how’s the group doing?” Seungyoon asked.

“Good. Hanbin has been pretty pumped up. He’s been really working hard for the next album. I guess it’s because of Jaeyeon. She keeps him rolling.” Bobby said.

“Damn! He got it bad with her. Say, why do you all call her ‘noona’?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh, she’s a ’94 liner, hyung.” Bobby said.

“Ah. You’re really tight with her, huh?” Seungyoon said.

“Uh. She’s cool and she sings well.” Bobby said.

“Really?” Seungyoon nodded.

“Uh. In fact, we met her at a karaoke place. We heard her sang Taeyang sunbaenim’s song and well, Yunhyeong and Hanbin fought over her.” Bobby said.

“They did?” Seungyoon asked.

“Uh, but Hanbin won. He got lucky.” Bobby said.

“Lucky?” Seungyoon asked.

“Well, Jinhwan hyung had given them the go signal to woo her, which is odd, considering that he isn’t the leader. Hanbin knew Yunhyeong would go for it the moment hyung gave them the pep talk, so he let him be. That kid knew that his competition would fail. Genius, right? He flirted his way through her heart. His confession was a self-written song for her. He talked me into rapping some parts.” Bobby said.

“Smart kid. So, you meet her often, huh?” Seungyoon asked.

“Yeah. We would invite her in or bump onto her in the elevator.” Bobby said.

“Elevator? Why? She works around the area?” Seungyoon asked.

“Ani, she lives in the upper floor. Hanbin would go there and hang with her from time to time.” Bobby said.

“Oh. That’s a good advantage for him.” Seungyoon said.

“Uh, they are clearly made for each other.” Bobby nodded.


Seungyoon pondered over what Bobby had said. 


She lives right above them. Damn! If I only asked Bobby for her unit number.


Two weeks later, WINNER arrived in Incheon International Airport for their flight to Los Angeles. Fans flocked the check-in area in hopes to catch the idols in flesh.


After finally entering the pre-departure area, the boys settled down in their own place.


“I’m gonna go around for a walk.” Seungyoon said.


The leader walked around and the area and bumped onto a woman.


“Eommonim?” Seungyoon asked.

“I’m sorry, have we met?” The woman asked.

“Uh, Seungyoon-iyeyo.” The idol said.

“Seungyoon? Ah! Kang Seungyoon, right?” The woman asked.


The idol smiled and nodded.


“Ye. It’s been a while.” Seungyoon said.

“Ne. Woah! You’ve grown so much.” The woman said.

“Ye. Ah, eommonim, are you heading for Los Angeles too?” Seungyoon asked.

“Ne. I’m going back home after visiting Jaeyeonie. Ah, say, have you met up with her?” The woman asked.

“Ah, eobseubnida. I’ve seen her in a party lately but I don’t think she’d seen me.” Seungyoon said.

“What? Why wouldn’t she? You two are close friends. She would spot you from a mile away.” The woman said.

“She ignored me. Eommonim, does she have amnesia or something?” Seungyoon asked.

“Amnesia? Oh no. She’s fine.” The woman said.

“Oh.” Seungyoon nodded.

“You should meet up sometime. She’ll be really thrilled to see you.” The woman said.

“Ok.” Seungyoon nodded.

“She lives in XXXX Condominiums, 37th floor unit H. To contact her faster, here’s her phone number.” The woman said as she pulled her phone out and handed it to the idol.


Seungyoon shyly inputted the phone number into his phone.


“Gomawoyo, eommonim.” Seungyoon said.

“It’s my pleasure. Say, what are you doing these days?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“Eommonim, I’m a singer now. I’m part of a boy group here in Korea.” Seungyoon said.

“Wow. That’s great. Crowds of fans swarmed the check-in area earlier. I suppose those were your fans.” Mrs. Lee said.

“Yeah…” Seungyoon nodded.

“So, I suppose you have a concert in LA?” Mrs. Lee said.

“Ne.” Seungyoon nodded.

“Good luck! Uh, I should go ahead. ’Til next time, Seungyoon-ah.” Mrs. Lee said and walked away.

“’Til next time, eommonim.” Seungyoon smiled.


“Yah! Geu ahjumma nuguya?” Mino jogged towards the leader.

“Jaeyeon-i eommoni…” Seungyoon responded.

“Eh? Yah! You are not gonna contact her, are you?” Mino asked.

