10 | Danger

Like A Fire


Woo Hyun


I sat down with Hyun Mi in the living room. It was awkwardly silent. I didn't have much to say, probably because I was still freaked out from the incident earlier.


"So, what happened?" She asked.




"Don't even try to lie, because I saw how much you were scared" She suddenly sounded intimidating. "What happened?"




"You're gonna keep denying it, huh? Then let it be that way" She said and got up, walking away.


"I-I want to ask something!" I up, stopping her.




"There's an abandoned house, right? Near-by?"


"Yeah... So?"


"Do you know whom it belonged to?" She looked bewildered.


"W-Why do you want to know?"




She stayed silent, looking shocked at my question.


"I-I don't know... Maybe I should ask Sung Gyu oppa.." She muttered more to herself and walked away, ignoring me. What's so wrong with that question?


Hyun Mi


Did he just ask me about that abandoned house? I kept asking myself for the hundredth time. I didn't have a good experience with it, so I never attempted to cross that street, let alone the house. It was too creepy anyway.


"Sung Gyu oppa... Where are you when I need you?" I asked, thinking about Sung Gyu in my mind. He taught me this spell to contact him through our thoughts. Strangely, I felt like getting a reply, but it wasn't that clear.


Sung Gyu


"Sung Gyu oppa... Where are you when I need you?" I heard Hyun Mi's voice all of a sudden.


"I'll come to you soon.. Soon" I said, trying not to let it reach her. I still had to stay and finish everything here..


Or should I return?


Woo Hyun


"Nan Nan saraya hae 
Nan nan beotyeoya hae 
Nan nan, eonjengan meomchul tenikka~" I was humming some of our songs out of boredom. There wasn't anything better to do anyways.


It had been almost two weeks since I'm stuck in this parallel world, or so I think. Every time I go to sleep, I wished to get back to my own world, but I never did. I was slowly losing hope.


"Wah~ It was good!" I heard Sung Yeol saying. "But... Why does it feel familiar?"


"Y-You feel.... like it's familiar?" I asked, hoping he could remember me.


"Yeah... Like... It feels so familiar. Like I've sung it myself" He looked up, thinking hard. "Maybe it's just me... I mean, I don't even know you!" I sighed. There's no way anyone else could remember me...


I stayed mum, looking at nothing in particular.


"Infinite's Woohyun admitted in the hospital due to an accident" Myung Soo read the headline of the article posted on the Internet. Somehow, one person managed to take pictures of him inside the hospital and was able to know about his condition through the doctors. And it had just been a week since the incident. [A/N: Okay, the time differs, so it's 2 weeks in the Parallel world, while it's only 1 week in the real world. It's intentional]


"This tells one thing : We're in trouble" Dong Woo added. "We need to go to the Hospital now" The six immediately were on their way to the Samsung Medical Center.


"Who's the Doctor-in-charge of Woo Hyun-hyung?" Sung Yeol asked on their way.


"Doctor Byun" Their Manager said as he opened the door to a particluar room.


"How did the information leak out?" Sung Gyu was the first to ask. His voice was practically threatening the doctor.


"W-What information?" Doctor Byun asked, obviously confused.


"About Woo Hyun. How did the reporters find it?!" Their Manager banged his fist on the table, startling the doctor.


"I don't know.. We never let anyone else in besides the Nurse and myself. No one is alowed to go in without permission" He confessed honestly.


"I don't think he did that, hyung..." Sung Jong interrupted, having that gut instinct that it wasn't the doctor.


"How would we know?" No one had an answer for that.


"Okay, whatever happened has happened. Is he improving?" Sung Gyu asked the most imporant he had been wanting to ask for some time now.


"That was what I was going to call you for. You might have to sit down for this" They all did as the doctor said.


"His condition hasn't improved, but his heart rate isn't normal. It raises and slows down as if he's experiencing it, so we're suspecting that he might be in an NDE state" All of them were equally confused.


"An what?" Sung Gyu asked.


"A Near-Death Experience. Most of the NDE's are just dreams, but there are stages where the person can get into a comatose state" All of them were silent, unable to say a word. "It's commonly divided as five stages. Most of the people experience dreams, which is Stage 1. Some experience up till Stage 5, where the person is feeling like wandering out of their own body, as a spirit. The person is bound to wake up from that state at sometime, but we can't exac–" Sung Jong ran out, while the others couldn't even understand a part of what the doctor said.


"I...I'll go get him" Sung Gyu walked out slowly, leaving the others inside.


