9 | Nightmare

Like A Fire

Myung Soo stood outside Woo Hyun's room, still in a dilemma to whether go inside or not. That was when he heard the strange sound. The once rhythmic beeps weren't rhythmic anymore. Instead, it was rushing.


"Woo Hyun-ah!" He dropped his dilemma and ran inside, noticing the heart monitor racing. He knew it wasn't normal. He ran outside to call the doctor, but as he stepped out of the room, the beeps returned back to normal. Confused, he looked at the heart monitor, only to see it working normally.


"You never fail to scare.." He muttered as a small chuckle escaped his mouth. "You never fail to scare us, even in this condition..."


Woo Hyun


"I'm home~!" I heard Hyun Mi's and Hyun Woo's voice together, and got up. After that disturbing dream, I went back to sleep, and accidentally slept for a long time.


"Ah... You came" I said as I got up, letting place for them to sit.


"How was your class trip?" Hyun Mi asked Hyun Woo. Realizing I was the odd one out in between them.


"It was fun...! We did a lot of things! But I noticed this peculiar house inside the woods..."




"Yeah, someone is living in there! I'm sure I saw someone inside..."


"Well, why do you need to care? We shouldn't meddle with others" It was just too awkward. I silently walked out, not wanting to stay there anymore. As I strolled through the neighborhood, I noticed this peculiar house. It looked abandoned, and exactly like a haunted house with the moon shining on it in the most eeriest way possible, but something about it made me want to explore it. It just had this.... this comfy, at home type of feeling, besides the eeriness of it. 


I stepped inside, taking careful steps. The place was huge. It was literally a palace! A broken-down palace, to be exact. As I stood in the middle of the huge hall, I heard a loud thud, and turned around to see the door close by itself.


"Hey- Wait! No!" I shouted, but there wasn't any use. I was locked inside. And there wasn't any other way out. Locked inside, with no other way out, I decided to explore the house before finding a way out. Maybe there was some secret passage inside the house... Who knows? I went more inside, deciding to explore the house while finding another exit. As I went inside every room, something felt warm; like I was at home.


After going around a bit, I went up the first floor. There was this huge door to my left, and I opted to open it first. As soon as I touched the door, flashes went before my eyes. A sudden pain emerged in my head, and I couldn't do anything.


"Appa!" I hugged someone. I pulled away to see my Father smiling at me. Again, it's like I'm seeing myself.


"You have grown son much since the last time I saw you, Woo Hyun-ah.." He sighed, patting my back.


"That's because you're always outside at wars... When was the last time you saw him? I forgot" My Mother chuckled. I was confused: Does my Mother and Father exist in this world too?


"At least I can rest for–" He didn't even completed the sentence, and someone came in and whispered something in his ear.


"What? The Immortals are planning an attack?!" I looked at my self now : I looked worried, and partly annoyed.


"Woo Hyun-ah, I want you to battle with us in the battle field, I'm sure you can fight the immortals" Now, I was smiling like crazy.


"Really? Thanks Appa!" I said and hugged him really tight. The scene then started swirling.


"G-Gah..!" I tried to endure the pain, but it just grew too much. I couldn't even stand properly. Leaning against the door, I sat down the pain now slowly subsiding. I couldn't even see what was ahead of me; the pain was too much.


After the pain subsided a bit, I got up and opened the door, going inside. Again, I got this feeling, but it wasn't the same comfy feeling at all. It was depressing; so depressing to the point that I actually started crying. I then noticed something brown splattered on the mirror. It was a deep shade of brown, almost like dried blood. I looked down at the floor, confused about what was happening.


"So... We meet again" I heard my own voice, but I wasn't talking. I looked up, only to see myself, but differently– 'I' was wearing a completely black cloak, and had that devilish hint to 'my' smile. 'My' eyes were glowing fiery red, almost like a ruby. This wasn't me at all.


"Who are you?" I managed to ask, still shocked.


"I am you" 'I' simply replied. It was weird, but there was something intimidating about my reflection.


"What do you want from me?" I asked, now a bit less scared.


"Nothing" 'I' shrugged, a casual look on 'my' face. "It's been centuries since I last you. And better prepare yourself for the future, Nam Woo Hyun" 'I' stressed my name a bit harder than usual, like mocking my name.