“I’m gonna think about it.” Seungyoon said.


One free morning, Seungyoon snuck out of his dorm and visited a long-time friend.


Meanwhile, Jaeyeon was putting a dress on when the doorbell rang.


I am not expecting anybody. Who could that be?


Jaeyeon put her dress on and opened the door, not bothering to look at the surveillance monitor. There she came face-to-face with the person she least expected to see.


“S-S-Seungyoon-sshi…” Jaeyeon stuttered.

“Annyeong, Jaeyeon-sshi. Oraenmaniya.” Seungyoon said.

“Y-Yeogiseo mwohaneungeoyeyo?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I came here to see you, my best friend.” Seungyoon smirked.

“Ye? Chinhan chingu? Ah, museun mari ibnikka?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Stop playing games with me, Jaeyeon. I know you’re faking it. You can’t possibly forget about your best friend. That is…if you have amnesia, which I’m pretty sure you don’t.” Seungyoon said.


Jaeyeon froze. The dude right in front of her beat her at her own game. She was determined to win this game, but he was closing the gap between them.


“Aren’t you letting me in, Jaeyeoni?” Seungyoon smirked.


Jaeyeon gulped and let the guy in.


“Nice place you’ve got here.” Seungyoon said as he slumped onto the couch.


“What the hell are you doing here anyway? What do you want from me?” Jaeyeon demanded.

“I want answers. I wanna know why you left without any note?” Seungyoon asked.

“I should be asking you that, since I just copied you.” Jaeyeon said.

“I didn’t mean to. Superstar K2’s management contacted me out of the blue and I couldn’t contain my happiness.” Seungyoon said.

“You told me to meet you up the roof, but you never showed up. I waited for you ’til 10pm, Yoon. The class teased me the next few months ‘cause my “boyfriend” left without a word. Telling them that you and I aren’t together exhausted me. I looked pathetic, Yoon. I called, sent you text messages, e-mails but I got nothing. Don’t you know how much it hurt that my best friend completely forgot me? So, when mom and dad told me that we were moving to LA, I was happy. I saw that as an opening for me to abandon my lonely life. Knowing Daehyung and Seri would probably tell you where I was, I decided to keep my mouth shut and never told them where I was going. Have I answered your question?” Jaeyeon said.

“I am sorry. I regretted not returning your calls. I made a mistake.” Seungyoon said.

“Whatever! I don’t give a damn about your explanation. Just leave me alone.” Jaeyeon said.

“I am not leaving this place ’til I finish my business.” Seungyoon said.

“What more do you want from me?” Jaeyeon cried.

“Your heart.” Seungyoon revealed.


Jaeyeon froze.


“W-what?” Jaeyeon muttered.

“That’s right. I want your heart. On that day, at the roof, I wanna tell you how I feel. That kiss…I meant that to happen because I like you.” Seungyoon said.

“Yoon, you don’t know what you’re saying.” Jaeyeon shook her head.

“I do, Jaeyeoni. This…my heart beats for you. I don’t care if you’re dating Hanbin. I want you and I’m gonna make you fall in love with me.” Seungyoon said.

“You are crazy, Kang Seungyoon.” Jaeyeon said as she walked away from him.

“Where the hell are you going?” Seungyoon cried.

“Work. Now if you’re done, you may leave.” Jaeyeon said.

“You live in a high-end apartment and you still work?” Seungyoon asked.

“Well, I’m not an idol like you. Dad might’ve bought this place but I’m not taking things for granted. I strive for everything I do. Now, please just stop messing my day up and go back to your world.” Jaeyeon said.

“This is my world, Jaeyeon and I want you to be in this world.” Seungyoon said.

“If you don’t stop talking about your world, I’m gonna be late for my work. Now, leave.” Jaeyeon ordered.

“Fine, but take this, Lee Jaeyeon. I am not giving up on you. You and I have more history than Hanbin and you have right now.” Seungyoon smirked and walked away.


Kang Seungyoon, why did you have to walk into my life again?


Jaeyeon then took the metro to the chicken joint. 


“You’re late.” The branch manager said.

“Joeseonghaeyo, gwanjangnim. It won’t happen again.” Jaeyeon said as she put onto her uniform and got ready for work. 


She took the empty cashier and opened it. 


After a while, two guys walked into the joint. People pulled their phones out and take photos of the boys.


You’ve got to be kidding me. 


Meanwhile, a guy from the far end of the restaurant carefully watch the scene.


