13 | When Love Comes

Like A Fire

Woohyun - When Love Comes


Sung Gyu


Who was she? I thought to myself. I was back at my home, my mind never leaving the girl. Just who was she who was so much daring to argue with me? Not anyone who knows me, at least.


Knock knock knock. I looked up at the door, hearing it being knocked. I got up and went to open it, not knowing who it could possibly be.


"Hello~! We just– You?!" It was the same girl again. "You! The small-eyed idiot!" She exclaimed, annoying me to no end.


"Just what do you want, pig?" I retorted back.


"Pig?! Wah, really..!! Is this how people here are?"


"What? I just told the truth, you should be happy"


"Why do I even bother with you and your useless words? Goodbye, and let's never meet again" She walked away, leaving me intrigued. Am I that annoying to everyone? Hell... There was another knock on the door. I opened it, only to see her again.


"By the way, my Mom told me to give you this, and..." She handed me a bowl of something covered, and looked up at me. "My name is Nam Eun Hee. Yours?" She said a bit too cockily for my standard.


"Kim Sung Gyu" I found myself replying, even when I didn't want to. "Nice to meet-- Geez, get your attitude checked, will you? I'm being nice to you for once" I whined under my breath as she walked away, purposefully ignoring me. Shutting my door with a little bang, I opened the bowl, finding some rice cakes inside it. I suddenly miss my Mother...


Woo Hyun


"Hyun Mi-yah!" And she came running into the kitchen.




"Taste this" I handed her a spoon. 


"Aish... And I thought it was something important. You are really...!!" She hissed at me as she tasted the ddeokbokki. "But this is good!"


"I made this for you" I said, scratching my head. Is it just me or is this place too awkward to even step in?


"Wah, really? Thanks~! It feels really weird though..."




"Because the first person who ever did something for me is you. I was just used to taking care of myself..."


"I.. I don't know how much longer I will be staying here, so might as well be comfortable here"


She sat down, an awkward silence between us. This was never there...


"I'll... I'll be going out for sometime" I started.


"Out? Why?"


"I just need to find something"


"I can get it for you, if it's that important"


"Not that.. I have to find it myself. And I need to go out!"


"Fine, but promise me : Don't get hurt" 


Those words... they did make my heart skip a beat. "E-Eh?"


"I said don't get hurt. It would be another work added to take care of you" I could just blandly see through her lie. It was like she really wanted me to be safe.


"Okay" I said.


She soon left with Sung Yeol, who still doesn't talk to me. I stepped out, the bright sun blinding my vision.I walked forward, trying to remember the way to the abandoned house. Something about it made me want to go there. Maybe I could get a way out...?


But... Do I really want to go back? With swinging thoughts, I found myself at the front of the house again. It looked more.. tolerable. I went inside, taking a deep breath. It was a surprise to myself that I remembered the way to that room again. The same brown splatters on the wall, but with different words. 


"You are going to lose everything precious to you" Is this some kind of sorcery? Scaring me like anything..


"Oh don't you take it easy" I heard a voice. "That will become true if you think of it as a mere prank"


"Who is in here? Come out!" I yelled, a bit confident and less scared now. "I said come out!"


"I'm not someone you can see, but I can give you an option in your most critical time. See you soon, Nam"


This is maddening. What is up with everyone talking to me, but not showing themselves?! I am going to go crazy!


I got out, vowing never to go in again. I can never get anything useful out of this house anyways, except for that lucky day. I felt void of something; like I'm missing out something. I'm not sure what it is though.


Days later, I find myself looking at the same house again, the same house which I stepped out of, days ago (or probably years ago). Still the homely feel. I went inside, not even caring to look around. I knew exactly where I need to go.


Stepping inside that room again made me feel nauseous, but I need something to at least get my escape card from this.. this world. Of course, Hyun Mi doesn't know this.


"Seems like you're back" A voice said.


"I know there is some way from here. For me to get out from all of this"


"You finally got it."


"I did, and now tell me where this escape is possible from"


"You need three things"


"And those are...?"


"First, the Ruby Key. It alone opens the box"


"The box? What box?"


"You'll know"


"Alright, the second thing?"


"Find this one first"


And I find my way out. My mind goes back to the first day I was here. The Queen demanded for some key, didn't she? Maybe... Maybe it's the Key.


And I set on my path to get my freedom.


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Chapter 13: Yayyyy i'm glad it got updatedd!!!! :D oohh this is getting interesting. I love that voice's attitude though. Could it be... Key? XD

And omg eunhee really made an appearance.. Hahahahhaha
Chapter 12: Whoooo is that girl Gyu sees??? Staring straight, right at him? Couldnt be Eun Hee right?? Hahahhahaha

Thank u for the update!! The hyunmi falling woohyun catching part made my heart beat faster too. Hahahhahahahah.. Any woomi moment is making my heart beat faster XD
Chapter 11: Of course i still like it!!!
But OMG!!! Sunggyu likes Hyunmi?!?!?! Now that's new... And hyunmi is starting to like woohyun? Hehehhehehehe yesss!!!
Sungyeol suddenly yelling ghost had me laugh so much though XD and the end.. Aaawwwww :3
Chapter 10: Yay Sunggyu's backkkk!!!! Oops, why am i so happy Sunggyu's back??? I guess i really like sunggyu as the big brother/mentor character XD hehehehe..

I kinda have a feeling it was Myungsoo who gave the pictures to the reporters! Him and his fancy high quality super expensive DSLR camera!
Chapter 9: Oohhhh~~ skinship yess~~~ i love it.. I had to reread that hugging part a few times, smiling wider every time. Hahaha.. And OMG MYUNGSOO!!! So exciting and scaryy..

Good luck finding the idea. Whatever it is, i'll love it anyway XD
Chapter 8: Aaaahhh~ Woo Hyun is so cool for protecting her like that~ okay fangirling aside, i am more curious about woohyun's identity now. As in, why cant he remember anything? And poor Myungsoo.. I bet he's gonna go after Hyun Mi now. Hahahah
Chapter 7: I was so excited seeing an update!!! Whooo~~~
And the sleeping scene is so cute.. hehehehehee... :3
But noo Myungsooo!!! So Woohyun lived in the world since centuries ago?
Chapter 6: Okay, now i understand the pain of cliffhangers XD i totally dont mind speedy updates btw :)

I love Hyun Woo! (He is kinda like my brother in real life :p) He shoukd get then together! Lolol.. and what is hyunmi and sungyeol gonna do at the clinic? Stock up on her medicines? :p

I have no idea for a kingdom name.. Hmm.. Choose any of their song with weird titles.. I think there was one called Rosinante??? No?? Hahaha
Chapter 5: Aaww.. I actually like sunggyu and hyunmi's friendship here. Where are you going oppa? I want you back back back back baaack!!!
And this is getting really interesting! I've always liked these superpower kind of stories! And at first i thought woohyun's power was to nullify other people's powers XD

Annd nooo!! Dont let myungsoo be the bad guyygy T_T dont you dare kill Woo Hyun!!!! Not while he and hyunmi havent gotten together yet!! XD