
Speak To Me

Double Update: If you haven't already read Chapter Six, please do so because this flows from there. <3



Taekwoon walked through the hall of the apartment building, looking for number seventeen. His grandmother had handed him a piece of paper with a number and name on it, just in case he couldn’t find the door.

Number seventeen. Cha Gayeon.

Taekwoon thought it was just a coincidence. It had to have been, it wasn’t like Cha wasn’t a common last name. Well, it wasn’t really common but there were enough Cha’s in Korea that this could really be a coincidence. And to top it off he didn’t really recall Hakyeon mentioning himself having siblings. Although, he couldn’t really recall much of what Hakyeon said, it all sort of blurred together and became a miss match amount of questions and statements.

Once Taekwoon reached the right door, he knocked hard, in order to be heard throughout the apartment. From the other side of the door he could hear a muffled voice shouting out across the apartment. And not too long after the door opened with a different, more familiar voice welcoming him inside.

He couldn’t see Hakyeon behind the door until he walked further inside. And after he did confirm that Hakyeon was indeed the male behind the door, he felt like running for it. There was no way that he could live through an extra hour of Hakyeon asking stupid questions which he would have to tune out.

“I didn’t know you played Taekwoonie!” Hakyeon practically yells, and Taekwoon feels himself flinch, he does not want to be in Hakyeon’s house while he learns the piano.

“Ah! You must be my new student!” A female says, Taekwoon turns to see a woman – who he assumes is Gayeon – holding several rather thick workbooks.

Bowing, Taekwoon introduces himself softly. And as he does a wide smile appears on Hakyeon’s face. “I am Jung Taekwoon, please take care of me.”

Gayeon bows her head in return, “Cha Gayeon. This is my idiot brother Hakyeon, he goes to your school and will not” a harsh stare is sent Hakyeon’s way, “interrupt our lesson. He will just be making some food. Would you like some?”

Hakyeon sighs; of course his sister wouldn’t let him admire Taekwoon play. She wouldn’t allow him to watch anyone play, no matter how close he was to her. Although he is disappointed with this outcome – being confined to the kitchen – he is quite content, because not only did he hear Taekwoon speak again, but he also may have the privilege to cook for him.

Nodding, Taekwoon whispers a soft, “If it’s not a problem.”

“Never is it a problem! Hakyeonie here is a pretty good cook, he makes some really nice rice porridge… not that he makes anything else...”

“Hey!” Thwacking his sister gently on the arm Hakyeon frowns. “I will let you know that I can make more than just rice porridge, it is just that you only eat rice porridge.”

The two of them bicker amongst themselves about food and Hakyeon’s cooking skills and Taekwoon, unable to help himself, laughs softly. Abruptly ending Hakyeon’s argument, causing Gayeon to win and dance around gloating her minor victory before she kicks Hakyeon’s and tells him to get back to the kitchen because he needs to cook.

“Now, Taekwoon, could you help me figure out which level you’re on because your grandmother didn’t seem to have a clue.” She says, pulling Taekwoon to the piano.


Just over half an hour later, the rice is finally cooked and now Hakyeon can no longer focus on Taekwoon’s skills as he has to start actually doing something. For the past half hour he has been sitting on the kitchen bench staring at the rice cooker and listening to his sister complement Taekwoon’s skills and level of concentration. It wasn’t until Taekwoon’s melodious playing was interrupted by the beeping of the rice cooker did Hakyeon actually remember he had something to do.

Changing the setting on the rice cooker Hakyeon slowly adds chicken stock and water to his rice, watching it absorb into the rice and stirring it occasionally in order to let the flavour reach the bottom of the pot. All the while Taekwoon is playing in the background and only occasionally is he interrupted by Gayeon’s – unusually – soft voice instructing him to try it a different way, or play a certain part again.

Leaving the rice to boil in the broth of chicken stock Hakyeon starts to cook the chicken, cutting it into strips then placing it into an oiled pan.

It is seems like a second later that Hakyeon is tapped on the shoulder. Turning around he sees Taekwoon pointing down at the chicken, which is now more like charcoal stuck to the pan.

“Oh my gosh!” Hakyeon shouts, making Taekwoon jump back and stare at him, eyes flicking between Hakyeon and the pan.

Almost instantly Hakyeon turns the stove off and shoves the pan into the sink. Sighing at his failed attempt at cooking meat.

“I must have just gotten lost in my thoughts!” Hakyeon says, trying to recall how he managed to burn chicken so easily.

Taekwoon nods, a soft smile playing on his lips –that only as he starts to calm down does Hakyeon notice.

“It’s okay, we can just eat rice.” Taekwoon says before leaving the kitchen, a bit more of a bounce in his step as he goes.


When Taekwoon leaves to return home Gayeon is instantly in detective mode. There has only been two times that Hakyeon has been distracted by her students while he cooks, the first was his last partner who made beautiful music and managed to put Hakyeon to sleep because it was so soft and mellow. The second… Well that was also the same person, but Hakyeon was peeking around the corner and forgot about his rice letting it over cook.

“He is the one you have a crush on isn’t he?” She asks, putting all the bowls in the sink.

Hakyeon sighs, washing them up for her, “I don’t have a crush on him, I want to be his friend. And his voice is really nice.”

Gayeon laughs, leaning back on the bench, “Jung Taekwoon and Cha Hakyeon… I think you guys should get married, it would be cute.”

“I don’t have a crush on him!”

Nodding Gayeon pinches Hakyeon’s cheek. “No, you’re just so fascinated by him that you lose an argument because he laughs and burn chicken because you got too into his music.”

This time Hakyeon nods, “Yeah… But it’s not a crush.”

Laughing again Gayeon leaves the room, but not before muttering – just loud enough for Hakyeon to hear. “Whatever you say.”


A/N:: A little late but... I did it! A double update for all you lovely subsribers! Until next weekend my lovelies. I hope you enjoyed~!

Also, please know that I just made up Hakyeon's sisters name and personality, but I hope you like her none-the-less.

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I have been working on this last chapter for 3 days now... OMG its long...


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madkatters #1
Chapter 20: this was great! i really enjoyed the pace - both of the story and their courtship. the awkward scene was also adorable. thanks for writing this! :)
vsluvs13kittens #2
Chapter 20: Oh my heart!! This story was amazing and oh so lovely. Really enjoyed reading each chapter. Thank you for this masterpiece.
i'm in love with this story.
Chapter 20: Thank you for gracing me with this masterpiece. It's really well written . I thank you again. : )
Kokechan #5
Chapter 20: Thank you for that beautiful ending! I love that you choose the realistic path for this last chapter, it's suit this story so much! You did an amazing job! Thank you!
Kokechan #6
Chapter 19: This is always a pleasure to see an update of this story ! What will I do when it will be finished ? T T
lulzlesinset #7
Chapter 19: I'm curious as who will top >.< can't wait for another update...good job authornim~
Chapter 18: Such a cute chapter, I can't wait for the next ^^
Selvadja #9
Chapter 17: yaaayy~ finally! this was so~ cute and beautiful :D
i'm so glad hakyeonie ran after taewoon and confessed too ^^