"Prepare? What do you mean? Hey, wait! Explain me!" I shouted after my own reflection which disappeared. I banged on the mirror, which broke and fel to pieces. I was injured, but that wasn't the point now. I just talked to myself which wasn't exactly myself.


"Am I getting insane?" I asked to myself, freaked out on what happened. "Screw this, I'm OUT!" I ran out of the room, and straight away to the entrance. I didn't stop even for a second.


"Woo Hyun!" I heard Hyun Mi's voice, and ran towards the direction of the voice. It's a surprise that I recognized her voice this soon... It took me almost three months to recognize Sung Gyu-hyung's voice!


"Hyun Mi!" I ran to her and hugged her real tight, not caring about anything else. I was completely freaked out.


Hyun Mi


"U-Uh.. Woo Hyun..." I could only whisper with that death hug of his. My cheeks were probably completely red by now. I just came to search for him since he went out without telling to any of us, I never expected him to hug me. I then noticed he was sweating too much.


"W-Where were you?" I tried to pull away from the air-blocking awkward hug, but he didn't let me go.


"Please.." I heard him. Was he.. pleading?


"Umm.. Woo Hyun, let's go home.." I said, and somehow forced myself out of his hug. He looked scared about something. I wonder what happened with him..

Author's Notes :

Ooh~~ Skinship already huh? And Cheesy Woo Hyun hasn't even arrived yet...

I serioulsy ran out of ideas all of a sudden. Not like, the idea for the wole story (which I'm BOUND to have), just the idea to contuinue this chapter... Anyways, hope you like it!

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Chapter 13: Yayyyy i'm glad it got updatedd!!!! :D oohh this is getting interesting. I love that voice's attitude though. Could it be... Key? XD

And omg eunhee really made an appearance.. Hahahahhaha
Chapter 12: Whoooo is that girl Gyu sees??? Staring straight, right at him? Couldnt be Eun Hee right?? Hahahhahaha

Thank u for the update!! The hyunmi falling woohyun catching part made my heart beat faster too. Hahahhahahahah.. Any woomi moment is making my heart beat faster XD
Chapter 11: Of course i still like it!!!
But OMG!!! Sunggyu likes Hyunmi?!?!?! Now that's new... And hyunmi is starting to like woohyun? Hehehhehehehe yesss!!!
Sungyeol suddenly yelling ghost had me laugh so much though XD and the end.. Aaawwwww :3
Chapter 10: Yay Sunggyu's backkkk!!!! Oops, why am i so happy Sunggyu's back??? I guess i really like sunggyu as the big brother/mentor character XD hehehehe..

I kinda have a feeling it was Myungsoo who gave the pictures to the reporters! Him and his fancy high quality super expensive DSLR camera!
Chapter 9: Oohhhh~~ skinship yess~~~ i love it.. I had to reread that hugging part a few times, smiling wider every time. Hahaha.. And OMG MYUNGSOO!!! So exciting and scaryy..

Good luck finding the idea. Whatever it is, i'll love it anyway XD
Chapter 8: Aaaahhh~ Woo Hyun is so cool for protecting her like that~ okay fangirling aside, i am more curious about woohyun's identity now. As in, why cant he remember anything? And poor Myungsoo.. I bet he's gonna go after Hyun Mi now. Hahahah
Chapter 7: I was so excited seeing an update!!! Whooo~~~
And the sleeping scene is so cute.. hehehehehee... :3
But noo Myungsooo!!! So Woohyun lived in the world since centuries ago?
Chapter 6: Okay, now i understand the pain of cliffhangers XD i totally dont mind speedy updates btw :)

I love Hyun Woo! (He is kinda like my brother in real life :p) He shoukd get then together! Lolol.. and what is hyunmi and sungyeol gonna do at the clinic? Stock up on her medicines? :p

I have no idea for a kingdom name.. Hmm.. Choose any of their song with weird titles.. I think there was one called Rosinante??? No?? Hahaha
Chapter 5: Aaww.. I actually like sunggyu and hyunmi's friendship here. Where are you going oppa? I want you back back back back baaack!!!
And this is getting really interesting! I've always liked these superpower kind of stories! And at first i thought woohyun's power was to nullify other people's powers XD

Annd nooo!! Dont let myungsoo be the bad guyygy T_T dont you dare kill Woo Hyun!!!! Not while he and hyunmi havent gotten together yet!! XD