My surprised birthday party.?? [part 2]

Never thought i'd fall in love with you [UNFINISHED sorry i've stopped writing this story]

You were still dancing on the same slow song
when you stepped at the wrong place and almost
triped. But luckily Donghae saved you. 


"Are you alright??"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Please be careful next time."

"Thanks again" When you turned to look at him,
your face and his face was so close like
10 centimeters close.. Omg! he's too close! .


You looked at each other and you stood up.
But the atmosphere was so alkward.

[Donghae's POV]

Oh, that was close. But, i would normally kiss her but i didn't i??

Why do i always feel shy when i'm with you?? No, This is not normal!
I can't have feeling to a girl! i never had feeling before,
but then why when i see you, i feel happy?

What did you do to me??

[end of POV]


"uhmmm... Donghae-ssi." You said.

"Yeah? don't call me like that, call me 'oppa'."



"I have to go, It's late now"

"Ok, do you want a ride home??"

"No it's fine, i can call a taxi."

"No you can't! you can't go home alone,
it's too dangerous for a girl like you."

"I can take care of myself thank you!"

"Come on, i'll take you home....."


When you were about to leave, a girl called Donghae...

"OPPA! where are you going??
are you alreday leaving..???" The girl said.

"Yeah, i have to go..."

"But why~?????" The girl looked at you.
"And who is this??? another girl?? oppa! It's the 5th girl that
you've been flirting with in one night...!!!"

"5TH GIRL???!" you said.

"Ehem!" Donghae fake caugh. "We should go now..."


You went inside the car and he drove to get you home....
You're in front of your house when you suddenly
remembered that your keys are in Eun Min's bag. OH !!!

"Why? what's wrong??" Donghae said.

"I forgot my keys in Eun Min's bag!"


"Eunmin, she's my bestfriend."

"Oh~... want to stay at my house???"

"What?! are you kidding me!?! staying at your house?! no thanks..."

"Why not??"

"Why  not?!?"

"Yeah,It's not like i'll you or something....."

"You're the kind of guy who would do that actually..."

"YAH!! that's not nice! Fine! stay out here
if you want, i'll go home!!"



He walked towards his car and it started raining....

"WAIT!!!!" You said.


"YAH!!!! OPPA!!!!! WAIT FOR ME!!!"


Donghae went in his car...

[Your POV]

Did i made him mad???..... Mianhe oppa~...
It's your fault that i was suprised..... 

[end of POV]


-HEY! still not coming?! 

You were happy to hear him say that:  

  "Neh oppa!!" you went inside his car...


He was driving and no one was talking,
the atmosphere is alkward again.

"What did she ment by '5th girl'???"

"Don't mind her, she's just
jelous that i'm leaving with you...."

"Yeah, but why??? Are you trying to
flirt with me too??"

"No, i'm done flirting for tonight." He whispered the last 2 words.

"What did you say???"


"Ok.... can i turn on the radio?"

"Yeah go ahead."


When you were reaching at the radio,
Donghae accidentally touches your
hand and you imediately put your hands
in your pocket.


"Are you cold?" donhae said. "Your hands are freezing."

"No i'm alright."

Donghae stops the car and grab your left
hand and put one of his hand on your forehead.

"You are sick!! you have a fever!!! We need to go to a Hospital!"

"Oppa! please don't. I don't like going to the hospital."

"Why not??"

"Because i had to go there many times because
of my health and because of my mom.

I prefer to rest at home than going to the hospital."

"Okay, let's go."


You arrived at Donghae's place. You were shy
because you never went in a guy's house alone.
You wanted to take a quick shower before going
to bed so Donghae told you where the bathroom is.

Donghae started worrying 'cause you're taking a
shower for almost 1 hour now. Donghae went up
staires to see if you were alright...

"Yah! Ha Rin! Why are you taking so long??"


"Ha Rin-ssi?! can you hear me??.....


Donghae kicked the door open and he saw
you laying on the floor unconcious.
He carried you and he ran towards his bedroom upstairs. 

He put you on his bed and he tried to wake you up....

"Yah! Ha Rinssi! WAKE UP!!! please!!..."



He was slapping you on the face but you're not waking up.... 

You finally woke up ...
Mmmh... What happened??... OUCH! my head hurts!.
You said. Donghae hugged you really tightly and you
barely couldn't breath...!! I.....can't.....Bre.....ath.....!!!

Donghae released you and apologized.
You asked him what happened, and he
told you that when he opened the bathroom door,

he saw you on the floor unconcious.