E-EXO sunbaenim? What are they doing here?


Jaeyeon flashed the best fake smile she can do and greeted the boys.


“Good morning! Welcome to Mr. Chicken’s Kitchen, how may I serve you?” Jaeyeon faked a grin.

“Good morning! A chicken basket, two servings of rice and two iced teas, please.” The good-looking customer said.

“Would that be all?” Jaeyeon asked.


“No. I want to apologize for giving you a hard time. I won’t force you to like me.” The dude said.

“Good.” Jaeyeon said.

“Friends?” The dude held out his hand.


The guy at the far end shot his eyes.


What the hell is Baekhyun-sshi doing?


“Baekhyun-sshi, I believe this is not the right time for this?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I won’t be here for the next couple of days. I came here to make peace, so what’s it gonna be?” Baekhyun insisted.


He’s gonna create a big issue.


To get things over with, Jaeyeon grabbed the idol’s hand, shook it and flashed a forced smile.


“So, would that be all, Baekhyun-sshi?” Jaeyeon asked.

“Uh.” The idol said.

“Good. That would be 25,000 won.” Jaeyeon said.


After paying up and getting his beeper, the male idol settled on his seat.


“Dude, you have to make damage control here. You just got yourself in big trouble.” Chanyeol said.

“Oh, shoot! I totally forgot about the fans.” Baekhyun said.

“Expect for the worse, man.” Chanyeol patted his friend’s back.


He just got her in big trouble. No. She can’t be harmed.


While the two idols left, the other idol in complete disguise gear remained in the joint.


“Jaeyeon-ah, iliwa-bwa.” Jaeyeon’s co-worker called her to come over.

“Mwo?” Jaeyeon asked.

“What did Baekhyun-sshi wanted? Why did you shake his hand?” The girl said.

“I just got myself in big trouble, Haein. I shook his hand in front of the people. I’m screwed.” Jaeyeon said.

“Well, what did he want?” Haein asked.

“He wanted us to be friends and I accepted. I just wanna get it over with. He’s been bugging me for months.” Jaeyeon said.

“Hey, maybe it’s not gonna be that bad.” Haein said.

“Haein-ah, everyone practically had their phones on him. They might’ve gotten a footage of me shaking his hand. Ugh! I’m so screwed.” Jaeyeon palmed herself on the face.


Haein looked around and spotted a mysterious-looking guy at the far end.


“Yah, Jaeyeon. That guy looks creepy. He’s been here for two hours now and he hasn’t ordered anything.” Haein said.

“Nugu…” Jaeyeon turned to Haein’s gaze and cursed.


Oh, dear lord! 


“Not again…” Jaeyeon muttered.


“Omo.” Haein gasped.

“W-Wae?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I-Isn’t h-he an idol too? What’s his name? Aigoo. Seungyoon! WINNER’s Seungyoon.” Haein cried, earning stares from people.


Seungyoon fidgeted on his seat. He’s gonna get himself in big trouble too. He gazed at Jaeyeon, who smirked at him.


“That idiot will just leave when he gets recognize.” Jaeyeon said.

“Yah! Why are you calling a celebrity an idiot?” Haein asked.

“Trust me, he is. Excuse me.” Jaeyeon said and walked away from her friend.


She pulled her phone out and tapped away furiously.


To: Babo Yoon

Yah! Babo-yah, if you don’t want to get in trouble, I suggest you leave me alone. Please.


From: Jaeyeonie

Yah! Babo-yah, if you don’t want to get in trouble, I suggest you leave me alone. Please.


Tch! Not a chance. I will stay here for as long as I want.


From: Babo Yoon

Not a chance. Say, what’s up with that scene earlier? Baekhyun-sshi, really?


To: Babo Yoon

Like you, he’s been bugging me too. Now, lay off, will you? Stay here for as long as you want, I don’t care. Just don’t bother me, uh? 


From: Babo Yoon

Bugging you?


To: Babo Yoon

Yeah, just like you. Anyway, I’m busy, so I’m hanging up.


The next day, Dispatch released the photos of Baekhyun’s visit to the joint. These photos came from the netizens who uploaded the pictures online.


[BREAKING] EXO’s Baekhyun spotted in a chicken joint, flirting with the cashier.


