11 | Never

Like A Fire

Sung Gyu


I had to return. I just couldn't carry on anymore without staying beside her. No matter what happens, I'm staying by her side forever. That is how much I like her..


I was walking to my home, when I had this weird feeling inside. Something was telling me that things weren't right. Curious, I went to Hyun Mi's house first, only to see it locked. She must be only one place other than her house: The Fields. I proceeded to walk to the Fields, and the feeling inside grew stronger. By the time I reached there, I was sure something wasn't right. That was when I saw three guys. They were suspicious enough, because I haven't seen them anywhere. Well, maybe once...? I have a bad memory anyways. I followed those guys silently, being careful to hide myself. Where they stopped was what surprised me. 


Hyun Mi, her brother, Woo Hyun and some other guy who I didn't know were sitting in the middle of the fields, quiet enjoying themselves.


"We just need to get that guy, right?" One said, and the other nodded.


"On the count of three," The second guy said, holding his hands up. "One, Two, Three, Get him!" He shouted, and the guy pointed his hand at who I suppose was Woo Hyun. As expected, he fell down, affected form the sudden attack. I know I had to do something.


"Stay away!" I shouted, startling the three. They looked at me in shock and lowered their hand.


"Run away before I make you all regret confronting me" The three slowly sneaked away. Hyun Mi went beside Woo Hyun and tried to heal him. That was when I remembered that he didn't use his power.


"Wait... He isn't breathing" The guy amongst them said.


"No... It can't be!" She said and checked his heartbeat. She had started crying by then.


"No! You can't be dead, please tell me this is a joke! Get up Woo Hyun!" I could see that she was hurt, but there wasn't anything we could do. No one had the powers to resurrect a dead person. Except for Angels, but they didn't exist anymore.


Woo Hyun


It was blindingly white everywhere. White to the point I couldn't keep my eyes open. Where was I anyways?


"You're in-between" A voice said. What is up with these random voices answering what I think?!


"Who are you?" I asked, still confused. The last time I remember, I was with Hyun Mi at the fields. When did I come here?


"Your well-wisher" A man stepped out magically from somewhere. He was someone I haven't seen.


"Where is this 'in-between'?" I asked. I found this comfrotable aura around him.


"It's between Life and Death. You're in middle of both" My eyes widened. 


"I-In between.... Life and Death?" [A/N: Okay, don't blame me, but this scene was soo~ perfect for this chapter! I'm a Potterhead, okay?!]


"Don't worry, You'll go back. But you have to know one thing about yourself"


"What about myself?"


"That you're the only one who can end this"


"End...? What? What should I end?" He didn't reply and walked away. I would like someone to answer me!


In a split second, the white surrounding changed back to the Fields.


Hyun Mi


"Woo Hyun! Get up! Stop playing with me now get up!" I didn't want to believe that he was dead. I have never met him, but I actually liked being with him. I had this feeling of comfortness and protection around him. I believed that he would protect me.


"Hyun Mi-ah.. You have to accept–"


"NO!" I shouted, not quiet realising what I was saying. "He isn't dead! He isn't..." It was slowly sinking in; the harsh truth. I couldn't speak anymore, I had to accept it anyways. Someone hugged me, but I couldn't quiet remember who.


I didn't know why I cried over a stranger. I didn't know why I was so much concerned over him.


"Hyun Mi" I knew who that was, but couldn't believe it. I looked at Woo Hyun, and there he was. All alive.




"GHOST! HE'S A GHOST!" Sung Yeol yelled as he ran away, pulling Hyun Woo with him.  Sung Gyu looked sickly pale as he watched with utter horror. I was shocked too, but partly happy.


"Y-You're... alive?!" Sung Gyu asked, stressing the last word. He nodded casually (Note: Casually), leaving Sung Gyu running after Sung Yeol and Hyun Woo.


"Do you know how much that scared me?!" I hit him as hard as I could, crying simultaneously.


"O-Ow-OW! That hurts!" He put his hands up in defense, and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry" He added.


"Don't you ever do that again" I said, crying without an end.


"I won't" He nodded. "I would never do that. I would never leave you"

Author's Notes:

And that marks the end of this soo-short chapter! Sorry! REALLY SORRY!!! *bows repeatedly* I had serious writers' block for all my stories, and hearing new songs just cooked up new stories in my mind. I'm not even satisfied with this chapter. The 'oh-so-sudden-resurrection' part is just too.... Dramatic. With a capital D.

Hope you like this and bear with it!

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Chapter 13: Yayyyy i'm glad it got updatedd!!!! :D oohh this is getting interesting. I love that voice's attitude though. Could it be... Key? XD

And omg eunhee really made an appearance.. Hahahahhaha
Chapter 12: Whoooo is that girl Gyu sees??? Staring straight, right at him? Couldnt be Eun Hee right?? Hahahhahaha

Thank u for the update!! The hyunmi falling woohyun catching part made my heart beat faster too. Hahahhahahahah.. Any woomi moment is making my heart beat faster XD
Chapter 11: Of course i still like it!!!
But OMG!!! Sunggyu likes Hyunmi?!?!?! Now that's new... And hyunmi is starting to like woohyun? Hehehhehehehe yesss!!!
Sungyeol suddenly yelling ghost had me laugh so much though XD and the end.. Aaawwwww :3
Chapter 10: Yay Sunggyu's backkkk!!!! Oops, why am i so happy Sunggyu's back??? I guess i really like sunggyu as the big brother/mentor character XD hehehehe..

I kinda have a feeling it was Myungsoo who gave the pictures to the reporters! Him and his fancy high quality super expensive DSLR camera!
Chapter 9: Oohhhh~~ skinship yess~~~ i love it.. I had to reread that hugging part a few times, smiling wider every time. Hahaha.. And OMG MYUNGSOO!!! So exciting and scaryy..

Good luck finding the idea. Whatever it is, i'll love it anyway XD
Chapter 8: Aaaahhh~ Woo Hyun is so cool for protecting her like that~ okay fangirling aside, i am more curious about woohyun's identity now. As in, why cant he remember anything? And poor Myungsoo.. I bet he's gonna go after Hyun Mi now. Hahahah
Chapter 7: I was so excited seeing an update!!! Whooo~~~
And the sleeping scene is so cute.. hehehehehee... :3
But noo Myungsooo!!! So Woohyun lived in the world since centuries ago?
Chapter 6: Okay, now i understand the pain of cliffhangers XD i totally dont mind speedy updates btw :)

I love Hyun Woo! (He is kinda like my brother in real life :p) He shoukd get then together! Lolol.. and what is hyunmi and sungyeol gonna do at the clinic? Stock up on her medicines? :p

I have no idea for a kingdom name.. Hmm.. Choose any of their song with weird titles.. I think there was one called Rosinante??? No?? Hahaha
Chapter 5: Aaww.. I actually like sunggyu and hyunmi's friendship here. Where are you going oppa? I want you back back back back baaack!!!
And this is getting really interesting! I've always liked these superpower kind of stories! And at first i thought woohyun's power was to nullify other people's powers XD

Annd nooo!! Dont let myungsoo be the bad guyygy T_T dont you dare kill Woo Hyun!!!! Not while he and hyunmi havent gotten together yet!! XD