"But... I was nakked, how did you...?"
You looked at yourself and then looked at him.


"NO!!! It's not what you think!!!.."


You throwed pilows at him and it made him
leave the bedroom.
You said while shutting the door.

You felt dizzy and lay on the bed...

[Your POV]

I can't beliveit!! that ert! I can't even look at him!
 Well... He does have a nice home....
I bet he brings every girl in his house and....
have..... his.......bed.....
OH MY GOD!!  I have to get out of here!!!!

[End of POV]


Donghae saw you walking downstairs....

"Hey! what are you doing???!!!"

"I have to go home..."

"But, You don't have your keys right??"

You started to think that you don't have your keys. 

"It's okay! i'll think of a way to get inside...."

"But at least eat before you leave..."

"No need! I'm not hungry.."

When you were about to open the door,
You felt dizzy again and, before you almost fell,
Donghae carried you. You tried to get down but
Donhae wouldn't let you. He puts you down on a
chair and he put something on the table....

"What's this???" You said.

"It's your dinner... Why what's wrong?"

"Can you really eat this? i mean, Is this really food??"

"Yah! you're so mean... It's just that i can't cook, that's all.."

"Okay~..... Look... i can't eat this....
Do  you have some leftovers??"

"NO I DON'T!!"

"Woaw, Why are you screaming like that?"

"Look, If you don't like the food that is served,
then cook for yourself!!"

"Fine!!! Wait here!"


You started cooking and finished 30 minutes later....

"At last!!!.. Donhae said. What took you so long??"

"Shut up! at least i cooked for the two of us."


Donghae looked at the food and couldn't believe it,
He will actually eat a homemade dish!


Donghae was so happy and so excited to eat this...

"What's wrong with you?? never eaten
dishes like these before??" You said.

"No, it's not that... It's because i've never
eaten a homemade dish before.."

"What?! Are you serious???"

"Yeah, My mom died when i was just a baby,
i never learned how to cook,
i would always eat in a restaurant with my dad..."

You looked at him really surprised..

"What?! i have something in my face?!?"

"No..... it's just that i never met someone like you before... It's amazing!"


"You actually NEVER eaten homemade dishes
before..,,??... WOW!!"

"YAH! stop it! Let's just eat..He started eating...... OMG!!!!"

"What?! is there something wrong?!?!"

"NO..... it's...... it's...."

"It's what?!?!!"

"IT'S SO GOOD!!!!"

" You started laughing..."

"What...? what is it???"

you're so funny!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Oh Shut......u....."


Before that he could finish his sentence,
he was looking at  you who's laughing so
You stopped laughing when you saw him
looking at you. You were stuck by looking at his eyes....

Donghae's cellphone starts ringing and it inturrupted you.
He answerd his phone and went to the livingroom
and you continued eating...

"Sorry, I had to answer it."

"It's okay..... I know that it's not
my problem...who was it??"

"It was Heechul-hyung... He had a fight with Leeteuk-hyung..."

-Oh~..... I thought that it was one of the girls i saw at the party".  you whispered.

"Sorry did you say something??"

"No, i didn't....."


You finished eating and Donghae told you to
rest while he was doing the dishes...
After that , he went inside his bedroom
while carrying a bowl and a towel.
He puts the towel in the water and put it
on your forehead. Thanks. You said.
He smiled at you and holds your hand
(his smile ment "you're welcome".) ..... As you fell
asleep, Donghae was still holding your
hand and still looking at your face.

[Donghae's POV]

You look so beautiful when you're sleeping.
If could, i would kiss you right now.
But why do i feel this way only with you??
Did you cast a spell on me??? If you did, it worked...

[end of POV]




END OF THE 3RD CHAPTER.... HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!  <(^o^)> ......



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Hey, i'm working on the next chapter, but i don't know when i'll be posting it... And i have my final exams on June 4 --" please bare it with me! :)


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angel116 #1
Chapter 32: Oh please update!
Chapter 32: happy birthday XD
Chapter 32: Happy birthday <3
damn you Yoona! I'm torn... I love both Heechul and Donghae!
YoonA I hate you.... I think Heechul is the better one for Harin. Heechul Hwaiting. ^^
Yoona........ I don't like her.
Donghae!? What are you doing?!?! Go and say sorry! :D I love this story. Update soon ^^
Donghae you jerk! Don't do this to her! :(
Update soon!!!!! Love this story!