glass window?

The green dragon that I love

You didn’t go to the office for one whole week, because you needed to prepare for the engagement party and your new office needed to redesign. Kris didn’t let you see to office. He said that it’ll be a present for you and that he decided on the design of the office. Otherwise you won’t get an own office.

Kris finally announced that your office is done and that you can work in the office today. So you happily went to the office with Kris.

“I see that you’re really happy.” Kris said

“Of course. I finally have my own office and my first appointment with a client.” You said

You quickly went up to the fifteenth floor with the elevator. You quickly went to your own office and you opened the door. It was really beautiful. It was exactly like your dream office.

“This is amazing. I really like it.” You said

“I’m glad that you like it.” Kris said

“You really know my taste.” You said and you walked further in your office

Your eyes widened when you arrived at your table. Your table was just your own table, but there was a big glass window beside your table. You can see Kris table through the window and of course Kris can see you.

“What is this?” You asked

“A glass window.” Kris innocently said

“Why did you let them make a glass window here?” You asked

“So I won’t miss you and you can get your own office.” Kris explained.

“This is ridiculous. Is this why you didn’t let me see the office while they were redesigning it.” You said

“I don’t care. Take it or leave it, but I prefer you to leave it. I can help you move the table.” Kris said

“I’ll take it.” You said

“As long as you’re happy.” Kris said and he shrugged

Kris’s secretary knocked on the door and she informed Kris that he has an urgent call. He casually walked out of your office.

“Stupid dragon.” You muttered and you sat down on your chair


Sehun and Tao happily walked in your office.

“Noona, we heard your office is done so we came to see your new office.” Tao said

“It’s really beautiful. Kris really did a good job.” Sehun said

“Huh? What is this?” Tao said and he walked to the glass window.

He was acting like an octopus before the glass window with his hands waving in the air. Sehun walked to the glass window too and copied Tao.

“It was Kris’s idea.” You sighed.

At this moment Kris walked towards the glass window and he opened it.

“What the?! It’s not only a glass window, but it’s a glass door.” You said

“Yah, you two are distracting me. You two don’t have to work?” Kris said

“We just heard that noona got a new office so we came to visit her.” Tao explained

“You saw her new office so you can go now.” Kris said

Tao and Sehun pouted, but they obediently went out of your office.

“It’s not a glass window, but a glass door. You can walk in and out freely?” You asked disbelieved.

“Of course. I need to protect my baby.” Kris said

“What’s the different of being in the same office and this?” you asked

“You just asked for an own office and not a change.” Kris said and you pouted.

Someone knocked on your door.

“Come in” You said and your secretary informed you that your appointment arrived.

“Success baby” Kris said and he went back to his office through the glass door.

You rolled your eyes and you told your secretary to let the client in.


“Good morning, Mr. Kim.” You greeted him

“Good morning, Ms. Rong.” Mr. Kim greeted back

“Please sit down.” You said

“You came here for the loan agreement?” you asked and Mr. Kim awkwardly nodded while he was looking somewhere else.

You searched where he was looking and you saw Kris was standing behind the glass door with his hand on his waist.

You sighed and you rubbed your forehead.

“Please ignored him.” You said

“O-okay.” Mr. Kim stuttered

The meeting went smoothly beside of the awkward atmosphere because of Kris.

“I’ll make up a contract and after you sign it, the money will send to you.” You said

“Thank you.” Mr. Kim said and he bowed.

Your secretary led Mr. Kim out and you turned around to glare at Kris who was already in your office through the glass door.

“Baby, you did really great.” Kris said and he was about to hug you, but you refused.

“I didn’t doubt myself. Why did you standing there? It was really awkward.” You whined.

“Because I need to protect you. What if that guy attacked you?” Kris said

“He is a gentleman and why will he attack me?” you said

“You never know.” Kris deadpanned.

“Why didn’t you buy a tinned glass door if you like to stand there? So you can see me, but I can’t see you?” you whined

“Because I don’t want you to miss me.” Kris said

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2407briana #1
Chapter 25: Awe they're married ! Thanks for writing this ♡
Chapter 25: I can't believe the story ended in here T____T
hope there'll be special chapter hehehehe
Chapter 24: Hahahaha kris will see her in the next chapter hahahaha
2407briana #4
Chapter 24: Aweee wedding preparations
2407briana #5
Chapter 23: Haha so protective
Saniasa #6
Chapter 23: Thanks for the update