EXO member Baekhyun had been allegedly spotted out with fellow member Chanyeol in a chicken joint yesterday. The male idol queued in line just like any other person and was seen shaking hands with a female cashier, who happens to iKON’s B.I’s girlfriend. SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment have yet to respond to this issue. In the meantime, a video was uploaded online on the alleged flirting scene. Check it out below.


*insert embedded link of the video


Seeing the video, B.I grew pissed.


“Aish! Let me at the dude. I don’t care if he’s a sunbae. He just hit on my girl!” B.I cried.

“Easy there, man.” Bobby said.

“Yeah, Bobby is right. Sunbaenim might’ve not flirted with her.” Jinhwan said.


[UPDATE] SM Entertainment denies claim that EXO Baekhyun’s flirted with iKON’s B.I’s girlfriend


SM Entertainment has denied the claim that EXO member Baekhyun hit on B.I’s girlfriend. “We had spoken to Baekhyun-sshi himself and he denied the accusations. He merely shook her hand to befriend her.” YG Entertainment has yet to comment about this.


“Befriend my . He clearly flirted with her.” B.I cursed.

“Yah! Stop overreacting!” Bobby cried.


“No, Bobby. Hanbin is right.” A guy spoke up.


Everyone turned around and met the guy’s face.


“Seungyoon hyung!” Everyone greeted him.

“H-How sure are you? Oh, how did you know?” Donghyuk asked.

“I was there. I walked into the joint to have a meal and found him. He did flirt with your girlfriend. I was on the verge of marching down and snap his head off his body.” Seungyoon said.

“You where in Apgujeong?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah, I met up with Seulgi-sshi.” Seungyoon lied.

“Ah.” B.I nodded.


Yeah. I was about to snap Baekhyun sunbaenim’s head off not for your pleasure but for me. I am not your ally, Hanbin. I’m just making you think like I am.


Unfortunately, YG Entertainment did not speak out on the issue. They merely ignored it but they did not fail to check up on Jaeyeon and hear her side.


One night, Seungyoon took another trip to Jaeyeon’s place.


“What do you want, Yoon?” Jaeyeon asked.

“I just want things to go back to the way it was, Jae. I want us to be friends again, despite the fact that I’m wooing you.” Seungyoon said.

“We will never go back to the way it was before, Yoon. So many things have changed.” Jaeyeon said.

“Please.” Seungyoon knelt down and grabbed Jaeyeon’s hands.

“I’m sorry.” Jaeyeon said and pushed his hands away.

“If this is about Hanbin, we can always tell him that we’re friends.” Seungyoon said.

“Friends? Yoon, we’re not friends. We might’ve been buddies before, but we are not in the same status right now.” Jaeyeon said.

“I am not giving up.” Seungyoon smirked.


The next day in YG headquarters, iKON invited Jaeyeon over. Just when Jaeyeon walked out of the toilet, Seungyoon ambushed her. The idol hung his arm around the female, earning a death glare from her. Jaeyeon tried to get away from the dude’s hold, but he dragged her away even before she could get away.


“Wow! You two are getting along pretty well.” Jinhwan said.


“Hyung, you’re hitting on my girl.” B.I warned.

“Don’t worry, Hanbin-ah. If she’s your friend, she’s my friend too.” Seungyoon said.

“I guess…” B.I nodded.


Jaeyeon flashed a smile at them, but she was really panicking inside.


“Dude, if Hanbin finds out that you’re wooing his girl, it’ll be World War III.” Mino confronted the leader.

“I was the front runner, man. If things were just okay between me and her, she would’ve been mine by now. Hanbin just got lucky, but that will change soon.” Seungyoon said.

“Confident much. Dude, lay this off.” Mino said.

“No, this just started. May the best man win.” Seungyoon smirked.


Let the games begin.



A/N: The chicken joint "Mr. Chicken's Kitchen" does not exist. It is purely fictional...a creation of my mind hehe. Sorry about the name though. I couldn't think of something better. Also, you might be wondering how Jaeyeon and Seungyoon acquired each other's numbers. Well, they had an exchange in NONA9ON launch party. I just didn't show it. Lastly, you maybe wondering why is EXO's appearance is minimal in this story. Well, I've decided to make them minor in the first half of this fic. They will appear more on the second half. Probably even one of the main characters. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comments! 

