5 | Symptoms

Like A Fire

Woo Hyun


When I woke up, I felt a bit weird on the inside. Something was different in me, I could practically feel it. I looked around, and found out I was not in my room anymore. I haven't returned to my world yet.


Am I stuck here Forever?! No!


"Well, Good morning there" Hyun Mi's voice chimed in my trail of thoughts. I looked at her with shock. I was supposed to go back to my world by now!


"A-Are you worried... about something?" I shook my head, telling myself to not let her worry over me. She already has a lot of worries for herself.


"Well, do you remember anything from yesterday...?" She asked, and everything came before my eyes like pictures. Well, that was a weird thing. Is that why I feel weird?


"Yeah... Are you sure you didn't do it?" I asked. "Because I don't have any power..."


"I think you gotta have that re-checked. You have the most weird and unique power out of any of us in this Kingdom"


"But I don't have any!"


"Then who blocked the ball, huh? Anyways, don't use your power again, okay? I think it drains your energy out, and Sung Gyu has went to check if there is some power like yours"


"Wait, who?"


"Kim Sung Gyu. Oh, you don't know him right? He's like our guardian, and takes care of us when he can"


"Who are you talking to about me? Oh, the strange power guy! What's your name..?? Why doesn't it come to my head!? Ah, Woo Hyun" I was literally frozen.


"S-Sung Gyu hyung?" I managed to say.


"Huh? You know me?" Sung Gyu pointed at himself.


"You too don't remember me?!" I shook him hard, and he just looked at me weirdly.


"Should I be even knowing you?"


"Uhm... N-No, I just con-fused you for someone else.." I made up an excuse. As much as I wanted to hit him to remember me, I didn't want to be known as a stupid.


"Mhm!" He fake-coughed— a thing which he did back in the real world too— and continued, " I went through the Library today, and turns out, there is a power which is similiar to his!" He said and holded up an ancient book.


"Really? How come I have never read about it?"


"Have you ever been to the Library unless I tell you?" He smacked her head, and she pouted. The two went along with each other so well, and I was the odd one out.


They went through the big book, while I sat in a corner awkwardly. Where's that brother of hers? I haven't seen him since morning...


"Ah, so your power is Protection? That would explain why the ball didn't hit us..." Hyun Mi said more to herself. Protection? I had a power?


"But this doesn't say it makes someone go unconscious... So why did he pass out?"


"That's my question!" I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down as they kept talking about it. This is too much for me to handle!


"Anyways, try not to use your power too much, okay? Because Hyun Mi's healing powers don't work on you when you use this power" I nodded dreamily.


"Hey, are you... feeling sick again? Like yesterday?" Hyun Mi asked, obviously worried about me.


"N-No! I'm not sick!" I said hurriedly. Although I was feeling a bit drowsy, I didn't want to worry her more than she already does.


"Fine, are you staying, Sung Gyu oppa?"


"Yeah, might as well have some home-made lunch which I don't get" He smiled at her. The two went somewhere— probably to the kitchen— and left me alone. 


I so wanted to read that thing on the book, but didn't want to. Afterr a long debate, I decided to take the book, and slowly turned the pages till I could find about the 'power' they were talking about.


          An ancient power belonging only to the Angel and Protector clan. This power can almost block anything, even the most powerful power like Controlling. This can used for one or more persons, but is most powerful when it is really in need by the practitioner. Wrong usage of this can also lead to death of the practitioner, or the disappearance of the power.

          Last seen : 1991"


"Wait... That's my birth-year, right?" I looked up from the book, confused. Why was it used exactly on my birth-year? So, according to this book, am I an Angel? Or a Protector?


"Ah!" I jumped at the screech. Dropping the book, I ran to the kitchen, only to find Sung Gyu already taking care of her.


"You think you're a great cook, huh? Thinking you're a professional.. You are a professional, at getting hurt. Pabo-yah"


"What can I do if the oil came out of the pan?!" She shouted at him.