"So, what you're saying is... he's in a coma right now?"


"It's just a speculation, we can never know what his exact condition is"


"You guys should probably go home.. I'll come later" Their Manager said and pushed everyone out. The other four were literally looking like zombies. Walking towards another particular room, they didn't dare to talk anything about what they just heard.


They could never get themselves to believe those words.


Hyun Mi


"Hey, let's go out somewhere today, okay?" I proposed. Woo Hyun and Hyun Woo sat idle, while Sung Yeol beamed in delight. "What?"


"Nothing. Where do we go?" Hyun Woo asked, obviously bothered by something.


"Is something bothering you...?" I eyed his suspiciously. He had never hid anything from me, this was new.


"Nothing, I'm just too tired" I somwhow believed him.


"Let's go to the fields!"


"If you say so..." Woo Hyun stayed quiet mum. I didn't know much about him, so I couldn't ask him if he was feeling down or something.


Getting some food ready, we four walked out of the house and towards the Fields. It was refreshing.


Well, what I didn't expect was three random guys coming at us.


"Who are they?" Sung Yeol asked. I shrugged, "I don't know"


"Get him!" One guy pointed his hand at us at the most unexcpected hour, startling us three. Woo Hyun slumped down, probably affected by the guy's power.


"Woo Hyun!" I tried to go to him, but there was this barrier.


"Stay away!" I heard a familiar, and turned to see Sung Gyu.

Author's Notes:

Finally updated! I had writers' block again, although I had planned the way this chapter should go. I guess my vocabulary went down a biot for some days.. Anyways, I'll make sure I'll update sooner!

Till the next update!

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Chapter 13: Yayyyy i'm glad it got updatedd!!!! :D oohh this is getting interesting. I love that voice's attitude though. Could it be... Key? XD

And omg eunhee really made an appearance.. Hahahahhaha
Chapter 12: Whoooo is that girl Gyu sees??? Staring straight, right at him? Couldnt be Eun Hee right?? Hahahhahaha

Thank u for the update!! The hyunmi falling woohyun catching part made my heart beat faster too. Hahahhahahahah.. Any woomi moment is making my heart beat faster XD
Chapter 11: Of course i still like it!!!
But OMG!!! Sunggyu likes Hyunmi?!?!?! Now that's new... And hyunmi is starting to like woohyun? Hehehhehehehe yesss!!!
Sungyeol suddenly yelling ghost had me laugh so much though XD and the end.. Aaawwwww :3
Chapter 10: Yay Sunggyu's backkkk!!!! Oops, why am i so happy Sunggyu's back??? I guess i really like sunggyu as the big brother/mentor character XD hehehehe..

I kinda have a feeling it was Myungsoo who gave the pictures to the reporters! Him and his fancy high quality super expensive DSLR camera!
Chapter 9: Oohhhh~~ skinship yess~~~ i love it.. I had to reread that hugging part a few times, smiling wider every time. Hahaha.. And OMG MYUNGSOO!!! So exciting and scaryy..

Good luck finding the idea. Whatever it is, i'll love it anyway XD
Chapter 8: Aaaahhh~ Woo Hyun is so cool for protecting her like that~ okay fangirling aside, i am more curious about woohyun's identity now. As in, why cant he remember anything? And poor Myungsoo.. I bet he's gonna go after Hyun Mi now. Hahahah
Chapter 7: I was so excited seeing an update!!! Whooo~~~
And the sleeping scene is so cute.. hehehehehee... :3
But noo Myungsooo!!! So Woohyun lived in the world since centuries ago?
Chapter 6: Okay, now i understand the pain of cliffhangers XD i totally dont mind speedy updates btw :)

I love Hyun Woo! (He is kinda like my brother in real life :p) He shoukd get then together! Lolol.. and what is hyunmi and sungyeol gonna do at the clinic? Stock up on her medicines? :p

I have no idea for a kingdom name.. Hmm.. Choose any of their song with weird titles.. I think there was one called Rosinante??? No?? Hahaha
Chapter 5: Aaww.. I actually like sunggyu and hyunmi's friendship here. Where are you going oppa? I want you back back back back baaack!!!
And this is getting really interesting! I've always liked these superpower kind of stories! And at first i thought woohyun's power was to nullify other people's powers XD

Annd nooo!! Dont let myungsoo be the bad guyygy T_T dont you dare kill Woo Hyun!!!! Not while he and hyunmi havent gotten together yet!! XD