My dad's last will and Testament.

Never thought i'd fall in love with you [UNFINISHED sorry i've stopped writing this story]

It's Saturday and you were bored.
So you called Eun Min and go shopping.
But you remembered that you had a phone
call this morning, it was from your dad's
lawyer. He told you to come meet him
in his office after lunch....

[In you're dad's lawyer's office...]

"-Annyonghaseyo...!" . You bowed

"-Neh, Annyonghaseyo." He shook your hand. "plases seat."

"-Do you have my father's last will and testament?"

"-Yes! here.. " He gave you a folder...


You began reading the documents that was in the folder..

"-It is written in his last will and testament that
he will give all his fortune to hisdaughter
who is you. But in one condition."

"-What's the condition....?"

"-The condition is that you will study 'buisness'
in College and after you graduate,you will work
as the president of his company."

"-W...WHAT!?!?!... Are you serious?!?!
But.. I know nothing about buisiness!

I'm still in high school, last year of high school

"-I know, that's why you'll studay buisness in college."

"-But if i don't graduate??"

"-Then your dad's company will be gone and his
fortune will be given for the charity."

"-Are you kidding me?!"

"-Do you think i'm laughing...? You decide,
if you go to college, study hard , graduate AND
have all his fortune. OR you lose it all ....?
We're talking about billions of dollars here,
you'll be a billionaire...So, do we have a deal???"

"-Okay, deal...! "

"-And one more detail, when you still
can't run the company yet, you're assign someone who
will run it while you are still studying and
he will give you all the information about
the company. You will meet him soon enough.
He has the same age as you"


You were about to leave when the lawyer handed
you a letter and told you to read it when you get home.
When you waited at the bus stop to go home, you
heard someone calling you're name
"Yah!! Park Ha Rin!!!".
You looked behind you and it was Eunmin.
"Oh! hi...!". She looked at you and she felt that something was wrong.


"-Hey, is there something wrong? Did Donghae did something to you??"

"-Aniyo~... I talked to my dad's lawyer..."

"-Jeongmal!? what did he say?!"

"-He said that my father will give all his fortune but in one condition.
I have to go to college and study
'busness' and graduate."


"-And after that i'll have to take over his company as
the President of the company..."

"-Oh~.......BWO?! ". She lookes at you with big eyes.
"You're kidding right??"

"-Of course i'm not! Why should i??"

"-But what's the company's name??"

"-It's called ... "

-WHAT?!?!?!? You're dad was the President
of Park groupe? THE Park groupe???!

"-Yeah~...... Why? is it famous???"

"-Of course it is!!! Don't you read the news or watch TV?!"

"-I do but, when i read the newspaper, i only read the
comics, and I don't really like watching TV."

"-I never thought that MY! bestfriend is the daughter of a
Multi billionaire. This must be a dream!"

"-Stop it!"

"-What? i'm so happy for you! But what will the company do?

you can't run the company yet, who will take care of it??"

"-My dad assigned someone to take care of it while i'm still studying,
and he said that he has the same age as me."

"-Oh~-.... wait here, my mom's calling me... yoboseyo?
Ah! omma!...bwo?! andwe!... aish!!... neh.. neh...! bye!.

OMO! mian, Ha Rin, my mom told me come home, Ottoke~!?"

"-It's alright! go home." you smiled.

"-mian... Bye! let's talk again later!"

"-Neh!, bye!"


Eunmin left and a bus arrived....

[At Home]

When you were home, You ate and took a bath.
After that, you heated water to drink a

cup of tea while reading the letter that
you're dad's lawyer gave you.

You sat on a couch and started reading the letter...


To my lovely Daughter, Ha Rin.

I wrote this letter after i left you and you're mother and i may be
gone when you are reading this.

I want to explain the reason why i left you and you're mom...
It wasn't because i didn't love her anymore, but because
my parents didn't aprove the marriage of you're mother and me.
At first i didn't care still decided to marry you're mother.
But my family started to make our lives miserable and that's
when a beautiful little girl was born, You.

So, i decided to leave you and you're mother
because i didn't want to ruin you're future.

But when i wanted to comeback, i learned that you're mom died.
I felt so guilty and mad at myself for leaving you....
I've always wanted to meet you but i was afraid that you'll push me away....

I'm so sorry that you had to learn it like this and i hope that you'll forgive me,

i love you,

Park Jung hwa.


Tears started to fall from you're eyes when you finished reading it...

[You're POV]

Appa~! why is it has to be like this?! i miss you so much...
.I wanted to see you too but when i got to the hospitlal,
i learned that you were dead.

Please tell me what to do, I'm lost now....

[End of POV]


You're phone started ringing and you anwered it...


"-Yah!! My dongsaeng! I'm at the airport, do you mind coming here and pick me up?"

"-Oppa! is that you??"

"-Neh, I missed you! i'll wait for you here, araso?"

"-Neh! araso!"


[At The Airport]

"-OPPA!!! Hechul oppa!!!"

"-Ha Rin? Is that you?!"

"Neh oppa! i missed you!"

"-I missed you too dongsaeng."

"What brings you here??"

"-My Cousin asked me to comeback because he needed some help for his work."

"-I didn't know that you had acousin here..."

"-Mianhe~ Do you have something to do tomorrow??"

"-Ummmmh.... No, Why??"

"-I want to hang out with you like we always do back then."

"-Araso oppa, i'll come to you're hotel tomorrow at 11:30 am."

"No, i'll come to you're house at 11:30."


"-It's always the who has to come see the girl not the opposite!"

"-Araso oppa!"


You went back home and Heechul went at his hotel.
You were so happy that Heechul was back and
can't wait for tomorrow....




How was the chapter???

I'm so happy that i was still able to update this story.


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Hey, i'm working on the next chapter, but i don't know when i'll be posting it... And i have my final exams on June 4 --" please bare it with me! :)


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angel116 #1
Chapter 32: Oh please update!
Chapter 32: happy birthday XD
Chapter 32: Happy birthday <3
damn you Yoona! I'm torn... I love both Heechul and Donghae!
YoonA I hate you.... I think Heechul is the better one for Harin. Heechul Hwaiting. ^^
Yoona........ I don't like her.
Donghae!? What are you doing?!?! Go and say sorry! :D I love this story. Update soon ^^
Donghae you jerk! Don't do this to her! :(
Update soon!!!!! Love this story!