"What happened?" I asked, interrupting them.


"Apparently, Ms. Cook here burned herself with hot oil, trying to flip a pancake like a master" Sung Gyu rolled his eyes. She hit his shoulder.


"Yah! That isn't how you treat me!"


"As if you treat me good!" She stuck her tongue out at him, and they started chasing each other. Seeing them, I can't help bgut be reminded of the days where the same happened in our dorm.


Will I never get back?


"The pancake! It's burning!" Hyun Mi shouted. I turned to the stove, and saw the pancake already burning to black. I turned the gas off and took the pancake away from it.


"Thank you.. You-You can go rest if you want to"


"Sure" I said awkwardly and left the place. I went outside, and leaned against the walls. Well, this world sn't that much different from the real world... only thing is that people have powers here. Apparently, I have a power too. It was still too much for me to take in.


"Hey, weakling!" Sigh.


"What is it?" I asked, completely annoyed.


"I heard you 'saved' my sister yesterday... What exactly is your power?"


"I said I don't know! Now, leave me alone"


"Let's see if you powers really do exist" He said and pointed his finger at me. I closed my eyes tightly, getting ready for the impact. 


Nothing happened. I didn't feel any pain now. Instead, I was once again covered by the same power like yesterday. I guess I do have this power...


"Wah! That is a new power! See him!" The kids gathered before me. I felt light-headed again, but went inside quickly. I couldn't even reach the steps, and passed out.


Hyun Mi




"Huh? What was that?" I said and passed the pan to Sung Gyu, going out to check on what it was.


"Omo! Woo Hyun-ah!" I knelt down beside him. Did he use his power again?


"Hyun Woo-ah! Yah Jang Hyun Woo!!" I shouted for my brother, who ran inside. He stopped after seeing Woo Hyun unconscious.


"W-What happened to him?" He stuttered a bit.


"Looks like he used his power again... Can you take him to your bed?" He nodded curtly and dragged him upstairs. I looked at him with worry, and then went back to the kitchen.


"What was it?"


"Huh? It was Woo Hyun.. Looks like he used his power again"


"Eh? Again? That guy.. Won't he do what he is said?"


"You can't blame him, oppa. Maybe he had to use his power... Maybe he doesn't know he uses his power in danger. It can be like a reflexive action, right?"


"Maybe... Okay then, I'll be going now. Take care, okay? And don't burn yourself again, I won't be around to take care of you all the time"


"You sound like you're not going to see me for a long time.. Anyways, bye!" I said as Sung Gyu walked out.


Sung Gyu


I sighed as I looked back at the house again.


"I am not going to see you for a very long time though, Hyun Mi-ah... Take care" I said to myself and walked away from the house.


Hyun Mi


"Uh, noona....?" I heard Hyun Woo. I was just looking outside the window in my room.


"Hyun Woo? Haven't you gone to sleep yet?" I said and signalled him to come inside. He came and sat beside me, looking down.


"What is it? Had a bad dream?" I asked, and he shook his head in reply. "Then what is it?"


"That is... Woo Hyun-ssi..." He started, but was hesitant.


"Woo Hyun?" I asked, a bit surprised. He never talks about a stranger he just met. "What with him?"


"I-I was the one... I made him use his power" He confessed, never even looking at me for once.


"Huh?" I asked, shocked by his words.


"I just wanted to see whether he had the power... I-I never knew it'd make him pass out. I'm sorry, really." I knew why he was telling me all this. Since he started talking, he never hid anything from me. Even if he hid it from me, he confessed it soon. I smiled gently at him, and his hair smoothly.


"It's okay, I know anyone would be curious if they heard someone has a special power. Now that you know, don't do this again, okay?"


"I promise I won't" He said, sticking his pinky finger out. I chuckled and linked my pinky with his, making a promise. "By the way, what is the power that he has?"


"I don't know exactly what it is, but it's called the Protection power. Apparently it protects the practitioner or people fron any power, even Controlling."