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Chapter 33: The story is awesome but I'm slightly unsatisfied with Yeri's story line. It just wasnxt enough and there were no MarkxYeri moments. (or maybe there were but I just didn't see them? Soooo... If there are, can u tell me where so i can read the chapter again (PLEAAAAASE))
The story was really jjang!
Gracia07 #2
Chapter 1: It's a great story! I never thought idols in this way :>
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 33: All the good things come to an end,sadly.. I really enjoyed the story,the way you made everything seem so real with the fan comments and other details like that made the story amazing and special! I had a great time seeing the characters and their relationships develop,the winner-velvet couples (them feels <3),our ikon boys,jae's journey,all of it was really amazing! As of this chapter let me say that hoon and joy's confession was so adorkable! Irene represented me LOL! And B.I let Jae go,HALLELUJAH MY FRIENDS! Thankfully he didn't pull a Jaebum. Once again,I really loved this story,thanks for updating it <3333
BurningB01c3 #4
Chapter 31: And hit the fan! You know,I was expecting a big mess out of JaeBy's relationship exposure but nothing to the extent of digging JaeB.I/JaeHan/JaeBin/whatever-the-name-of-the-couple relationship straight from the deepens of 2016,wow netizens can sure be scary! Bobby's insta post was really brave,I kinda see a pattern on how YG boys confess their love to the world haha! Well for now I just hope being a d*ck when it comes to handling their love lives isn't a leader stuff (I see you JB) and that Hanbin will get over it because Jae and Bobby are free to date and be happy and they sure would be happier if B.I would hold his drama up,move on my friend you have many girls dying to be yours just around the corner,go find your happiness! Moving on to our next otp it turns out Bogum wasn't lying! I'm so glad MinRene are back again,those two are to cute to be apart! OH MY OT12 FEELS! Dang authornim this EXO scene in the end just slapped me in my feelings so hard I can't even! I guess I never will be able to hear "we are one" without my heart tearing a bit again.... How I wish this would happen in real life,too bad this is fiction! I looooooved the update,too bad the fic is ending soon,don't leave us </3 ;(
BurningB01c3 #5
Chapter 30: I really want to believe that bogum is being sincere but Mino's jealousy kinda made me feel a little suspicious,am I being delusional? Haha! Poor Hoonie!! It's sooooo bad to be stuck on friend zone and he giving his feelings up for the sake of her happiness was so sweet! But still I hope they'll be together,SeungJoy fighting! Oh boy JB finally did it,when will this guys realize that obsessive pricks get nothing! Good thing Taehyun give him a punch to make him return to his senses! Hopefully the GOT7 members will be able to help their leader put his together,but if they don't mark would be suitable for the position. Maybe JB could go to the army and get himself together? As usual an amazing chapter,I loved it <33
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 29: YAAAAAAY YOONGI COUPLE TO THE WORLD <3 Finally those two revealed themselves,too bad they had to break two (three if you count jackson's but I don't really count him cause he was an idiot in first place) hearts to do so... Our bear has the gift to attract obsessive pricks! My jaeby feels <3 These two are too cute I just can't! I hope that when hit the fan (AKA people find out about those two) it won't be so bad.. Loved the update and happy new year for you and your loved ones authornim <33
BurningB01c3 #7
Chapter 28: JB went nuts,I really appreciated the fact mark punched him otherwise I'd have to do it myself (don't do this at home kids,violence is never the answer haha)! Good thing yeri killed any hope Chanwoo may had developed before the whole thing became a bigger mess and ended up hurting dahyun who had nothing to do with it. Jaelee is a boy magnet and Jackson is such a player haha! Loved the update <33
I'll be editing chapters once in a while since there maybe some fictional things that I need to edit (e.g. official IG accounts, etc.). BTW, Winner just opened up their individual IG accounts so for those who still spot the fictional ones as you go through this fic, please excuse me. I'm still in the process of editing them. Thanks! Just keep waiting for the next few chapters. I'm still working on them. :)
kangtaehyun #9
Chapter 27: i think im selfish but i reaaaaallly want to know how the rest of story.. i hope it will update soooonn... i hate waiting thought!!!! pleaseeeeeeee
BurningB01c3 #10
Chapter 27: Last six chapters ? NOOOOOOOOO! I love this story so much,it can't end :( !!! YAAAAAAAAAS JAEBY! OMG,I love this ship since jae dated hanbin and now it is finally sailing <33! Oooh I'm looking forward to see how will the ending of our winner-velvet couples be,especially seulgi and seungyoon. Anyways,waiting anxiously for the next update :)