"The power that the Majesty has?" He asked, his eyes wide in shock. "He can even defend the Majesty?"


"I guess..." I said, thinking whether it was actually that powerful. 


"Anyways, go to bed now" 


"Woo Hyun-hyung is sleeping on my bed..." He frowned.


"So? You can take the floor"


"Noona, you know I can't...." I then remembered : He was really unconfortable on the floor.


"Okay, you sleep here, I'll sleep on the floor" I said and got up, letting him slide into the blankets and sleep. After putting him to sleep, I went outside the room. Something made me want to go see him. Taking slow, silent steps, I went up to Hyun Woo's room, and saw Woo Hyun resting there.


I was confused. I didn't even know what was bothering me, but I just knew I was confused. And I've never been like this.


"Woo Hyun... Why does that name sound so... warm?" I muttered to myself as I went beside him.


Never did I know someone was watching us silently.


Myung Soo


"You took everything away from me... Now it's my turn" I smirked as I looked at the sky outside. 


It was time for my revenge.

Author's Notes:

Another crappy yet speedy update!

What do you think Myung Soo is going to do?

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Chapter 13: Yayyyy i'm glad it got updatedd!!!! :D oohh this is getting interesting. I love that voice's attitude though. Could it be... Key? XD

And omg eunhee really made an appearance.. Hahahahhaha
Chapter 12: Whoooo is that girl Gyu sees??? Staring straight, right at him? Couldnt be Eun Hee right?? Hahahhahaha

Thank u for the update!! The hyunmi falling woohyun catching part made my heart beat faster too. Hahahhahahahah.. Any woomi moment is making my heart beat faster XD
Chapter 11: Of course i still like it!!!
But OMG!!! Sunggyu likes Hyunmi?!?!?! Now that's new... And hyunmi is starting to like woohyun? Hehehhehehehe yesss!!!
Sungyeol suddenly yelling ghost had me laugh so much though XD and the end.. Aaawwwww :3
Chapter 10: Yay Sunggyu's backkkk!!!! Oops, why am i so happy Sunggyu's back??? I guess i really like sunggyu as the big brother/mentor character XD hehehehe..

I kinda have a feeling it was Myungsoo who gave the pictures to the reporters! Him and his fancy high quality super expensive DSLR camera!
Chapter 9: Oohhhh~~ skinship yess~~~ i love it.. I had to reread that hugging part a few times, smiling wider every time. Hahaha.. And OMG MYUNGSOO!!! So exciting and scaryy..

Good luck finding the idea. Whatever it is, i'll love it anyway XD
Chapter 8: Aaaahhh~ Woo Hyun is so cool for protecting her like that~ okay fangirling aside, i am more curious about woohyun's identity now. As in, why cant he remember anything? And poor Myungsoo.. I bet he's gonna go after Hyun Mi now. Hahahah
Chapter 7: I was so excited seeing an update!!! Whooo~~~
And the sleeping scene is so cute.. hehehehehee... :3
But noo Myungsooo!!! So Woohyun lived in the world since centuries ago?
Chapter 6: Okay, now i understand the pain of cliffhangers XD i totally dont mind speedy updates btw :)

I love Hyun Woo! (He is kinda like my brother in real life :p) He shoukd get then together! Lolol.. and what is hyunmi and sungyeol gonna do at the clinic? Stock up on her medicines? :p

I have no idea for a kingdom name.. Hmm.. Choose any of their song with weird titles.. I think there was one called Rosinante??? No?? Hahaha
Chapter 5: Aaww.. I actually like sunggyu and hyunmi's friendship here. Where are you going oppa? I want you back back back back baaack!!!
And this is getting really interesting! I've always liked these superpower kind of stories! And at first i thought woohyun's power was to nullify other people's powers XD

Annd nooo!! Dont let myungsoo be the bad guyygy T_T dont you dare kill Woo Hyun!!!! Not while he and hyunmi havent gotten together yet!! XD